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Fantasy (CLOSED) Zoo


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DatDemon DatDemon
Within the huge cage was the human/tiger. She growled as she stalked closer to the food place in her cage while she slept that night. She wanted to devour it right then and there, but she rather put on a show. It always earned her better food.

She pounced, claws grabbing the helpless creature and brought it to her face. Her jaw snapped down on it's tiny neck, teeth digging past it's skin and throughout its throat. Her body came to a hault from its rolling. She stood on all her limbs, happily showing the crowd her successful kill.
Tsao, just noticing the majestic Creature inhabiting the Cage, turned towards the Glass and watched the whole Spectaacle in Awe. He could tell, that the Tigermutant was showing off. That again confirmed, that it had a Sense of Selfawareness. He walked a little closer towards the Glass, as he watched the Creature showing the caught Prey to its Audience.

Tsao was surprised, that such a beautiful and elegant Creature could yet be so wild, savage and fierce. With Curiouosity he kept watching the rare Creature. Apart from the Prey it seemed to be alone in there. Most of the People in the Audience were shocked by the wild Kill of the Tigermutant. Some even tried to hold the Eyes of the Children closed with their Hands. Of course they didn´t suceed in doing so.
She laid down on the rock in front of the large glass window, happily removing the fur from the weak rabbit. She had a devilish grin on her face, happy to show off.

Even though she was one of the main attractions, she also had a price tag. She was very expensive, but she didn't know.

All the woman cared about was her fame in the park.

She had a few bruises from where she tumbled on a unforeseen rock. She turned away from her rabbit as a spike of pain came from the now greenish skin. She saw just a small trace of blood on the lower rib and quickly turned to lick it, cleaning the wound effectively.
Just now Tsao also noticed the Pricetag. He didn´t even know, that you could buy yourself a Pet here. Especially not one that was so unique and wild. The Price on the Tag made it clear though, that she was really for Sale. // Why would the Park sell one of its biggest Attractions? Doesn´t that lower the annual Income? Hmph... There must be another Reason behind this. // thought Tsao as he tipped his Finger on his Chin and then slid it along his white Beard.
As he also noticed the Wound on her lower Rib he began to feel alittle bad for the captured Creature. But then again, he started to think, that it was well kept here. Any other Owner would probably treat her even worse. Although he wasn´t much of a Petowner himself, he fantasised in his Head, how it would be to own such a beautiful Creature. Then again, he wouldn´t even really know how to treat it. To him she might aswell be sentient. But he wasn´t all to sure about that.
Soon enough a worker opened the cage, coming close to her.

"Tigris!" He called out from the back which made her jump and turn with anger.

She growled. Sometimes they would take her half eaten meal and give it to others for a show if she didn't do what she was supposed to. She snarled, angry when she tried her hardest. 'These bitches,' she thought to herself, 'just want more money.'
// Tigris, huh? Thats a... convenient Name for a tigerlike Woman. // Slowly Tsao tilted his round Strawhat a bit backwards. Now you could see his Face pretty clearly and detailed. He was a Dragon and when you took a closer Look, you could see, that he had a very tight Attire. He was wearing a blue Vest, wich slightly reminded one of a Captains Flakjacket. His white Pants was also very tightened around his Legs. then he was also wearing brown Boots, wich were made from fine Leather. But the most particular Thing about him was the Sword he was wearing on his Belt. He took it with him everywhere he went. It never left his Side.

As the Zooworker entered Tigris´ Cage Tsaos glanced at the Guy, as Person tried to get the half eaten Rabbit away from the Tigerwoman. Tsao didn´t like this at all. You don´t steal the Food of someone, who has already started eating it. But he still just watched what was going on.
She made quick work of his snatchy hand. Her mouth slammed down into his hand and easily crunching on it. The worker pulled out his taser, placing the electrified end to her neck. She yelped, letting go and submitting to the man. She backed away as the man got closer. It was evident that the worker wasn't a nice guy. She felt the taser three more times before she was left panting on the ground.

While she enjoyed life there, somethings, weren't as pretty as she wished. She skittered away from the window, her pride hurt and the reason she had a price tag revealed.
The Instant the Worker was busy unnecessarily tazing the poor Tigerwoman, Tsao wasn´ta Part of the Crownd anymore. If there was one Thing he really hated, it was Injustice. Nomatter from who against who. As the Worker was making his Way back to the Cagedoor, where he came in from, Tsao already stood exactly there, his Hat tilted downwards again, so you couldn´t really make out his Face.The Worker approached him and yelled " Hey! What the Fuck are you doing up here! This is not a Place for the Audience to be!! Leave n- ". He never got to speak the Rest of his Sentence, because the Dragon snatched the Tazer from his Hand, pushed him back into the Cage and locked him in there. " As a wise Soul once Said. You reap what you sow. "

Some Moments later Tsao was back in the Audience, watching with a big smile, what was about to happen. " As a wise Soul once Said. You reap what you sowed" he mumbeled to himself.
Without his taser she dragged the worker back to the front, his fear making her rather excited. She made it rather bloody, her fur matted, claws stained, and men running to her cage in a desperate attempt to keep the audience away.

Her attraction was shut down that day. She was taken out of her cage, placed in another place. She wasn't apart of the zoo anymore. Not after what she did with the man. From that day forth she was just waiting to be sold.
And luckily for that Day came very soon. Since Tsao blamed himself for making Tigris Life worse, he decided to buy her and make her a better Life. He still wasn´t quit sure how he would do that, but it would show he guessed. Buying her was easier as expected. They didn´t need any Papers or anything. Even the Price was lowered to the Half. Semmed like they really wanted to get rid of that Creature. She was handed to Tsao via a small Cage. Tsao didn´t like the Looks of that though, so he opened the Cage right there and then. That caused of course all of the Workers to run away in Fear. Even Tsao himself was a bit unsure about this whole thing, but then again, he somehow knew he could trust this Tigris.
She snarled at him but found him trusting since he was the one who opened doors for her freedom. She sniffed, then rubbed herself on him, claiming him and getting her scent on him.

She found that scratching herself against his scales felt very good.
As she rubbed herfalf on Tsao, he was a bit surprised. He wasn´t expecting such a Reaction of her. Especially not that soon. But he had to admit, he also kinda liked it, since her Fur was very smooth and cozy. He patted her Head gently and the scratched her a bit under her Chin. " Let´s go Home, I guess... " he said to her and started walking out of the Zoo. Once and for all. He always got here by Foot, so he just had to go through a thick Forest to get to his Residence.
Tigris had never been out of the zoo, born and bred in the enclosure. She kept close to him, her gaze predatory. She was afraid as well.

In the forest, she stopped very often, sniffing things, not having the nerve to talk.
Tsao instantly saw, that Tigris has never been anywhere else but in the Zoo. The Way she looked at everything and the way she was scared about all the new stuff, that was infront of her. The dragon smirked as he tried to comfort her with words. " Don´t worry, Tigris. From now on, nothing will ever hurt you anymore. I promise. " Tsao was very patient with her and always stopped too, when she stopped. He was leaning against a Tree and yawned silently. He actually didn´t get much sleep the last days.
She cocked her head slightly at him. She then jumped up, placing her front paws, though human hands, on his hips, looking up at him. She was small for his size. Her tail swung lazily and she sniffed him.
Still smirking, Tsao patted her Head again and looked into her beautiful Eyes. " Is something wrong? Is there something you wanna show me? What can I do for you ?" Then he looked around, maybe he would see what she is trying to tell him. Although he didn´t spot anything, he looked down to her again. Just now he started to notice her full Body.
She hopped down from where she was seeing that she changed his mood and continued on her adventure. She looked at him every once and a while seeing something different in him. She continued on happily.

On their journey, she found a stream, padding over and lapping up the fresh cool water. She laid by the water edge, sunning.
He continued to watch her, as she strolled along through the Forest. Ash she dropped herself in the water he chuckeled and sat beside her as she sunned herself. " Don´t you wanna see where you´ll be living from now on? I hope you´ll like it. " then he played a bit with the flowing Water around him. He knows this region pretty well and he comes here often to the River just to relax and listen to the sound of water.
She looked up. "Yes." The simple word came out of her mouth. He voice was strained and corse from being unused for such a long time.

She laid her head on his thigh after sliding closer. Her tail rested on the ground beside them, her eyes closing as she rested.
As she spoke to him, even if it only was one Word, he was very surprised. " W-.. wait! You can talk? This is very interesting. You are full of surprises, you know that Tigris. " As she put her head on his thigh, he continued caressing her cheeks and comforted her. With his other hand he tilted his hat a bit upwards again.
She purred and smiled, whispering another 'yes'. Tigris looked up seeing his face better. She bared her teeth.
Random question, do you want to know why we burn flags that touch the ground in America?)
Tsao warmly smiled back to the cute Tigrewoman on his Lap. I started to really like her and he got the same impression of her towards him.
Because back when the americas were still at war with Britain, a guy, the man who went and wrote the National Anthem, went on board a Britain ship to try and get the 500+ American prisoners back to America. Then the captain says, "the whole Britain fleet is here and if you don't lower that flag then we will open fire."

He told the base to not lower the flag and brace for it. He then told the prisoners they are about to go to hell and back.

The flag never hit the ground. The bodies of men held it up. And men would remove the bodies and die holding it up. The light from the bombs lit up the sky, showing the flag was still there.

He kept telling the men in the prison quarters that the flag was still there. The flag never was lowered

If a flag touches the ground, we let down all those men who laid their lives to keep that flag up.

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