[CLOSED] The Village at the End of the World

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Junior Member
Name: The Village at the End of the World
System: 5e on Discord
Players: 4-6 depending on interest
Suggested listening: Link


Day 1091
It’s nearly been three years since everything happened. I say everything, because we still don’t know what happened. The trickle of refugees has finally slowed down; we get stragglers, in pairs or trios, arriving weary at the edge of camp. Having more time between them allows us to build them better houses, and fix the ones we built in a rush earlier.

We’re considering hosting some sort of memorial to commemorate all that we have lost, but I’ve also been arguing for a celebration the day after. To celebrate that we are still alive. That we have each other. That we’re rebuilding. Not all hope is lost. We’ll put it to the vote soon, but I know a lot of folk here agree with me.

Anyway, today was a long day. We built Olita a nursery. Our first baby, since everything happened! Can you believe? Still, there’s a lot left to be done.

Tomorrow I will

  • put up an ad for people to explore that big house up the hill
  • start planning the amount of food we need for a small festival
  • check with the herbalists if there’s anything we need to restock on
  • plan out a music class for the kids
  • [The list proceeds to go on and on with a variety of texts.]
— From the diary of Leni Sweetstar, community spokesperson of the Village at the End of the World.

I know it’s a strange and surreal time for most of us, but recently I’ve been very touched by the examples of communities pulling together to make the best out of a dire situation all over the world. That’s the premise of this game: a gentle post-apocalyptic adventure that’s more about community, hope and pulling together in dire times than fighting monsters.

In this game, you’re a bunch of adventurers, wanderers or inhabitants who have found their way in a nameless but diverse little village lovingly dubbed ‘the village at the end of the world’ just before its third year after a cataclysmic event that changed the world forever. Everyone is welcome in the village, whether one is an elf, a tiefling, a half-orc or even a bugbear left without a home. The people are kind and resilient, determined to preserve as a community.

For this game I don’t really have a fleshed out homebrew world, since it’s a rather spontaneous thing. Since the point of the game is to be all about community, and I’m the kind of person that tosses PHB lore out of the window wherever they can, I’ll likely be asking for a lot of community input; what’s the lore of your race, where are you from and what happened to it, why are you in the village?

I’m aiming for it to be part slice of life, part small adventures. I’ll be taking elements from games such as Breath of the Wild, Rune Factory 4, and Animal Crossing. Rather than doing a giant main quest to save or restore the world the game will likely (start out at least) with a focus on side quest stuff; find a lost child in the woods, retrieve somebody’s dog that has wandered off or gather plants that grow at the bottom of the lake, gather wood to help build a house.

Rules and game style
It’s likely that this game won’t be very combat heavy, and rely more on roleplay and skill checks than anything else. I’ll be using a crafting classes supplement to provide characters with more avenues for crafting and building things. For stats, you can either roll 4d6kh3 with a reroll allowed if you roll under 75 total, or take the Blades Array (16, 15, 14, 12, 12, 8). Homebrew is acceptable after clearing it with me.

Further notes
I won’t be picking on a first come, first serve basis, so feel free to respond as long as the ad is open. I‘m aiming for a healthy mix between current and new members, with an emphasis on people I have DM’ed less often. Maybe drop some character concepts! I’m online a lot during my time (GMT+1) , but tend to do most of my replies around 9-10 in the morning and then further throughout the day as long as I have the energy for it. This game is meant to be chill and relaxing, so no stress if you can’t post 15 times a day, but do let me know if you’ll be unavailable for a bit!
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Chill and relaxing, no overwhelming post pressure and Breath of the Wild & Animal Crossing..?

You already know the answer.
Hello! I'm about as new as they come (joined the discord server last night, I'm Rissa there o/), and I'd love to toss my hat in the ring for this. I tend to wait and see what everyone else is doing character-wise before making my own to better compliment the party, but I can still throw out some concepts if that's preferred. Whatever floats your boat~ ⛵
On the slim chance I would be picked, I'll put my name here. Lifelike warforged that just wants to innocently help people in the community.
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