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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers: Highschool Edition - Additional IC

Willow Pillow

Three Thousand Club
This is where I and others can write backstory information on characters without bogging down the roleplay. This information may come up in time so please read when you can.
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August 17, 1985

Timmy sat outside his home, a chair on the sidewalk as crudely made table was infront of him. Papers were stapled together to make some sort of table cloth. Paint splattered across the sheets, it read HERO FOR HIRE Have your day saved for a nickle. It was clear as the five year old sat down, a smile on his face with a construction paper mask to cover his secret identity that his mother helped him spell the words for his sign. A clear jar with TIP written on it was also his mother.

Lexington was a small suburban down on the outskirts of Vintage. People with powers were generally considered freaks, but little Tim had big dreams. The lucky few that were accepted were heroes. And he was going to be one of the legends. There were three nickles in his jar. He saved a kitten who fell down a sewer (Thought you were going to hear stuck in a tree, didn't you?) an old lady had given him a nickle to help her clean her garage. She also gave him a cold can of Coca Cola for being a good boy. The last was a lady walking her dogs and put one in after she laughed looking at him. She needed the smile and it was well worth the nickle.

A clang of a quarter fell into the jar. Timmy looked up, his mouth gaping as he was looking at THE Atomic Atom. A man who could shrink to the size of an atom, but with his mass condensed that small was stronger than 50 men combined. You couldn't see him when he was on the attack. "What can you do kid?"

He looked at the leather armor, the red goggles that showed Tim's reflection in them. Standing up the boy opened his mouth but nothing came out.

"Star struck, I see. I like the costume, I'd get rid of the cape though. Capes tend to lead to death. You also need something sturdier than construction paper taped to your body. The color scheme is cute though."

Tim nodded, taking off the beach towel. Capes were lame.

"What's the name you're going by?"

"The Rubberband."

"Well....Rubberband...I'm heading to Vintage to stop-"

"The Phantom Menace! Your arch nemesis!" Tim was bouncing unable to contain himself.

The Atomic Atom smiled, ruffling Timmy's hair. "Exactly. You're quick. Show me what you can do, I might just need a hero like you to help me save the day."


From that moment on Tim Shepherd was living the dream he had always wanted.

November 1, 2000

Clara had never before been invited to a slumber party. Ever since the incident in first grade where she had sneezed, turning into a black kitten, no one wanted much to do with her at school. Freak. Animal herder. Lisa's pet. It. Abomination. She had heard all of it. Slammed against lockers, thrown in the trash, sent to the principal's office for causing fights she did not start, parents screaming at her mother and father to keep that atrocity away from their child...she lived through it. Her parents loved her, but she could see the fear in their eyes when they looked at her. The only person that looked at Clara as if she was just an average kid, was her best friend and her sister.

So when she was finally invited to Amanda Bennett's house, the Amanda Bennett, for a sleepover with Lisa invited as well the rush of excitement that her classmates finally accepted her was overwhelming. She sat in a circle with many girls from her class, they had watched movies and made cupcakes and now was truth or dare. Amanda sat across from her, her sister looking across at her nervous next to the queen bee of the school. "Alright ladies, let's begin." She spun the bottle and Clara looked up at everyone nervous at it was pointed at her.

"Truth or Dare Clara." She smiled.

"Pick Dare."


"Truth is for chickens, and you're not a chicken."

"Well she can turn into one."

"Bev, not funny." Lisa snapped.

Clara swallowed. "Dare. I can do dare," A hesitant smile.

"Good, I dare you to close your eyes Clara, we're going to stick your hand in something and you'll have to guess what it is."

"That sounds easy..." She nodded. Clara closed her eyes and heard shuffling and giggling. Her body tensed, but this was going to be alright. That was until she felt someone put something over her face, covering her mouth, leather. Eyes widening, two girls jumped on her holding her down as Amanda was strapping on a muzzle.

"Amanda stop! This isn't funny!" Lisa yelled, only to have Ellie, the tallest scoop her in a hug and squeeze her. Clara was clawing to take it off, bright lights flashing in her face as the rest of the girls were taking photos. Amanda slapped on a collar, the tag reading CLARA on it. "Oh god, this is hysterical. You really think we'd let some rabied infested mutt like you over here! Lisa, next time you walk around with your pet, there are laws to keep it leashed or I might just have Daddy arrest her, send her to animal control."

Tears were streaming down her face uncontrollably as the two girls that held her down kicked her in the gut laughing along side with rachel. She hugged her knees close to her chest wanting to sink in a hole. Her blue eyes looked like daggers as she glared at Amanda. Fur sprouting across her body, the ten year old changed shape into a panther lunging at her.

The girls screamed, Lisa broke free from Ellie and jumped on the back of the animal. "No. Clara, no. They aren't worth it." She unstrapped her muzzle the large cat stuck her tail between her legs shifting to a black kitten. "You are all jerks. We don't need any of you." She picked up her sister and left. For the rest of the night clara didn't change back, she stayed curled up on Lisa's lap as her sister just petted her to comfort her.

She assured her that one day no one would ever hurt her and there was probably a place out there filled with powered people where she could fit in.
January 8th, 2006

Ember sat down at the kitchen table, twitching with excitement, the corners of her lips turned upwards in a smile. Today was her birthday and she was excited. Her parents had woke her up early with her favorite breakfast, pancakes with peppers in them. Her parents always had them with her, although it amused her greatly when Papa nearly coughed his up every time. She knew neither of them liked the breakfast food, but they loved her enough to pretend they did, solely to make their daughter feel more included.

It was after dinner now, and her parents had sat her down at the table, a bright orange cake in the middle, glowing with the seven candles on top. She eyed the cake hungrily, trying to guess what flavor icing sat underneath, judging by the smell in the air of course. She had to guess chocolate, but she couldn't really tell. She barely paid attention as her parents sang her a happy birthday, her seventh, too absorbed by the cake in front of her.

As her parents asked her to blow out the candles, she smiled and pulled back her head, closing her eyes as she took in a deep breath like the big bad wolf in the stories her papa used to read to her when she was younger, and blew as hard as she could. To her and her parents' surprise, flame billowed out of her mouth, melting the candles and the cake in only a few seconds before she opened her eyes and realized what was happening.

She sat for a few seconds in silence, saddened by what she had done, before she looked at the cake, seeing that under the melted icing, it was indeed chocolate. She began to giggle, and laugh, before her parents joined in with her, Papa putting out the fire with his powers, and Mama assuring her that the cake was still plenty good along as they removed the candle wax from on top.

Looking back, she'd always remember that birthday as her favorite.

August 17th, 2003

Lux was the king of the world. He was hovering around in the park where he was with his parents for a picnic. He imagined himself, as he flew up into a tree, to be saving people from a fire, or going into a tree-top secret lair to battle his arch-nemesis! He was a super hero like all the ones in the comics he liked to read. Maybe he was only five years old, but who said a kid couldn't be a superhero? His mom and dad always told him he was big and strong and would make an excellent superhero when he grew up. He'd just have to make himself a cape and a mask and he'd be the best! He'd go around fighting crime and saving people, in the sky and on the ground! Everyone knew flying was the best super power you could have after all! He could go super fast and save anyone anywhere! "There is no where crime can hide from me!" He called out, although he was too far away from anyone to be heard.

For a moment, he sat at the top of the tree, smiling to himself, before the thought struck him, What about the sun? What if a villain was on the sun? He paused, thinking to himself. He turned to look up, holding a small hand over his eyes to shield his gaze from the sun. It looked kind of small from the top of the big tree. His dad always told him the sun was really big, but it looked so small and so close to him! It couldn't possibly be that far up. He'd touch the sun, then he'd really show his dad how big and strong he was! The news people would show up and put him on TV for being the first little boy to touch the sun! He'd be so happy and his parents would be so proud and he could come home and have spaghettios and play with Spot, the dog, and everyone would be happy.

He looked around, seeing his parents were asleep on the ground, and he decided he would do it. He looked up, holding his fists towards the sun, before he leapt off the tree branch and soared into the air, feeling practically weightless as he went up and up, filled with the thrill of it, with the wind whipping his blonde hair back past his face. He went up and up, so high he could almost touch the clouds. His tummy began to hurt though, and he was getting tired. He did reach the clouds, brushing his hand through one, expecting it to feel soft and fluffy. He was confused though, as it was wet, and his hand went right through it.

He as beginning to hurt a lot now, and it was getting hard to breathe, but he had to go higher. His dad had told him a story about a boy with wings named Icarus who wanted to reach the sun too, and dad had always told him to never try to go that high and always stay with mom and dad. But he was smart. Icarus had wings made of wax, which melted. Lux didn't need wings to fly! He wasn't in danger at all! So Lux reached up into the cloud, surrounded by white, before suddenly, he couldn't go up anymore, his breaths stopping too. His eyes widened in fear, and he very quickly realized he was just a frightened little boy who wanted his mom and dad very much.

For a moment, he was motionless, frozen like a Popsicle in the air, before, for the first time in his life, Lux fell. He fell out of the clouds, soaking wet like a bath, falling and Falling down. He couldn't blink or close his eyes as the ground appeared so far below, rushing towards him. He had never thought about falling before, but he didn't know it would happen so fast. He kept on falling, and the ground kept getting bigger, the trees and the houses and the cars all growing and growing. He couldn't hear anything over the screaming of the wind in his ears and he was wet and shivering with fear. As the ground reached up to slap him he past out.

He woke up, hours later, in his bed, surrounded by his parents, who were very angry and very sad at the same time, but they didn't say anything, just hugging him and crying. At that moment he knew, he never wanted to fly again.
Vi found Aiden's mother, tied up, blindfolded, and surrounded by half a dozen insurgents, alongside two tied and gagged classmates. At first, Vi wondered why they weren't blindfolded, before realizing who they were: Salve and Erin. Salve could fuck up soundwaves with her mouth, and Erin had weird vision that could see through walls. No wonder their eyes weren't covered: It wouldn't do anything.

"Have you hurt my son? I swear you'll hear from my lawyer! I'll own this school, I'll ruin you!" Annalise was just as loud mouthed and easy to disconnect from as ever. Looking at her from twenty meters away, Vi could tell just after hearing the woman run her mouth that even with the Super child she'd hit Vi's list. The woman was worth less than the worms who infested dirt. Vi barely saw her as a living being, let alone something that didn't deserve to be crushed like a bug.

"The Lord will punish you for this! You'll see, eternal damnation for you, you unworthy devil!" She was still going strong, this time slipping in a bit of religious crap. It was actually somewhat ironic, the religious pro-human extremists vs... the religious pro-human extremist. Vi was tempted to toss Annalise a gun and see who the Lord let win. Probably the side with six guns and training, vs one, but you never know.

Vi watched as Annalise Turner continued opening her mouth, and waited in silence as the seeming leader of the group of six pulled out his pistol. Her instincts told her to attack, to end the threat as soon as possible, in case the element of surprise failed her, but Vi sat still in her corner, not moving a muscle.

The pistol made a much less booming sound than Vi expected, before she noticed the silencer. Before Annalise's fresh corpse could hit the ground, Vi pushed against the wall she was sitting against, and anchored to the ground just a foot in front of the first shooter. Before he could say anything or move his gun, Vi pushed against his center of mass with the force of a car, and he flew into the wall behind him, making a splat.

The other five weren't slow to react, but Vi still had the upper hand. She pushed, crashing into the closest woman and transferring the momentum into her, causing her to crash into a third insurgent. The last three had plenty of time to aim and begin firing, but Vi pushed herself into the ceiling and out of the way of the bullets, before pushing against the ceiling and crashing against the idiot who decided to stop shooting for even a second. She heard his bones crunch as his body hit the ground.

Four were still alive, but two were still too dazed to get up, so Vi threw a single push from her long range position to throw the last two shooters off guard, and picked up the fourth shooter's gun. It was childsplay to push herself within a meter of the two just recovering their balance, and fire a dozen bullets into them. For the last duo, Vi only had to walk, anchor herself to the ground, and push against their chests. Their ribs caved into their internal organs.

After that was done, Vi dropped the gun and spent too long untying Erin and Salve, before leaving them without a word.
Brinni said:
"Tomorrow" he promised. "I'll tell you what it is that's bothering me tomorrow. For now though," he waved at the surroundings "you know my home. What was yours like before coming here? I want to know all about you. Likes, dislikes, favorite colors, flowers, etc. I don't know nearly enough about you for my tastes."
  • 196f5798056055be56bfacd4c5bdc9a5.jpg
Min smiled at him happy he was so open to tell her what was bothering him, even if it wasn't today. On the other hand Min felt guilty. She couldn't tell him a lot of things. Some stories too traumatizing to recall, others promises she made to her mother that she could not break. Never breaking her smile she nodded and took his hand. At the very least she could tell him a bit about her life on this world. She gave a bashful smile, "I'm not sure how interesting my life will be. My mother made sure I had the dullest life imaginable."
Leading him back to the chairs she sat down and looked at him. Taking a deep breath she started. "Before moving to America to go to school here, I lived in Baden-Württemberg, Germany with my mother. My home is located near Kleine Kinzing Dam and the town of Freudenstadt in what is called Helmlesgrund which is a part of the Black Forest." The scenery around them changed to a forest full of tall dark trees growing. "We live in a castle my mother commissioned to be built within the Black Forest. Unlike Hohenzollern Castel this one was private. My mother is a scientist, mostly working in research." Min stopped she couldn't talk about her mother's research, how she was investigating how supers got and controlled their powers here along with their applicational uses in medicine. Her mother has been testing on this world to find a cure for a disease that was spreading quickly on her home-world (Which we will lovingly call Earth 2).

She looked at the scenery watching the path she took from the lake to her home. "I lived there alone, mother spent time with me until her work got going and she hired a staff to teach and take care of me. They're wonderful people..." Min didn't really want to talk about her home life anymore than that. The testing on her, her mother did at night, the tantrums she had and the death of the grounds keeper's son still hung....weighed heavy on her concise. The days when the castle halls were completely empty and the empty birthdays she had by herself. When was the last time I had my own party. Eight? Trying to hake her sad memories she focused on the forest. "As I went out into the forest nearly every day, there were hundreds of flowers growing around the area. I'd go out with a picnic basket and pick flowers for the dinner table. I love all flowers but my favorite flower doesn't grow in my home county. It's the Lycoris, more commonly called the red spider lily. They grew in my father's hometown when he still lived in South Korea." Min smiled looking down at the candle, "he's not with us now." She looked up at Leon, "I haven't really tried new things so my hobbies and likes are somewhat aged. I enjoy fencing, reading, stargazing, playing the piano although I'm not as good as Ren, and sin....I used to enjoy singing."

Shaking the memory away in a deep breath she smiled, " I don't dislike much other than senseless violence and being left alone. As for everything else, it's pretty common. My favorite colors are purple and red, separate, not together. My favorite season is autumn, with winter being a close second. My favorite drink is rose tea. My original eye color was blue. My 16th birthday is in a few days. I am a terrible cook but a great sandwich maker. I am terrified of large bodies of water and I am a insomniac." The scenery around them stayed on the misty trees of the black forest as min blushed. "I'm sorry, I truly lived a sheltered life. I'm not very interesting." She lied, Min had left out the darkness in her past leaving only what little memories of happiness remained.
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Baylee approached the courtyard, seeing a glowing sphere. Inside was his son and... Oh this must be her he thought with a devilish grin. Walking up to the edge of the orb he called out "Where is my Little Lion at?" before walking though, glad that it turned out not to be a barrier.

"PAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Leon said, his face turning a brilliant shade of scarlet. He stood up and turned, swinging at his father, who moved out of the way easily, laughing.

"I'm sorry, but can you blame me? It's not often I get to embarrass you in front of your friends...although that doesn't seem to be quite the case here is it?" he said, his face growing serious. He walked over towards Min, looking her up and down with a harsh judging stare. "So it's you? You're the crook?" He paused. "The one that has stolen my son's heart?" Baylee broke into a smile. "He always did have a way of getting cute girls to like him"

Hearing someone else's voice from behind her. In the surprise the projection of the stars she had made vanished returning her range to its invisible state. Min blushed turning a bright rosy crimson as she pulled away. She put her hands on her cheeks thoroughly embarrassed. Which reddened more when Leon called the man Papa. Wait t-t-this is...his father?! Min's cheeks redden even deeper, as she looked up at the man. Taking a deep breath she tried her best to look presentable.

She looked at his father worriedly as he looked at her with a judging stare. She felt horribly uncomfortable. What if he didn't like me? I hope he does...She held her breath as he called her a crook she felt her heart and head begin to lower until he added the last part. Looking up at him she gave a bashful smile. There was a wave of relief as he seemed to accept her. Giving a soft sigh she spoke, hesitantly extending a hand. "My name is Min Johannas. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." She did her best to keep her voice and hand steady.

"The pleasure, I assure you, belongs to me Miss Johannas. I am Baylee Bellamy, Léon's father." he replied, taking her hand and kissing it. "Were I not pressed for time, I would love to stay and make your acquaintance better. Find out what dastardly plans you have for my son, try to figure out what you see in him, standard dad stuff."

"He's joking" Leon chimed in.

"But I must go. As for you my Little Lion" he said turning towards his son and smiling as Leon went a shade redder, "don't go breaking this lovely girl's heart."

"I would sooner prefer to jump from the Tower." Leon said seriously.

Baylee nodded, glad that his son had found someone he cared about and let get that close to him. Bowing to Min he said "Until next time Lady Johannas" and left.

"I am so sorry for that Min. I hope you weren't too embarrassed. He can be a bit....much sometimes." Leon said apologetically. "I have an idea...Would you bring up the stars again? And then...Would you like to dance among them as you did when you were younger? But this time with someone?"

Min blushed and smiled as Leon's father left giving a soft wave. She was so glad that he seemed to like her well enough. I do hope that I get to know him a bit better. Her cheeks reddening at the thought, getting to know Leon's family. Here we've just met and I'm already thinking about things like that.

Looking over at Leon as he apologized to his father. She smiled, "no he's wonderful. I now know where you get your charms from." She added giving a soft laugh. As Leon asked that she bring back the stars her heart skipped a beat and she nodded. She had always pictured herself dancing with someone among the stars. Slowly standing up she moved over to him. The cosmos surrounded them again. Stars twinkling around them. Some began to pull away from the barrier and dance along with the two of them.

As they dance Leon noticed the stars dancing with then. "Your power is something else Min." As they finished Leon didn't step back. Instead he pulled her closer and gave her a kiss. "Thank you Min. For all of this. This has been the best birthday I've ever had, and because if you I didn't spend the night worrying. I think it's about time we go find our friends. It would be a crime not to show you off, at least a little bit.” Taking her hand, he led the way to the gym. As he reached the doors he had the thought I completely forgot about the cake. Well...I'm sure one of the other students wandering around will appreciate the snack.

He walked in, and was promptly stopped by a set of twins asking for an interview. Just past them saw the marshmallow mattress. He saw his two friends on it. He apologized to the twins, saying it looked like his friends needed some help. "It looks like they're a little punch drunk" he said to Min. "As much as I'd like to show you off here, I think it's time to get these two home." His first step was to separate the two. "Hmm...I don't particularly want to feel whatever he's feeling.do you think you could carry Lexi while I pull the mattress? I would but....well she's in a dress and that might be awkward for all four of us.”

Min blushed and looked into his eyes as he danced with her. "T-Thank you." She didn't even think about her powers as something beautiful, but if they were able to make Leon happy maybe they weren't all bad. As they stopped and he pulled him into a kiss the stars turned a glowing pink and began to fall around them. As they broke from the kiss she smiled at him and nodded. She did want to see how her friends were doing. Min followed behind Leon as he led her into the gym only to come up to see Lexi and Aidan completely plastered.

Not sure what to do, she was surprised how Leon took charge. She smiled and looked at him, "I think I know an easier way." Shifting Lexi and Aidan's center of gravity, Min floated them off the mattress. Keeping the upright she slid her hands around Leon's arm pulling herself closer to him. Looking up into his eyes, she spoke softly, "would you be my escort?"

“"How can I say no?" Leon replied with a gentle smile. With that the four of them made their way to the dorms. Eventually, Lexi had come to and sobered up not too long after they had gotten in to Leon and Aidan's room, separated the pair, and tucked Aidan in. "I couldn't have gotten them here without you Min" Leon said, "thanks. Are you going to be okay in your room by yourself? What with Nia still being in the Nurses office? If not you can stay if you want" he cheeks colored and he turned to Lexi. “Y-you too if you want to watch over Aidan. You both can stay if you like. If you don't mind sharing the bed that is. I can take the floor, no problem."

As Lexi stirred Min put her back on the ground. Min thought about her room, she hated being alone. It scared her to be in her room alone, it reminded her of being alone in her home. Nothing around her other than her small self and the overwhelming darkness inside her clawing to get out. Min focused on Leon her cheeks softening to a rosy pink at the mention of her staying with him. Turning to Aidan who still was asleep she noticed he looked a bit sad. Oh, right. His mother was one of the casualties... he must be devastated. Closing her eyes she decided.

Looking back at the two she smiled. "Lexi. Why don't you stay with Aidan tonight here? With all that has happened I'm sure that he'd be happy to see you in the morning." She looked over to Leon and kissed him softly. Smiling as she pulled back she looked at him "I don't want tonight to end...." she wanted to tell him he could sleep in her room. She'd been practicing bending light and could make him invisible and sneak him in. She truly didn't want to be alone, but her needs and wants shouldn't matter to others. Her mother's words echoed in her mind, you don't deserve a point of view, if you only see yourself. Taking a deep breath she sighed, "...but alas all good things must come to a end. Thank you for dancing with me among the stars." Placing a hand to his cheek she looked into his eyes longingly before breaking away. Giving Aidan to Lexi she smiled and waved to them all. "Good night..." With that Min turned and walked off rather quickly, hoping to make it home before the tears begin to fall.

He wanted to go after her, just to give her one last kiss. To insist that she stay. To say that Aidan wasn’t the only one with someone they’d be happy to see when they woke up. But he didn’t. When a woman says no… As her power radius left Leon, the pain in his ribs came back. He hissed. Looking at Lexi he said “You and I need to have a talk, but not tonight. I’m exhausted. You can have the bed tonight.” He took his sweats with him into the bathroom and changed in to those. He went back out and grabbed a t-shirt from his wardrobe. Taking one of the pillows off the bed, as well as an extra blanket from underneath it, he made himself as comfortable in the corner of the room as he could and fell asleep.
Leaving the boys dorm Min couldn't help the tears falling from her emotuonless face. She felt so horrible for being selfish, thinking only of herself. Her mind wandered back to the birthday's she had alone. How she knew that it was wrong of her to ask the staff to give up their vacations to stay for her measly birthday, but sitting there alone in the empty castle was unbearable. The feeling of hopelessness, sadness, pain and anger whelled up as she sat there tears running down her still face. The darkness whispering dark thoughts until she couldn't stand it anymore and simply screamed, just to hear something else. She walked past the girls dorms, not wanting to go back to that empty dark room. I'm alone...

"No..." A dimension away (on what we shall call Earth 3) driving down a dusty road in a old bear up hovercar. Ren tisked as he leaned over the passenger side window, he could feel his sister's loneliness. His connection to his younger sister was always strongest around their birthday. He didn't just see and hear what she did, he could feel her. His friend, who was driving the car, turned to Ren and raised an eyebrow. "No? No what?"

Ren bit his thumb, "she's crying again." Every birthday it's the same things. His sister sliently cries for someone to be there and he pounds on the dimensional rift until his hands bleed trying to get to her. Her tears had emotion even if her face didn't. Ren slammed his fist against the car door.

"Oi! Hey! This car is already beat up enough it doesn't need any more dents in it." His friend exclaimed.

Min made her way to the gardens, she walked to the chairs and table she had set up. The cake taken away by some wayward animals. Looking at how close the two chairs are she smiled.
Tonight was a wonderful end to such a stressful day. She passed the scene to head deeper into the garden to be enveloped by the flowers. As she walked the darkness began to creep out of the crevasses of her mind. Your not pretty enough. Don't cry. Not nice enough. Sewet child. Not stable enough. For we. Not calm enough. Are always with you. Just not enough. We are aways more than you. Succumb or be devoured. Min covered her face and began to sob, she was glad that she didn't have time to put on mascara.

"Dammit!" He felt her heart shrink, he couldn't take it anymore. His body and eyes glowed a dangerous red as he tapped into the darkness. Lightning crackled around him as he clentched the side of the car. "You bastard! Leave her alone!!" The hover car staked and then died, falling to the ground with a loud thud as Ren hopped out of it and punched at the empty field. His fist connected with the parallel barrier sending a strong shockwave through it. He punched it again and again screaming on anger. Ponding on it furiously he could feel his hate overwhelm him.
I HATE THIS! I HATE THIS! I HATE BEING TRAPPED HERE IN THIS WORLD! I HATE HAVING TO LIVE IN ANOTHER PRISON! I WANT TO SEE HER, I WANT TO SEE HER, I WANT TO SEE HER! "I WANT O SEE HER!" He shouted as he slammed his arms against the wall and began to cry. He rested his head against the wall. "Why..... why can't you feel me Min....I'm here..." He looked at the barrier, "just let her know I'm here...please."

The barrier shimmered and crackled as Ren began to fall through it. His body becoming intangible as he shifted through the worlds. In the in between he saw something he'd only see once in his life time. The threads of the universe glowing as he turned into pure energy moving to another earth, to her earth, to his sister.

There was a crackle of energy behind Min as two arms extended towards her. Wrapping around her small frame and pulling her close to a strong torso. His chin resting atop of her head as he towered over her by a few inches. He held her tightly as he felt her hands move from her face. He had so much to say to her, so much to let her feel, let her know. However, the first words he uttered after nine years apart was, "I am here."

Min instantly recognized the voice, even after nine years apart. The voice was so familiar as if she had herd it every day of her life. It was her other self, her protector, her best friend and dearest posession. Turning around she looked up at the face so like her own. Tears began to rise up, but she blinked them away, wanting him to only see joy. "Ren...." She didn't have any other words than that, the emotions of seeing him again stopping any words to come out. It was like finding him the first time all over again. The last thing she wanted to do was loose him again, s wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. If they were any closer the two would melt together into one. As she held him she felt a tingle of familiar energy envelope her.

Without a word between them, Min looked up at her brother as he cupped her face in his hand. She looked up at him with glossy eyes, his face reflected in them the shiny crimson pools. Pulling her face closer to his, they shared a passionate kiss between the two of them. Their lips moving in sync with eachother as if this was normal for them. In a brilliant flash their connection was repaired. The psychic tether between the two reformed into a strong solid bond. All of Ren's emotions came flowing into her body as she couldn't help but cry.

Breaking away from the kiss she buried her face in his chest hiding her emotuonless face from him. She cried into his shirt, her knuckles hurting at the pain of Ren banging on the barrier between world's. She didn't care, she just wanted to hold her brother, take in his scent, his body, his essence of being. She felt him grow from the child she remember to the man who held her so tightly.

Ren smiled and stroked his sister's hair. After seeing through her from so many years he didn't realize how small and fragile she had become. This small girl was the same who when tossed in a den of wolves came out to lead the pack and save him. He kissed her head and pulled her higher so she had to stand on the tips of her toes. He looked at her, "let's get you back home. Hmmm?"

Min face still buried in his chest gave a slow nod as she simply fell into a pool of Ren's emotions. Happily drowning in his everything.

They were teleported back to Min's dorm room. He helped her out of her gown and into night clothes. Min turned and helped him out of his clothing till he was in his boxers. Neither embarassed of the other's body, because in a way they were the same. The two of them slid into her bed and looked at eachother as their fingers intertwined togeather. They lay in bed and talked underneath the bleeding hearts that shimmered from a vibrant red to a shimmering black.
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It was Sunday morning, November 2nd. Leon would find himself once in his bed sleeping to feeling nauseous outside in the woods, Lexi was lying down in the dirt next to him, resting her chin on her arms as Bran was kicking the shit out of Aidan for 'training' purposes.

There was a stack of blankets, since it was six in the morning, a mug of hot chocolate was in his hand. But Lexi wasn't looking at him, she was entirely focused on Bran and Aidan.

"I need you to tell Aidan I'm not crazy and I can be trusted in helping him train." she said. "So you're here to help me do that. Because I'm not crazy. He's the crazy one." she lifted her head. "Look, I know you're tired, but you do this I owe you one and I always fulfill my debts."

He was also here to make sure she did NOT blip in and save him, but she didn't say that outloud.

As soon as he came to a stop Leon woke up both in serious pain, and nauseous. Cursing loudly he struggled to breathe right. "First off, can you try to be a bit more gentle? My ribs still hurt and I haven't gotten them fixed. I'm pretty sure the nurse doesn't want me anywhere near her after what I did. Second, I'm not sure you can be trusted with the physical part of the training. He needs somebody that won't hold back, that isn't afraid to hurt him. Can you honestly tell me that that's you?" Leon held up his hand to stop her response, showing he wasn't finished. "You aren't crazy, you care. It won't be hard to convince him of that. If you can tell me that you would be okay with hurting him in order to help him, and mean it, I'll do what you ask. You saw what I did to him Friday. Those were just open hand strikes, barely more than slaps really, but I roughed him up good. And he's my best friend here. If you can't hurt him, then I'll do it for you. I'll tell him that you asked me to help Bran out because you couldn't do it yourself but wanted to help in some way."

Lexi looked up and sighed, forcing herself to sit up. She grabbed her own mug. Leon would see that a second ago there were no Dunkin Donuts, but now there was ten empty munchkin boxes as one was open, still full between them. "The nurse is fine. I drop people off all the time with her she acts tough...I feel like you're actually talking about something else. I'm sorry about the ribs. I tend to...act first think afterwards."

Her nose scrunched, making LExi look like a Who from Dr. Suess as he brought up very valid points. She turned and watched Aidan puking on the ground. "No...I probably wouldn't. I'd tell him not to worry about it because i'd be there. Which I COULD BE. I can be anywhere around the world in less than a second. But...."she huffed. "I might need you here to make sure I respect his wishes, if I see two of you beating on him I'm going to drop you off in a different state or something."

She was kidding...but she wasn't kidding. "Hey, you said we needed to talk too. What's up? Is this a game stratedgy for this Jean thing? Because," She cracked knuckles. "I know how to handle a bully."

"I would never double team him. But no it's not about Jean, though he could certainly be a problem." Lowering his voice a little just so Aidan wouldn't overhear he looked at her annoyed. "You had no right to undress and dress me Friday. We're friends but that crossed a line. I'm not your boyfriend, and while I appreciate you not changing my boxers that night, it wasn't cool of you. I don't care so much about the shirt, I swim. Being shirtless is no big deal. But it was an invasion of privacy. I highly doubt you'd have been okay with me changing your outfit were the roles reversed. And no, I didn't say anything to Aidan about this." Leon sighed. "As for Jean, he worries me. He hasn't done anything too bad yet. All he's done is introduce himself to Min and I. I'm still confused as to how I could have a twin and not remember it. So I'm still not convinced we aren't cousins or something that look alike, but he wants to ruin my life. I think he may try to seduce Min away from me. Were our positions reversed and I wanted to ruin somebody's life the first thing I'd do is go after their heart. Hurt him by either hurting the people he cares about, or find a way to convince them to drop him from their lives. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe all I need to do is talk to him about all this."

She didn't expect that. "I'm sorry." She said. "I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to help and I probably took it too far. Which...I did again dragging you here at six in the morning to watch Aidan train with Bran....Leon, believe it or not I didn't have friends before I came here. I don't really know how...I'm not sure how you act like a friend to someone....I'm sorry. I'll ask...but if I screw up again, and I probably will...it's going to be a learning curve for me."

As Leon mentioned Jean's plan, she was putting jelly munchkins in her mouth. The sugar getting on her nose. Don't ask how. "Wow...yeah, that's different than how I would do it. I'd just straight up confront him and punch him in the throat tell him to back off and leave me the hell alone. That's a little dark, Leon. But...you're my friend, so whatever you want me to do to help, I'll do it. That's what friends do." She held out her hand for a fist bump.

I know you just wanted to help, but the least you could have done was ask. I probably would have said yes because the pain was killing me. I can accept that it will be a learning curve. Friends aren't an easy thing to deal with when you aren't used to having them. And it may be dark, but if you want to ruin somebody's life you hit them where it hurts and watch them suffer. Just...keep an eye on him? Maybe run interference if you see the two together? And if you need help with anything let me know." He hit her fist with his own.

"No...they're not easy." Lexi slumped. She thought about Nia. She had stopped by a few times, but every time she did Nia had been asleep and the Nurse and her had a glaring stand off. That woman ate alot of junk food. Lexi wouldn't be surprised if she had diabetes. "I liked it better when people hated me. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm bruising your ribs, I wasn't there in time when Nia got shot. I'm dragging you out of bed, Sparky at six in the morning to watch my boyfri....a kid I really like get is ass kicked. How do people do it? how do you..." She struggled on the word, Leon would notice that the empty ten dunkin boxes was now fifty, Lexi had napkins all of a sudden and was wiping her face. "Does this friend thing ever get easy?"

Stretching, she nodded. "Ok. I'll run interference. I see the two of them together I'll make up some bullshit excuse to pull him aside...with my...sexuality" He tried making a joke sexy with her eye brows and pushing her chest out but all she did was look incredibly awkward, like a white kid saying 'gangsta yo'. "But you gotta promise me...if I'm doing this and it comes down to it, you don't try to ruin his life ok? Don't go down the dark path. No manipulative games, nothing...if it comes down to it stand up to him. I'll stand with you so you're not alone...but I don't want to see you go down that way. You're a good person.

"It doesn't get any easier." Leon had to resist laughing as she tried to make herself alluring. "I don't know if I'm a good person or not Lexi. I'll do whatever it takes to keep my friends safe, even if it costs my soul and damns me to the pits of hell. It's good to know you have my back though. And I've got yours too. Now if you don't mind" he said, finishing his hot chocolate and slowly getting up "I'd like to sleep in my bed for a couple more hours. One more thing, Speedy, don't call me Sparky, I'm not your dog."

"You're not even going to have one donut? I'm going to look like a pig eating this all alone." Even if he had one munchkin with the now over hundred boxes of empty donut boxes....it wouldn't make a difference on proving whether or not she looked like a piggy.

"Down, boy, I was just having fun. You're a good loyal friend, that's all I'm saying."

She grinned when he didn't stop as she said it, waving his hand and saying "Woof!"

"Man's best friend! Come on! You like it!"
*not story info, just a way for me (and anyone else should the need) to keep track of where Leon is at any point in the school day*

1st period: Gym with Elastic

2nd Period: Natural Sciences with Kane

3rd Period: Chem with Corvi

4th Period: Lunch

5th Period: Free Period

6th Period: Villain 101 with Darke

7th Period: Astrology with Turner

November 2nd, 1985

Jonathan teleported into the waiting room of the Intensive Care Unit. Confetti sprayed everywhere, he handed a big stuffed bear to a middle aged rat faced looking woman who was probably crying for her husband, twisting her wedding ring like that. He blew an air horn wearing a congrats hat. A doctor ran down the hall panicking at the chaos. "Sir you need to...oh...oh dear are you Jonathan Hapswell?" His face paled.

"Winner winner chicken dinner. You get the prize of having a grand story about me in therapy. The bitch is dead? Life plug pulled and some silly intern cries at saying 'time of death' dead?"

"Sir....Dolores had stage four melonoma I think maybe you should be more-"

"Cancer, God's greatest gifts. Here's a present for you." He gave him another big teddy bear that just seemed to appear.

"Mr. Hapswell...there is another matter we need to address. Dolores had a child, your child. She...she made it clear that you would protest otherwise and gave us a DNA test to prove it if you were to argue. But her last wish was for you to give your daughter together a good life."


The bears exploded with stuffing across the hallway.


"March 2nd, 1985?"

The nurse smiled handing him the baby carrier...infant included. He looked at it ready to feed it to something right about now. "Yes, she's six months old today, i'm just glad this little cutie had a family to claim her....I see kids get thrown in the system and what it does to them-"

"3.2.1. 9 8 5. Not a bad number to have for a birthday, kid. Alright, I'll keep it."

"You...you what?"

Hapswell shrugged. "I was going to grab an icepick and stab it through the fucking skull if it had an ugly birthday. Put it out of its fucking misery. But...kid's got a cool birthday."

"I think we might need to...." The nurse's bottom lip trembled as the monster dressed as a man teleported away with a poor innocent child.
A Night In Charlotte

"Right side? Just like that, no problems about sharing a bed with me?" Leon sat down near the head of the bed, looking around at the room. The room they had gotten was a suite. I need to remember to be more specific in the future. I should have told Arman that I needed two beds. As Lexi sat beside him he looked at her. "Not worried I'll try anything?"

"Already saw everything," she winked at him as he made his protest which was rather silly in her eyes. "If you're uncomfortable I'm sure you can call the hotel staff get a cot brought up here or something because...hey hotel beds are comfy and I'm sorry I'm not giving them up."

Lexi plopped on the bed but then stopped trying to gage if he was serious. "What? Are you uncomfortable? I know you wouldn't. I trust you...is this you trusting me shit? Shit...it is. Eh, I bought my new IDs...I can get a room or something."

It wasn't like she didn't have the money...thank you government blackmail money.

"Really? Everything? " Leon raised an eyebrow before smiling. " But you're wrong about one thing, I'd absolutely try something.Something like....this" As he talked he grabbed a pillow and smacked it into Lexi's face. Note to self, ask about multiple id thing later.

The pillow smacked her face and she flickered out of sight appearing behind him pillow in hand, it almost looked like teleporting as she just was there and somewhere without a beat of time to distinguish the two.

She smacked her very own pillow at the back of his head tackling him on the bed. "This means war, Sparky!" She laughed.

When he would swing, she would flicker out off view and whack him again appearing in a completely different direction. It was almost cheating.

"Fight fairly you coward!" He called laughing. He kept swinging only for her to vanish. When she reappeared in front of him, her tongue sticking out. He threw the pillow at her. As she just swayed out of the way he pushed her on to the bed sending a jolt through her enough to hopefully stop her instantly righting herself. Pinning her shoulders to the bed he said you have one chance speedy. Surrender."

"Oh, I'm sorry someone's just too slow to -" She began convulging as she appeared on the bed, lighting going up her body, her entire body vibrating that it was hard to see her without herself looking blurred as he pinned her down.

The shock surprised her, sending a ripple of bright white pain that she almost slipped into the void but tried not to. Slipping into the void now, she would be frozen in an actual jolt of electricity like a hot inmoveable rod (Just like.....water is practically solid the molecules aren't moving)

Lexi closed her eyes and concentrated.....Elastic had told her to focus on one object, just one when she felt like she was losing control and would stay in hyperspeed forever. She focused on Aidan.

The vibrating stopped as she gave a smirk at him, her grey eyes looking cold as steel. "Rush never surrenders." She grappled him with her own legs, and flipped him, pinning him on the mattress as she smacked him with pillow.

"You say that now"' he sat up. Were he not in the middle of an important he may have found it awkward how close their faces were. "But what if..." wrapping his arms around her he flipped her back to the bottom. "I" He re-positioned himself so his knees were on either side of her hips "do this?" He began tickling his friend, hoping she wasn't one of those odd people that weren't ticklish.

The great and powerful Rush crumbled in seconds as Leon tickled Lexi. She squeeled instantly and the world went frozen around her. Leon was frozen, his fingers on her tunic looking like a mannaquin. Fuck. Shit. She hated being tickled. She was sensitive to the touch that when she was a kid she would fall to the ground in complete laughing fits.

It was something her grandfather, father loved to do. Her siblings were just the same and Lexi used to run around the house as the tickle monster. It was great tickling others, not so much being tickled. She desperately crawled away from him....glad she slipped in the void.

Her first reaction was to kick him right off her and she broke a kid's shoulder without meaning to...she'd probably shatter his already damaged ribs and cause some internal bleeding if she went there. She fist pumped herself for her self control, but no one would ever see it.

Leon would find himself one second tickling a very very ticklish Lexi, the next his hands hog tied with the bed sheets, Lexi bright red in the face, her nose wrinkling. "No touching. Personal space. Bubble. Do. Not. Tickle. Ever." Using her hands to motion around like there was a personal bubble to protect her.

Testing the sheets tying him he found them loose enough he could just slip out. "Fair enough....for now. Not sure how you can talk about personal space after changing me. But now I know you're super ticklish. Anyways, want room service?"

"Obviously I'm not going to tie it super tight. I still don't understand my strength yet and you are lady have broken ribs." Lexi huffed as he easily got out of her knots.

"Sure, why not. If we are gonna be here why not spoil ourselves."

As he ate Leon thought about the past few days. Crap. "Hey uhh Speedy? Let's not mention to anyone that we're sharing the bed tonight...and we'll make a pillow barrier too. You know, in case Aidan sees all this. I'm pretty sure the whole thing would upset Min and Aidan. As much as I'd insist on taking the floor, there's no way you'd let me with my ribs right? And I wouldn't be okay at all with you taking the floor or even the couch. The gentleman in me wouldn't hear of such a thing. And there's no reason for you to spend the money for a last minute room, assuming you can get one, at the prices they have here. Don't get me wrong, I trust you not to try anything to me in my sleep, I'd just rather not lie to them if we're asked about all this. You know? But anyways" he said, tossing her the remote, getting up, and grabbing couch cushions and placing them down the middle of the bed. "You pick the movie. Spoiling ourselves right?"

Lexi just blinked at him. "Too complicated. I'm getting another room. If we have to work on a backstory and stack pillows it's wrong. I spend hundreds a day on food. I'm a millionaire off the government penny. I realay don't care about prices or room change. Pick a movie, I'll get a room meet you back here so we can watch it then head to bed."

She slugged his shoulder to let him know they were good, friends as always, then walked out barefoot in her captain America onesie for anyone to see. The level of not give a shit was high with this one.

Leon shrugged. “If you’re sure” he said simply. As she left, he flicked through the movies and found one of his favorite horror films, Saw. "Nice! A bit of bad horror is just what I need to take my mind off of the craziness of the last few days." He picked up the hotel phone and dialed room service. "Hello? This is room 3110. I'd like two of the largest sundaes you can make, no nuts. I've an allergy. And can I also get a couple brownies and a large bowl of popcorn if you got it? Thanks." He sat back and waited with the movie on pause right at the beginning for Lexi and dessert to show up. He didn’t actually have a nut allergy, but if he said he did it ensured there wouldn’t be any. Nuts on a sundae were just plain gross. He did have allergies when it came to bees and, oddly enough, blackberries. But he didn’t really worry about it. He always had an epi-pen in his bag just in case.

She was sure. If you had to beat around the bush that much, whatever was going on was wrong. Lexi only saw Leon as a friend. He belonged to Min and Min was her best friend, you looked out for the people your best friend cared about. You welcomed them in the fold and you became friends with them too.

Or...that's what she believed a friend would do. She went down to the lobby people staring at her bare feet and onesie, but she didn't really care. Buying a room on the second floor, she didn't get anything fancy just a single king bed room but she did ask for extra pillows. Hotel pillows were...well...amazing.

Fifteen minutes later she opened the door to Leon's still having the key she got when she checked in. She saw the puppet displayed on the tv with the icon pushed to play. "Ok, good night Leon. I'll see you tomorrow morning." She turned and began to leave.

“You’re skipping out on the movie? I’ve just ordered us some junk food. Popcorn, extra-large sundaes with everything but nuts, and some brownies. Wait….are scary movies the weakness of the “mighty” Rush?” Leon asked, putting mighty in air quotes. “Well. Who would have thought that Ridgeview’s hero actually turns tail at the sight of fake blood? Harriet is going to love hearing this.”

Lexi stopped, clenching her fists. "Citizen's class!" She barked. "They freak me out. Like....comic books are real what if those things are real too. WHat if like...that puppet thing comes out of the closet to take us to whatever games he plays......I know the premise of the movie. I don't want to see bear traps on people's heads and ...." She squirmed. "Mean. You're being mean."

She didn't like being a coward, or called one....but she didn't want to watch it either.....stubbornly she's slinked to the office desk swirly chair and sat in it, hugging her legs as she brought her knees up ready to hide her face. The hood of the hoodie covering most of her vision. "Start the stupid movie..." She grumbled.

There you go. The way to conquer your fears it's to face then head on." He said. He sat in silence as the movie went on. He hears a soft knock at the door and yelled just to provoke a reaction from Lexi. Chuckling, he paused the movie and answered the door, flipping on the lights as he did so. "Dessert is served" he said turning around with a tray after giving the employee a $50 bill.

Lexi turtles in her sweatshirt at any part that was violent. One second she was in the chair the next she was on the floor, the chair toppled over as Leon screamed. Trying to kick it off of her, she grunted. "Not funny. I'll find whatever you're afraid of and rub it in your stupid face."

"If it wasn't happening to you, you'd probably find it hilarious. Good luck to you, I haven't found anything that terrifies me yet." Lie. He was afraid of squids. He didn't know why but he was. Octopi were fine, it was just squids. She didn't need to know that. "We've only got about a half hour left of the movie. but you can stop if you want." He said, polishing off the brownie and starting on the sundae.

"Liar, everyone's afraid of something," she grumpilly pouted getting to her feet and fixing the chair. all the bruises disappeared as she sat back down and curled herself up again. "I'm atleast honest about mine. I fucking have balls enough to admit I'm scared...."

She maybe...well probably...would find this hilarious if it was anyone else, but this was her right now. "No, because if I don't finish it you'll never let me live it down....but I swear to God Leon, you threaten to put this in a gossip column again even as a joke I'll fucking rebreak your ribs with a punch and not bat an eyelash."

She squeaked when blood shot out covering her eyes with the hoodie.

"I never said I wasn't afraid of something, I just haven't come across it yet. You scare me a bit, does that count? Of course that might be different because I'm aware how much you could hurt me rather than being scared of bad horror movies. And I was kidding about putting it in the gossip column. Just how bad of a person do you think I am Lex? You should eat your ice cream before it melts."

"Biggerr liar. You already know what it is," She retorted as she was literally hiding inside her onesie. The ice cream gone as leon brought it up but it looked like the speedster didn't move. "I don't know. You were already mean enough to bring it up knowing how that gossip column fucked me over....and how obsessed that damn paper is with me....I don't know if you'd do it not realizing how mean it was until after the fact. How am I....why is he cutting off his foot?!?!"

She hated scary movies. Hated them. Hated planes.....knowing she was going on one tomorrow. Her comfort zone was obliterated and she was grappling at straws to not freak out....it didn't help her friend was scaring bajeebers out of her.

When it was over they said their goodbyes and lexi slinked to her room. She couldn't sleep. Around 4 in the morning she slipped into the void and checked every nook and cranny of this hotel to make sure no serial killer puppets were going to take her away at night.

People would wake up with post it notes the next morning telling them they forgot to lock their doors but it's ok they were safe from murderers....signed Rush.

The movie finished, they said goodbye and Leon went to bed. He didn’t dream that night.
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Sarah was busy on her fourth assignment froom her side business of writing other people's papers. She had previous works in front ofbher, perfectly mimicking their tone of voice and style. She charged based on the grade they wanted and for authenticity. It was all original work with her plagiarism.

The money was going straight to her laptop fund. That she needed an entirely new laptop because of what she did to her own.

A bag of candy's personalized skittles was gift wrapped next to her. After she finished this assignment for Darkes class she would go to the principal and bribe him to allow her to go to vintage for the paper. She could get there with Rens help....but there would be other expenses she would need to consider....and on the off chance she did get caught.....the school to save her if need be.

She stopped typing thinking about Ryan....Erin and salve....doing this together they really could....

No. This was too dangerous and the last thing she wanted now was to put their lives in danger for her own personal agenda.

A couple days after their fight, and the day that Graves was meant to call, Ryan looked in the room for the newspaper club after classes. He saw that Sarah wasn't there, again. She was probably avoiding him. Where would she be? Hmmm...I got it! The Library! he thought. He knew she occasionally did other people's homework for cash. He made his way there, with about ten minutes to spare before the call. He saw her hard at work her back to the windows. How to get her attention though....He was hit with an idea. He took a piece of paper out and wrote a note.

Can we talk please? I miss my friend and would like to at least try to make things right if I can.

He folded the piece of paper up and wrote on the outside "Open Me". Then taking careful aim he sent the paper plane flying. He was proud of himself when it landed right next to her hand.

Number four finished, she closed the folder and opened the fifth. If she banged out three more of these she would have more than enough to not just get a laptop but a nice one...with a warranty on it. Warranty was the most important part.

As she opened the folder she saw the the paper plane with the "Open Me" sign. Curiosity got the better of her as she opened the note reading the message once...twice...a third before she turned her chair to see where her best friend was.

He was by the entrance of the library. Taking in a deep breathe, this was something she was avoiding...she didn't need the lectures again, it was bad enough how it all blew up the way it did. She slid the folders and the text books in her bag, the skittles being tossed in there as well. Fixing her knit hat she walked over, hands gripping the bag. Stay calm, apologize for not being clear what she meant, if he was on the offensive walk away before you lost control and accidentally killed him. "Where do you want to go?" She gave a soft smile.

"We can go wherever" he said, relived she didn't just crumple up the note. He walked aimlessly, coming to stop in the gardens. "I wanted to apologize. What happened in the club-room after I left before the hallway...I didn't know about any of that until later when Hare told me. I'm sorry Sarah. I blew up on you without knowing everything. I don't get people so I didn't realize what you were trying to do. I don't expect your forgiveness right away. I said some really horrible things to you." It was then his phone started ringing. He looked at the display and held out the phone to her. "Which is why I got an apology gift. You're gonna want to be the one to answer that call. Trust me...if you can."

"Ryan...I was not very clear what I meant. I wanted everyone to be fully aware of the risks before committing to this project. But it didn't mean I don't care...I am sorry too....but I needed to calm down....and you were right. This project is far too dangerous I should have never proposed it to any of you in the first place I was being selfish."

She looked at the phone warily as he held it out to her. Sarah couldn't possibly fathom who or what he was trying to do right now. Taking it. "Hello?"

"Ms. Sarah Lane? Did anyone ever tell you, you have the perfect name for a reporter?"

Her jaw nearly dropped as a few birds slammed into a tree dying on impact. She looked at Ryan and then the phone trying to keep her composure. "Can I help you, Mr. Graves?"

"I thought I'd make an introduction for myself, one investigative reporter to another, offer any tricks to the trade. What exactly are you working on?"

There was a pause. "The principal is stealing funding for personal leisure."

"Ah, I see. Big piece for a kid, how do you plan on tackling it?"

The two went back and forth for a while Sarah describing a fake story that did not exist but she grabbed her steno pad and wrote every trick he mentioned she might use for the future or tweak it to fit her own styles. What she didn't realize was the reporter on the other end did not, for one second, buy her story and his wheels were turning wondering what big piece a child was sitting on that she felt compelled to hide it right away.

"Your friend cares a lot about you, made sure to set this entire thing up. Friends are important but let me give you some sound advice."


"A good reporter has no friends, they weigh them down. You need to be willing to cross whatever line in your way to get to the story. At the end, that's all that's important. Friends come and go, never sacrifice something like that for people. They can't be trusted and you can only rely on yourself."

"....Noted. Mr. Graves?"


"I plan on taking a trip to Vintage the next few weeks....it would mean the world to me to see the office of the Vintage View and meet you in person."

"I think we can set you up. Looking forward to putting a face to the voice. Good day Ms. Lane." Sarah not realizing he only agreed to find his own dirt on her.

She hugged Ryan tightly trying to keep emotionally calm. "Why would you do this for me?" She was greatful...yes, more than greatful but it was such a one eighty she didn't....

She pulled away. "You spoke with my brother..." He knew then....what she had done in the past....

Ryan, for the first time in days, relaxed. Things seemed to be getting back to the way they were.

(“I think so? I can’t really remember if I did or not…or most of what was said.” He said with a simple shrug. “But I do remember some things. I’m sorry you had to go through that, but it doesn’t change what I think of you. It doesn’t even matter to me. That was the you before I knew you, so it’s irrelevant. All that matters now is the Sarah Lane that is my best friend.” he said finally.)

“I set this up right after I went to the nurse’s office after our fight. I punched a locker and broke my knuckle. But once I chilled out I realized what a jerk I had been. I asked my Uncle Clark if he’d talk to Nolan about this whole thing. Even if you couldn’t forgive me, I thought you’d like some tips from your hero. I think the fact you asked for help is a big thing Sarah. And it shows you understand the nature of the story well. This story of yours is huge, not something one person can tackle on their own. Not easily. If you’ll have me, I’d still like to join you. I might not be strong like Hare, or have a great investigative power like Erin or Salve, but I can still bring a couple things to the story.” Ryan’s eyes were twinkling at the last. He wasn’t going to use the last bit of information he had to sway her in to letting him join. It wouldn’t be right. “I’ll be the first to admit I’m terrified of this thing going completely wrong. I don’t want anyone hurt over a story, but my uncle taught me that sometimes it happens with a big story like this. He also taught me no reporter is an island, there’s always someone you’d need to help you out. It’d be best if you trust them to have your back if the story is dangerous. If it gets too hairy I’d still like to back out and support you from the sidelines…but I won’t shut you down. I have more respect for you than that.

He broke his hand? She winced...he probably broke it with her bad luck to boot. "Ryan....I got too emotionally involved. One fight I lost control of my powers. Completely. I cannot afford to lose control if I continue this. I could be the one that kills you all instead of outside forces. If I can't keep it together over a squabble how am I supposed to keep it together when I know what I'm asking all of you to do...."

The way everything went down....it rattled her confidence in her own abilities. She might be better off alone because of it....she looked down and played with her hands. It was the main reason she chose not to have friends in the first place and here she was with them and well....not only asking them to put their lives on the line but putting them in danger with her abilities.

"Every one of us is aware of your powers and that it could get us killed. The others were on board anyways and I hadn't even thought about your powers originally when I said I was in. You're my best friend Sarah, I'd rather go down because of your powers making me get hit by a car or something rather than a bullet from people not want us digging in to this story. More than anything else, I believe that when push comes to shove we can figure something out to make you regain control if you lose it. I dunno, we'll get Hare to kiss you or something so you're focused on that instead of whatever is upsetting you if we have to. Not many people could go through what you did and come out on top. You are incredibly strong Sarah, if anyone can beat this power it's you." He replied, taking her hands in his.

Her eyes widened a little horrified at hare surprise kissing her. "That would only make it worse! Ryan, I need to calm down I can't get excited about anything!"

But he took her hand....Sarah bit her lip. She was scared. She was terrified to do this alone. Her idol told her reporters work alone but....alone she'd be snuffed out by who she was trying to tackle.

"Ok....let's get the others..." She let out meekly. "But for the record...I'd rather not be the one that killed you...no one wants to kill their best friend."

"Duly noted." He said, pulling her into a hug. "I'd rather not die either, but just saying. And hey you don't have to be so afraid. You aren't alone anymore. We all know your power and have still stuck with you. We're not going anywhere, at least I'm not. It doesn't have to be Hare, if that's the issue. It could be any of us....although I very much doubt you'd prefer me over the others. They're at least decent looking. And if you were wondering how exactly I got Nolan to call, it's because my Uncle is Clark Olsen. He works with Nolan from time to time."

Sarah's face went very deadpan. "Ryan...kissing someone is a very emotional experience. Doing that catching me off guard...by anyone would make it worse...why do you think I control every sort of romantic gesture I am embarking on.....you are very decent looking, do not shoot yourself down."

She let out another breath though. "We still need to talk to Erin and Salve...."

He shrugged off her compliment. She's just being nice "Well come on then, they should be getting out of the meeting any minute now.
This is after the party, but before the time skip. @Homage the three of us can collab if you want.

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