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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

Willow Pillow

Three Thousand Club

I am a very 'story' focused roleplayer. The more people in a story, the harder it is to actually create a very compelling story. I want us to have a lot of fun and to really create a compelling story.

So, before you fill out a character sheet, send it to Cosmic Changeling via Private Message with the title "Ridgeview Student Application" or teacher it doesn't matter. I'm also going to ask for a writing sample of anything. I'm not looking for people who can write novels (If you can great! We'd still like to have you), but the ability to write a paragraph or two to keep the story going.

Rp Rules

  1. Follow all RpN rules and regulations.
  2. Please do not godmod. You CANNOT control someone else's character.
  3. No simple posts. A minimum of one paragraph, consisting of four to six sentences.
  4. Keep it PG-13. Displays of public affection are alright, but anything more fade to black.
  5. Do not have OP character. No gods, or super characters. TAKE hits, and don't always dodge. It isn't realistic or fair.
  6. Post at lest once or twice a week.
  7. Please be up to date. Let us know if you are going to be gone awhile. If needed we will explain what's happened, but try and keep up.
  8. Be unique, and creative. No Mary Sues/Gary Stus - for obvious reasons.
  9. Security around school is tight, very tight, as expected for a school for superhuman children. It doesn't matter how beefed up your characters is, the guards and structure of the school are beefier.
  10. This isn't a teen drama roleplay. Although a good deal of it will most likely be focused on friendships, classes, etc - there should still be development in the plot. (not every single post on the roleplay's pane of existence needs to contribute to the plot development either)
  11. Don't kill player's characters without permission.
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School Rules

The school is a place of learning; therefore, there must be an atmosphere based on mutual respect. All students should demonstrate a desire to get the best education possible. We expect students to adhere to the following behavior code:

  • Students are expected to be in class on time, and to demonstrate courteous behavior so that each individual’s rights are respected and everyone can learn in an orderly environment.
  • Do not attempt to kill or harm other students or civilians.
  • Do not try to leave the school without permission. You will not succeed.
  • If you receive permission to go leave school. DO NOT use your powers outside of school.
  • The nurse’s office is for students who are too ill to attend class. A pass from the classroom teacher must be obtained before going to the nurse’s office.
  • Students are expected to be prepared with all necessary materials for learning, and homework assignments daily.

School Guidelines

  • Be courteous
  • Respect the property, rights and feelings of others.
  • Respect school property
  • Avoid confrontations, fighting, and profanity
  • Vandalism, and harassment are not acceptable.
school plan L0a.jpg


A new kid enters school, only to zap a blind kid after said blind kid invaded his personal space. Lexi is a grump. Min is scared of her powers. Nia can somehow come the Elastic beast. And now we have a gossip column. Yay.


Many things happened. Aidan has a crush on Lexi. He asked Dr. Corvi to help him dull his powers all in the name of a pretty girl. Meanwhile Vi is staged to look like a massive idiot in that class and a secret rivalry might have just started.

Leon fences. Min fences. LOVE IS IN THE AIR. But more than just those two. It turns out that little Nia might have feelings for the scarlet speedster as well....is competing against a blind man in a competition for affection a hate crime? I don't know.

Hare is stirring trouble, being Hare. Moe assisted Lexi in saving the gym only for Lexi to get her ass handed to her. Min is flexing her powers while also saving her boy toy. A GERMAN HAS ENTERED THE RANKS....and may have accidently really pissed off Principal Hapswll. Vi humiliated Louise kicking her ass in the hallways.

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Hi everyone! Hare here with this week’s edition of “Ridgeview Gossip”. Each week during the updates I’ll let everyone know what the buzz around school is so they can possibly add it in or have it affect their posts. I’ll start with that which revolves around the characters, then move on to the stuff that just floats around the school. This week’s is going to be a bit longer so that the explanation could be put out there. Ready? Here we go!

So this week we’ve got a few pieces going. First off everyone’s favorite brain invader: Aiden! It certainly seems like love is in the air between him and little Lexi. The two are practically inseparable. If they aren’t dating already, well maybe we can fix that. I know I’m going to try to. Second: Min was late to class! (*gasp*) What could have transpired that a good egg like her is slowly turning into a delinquent? Next thing you know she’ll be skipping class all together. Next up we have the new kid! I’ve no idea what his name is, but he’s already starting to pick fights and with Aiden no less. I saw it myself folks, dude straight up zapped Aiden. We know his power likely revolves around electricity now, but that’s it so far. I’m sure Lexi wants to beat the new kids face in for hurting her man; I know I would if I was her. That’s it for the main characters, besides the fact Moe totally cheated to beat me to the lunch room, let’s move on to school wide gossip.

Everyone is buzzing about the Halloween Bash coming up! Do you have your date to it yet? I don’t know who to go with. I’ve had so many offers and I just can’t decide. It’s hard being so loved. The most difficult thing is deciding what to wear! I just don’t know. I think we need to make a class trip into town and visit a Halloween store, surely Hapswell would let us do that right? Love scandal! Jenny, the girl that can multiply herself used her power to take her boyfriend and somebody else on two different dates at the same time last weekend! Needless to say, it didn't go over well with either of the boys. Teachers are trying to be extra vigilant when it comes to test answers since somebody stole the answers to Mr Elastic's Battlefield tactics test last week. It's unclear whether it was one of the technopaths hacking into the school computer network or one of the psychics plucking the answers directly from his mind. All that is known is he was mad. Anyways, that’s it for this edition of “Ridgeview Gossip”! See you next time.

Mr. Elastic announced the annual Halloween tournament this week and students are beginning their preparations now. Years of struggle and excellent fighting skills, the favorite to win is Louise. But, it can still be anyone's game. Our polls show that Lexi Clark, the speedster who has zipped around school helping any student in trouble might be one of the first to take the title over a senior.


The halloween parade float has decombusted into flames. Rumors have it that the engineering group at Ridgeview could not come together on cohesive ideas and the float was the piece that suffered. But, with two weeks to go there is still hope that the float will be saved. The engineering team refused comment but Ms. Turner who is in charge of the decorating commitee assured us that this is just a small bump in the road for our Homecoming week.


Principal Hapwell is reporting that a glass giraffe is missing from his collection. Whoever took it, must return it to the secretary by Friday 4pm, or consequences will be met.
The tournament.

  1. Every player will make it to the brackets since there is few of us. All i ask is you are creative in your writing how you hand each challenge.
  2. In the brackets, i will make a list of who faces who rhe first round. You will then go to the OOC room and roll a d20. Whoever has the highest roll wins that round. Then you will play out what happens. Talk to the other character you win against or lost with and figure out how it will go down.
  3. The bracket style will last until there is one winner npc or player.

One physical round. One mental. Then brackets. Be creative with your costumes!

Mr. Elastic's class has always been one of the most health-sensitive classes at Ridgeview. But, one student has decided to take matters in her own hands and put an end to the violence. For the past month, sophomore Lexi Clark has broken the record of sending injured students to the nurse during class. The office of Hapswell has gone on record saying that the nurse's job has become so demanding these days that they might need to hire more nurses.

This little red head has gotten the school talking. Is this a hero among heroes? Earlier this week, she had taken the teacher head on only to be tossed out the gymnasium windows, but she has been the first to openly confront the rubbery man in over five years. As the tournament comes closer, it looks like the speedy ginger will also take the title as CHAMPION.

Want a club? Start one.

Intermurrals are on their way this year. The tennis team has just ramped up along with our swimming team. But there are many sports to be had. If you are interested in starting a new physical club, please feel free to contact Mr. Elastic who will give you the details on how to get started.


Savolt's interns usually get the royal treatment with their assignments. The seniors under his wing this year have just returned from the beaches of Thailand looking gloriously tanned as ever. Juniors, please remember to submit your applications for your interning professor before the tournament. Savolt's slots fill up faster than any other teacher's.
Leon: Yellow with streaks of electric blue darting around

Moe: Sea green

Harriet: midnight blue

Baylee: Cycles randomly through visual spectrum

(you said in overview)
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Min:clear red with black hands and pained faces in a rolling black mass screaming in agony and rage.

Bran:Deep red


Dr. Kane...bright green.
Lux: Light yellow, color of his onesie.

Rachel: Her color is normally a grey, but around it, is the empty, voidish black of the Beast. The aura is shaped into the Beast's clear silhouette, claws, feathers, fur, everything.

Ridgeview Gossip (November 4th, AM edition)

A Tough Guy with A Heart of Gold: Local "bad-ass" James Lane is proven to have a soft side. I threw a little get together with some friends and he just sorta showed up. My guess is that he got enough rejections for a night out that he called it quits for the night and decided to hang out with his sister's friends. He brought snacks, so it was all good. Then I saw the most inconceivable thing! James Lane was actually crying at a movie. Not full out bawling although the lovely Salve was pretty close I'm sure, she's got such a tender heart for emotional movies. A main character was believed to have died and I saw James' tear right before he wiped it away. Who would have thought that there was such depth to him. Just goes to show ladies, sometimes a guy is more than what he gives off.

Brother's Battle Over Beauty: At this little get together I had I invited my friend Jean, who it turns out is the twin brother to our favorite foreign Energizer Bunny Leon! Jean turned up with a date. And this date was none other than Min Johannes, Leon's new girlfriend and one of Ridgeview's beloved beauties. Now it's possible that the two are just friends, but ladies will know what I mean when I say that I could feel something between them. A woman's intuition is almost never wrong. Couple that with a reporter's nose for a good story and I'm sure I'm on the right track. Also when I asked them they ignored the question. Can you say guilty? My theory is that either he is trying to seduce Min away from Leon while he's away at a funeral, scandalous, or maybe she's the one seducing him. Although given her personality, that's less likely but still possibly. Someone should find out if that's the case and let me know. You've already got one cute foreign guy Min, leave some for the rest of us.

Real Life Beauty and The Beast: The halls are buzzing about Professors Kane and Turner. Are they actually a thing? If so, good for them. I don't know about the rest of you but I've been shipping them for months now. That adorable man dines with pixies for crying out loud, that's a deal maker for me at least.

It sure has been a slow weekend for gossip...but given what went down Friday, it really is no surprise. Do the first two count as gossip if I was involved? Or am I making rumors....ah well.

((Don't forget guys this stuff actually shows up in the school newspaper. So...random students could ask anyone involved about this. Or Nia could read this while in bed. Who knows. (~OuO)~ spooooooooooooooooooky))
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