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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

Willow Pillow

Three Thousand Club
Name: (Your characters name)

Year: (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Teacher)

Class: (Major Hero, Minor Hero, Hero Support, Citizen [Even if you are a villain, this is the measure of power done by the school so you are recorded as a hero]) (Major Hero- Best of the best will protect a city on their own) (Minor Hero- Will work in teams, also all the leftover powers that don't fit in the other groups) (Hero Support- Powers to support heroes like Prophet, voodoo, and usual support powers like buffers, in general if you fight with these you need another hero to use them) (Citizen- Wants to fit in with society and not use their powers)

Power: (What your power is)

Personality: (yadayada)

History: (your characters past and a possible hint at your future plans for your plot, if you are a senior you can put you declared as a villain or a hero here, unless you are a transfer then you will still be classified as Null until you can be properly sorted into the faction of your choosing)

Appearance: (a picture of your character or an explanation of what they look like... I prefer pictures tho)
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Name: Principal Hapswell

Year: Principal


Power: Control other powers (Not the people just the powers, he doesn't get the powers he just sort of controls what happens when a person uses them or he can even stop them from using them. He can't force a person to use their powers, he can make it easier for them, something like making it so the slightest emotion sets them off, but that isn't forcing.)

Personality/History: The big fancy hero group in this world thought that he was too powerful so they attempted to destroy him at one point. He didn't let them do that but managed to come to the agreement with them. Actually it was that he would become the principal of the new super school they were starting would never leave the school grounds... He even let them put a hex on him from a particularly strong witch... that of course is a power and he can shut it off whenever he wants, but if it makes them feel better.

People don't know much about him he just showed up one day. In general he doesn't have a standing on good or evil he will just do whatever is best for himself and his school.

Appearance:NAME: Alexandra (Lexi) Clark

AGE: 15



PERSONALITY: Panicky, easily startled. Lexi easily feels guilty for situations she has little to no control over. She has a need to feel normal and currently does not like her super powers.

CLASS: Citizens

POWER: Rapid cell growth and hyper speed.

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: Lexi grew up normal. She was a normie by all sense of the word. During the summer before she entered into high school, Lexi went to the Prudential Center to hear a seminar of Nolan Graves, an investigative reporter who has written many best selling books. Vintage is one of the most thriving cities in the United States where one of America’s top 1%ers live, the Louis Briggs. Briggs owned most of the city. To get some one on one time with her idol writer, Lexi snuck backstage only to run into security. She managed to slip by them by going into the basement where men were moving some heavy boxes, one holding a very peculiar object. She snooped closer to see what it was, the man had dropped it and a horrible explosion took place.

That was the day Lexi Clark had died. Everyone in radius blew up but she was far enough away where her body was propelled to the wall, her spine breaking in three spots. Her body absorbed the radiation which was what was in the containers. It kickstarted her body back to life, but not only that, it sped her cells to unspeakable speeds. Her spine was repaired and her body had slightly more muscle to be able to withstand the friction it went going those speeds. Her normal speed is where light, sound and everything stands still. She must use all her concentration to maintain a slow enough rate where the rest of the world operates. Under stress or duress she loses control and cannot slow down. Since the rest of the world is silent and unmoving, she calls this time ‘the void’.

NAME: Aidan Turner

YEAR: Junior

CLASS: Minor Hero

POWER: Psychic. Ability to see the past through touch. Touch a person and he can see past events through their eyes. Touch an object that someone imprinted on, he can see flashes. During great trauma standing in an area can see the event that caused it.

PERSONALITY: Aidan is blind. Like that should be a personality trait. He does not talk much but is a very gentle person. Accident prone.

BRIEF BIOGRAPHY: He was born blind. The only images he has ever seen were of people's own memories, that is the only sight he's only known. Aidan is quiet and reserved because most of the past events he has seen has been great horrific deaths. When he as four he found out that Daddy played hide and go seek with his children using a wrench as the tagger....45 years before he had even been born.

He did not start talking until he was ten years old, and even then it wasn't much. Aidan has been helping the FBI and other forensics teams with cold cases since he started his enrollment at the academy. He was first classified as hero support but his abilites seem to be very handy, and use not just as aid but to allow him to defend his own city if he chose to do so.


NAME: Henry Savolt

AGE: 42

CLASS: Teacher

POWER: Unknown

CLASSES: Focus 101, Advanced Focusing, Focus Practicum, Open Study

PERSONALITY/BIO: NPC. Be surprised. Or scared. OR BOTH.

NAME: Mr. Elastic

AGE: 34

POWER: Elasticity

CLASS: Teacher

CLASSES: Understanding your power, Team Building 231, Battlefield Tactics, Runs the chess team, Combat, Advanced Combat, Hero Interning.

PERSONALITY/BIO: NPC. Be surprised. Or scared. OR BOTH.

NAME: Clara Turner“The Changeling”

AGE: 26

POWER: Ability to read cards and create protective talismans

CLASS: Teacher

CLASSES: Temple, Astronomy, Fortune Telling, Open Study, Guidance Councilor

PERSONALITY/BIO: NPC. Be surprised. Or scared. OR BOTH.
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Name: Léon Bellamy, Age: 16, DOB: OCT 31

Year: Sophomore (transfer)

Class: Major Hero

Power: (What your power is) electrokinesis: Electricity/Current Manipulation

Personality: (Usually) Friendly, confident,Good in sciences particularly physics, bad in arts, multi-lingual (French, English, Latin) ((I'll be using google translate for french and latin), Quick to anger quick to forgive

History: Originally from France, Léon and his father transferred here when his father was given a promotion but made to move stateside. It’s just the two of them since their parents divorced. The reason why is unknown to Léon and not a topic that is discussed in their household. Not that he particularly cares either. He comes from old money, and strives to be fashionable and chivalrous (at least when it comes to women) but isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. Quick to anger, but does not visibly lose his temper easily. He hasn’t decided whether he wants to be a hero or a villain yet. As of his first day, all he knows how to do with his powers is generate electricity (in the sense that batteries for his devices won’t die since he can recharge them himself), generate electricity inside his body and convey through touch, and control electrical sparks to create lightning. He can’t create his own sparks yet, so he has a small device on his hip to generate them for him when he pushes a button. He takes a special interest in physics mostly because of his power.

Appearance :

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Name: Baylee Bellamy, Léon's father

Age: 39

Power: Light Manipulation


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Year: Freshman

Class: Major Hero

Power: (What your power is)

Personality: (yadayada)

History: (your characters past and a possible hint at your future plans for your plot, if you are a senior you can put you declared as a villain or a hero here, unless you are a transfer then you will still be classified as Null until you can be properly sorted into the faction of your choosing)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.c639287a648c0de48b5a3d9f75e99854.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113494" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.c639287a648c0de48b5a3d9f75e99854.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Nialla Blake

Year: Freshman

Class: Minor Hero

Power: Barrier Generation.

Personality: Nialla is honest to a fault, being completely blunt about anything she notices about people. She has a hard time understanding other people emotionally, but can easily pick apart any individual person in a crowd of dozens. Nialla loves people, and she will do anything to keep innocents safe, but she never really grasped the idea that honesty can hurt.

History: Nialla had little of what would be called a childhood. .With an absentee father and a mother constantly busy working as a detective with the Police, Nialla's only companions were the neighbor girl she constantly visited, and the many, many books her mother left with her. Nialla and Vi, the neighbor, became inseparable, and until the beginning of middle school they were the best of friends.

When their powers surfaced in seventh grade, however, their relationship took a dive. Vi seemed to become more and more unstable, muttering phrases such as 'they don't understand us.' or 'we don't need them', around Nialla. Her instability reached a high point after eight grade began, and a series of random killings began across Dallas. Unlike most deaths, those killed were very obviously killed by blunt force at high speeds, such as being hit head first by a car.

Nialla wanted to trust Vi, but she forced herself to follow her hunch regarding the killer and her best friend was a prime suspect. Upon asking Vi, the girl seemed to twitch slightly, before throwing Nialla into a wall, with Nialla only surviving because she managed to stop herself with a shield before moving too quickly. In response, Nialla threw a barrier around Vi, immobilizing her until police arrived.

After watching her daughter nearly die, Nialla's mother forced Nialla to accept the offer to attend Ridgeview. Her first few months went smoothly enough, until she got a text from an unknown number.

"I'm free-ee. :) "

Appearance: (Image by @The Suspicious Eye)
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Min Elyson Johannas


Name: Min Echidna Johannas

Age: 16 though tbh she looks 14 (only 5'3" too)

Year: Sophomore

Class: Minor Hero

Power: Essokinesis (Reality Warping)

She has the ability to create pocket realities, surrounding her. The pocket was once small but has gown over time to surround only her in a 4-5 ft radius. She has limited control, at this stage she cannot break the laws of physics, but she can bend them, such as running on vertical walls, floating and minor Rule Bending. It will grow over time and use, but before it is used her eyes glow red alerting others to her power.


Min is very sensitive, and easily inspired. She's too afraid to express herself creatively, so she sometimes becomes easily jealous and possessive of those close to her. Her feelings are so strong that she is inclined to build her life around certain individuals and become wrapped up in personal love rather than seeking into the deeper truths of life; thus she could suffer losses in her affections and shattered ideals.

She is generous and people are drawn to her because of her soft friendly and sympathetic nature. She lacks system and order in her life and will often leave her own duties if someone calls upon her for assistance. When she is inspired and feels happy, life seems so wonderful; but she can be just as depressed and unhappy as well, feeling as if everyone is against her. Min suffers from random nervous breakdowns, and disorders related to the nervous system. Min has recurring Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) although after moving to this world she has had less attacks.

History: Min grew up in a parallel world with her mother, father, older sister and twin brother in northern Germany. Her mother, Astra (Azure Light, power: Control Manipulation), and father, Blane (Dark Matter, power: Dark Matter Manipulation), were superheroes in the parallel world. While pregnant with the twins Astra fought a large universe devouring dark monster. Although the monster was 'defeated' traces off the monster were sensed in their children. Afraid that the monster would go back to claim their children the parents separated the twins at the age of 7. Each parent took one twin and moved to another parallel world. Leaving their eldest daughter (age 17 currently age 26) in their home world to be the first line of defense against the monster.

Min with her mother moved to this world. For the rest of her childhood she felt disjointed from everything. She could faintly feel her brother and another stronger force with her at all times, but it wasn't enough. Her first attempt at school ended in her accidentally injuring her teacher. She was practicing warping gravity in her hands suddenly the pencil she was using flew out from her control bubble and shot towards her teacher's eye. After that, she was homeschooled her mother tirelessly taught her all she could until high school. She is nervous about joining school, and appears to be quite shy.


Reinheardt "Ren" Mercury Johannas


Name: Reinheardt "Ren" Mercury Johannas

Age: 16

Year: Sophomore

Class: Transfer Student - Major Hero

Power: Teleportation and phantom phasing (Minor uses of Dark Matter Manipulation)

Personality: Ren is dynamic, restless, independent, ready to accept challenges, and wildly outspoken. He enjoys change, travel, and new experiences. He hardly spends time in one place for a long time. Reacting against injustice, he goes out of his way to assist in assuring that things will go his way. He is very creative and promotional, and work intensely to carry out his and his sister's plans.

Though he has limitless enthusiasm for new ventures, he easily loses interest quickly once things become routine, as he dislikes being forced to attend to detail and do monotonous work. He lacks of patience and consistency in his affairs. His tendency to act impulsively can lead to actions he will later regret taking, or to accidents.

He finds that he often does the hard, pioneering work in an undertaking, only to see others reap the benefits. While he is a very honest and sincere in his personal relationships, your tendency to retaliate with sarcastic remarks over even slight offenses spoil many friendships. He is prone to suffer moods of depression, and physical and mental tension.

History: Ren grew up in parallel world with his mother, father, older sister and twin sister in northern Germany. His mother, Astra (Azure Light, power: Control Manipulation), and father, Blane (Dark Matter, power: Dark Matter Manipulation), were superheroes in the alternate dimension. While pregnant with the twins Astra fought a universe devouring dark monster. Although the monster was 'defeated' traces off the monster were sensed in their children. Afraid that the monster would go back to claim their children the parents separated the twins at the age of 7. Each parent took one twin and moved to another dimension. Leaving their eldest daughter (age 17 at the time) in their home world to be the first line of defense against the monster.

Ren and his father moved to another parallel world this one more advanced in technology. Ren's father was very busy with his work and left Ren alone quite often. Ren grew lonely and began to lash out to get attention. However, this caused little to no effect on his father so he focused on expanding his powers so he could leave. He practiced non-stop until he could teleport as far as he wished. After that he skipped school and began to wander throughout the cosmos stealing and partying to ignore the loneliness in his heart. Like his sister he feels the pull of darkness, but the pull of his sister is stronger. Over the years he's been trying to use the knowledge of his father's Dark Matter ability to learn how to teleport through the multiverse to his sister.


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Nathaniel C. Vincent

Goes By: Nathan

Nickname: Nate, Vince

Age: 16

Date of Birth: 11/05/----

Gender: Male

Status: Single

Year: Freshman

Class: Major Hero

  • State of Origin: Wyoming

    Power: Molecular Regeneration

    Molecular Regeneration: The passive ability to regenerate or heal at a molecular level, whilie the user is injured said molecules of his own body starts to form back together not leaving any scar our wound in its place, though most people would see this as a miracle or a gift Nathaniel sees this as a curse, he will outlive everyone as his appearance changes but he cannot physically grow of old age.


    Susceptibility to freeze in cold temperatures: Nathaniel's ability to regenerate his molecules does have a draw back, any temperature below 18 Celsius, once he enters 15 Celsius or lower his body starts to enter a Cryogenic state and will not return to consciousness until his core body temperature reaches 30 Celsius.

    Personality: Nathaniel is a Friendly individual though he seems Distant, he is an Athletic and Competitive individual with a Stoic personality though he may crack a joke to lighten the mood but when facing overwhelming odds he becomes Aggressive but Cautious that he may not put others in harms way.

    Backstory: Nathaniel was born to a kind family who lived in Wyoming, Jackson, as he grew up thinking he can always help those in need, as he entered Middle School he met another individual who had a gift, her name was Sarah, she had the ability to Generate Poison, though she was deemed dangerous due to the fact that her ability can be used in malicious objectives, as she left during the second year in middle school Nathan was again left being the only powered individual, he worked hard as he graduated and was looking to get into a good High School so he could enter also a good college, during his summer vacation he became a Vigilante to help his fellow residents of Jackson from small time criminals, his skills and ability was tested when there was a small hostage situation he was placed into, though there was only one crazed man he was holding a little girl pointing a gun to her head giving the Police Officers things he wanted so he would let the hostages go, Nathan grew in aggression as he despised the man for taking a little girl as his negotiation even though he was tied he tried to break free as he alerted the Crazed man, Nathan was shot in the chest mutiple times, as the hostages grew scared as he was bleeding out on the floor the Crazed man gave the cops only an hour left before he was to execute the other hostages, Nathan though o himself he failed his fellow Jackson residents and that little girl, as he was ready for death he felt as the gun shot wounds were gone, as Nathan stood back up there was still blood from his mouth as the hostages screamed as they were terrified of how Nathan survived, looking back the Criminal as terrified and shot two more rounds into Nathan making him kneel on one leg, coughing out blood he tackled the Criminal through the glass letting the cops detain the individual as the Emt's were astounded to see Nathan survive five bullets straight to the chest, as word got out Nathan was outcastes for his ability, people were scared of him seeing him as immortal, as Nathan started to give up on finding a High School he was sent a letter to Ridgeview Academy for the Gifted, traveling to Idaho Nathan breathes deeply as he made it to the gate as he is tackled by a familiar face.


Sarah G. North

Goes By: Grey

Nickname: N/A

Age: 15

Date of Birth: 07/12/----

Gender: Female

Status: Single

Year: Freshman

Class: Major Hero

  • State of Origin: New York

    Gift: Poison/Toxin Generation



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*these are both players and NPCs, free reign is given to use them in any scene you like*

Harriet “Hare” Collins, Age: 14, DOB: July 5th

Year: Freshman

Class: Minor Hero

Power: Mass (weight) manipulation: can change the weight of anything she’s in contact with, or herself, to range from 1 gram to 200 tons. The lighter she makes herself the faster she can go while the heavier she is the more dense she is (so can't move after a certain point, sinks, but can't be cut or anything because of the sheer density of her)

Personality: Quick wit, light on their feet, often clashes with , Short temper

History: Moe and Harriet grew up together. When their powers manifested in 8th grade they became the best of friends and the most intense of rivals. Constantly messing with each other using their abilities, the two are often at risk of crossing the line trying to one up each other. That said, they have learned to combine their powers into an effective fighting combination. Her goggles are specially designed to help her see when moving at top speed.

Appearance (didn't realize it'd come out that big :o ) :


http://fashall.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Great-Design-of-Black-And-White-Prom-Dresses-and-Fashion-Style-.jpg (formal wear)

Name: Moe Reynolds, Age: 14, DOB: Dec 12th

Year: Freshman

Class: Hero Support

Power: Speed control aura. He projects a field around him that sets a max cap on how fast objects inside the sphere can move. Generally he keeps it close to himself so as not to mess with anybody else. It’s range goes from just him to100 meters. At one meter from him objects are capped at one foot/second, max range is no change to normal speed. Objects slowed by this field do not lose their kinetic energy. A bullet fired into this field is still just as deadly and will do just as much damage. He learned how to fight using minimal motions because of this.

Personality: Calm and collected, enjoys messing with Harriet, often late for class

History: Moe and Harriet grew up together. When their powers manifested in 8th grade they became the best of friends and the most intense of rivals. Constantly messing with each other using their abilities, the two are often at risk of crossing the line trying to one up each other. That said, they have learned to combine their powers into an effective fighting combination

Appearance (minus the sword):
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Blitzy said:

Name: Shade Serif



Class: Major Hero

Power: Umbrakinesis. Shade regularly uses it to form shadows into weapons and puppets that solidify, acting as tangible objects. The solidity of these summoned shadows can range from a loose jelly-like substance to metal-like and even beyond that. His 'shadow puppets' follow his exact movements, just like a real shadow would. He can also cloak himself in pure darkness.

Personality: Extraordinarily bipolar, his emotions are exaggerated and fluctuate rapidly. He used to try to control and calm himself down, but inevitably gave up, realizing the futility of it all. His usual attitude is one of pure depression, seeming to have given up on everything.. But push him the wrong way, and he'll fly into a blind fit of rage without warning. If you do manage to get on his good side though, he can be one of the most comical guys around. That is, if you've got the same dark humor as him. If he's not feeling too depressed that day, he'll crack a joke about even the most life-threatening situations.

History: At the young age of six, Shade started to realize his powers. He didn't fully understand them, and would just use them to scare his parents, or to create more-than-imaginary friends to play with. He grew attached to the shadows he created, seeing them as actual people, and using them to fill the void that his parents had left inside him. They always seemed to ignore young Serif, not giving him even a minute of their time, despite having so much to spare. When he got older, his mind seemed to have decayed a bit from not really having much interactions with things other than his shadows. In just the first year at the school, he fell victim to a major accident. His stove caught fire when he was asleep, burning down his house, and spreading the fire even to his room. Through the use of his powers, Shade managed to escape the inferno, but with a price - the lower half of his face was nearly entirely burnt, and his parents did not survive. At first, he felt grief.. And then he seemed to snap entirely. His bipolarity shot through the roof, and his mind travelled deeper into the web of insanity that was already woven. Through his years, he remained mostly a loner, and surprised absolutely no one when he declared his position as a villain during his senior year. It's said that to this day, he regularly talks to his shadow puppets. Anyone who wishes to comment on that fact isn't bound to be in for a particularly fun time.​
Im sorry. The rules were to send this in a private message and to send writing samples before this was posted here. Im not going to accept this application.
Name: Victoria 'Vi' Elina Morales

Year: Freshman

Class: Major Hero

Power: Telekinesis, Gravity Manipulation

Personality: Vi is a sociopath with an excessive amount of charisma. She's manipulative, cunning, and has the power to back it up. Her ambitious dream makes her an enemy to normal humans (or anyone with the slightest hint of morals, really). She has few regrets, and her greatest weakness is her closest friend: Nialla Blake. She has an overpowering obsession with the only person to ever pose her a challenge, and has every intention of ruining her life before eventually creating her dream utopia.

History: Vi grew up in a relatively normal middle class household. During early childhood, she was seen as a bit different, but her parents' fears were eventually seen as unfounded when Vi became attached to Nialla, their daughter of their Police Investigator neighbor. The two of them were the best of friends, with similar interests and ways of thinking.

That changed when they began middle school. Both girls' power surfaced, with Vi showing an ability to control objects with her mind, and Nialla able to form barriers at will. At first, they only seemed to be more connected thanks to yet another similarity, but as they began to express different ideas as to what they should do with their powers, their friendship soured. Nialla, like a worthless conformist, felt their powers should be used to help the people across the city. Vi, conversely, felt they should use their abilities to begin a new age for humanity. With the more 'evolved' taking control from those less than them, the 'normals' who would never understand.

Their constant disagreements over ideology eventually forced Vi to begin committing 'stress relieving' acts in order to continue seeming normal to her parents and teachers. Such relief was largely made up of 'cleansing' those who couldn't contribute to humanity's future genepool. Those with no history of powers in their family, and with no powered children. Her purge was perfect, with the only evidence of her crime being the use of her powers themselves, but few knew she was a telekinetic, and fewer would pin the blame on a sweet 13 year old before blaming one of the half dozen or so adult telekinetics.

She was finally caught after a year of purging, by none other than her best friend. In a moment of panic and rage, Vi attacked Nialla, unaware that she too had been practicing her power use alone. Vi had an upper hand in the beginning, but thanks to Nialla's barriers' immunity to telekinesis, it wasn't even a long lasting contest. All Nialla had to do was box Vi, who wasn't nearly as physically fit as her best friend, into a corner.

After a short arrest and trial in which Vi plead guilty to forty-six murders, she was sentenced to several dozen consecutive lives in prison. That, of course, didn't stop her, as a new ally unlocked her cell door one month after her imprisonment, with an offer, and a reward of freedom assuming she completed her mission before one year passed.

Appearance: Vi is short, standing at 4'11. She has black hair that barely passes her earlobes. She is Puerto Rican, with a bit darker skin than Nialla's. She has brown eyes, and almost always wears the least conspicuous outfit possible.
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Name: Dr. Francis Corvi

Year: Teacher

Class: Hero Support

Power: Being a brilliant pharmacist with little regard for the DEA, or the Hippocratic Oath, he always has a stash of drugs on hand, ranging from common cold medicines, to powerful narcotics, to experimental drugs he made himself. He self medicate often, to keep his emotions at bay.

His real power, comes from the experiments performed on him years ago. (See his history for more info) In times of extreme emotion (positive or negative, Dr. Corvi transforms into a super soldier with long blades for arms, and his skin becomes tough enough to take punishment from all kinds of ordinance. In this state, it is difficult to distinguish friend from foe, so he doesn't like to use his power very often.

Personality: Dr. Corvi is about as laid back as teachers get. (Probably because he's stoned most of the time.) In short, his motto is "Better living through chemistry."


Cancer has a hell of a knack for screwing up your plans in life. When I first found out about it, it was just soul-crushing to hear about it metastasizing into my lungs, and it was too late for them to do anything. As someone in the medical field (I was a pharmacist) I think it's even worse to hear that news. All our advances in medical science, and we can't do ANYTHING? I just have to wait to die? How pathetic is that? I was just about to finally accept it when I get this phone call... some guy named Davenport. Says I'm qualified for some experimental medical trials. Hey, I'm willing to try anything, so I show up, and...

wow, you know what? I can't actually remember any part of the treatment. Well, they said that might happen.

After 2 years of trials, I finally come home, 100% cancer free, to my wife and daughter. My little girl saw daddy come home after she thought she'd lose me forever, so she comes running straight at me... right into my claws. Turns out the Protean Project, as it was called was making super soldiers. They wanted to see if a Protean candidate could survive among civilians. If you know anything about the Proteans, it worked about as well as you'd think. As a defense mechanism, my particular gene shifts into War-Form upon any heightened emotional state, be it fear, love, grief, anger, you name it. I felt like i was a passenger in my own body as i watched the life drain from my daughters eyes. My wife had time to scream once before I tore her apart. The papers published 30 murders that day. They never found the guy. Lucky for me, being a pharmacist, I could keep myself numb for a while. Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before I got sloppy and ended up doing some time in county jail for possession, but that was almost better, since there's more drugs on the inside than on the outside. Less paperwork to forge too. They had me doing some manual labor while I was in there and i got pretty good at it. I even helped build some things in the shop. It was great as long as I didn't talk to anybody. Apparently, repetetive repair jobs are pretty mind-numbing. Well, thanks to good behavior, now I'm out of jail, out of a medical license, and itching for my next fix. I hear from some guys in lockup that this weird high school was looking for professors. Plus, access to a lab and funding could keep me numb indefinitely. They never confiscated my prescription book, so I think I can work without being bothered. Plus, it's so far from home that the cops aren't likely to chase me that far. In the meantime, I can just keep on loving and hope I don't level any more neighborhoods...

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/FrankenStein28.jpg.233fc93f4026eea16c3933774a9f25ed.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/FrankenStein28.jpg.233fc93f4026eea16c3933774a9f25ed.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Louise Rendt

Year: Senior

Class: Major Hero

Power: Super Strength

Personality: Arrogant and cold, Louise cares little for those outside of her social circle. Her powers have made her the student to beat for anyone her year or under.

History: Louise is a rare breed of hero. She's one of the best of her generation, and she knows it. She's excellent physically, and makes certain her fighting ability is without peer. Ever since she was a freshman, she has always ended the annual tournament in the semifinals or higher, losing out only to seniors with more combat experience than she. Now as a senior herself, she's expected to easily take a tournament win.



Name: DuValt Ambrose

Year: Senior

Class: Hero Support

Power: Speed Manipulation - Can speed or slow people within a contained area, making a slug quick enough to run a 1000 meter sprint, or make a car driving at 100 km/h slow to a crawl. The biggest problem is that he isn't immune to this power. The field he creates affects him, so he can only use it to help other supers.

Personality: In part due to his powers, DuValt is a bit of a toady, especially around Louise. He rarely gives opinions of his own, only supporting those whose opinions he likes.

History: DuValt lacks much of an interesting life. As a sophomore, he attached himself to Louise and has done little else of interest.
Name: Patient #???

Year: Freshman

Class: Hero

Powers: Chaos & Improbability... and Fortune Telling.

Personality: The Patient is...whatever he wants to be. The Chaos Magic in his system has taken over every aspect of him. For some reason, the only thing that remains constant is his imaginary friend, Edward.

History: "There was an accident. The magic... it...it's fine now. Everything is fine. Edward is... I am.... We...working on it."

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/mil_doc.png.2196c690ffc474f4a6538754a8efea1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/mil_doc.png.2196c690ffc474f4a6538754a8efea1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • mil_doc.png
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Name: Rose Alternis (Sunset)

Year: Senior

Class: Major Hero Anti-Hero

Power: Telekinesis/Pausing Time.

Personality: As stated above, an Anti-Hero. "Yes, I decapitated him... but he stole your wallet!" She'll do the wrong thing, but deep down, she wants to help... Probably. Rose is shy until you get to know her, but once she lets her guard down she's rather friendly.

History: Born male (and called Fred), Rose had an 'unusual' childhood. Her parents, having similar abilites to her, took part in some mildly unsavoury activities. At the age of 15 Rose transitioned to female and adopted her current name. A year later, she murdered her parents in a fit of rage...

The Police found nothing but a single bloodstain on the wall.


View attachment 255593 (A mysterious glowing aura surrounds her when using her powers hence 'Sunset')<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/HNI_0022.JPG.5e14488d166633264a8d271b914c4ff9.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114834" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/HNI_0022.JPG.5e14488d166633264a8d271b914c4ff9.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Katarina "Copy-Kat" Gemmiti

Occupation: Ridgeview Guidance Counselor

Power: Can copy the power of whomever she touches, but only for an hour. Can only do what the subject themselves know how to do with the ability. This power lets her be perfectly suited to helping other students understand and come to terms with her power.

Personality: Kind hearted, has an open door policy for meeting students. No appointment is necessary, pass will be written if visited during class time.

Blastcover said:
Name: River Young
Year: Freshman

Class: Hero support

Power: To morph into, morph out of and manipulate water with telekinesis (turns into a puddle when scared)

Personality: Nervous, Friendly, quiet, creative

History: River was adopted at a age younger then he remembers and is being looked after a foster mother. Home schooled, his foster parent decided now River was old enough for high school, River should get out and make some friends instead of staying inside. but because he has little to no interaction to any one but his foster River is not very social. to any one he doesn't know he almost doesn't exists and he is happy keeping it that way, but if you mannage to break the ice he is a great person.


please let me in
We will not accept this because you did not follow the rules.

I'm sorry.

This is a DETAILED Rp if we can't trust you to read the rules of acceptance, why should we believe you are capable of role-playing in such detail. You're new, but maybe you should stick to simple for now and work your way up. From how you wrote this CS simple seems like the best Rp choice for you.

Now with a pleasant smile.


Name: Nickolaus "Nick" Doph Meier

Year: Freshman

Class: Hero Support

Power: Illusion

Nickolaus can mess with the mind, making mental images appear, influence their thoughts(though he cannot force someone to do something), daze and nauseate, and if the mind is weak, even mess with nerves as if it were really happening. This however takes much concentration, too much to do anything during, leaving him as Hero Support.

Personality: Puzzling as his powers may imply, Nickolaus is obsessed with riddles and can be hard to understand at times. Bipolar as he is, his mood changes constantly whether by something someone said or something he thought. His manic and changing personality along with his less-than-comforting natural demeanor commonly frightens people at first meet. Through all his curiosity and the quiz-master he has become, he's become quite an intelligent individual.

History: Nickolaus was born quiet and quite introverted in Berlin, Germany, usually isolating himself and sticking to his puzzles, quizzes, and brainteasers which he loved so much. Strategy games were his preference, and his parents were often confused by him as he never spoke directly but rather in riddles and poems. Even through all of his parents prodding to speak like a normal person, he never did or found much fun in doing so. So they scheduled weekly meetings with a shrink. Though nothing ever changed and he never spoke much during them except when he'd thought of something new and clever to say.

When he was twelve, his mother was assaulted by a mugger and shot. She died before he could say anything. Even through his loose connection with his parents, they were his parents, and his mother's loss put him into a more extroverted state, spending more time with his father and finally making friends so as to not simply live a life where his family died and he went on putting puzzles together for his life.

He discovered his abilities that year, when he finally started to hang out with people, and commonly freaked them out by making his face look like a monster, or making them think they were in some freaky unknown place filled with creatures or purple slime or both. He eventually figured out people weren't lying when they said they were seeing things that weren't there, or when they were screaming for no reason. He was a super. Oh, the joy he felt in his newfound abilities- to accomplish what he's always done and make people see the world his way. He eventually got a letter inviting him to the American "Ridgeview High School for the Gifted." His father agreed, and sent him off on a plane. Somewhere he can meet others like him- how exciting, he thought it would be.


Name: Lux Allen

Year: Junior

Class: Minor Hero


  • Flight. He can fly, at any speed he wishes to, at any height he wishes to, without being tired. But, he is terrified by both heights and fast motion.

Personality: Rather socially awkward, with a driving desire to gain approval from others and meet their standards, Lux often feels irrelevant, due to how his crippling fear of heights and high speeds counteracts his power. He tries his hardest in his classes, but feels like he won't be good enough.

History: Lux was raised in a well known minor hero family, reputed to be kind and well-mannered by all. He lived a mostly average life, enjoying his new powers, until age 5, when he flew into the air on one summer day, eanting to reach the sun. However, after a time, he reached a height at which he could barely breathe, and suddenly, he began to fall. He barely saved himself, not far from the ground, but was left with a permenant fear of heights and speeds. Later at age seven, life changed again when his family suddenly adopted a strange, scarred girl named Rachel. The two, although technically "siblings", remained mostly aloof throughout their childhoods, Lux not liking to talk to Rachel due to how abrasive or simply mean she could be. She grew more "kind" later on, but the two had already grown too seperate to become friends. Throughout high school, Lux suffered, feeling useless due to how his fears limited him.

Appearance: Lux stands at 5'9, with a rather slim build. He has light blonde hair and bright blue eyes, with a "round" face.

Name: Rachel Miller

Year: Junior

Class: Major Hero


  • Strength. Simple and brute strength, allowing Rachel to hit harder and carry more than a normal person. However, the strength is not what classified her as a major hero, as it is rather limited.
  • Transformation. Rachel can transform into a massive, menacing creature, a beast of jet black fur and feathers, claws on its hands and feet, large, powerful jaws on the head of something like a jackal, and razor sharp teeth. It is quick in its movements, with incredible strength and senses. It has three eyes, one on each side of its head, and another on the center of its forehead, all of them colored a glowing, eerie white. It has a long, whip-like tail, strong enough to be used as a weapon. This creature has even less self-control than she does normally, and is capable of great violence.

(It looks like this, but with, y'know legs, and the other appearance changes listed above.)

Personality: Rachel is all around a strange sort of character. She always seems to be in conflict with herself, between the fun-loving, rambunctious sort of person she was raised to be, and the spiteful malevolent creature her parents left her with. Jealousy, self-consciousness and anger come as easily as laughter to her, and she is generally rather volatile. She loves a good challenge, but is constantly afraid of having the monster come out.

History: Rachel was born as the child of two dangerous minor heroes of the day, ShadowMan, who, quite obviously, used the power of shadows to commit evil, and The Witch, a sadistic magician with a lust for destruction. The two remained free and unhindered in their glory days, murdering and stealing as they pleased, until the Major Heroes began to target them. They managed to kill a few Minor heroes without too much danger, but the power of the Major Heroes was too much for them, so they fled. They hid in a isolated cabin in the depths of the wilderness, hidden by their dark magics, where Rachel was born. However, they could not stay hidden forever. When Rachel was aged seven, their cabin was stormed by a few Major Heroes, giving the villainous couple little options.

Determined not to be taken, they set up a spell. ShadowMan and The Witch turned their magic on themselves, in an attempt to destroy both themselves, and their daughter. Their spell was interrupted, as the Heroes made their way in. Both ShadowMan and The Witch perished, their bodies utterly destroyed by the spell, but their daughter remained, horribly scarred, but alive. Faced with the moral choice on whether or not to destroy the young child or to let her live, they decided to make the "Good" choice, and hope that the child would turn out differently. They gave her to the parentage of a family of minor heroes, known for exemplary goodness, and unwavering kindness.

The child grew up... strange.. but it was expected. However, what wasn't expected, were the results of the spell. Inside the child, grew a seed, a fragment of pure, unadulterated anger and violence, that manifested in the form of a dark, terrifying monster. But, Rachel's never wanted to be the host of this monster, and her own nature is in constant conflict with that of the evil her parents gave to her. Throughout her life, she was constantly left out by her peers. Not necessarily picked on, but her classmates, but left alone due to how wary most of them were of her past and the always present... strangeness about her.

Appearance: Her hair is Raven black, and down past her shoulders, generally being rather unkempt. She had a massive scar across her face, like that of a claw mark, passing through the empty socket of her eye, and making her cheek and lips crooked. Her remaining eye is a lightly colored grey. Her features are not particularly attractive, being rather angular and shrewd, a bit like a bird, with thin lips, angular eyebrows, and an almost pointed nose. She stands at 5'6, with a slightly muscled build.

(Basically this, but with black hair, the scar, one eye, all that good shit)

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Name: Bran Finch-Knight

Year: Freshman

Class: Major Hero

Power: Near genius-level intellect. Peak human physical and mental condition. Master(ing) martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant. Utilizes high-tech equipment and weapons

Personality: Bran is shrewd, aggressive, all business, and intent on personal success. The desires for independence and success have been strong motivating forces from early on in his life. Capable of logical and analytical thinking along practical business lines, he could excel in financial fields, law, or politics. His judgment is seldom swayed through his feelings.

Having definite executive and leadership abilities, he is a very promising individual. However others may find him to be rather forceful and uncompromising. More congenial business and personal relationships would result from being tactful and aware of the needs of others. If he sacrifices too much for material ambition, that may result a lack of harmony and balance in his personal life. Bran is very small, he's 5'2", and extremely sensitive about his height.

History: Orphaned at the age of three Bran and his two older brothers were taken in by a very secretive Major Hero. They all trained under him and excelled in hand to hand combat. The eldest brother completed his training and went rogue. After that their guardian took off and the two were left behind were orphaned once again. Luckily left with a vast fortune they were not left to poverty having the resources to do whatever they pleased. Both decided that they would rather complete their training rather than lice normal lives. To complete their training they did the next best thing and decided to attend Ridgeview. Bran's eldest brother came in as a senior and was quick to graduate. Bran on the other hand was burden with being too young and has to spend the next four years of his time here.


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Name: Doctor Oisin Kane

Year: Teacher

Class: Biology, Natural Sciences, Superpower Ethics and Advanced Mathematics (seniors only)

Power: Druid Magic (which includes some healing.)

Personality: A ditzy but kind teacher who loves to help his students. Sensitive, caring, clumsy and a little bit bashful Dr, Oisin is a enthusiastic teacher. He loves to take his class outside and teach them in the forests or gardens.Although he is at times quite forgetful, he is very powerful and knows a vast amount on druid magic.

History: Kane used to be a dark druid who used his magic to manipulate the wildlife and eliminate any threats to being the most powerful druid of all time. However, after a few centuries being the top druid he grew bored and decided to change his ways. Rumor says that his change has something to do with a lady who he fell in love with. He turned to good, reunited the mythical leadership of nature and left the forests to join the real world. At first it was a struggle he had to learn much about technology and how it is used. After a few years he enrolled in a prestigious college and began work at getting his degrees. Enjoying his time there he received a doctorate in Microbiology, and natural science. He also received his master in philosophy and psychology. After graduation he joined the school and became a cheerful and possibly overly motivated teacher. In Ridgeview he seems to be the butt of everyone jokes. His clumsiness and ditzy personality make him seem less dangerous than he truly is and somewhat of a pushover. However, he is overwhelmingly intimidating in his druid form.




Name: Nathaniel "Nathan" Nickel Norse

Year: Freshman

Class: Citizen-ish(Doesn't quite want to be a hero, but still embraces his powers, if that's allowed?)

Power: Technology Manipulation & Infiltration

Nathan can manipulate technology already created with a simple thought, however if he wishes to change or add he must infiltrate it, almost like a program or a virus. And as such, can be blocked by firewalls or the sort. However, like any firewall, they can be breached if weak enough.

Personality: Nerdy, socially awkward and not the best communicator outside of text. He's insanely good at code, and is extremely fascinated with his abilities. He often wonders philosophy and conundrums simply for the sake of wondering and friendly conversation and argumentation. This also makes him very skeptical as to why his abilities are so intertwined with his entire life.

History: Nathan was born into a middle-class family, living the "American dream," going to school, having a perfect family of 4 with him, his sister, and his mother and father. And of course, what he and his family likes to do best- football!


snort I'm totally lying they were total nerds. Screw football, "in this family, we watch eSports!" his father would always joke. Though he was completely serious, everyone but his mother who was never particularly fond of video games - but was still a geek - would get together every week and watch various eSports. Birthday? Forget baseball mits and action figures, monitors are the new best present. Though Nathan sometimes felt embarrassed by his nerdy family, when he wasn't at school with friends he still embraced it and played with his sister and father. His mother, sister and him would make code, and he oddly always excelled. He was a natural. And it only seemed to fit into place like that always-inevitable single missing puzzle piece that you find under the couch a year later. Click. Suddenly, he discovered his new abilities. And rather than shunning him for it or being afraid his parents embraced it, too much even so his sister sometimes felt left out. Though they never tried to treat her that way Nathan was always the "one-in-the-middle." He was eventually sent the invitation to go to a school for the gifted and supernatural like himself, learn more about his abilities than he already knew and become someone, or something amazing. It was a perfect opportunity and his parents were all for it.


(NPC, for now)

Allysia Le'marr "Aphrodite"

Year: Junior

Class: Hero Support

Power: The ability to take on the appearance of whomever someone is most attracted to, at will. She can only disguise herself as one person at once, (for now), and can only disguise herself as another female. She temporarily gains the voice, appearance, personality, and even (a bit of) the person's recent memories with her target. She also can become any other woman, although it requires a large bit more effort on her part.

Personality: Playful, fun-loving, and flirtatious, Allysia uses her power to its fullest extent. In the real world, her power makes her obsolete. Only important in the sense that she has to rely on others to do things, through her trickery. But in a high school environment, where hormones run wild, Allysia is a force to be reckoned with. She could have any boy she wanted in this school, make them do whatever she wanted, but yet she feels alone. As much as her power draws people to her, it also forces them away. People are wary of her some times; afraid that she is in their head, controlling them. She is plenty popular in school, but has no one she could really call a friend. Ironically, more than anything, she wants to love someone and be loved in turn.

History: Born to human parents, Allysia was always viewed as a bit of an oddity. Her parents raised her with complete apathy, favoring the younger, human sister who came along after. This lack of care from her parents created a burning desire in the young girl's heart to gain attention from others, to be important, to be loved. And she had the perfect power for it. In her early years, she abused her power whenever possible, causing her peers to become infatuated with her, although that was not what she wanted. By the time high-school rolled around, she was very popular, although she didn't use her normal look much, insecure with it, as that was the girl her parents had denied. How would anyone ever love that girl? No. They wouldn't. Always much better to look like other girls and try to gain love that way.


(May change)

5'8, despite being a shapeshifter, and her own insecurities, she is still attractive in her normal form. She has bright green eyes, pale skin, and brilliant red hair, combined with her soft, pretty face and "distracting" figure.

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