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Fantasy (Closed) Madame Obb's House for Maturing Monsters


Bardic Inspiration
Welcome to Madame Obb's House for Maturing Monsters. We hope your enjoy you Stay~

(currently not accepting any new applications, sorry)

(also keep this clear until the RP starts)
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Madame Obb's house. A secluded house in the middle of the woods. The exterior is somewhat worn down, making it obvious to see that this house had seen better days. As the Sun began to set in the west, a black cat emerges from the door of house and waits patiently at the edge of the porch. It is Leopold, the madame's loyal familiar waiting for the young monsters to arrive. In the kitchen of the house, Marcello is busy at work making food for the new arrivals, just about finishing up. Madame Obbs is currently working busily at her workshop.

In the form of an eagle, Lu circles around the house excitedly before landing abruptly in front of Leopold, playfully squawking in his face. Leopold's ear fold back, he's not very amused. "I presume your one of the new arrivals..." The tom cat says annoyed. He wipes his whiskers with his left paw. Lu smiles and changes into a white cat standing up on her back legs. "You bet! Lu Arman at you service." Lu says excitedly. Leopold flicks his ears. "Ah...Miss Luciana Arman, that's right.. Well it seems you are the first to arrive. Let Marcello take the belongings you have with you and make yourself comfortable somewhere around the house. We will have dinner when all of you arrive." As he ends the sentence, a pair of floating white gloves appears and gesture for Lu to hand over her belongings. "Oh, sure." with that Lu turns into her normal form and hands over her backpack to the floating hands. Marcello quickly takes it back and Lu follows him into the house. "Feel free to make your way to the table now." Leopold calls to her from outside. Lu nods and begins to walk to the dining room before Leopold calls to her once again. "Oh- Miss Arman, please do not be transforming at the table please." Lu looks back at him with a mischievous smile. "Don't worry I won't~" She says waving back to the talking cat. Inside the dining room, Lu takes a random seat and reclines her feet on the edge of the table.

From the east of the sky a foggy shadow detaches itself from the turbulent dark clouds surrounding the single house below, it appears blurred as it descends but grows clearer and larger as it gets closer to the porch and lands with a soft whoosh of air from its wings. The cat on the porch bristles slightly, glaring at the scorch marks the dragons footprints leave in the grass before its temperature can lower to a less destructive level. "Ah another arrival... how timely of you to arrive so soon after the last." The dragon on the lawn shrinks in size and stands up, clothes magically appearing as he transitions to his bipedal form and follows the cats gaze to the singed grass. "Sorry about that; the air is colder in the sky so I keep my temps higher when I fly, guess I should've cooled down sooner." He shoulders a large, somewhat worn looking duffle bag over his shoulder and walks up to the steps where the cat is sitting. "Yes well make sure that you don't 'forget' to do that again, especially not while inside the house." A pair of white gloves appear in the doorway seemingly out of nowhere and without any sort of sound to annouce their presence. "Now Cordelieon, that's you isn't it? Please give Marcello your bags and proceed somewhere inside; dinner will begin once everyone has arrive so I suggest you make your way to the table." Corbin does as he was told, eyeing the gloves as if he might find a body attached to them somewhere before waving his tail in a brief goodbye. The inside of the house smells like aged wood and phantom dust tickles at his nostrils but when when he enters the the dining room its not empty like he had expected, "Hello" he greets and also takes a seat at the table leaning on the backrest of his chair and wrapping his tail around its legs to avoid it being accidently trampled.
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"We are here," Tara hissed tongue flicking out as she looked toward the approaching mansion, wrapped around hid neck. Obviously, Key thought sarcastically. Rolling his eyes he allowed himself to fall into a glide and slowly dropped from the air until he landed in the grass. Folding his wings against his back he sighed in relief. The long journey had left them aching. He adjusted his hold on his bag and headed for the porch ignoring the singed grass as it crinkled underfoot. Nodding to the black cat, Leopold, in greeting he paused to say hello." Have a pleasant vacation Leopold?"

"Of, course. Though it was much to short. " The tom cat hissed glaring at the singed grass. Chuckling Key nodded in agreement as he passed the tom cat and stepped into the house. From behind him the cat called." Please give Marcello your bags and proceed somewhere inside; dinner will begin once everyone has arrive so I suggest you make your way to the table. "

Good I could do with a bit of junk food. Key thought remembering the raw meat and berry diet he has been on since he left. His parents had recently settled down in a small cave within a large forest. It was a beautiful place but after living with human comforts he found himself missing the junk food at the house and all the creature comforts it held.
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"Oh Joy!!" The words seemingly came from a plume of purple smoke rising from a beautifully engraved gold lamp. The smoke found it's way to the ground and almost instantly formed a humanoid shape then poof, Asteraceae appeared. Another year had come and gone and the genie couldn't be happier. Aster quickly surveyed her surroundings. "Madame!! It's so nice to see you!" Aster squealed once she realized she was in Madame Obb's workshop. Madame would always make sure to great Aster when she was released. Madame simply turned to Aster, Smiled, then returned to her work. Deciding she didn't want to interrupt her Aster waved and with a snap of her fingers she was gone.

A wisp of purple smoke could be seen making it's way through the house. Aster much preferred this method of travel, it was faster then walking and might just scare somebody. Aster loved to scare the new arrivals, but her tactics rarely worked. The purple smoke made it's way to the front porch where Leopold patiently waited for their guests. Aster just loved to get on the familiar's nerves, it was easily one of her favorite pastimes. Aster slowly reformed herself just behind the feline, then she pounced.
"Hey Leo!!" She shouted. Leopold moved slightly, his hairs standing on end for the briefest of moments.

"Ah, Miss Asteraceae. It's a pleasure."

"Aster, you know it's just Aster."

She pouted. The girl hated when others uses her whole name.

The tomcat turned to face Aster and past her a slight scowl.

" Please give Marcello your…never mind… Please proceed inside; dinner will begin once everyone has arrived, so I suggest you make your way to the table. "

"Leo, you know I don't eat."

Aster tilted her head,

"Wait, they're already here! Oh Joy!!"

A huge smile crossed her face as she ran back inside. In her excitement it took a second to find the table, but when she did Aster grinned again noticing several others already at the table.

"Hi there!! It's wonderful to meet you!" Aster smiled and waved to the few gathered around the table and took her spot at it. Another had past, and Aster couldn't be happier.
Aurelia simply strolled up to the seemingly abandoned house-was this really where she had to live? There was a stereotypical creepy black cat, which honestly frightened the girl, but she approached nonetheless. "H-hi there kitty, is this M-Madame Obb's?" She enquired cautiously, not really anticipating an answer from the animal.

Leopold glanced up at the girl, a smug look on his face,
"Indeed. You just missed a few other arrivals," The feline gestured with a paw to the scorch marks in the grass,"But get no ideas, playing recklessly with fire is not tolerated within the house. If I'm not mistaken, you are the phoenix, Miss Aurelia?" Shock remained on her face, twinges of fear in her eyes, as she nodded softly.

Great, she thought, there's not just a cat, but a cat that can talk. Leopold clocked her disdain, and calmly spoke once more,"Don't worry, Aurelia, I'm no danger. I have no need to work to eat a mythical bird when my meals are served to me. Now, give Marcello your bags and join the others inside at the table. Dinner won't be too long." Nodding politely, the girl handed her single, beaten up leather suitcase to the pair of gloved hands which appeared, before eagerly heading inside.

Once inside the house, Aurelia was able to breathe deeply once again: in past lives, simple cats had injured or even killed her, leaving her with a deeply ingrained fear. All thoughts that had previously been bouncing around her head dissipated as she entered the dining room. Her eyes glanced at everyone sat at the table, before taking a seat too. Softly, she murmured,
"Hey," directed to everyone, despite her steady eye contact with the table.
Oliver squinted at the decaying house as he stood at the edge of the forestry. For the past few weeks, he had been staying in cheap motels and living off fast food on the little cash he had. When he had inevitably ran out of money, he resorted to eating leftovers he found in the trash rather than starve. He didn't mind much, being part canine and all, but he did catch disgusted looks from passing strangers every now and then. When he had reached what he had thought to be the correct house, he opened the door to an angry face. The resident of the this house, a frail looking granny, had not been happy about a stray wolf showing up on her doorstep and barging in. Needless to say, he learned the true power of a broom when in the hands of an elder. Shaking away the painful memory, he returned his focus to reality. He wanted to make a good first impression, so he figured he'd tidy up a bit. He checked his reflection in a puddle, licking down his stuck up fur. After that, he gave himself a quick sniff, pleasantly surprised that he only a faint scent of his previous meal lingered, and returned to human form. He looked around warily, making sure any elders were out of broom's reach, then headed over to the house. As he finished his descent down the path, he saw a lone cat sitting on the porch. "Where is everyone?" He asked himself, his face sporting a confused look. He heard a cough as the cat cleared its throat.

"I think you'll find the other guests reside inside. Name?" The feline asked. Oliver shot the cat an incredulous look. He had never seen an animal that talks. Even in wolf form, he couldn't speak a world of English himself.

"Er... Oliver Davis, but you can call me Scamp," He replied uncertainly. He saw the cat's eyes flicker with disdain, before he once again adopted his neutral look.

"Hand your bag to Marcello, and head inside to the table," He replied. Oliver did as he was told, and entered the rickety building. He found the table easily enough, and was surprised to find five others were already there.

"It's awfully tense in here," He said, pulling up a chair.

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There was an odd tension in the dining room. In years past the first day never seemed to this uninviting, at least from what Aster could remember. After being around for just about two thousand years your memory becomes slightly unreliable. Aster sat twiddling her thumbs trying to think if something interesting to say, but nothing came to mind.

…Perhaps I could tell if the time with the fish… She thought.

Aster continued to ponder her thoughts quietly hoping funny words might materialize. Just as she was about to give up and another person entered the room. A girl. Aster's excitement level instantly went back up. Now maybe she could break the ice. Just as Aster was going to introduce herself yet another arrived. A boy. Aster shot out of her chair.

"Oh Joy!! More potential friends!"

The genie squealed. Realizing how much she just embarrassed herself Aster slumped back into her chair.

"I got ahead of myself. I'm Aster. Hi"

She waved half heartedly to those siting at the table.

@Lost @luthor @Crimson smile @Abyss @Kwillz
Sayden made her way through the dark forrest slowly, not particularly impatient to get to the school. It had not been her decision to enroll, and the idea of spending an entire year with strangers didn't sit well with her. She would rather be with her brothers and sisters while they stalked the woods and searched for unsuspecting victims to terrorize. However, since the attack on her and the other Bek, her eldest brother got the bright idea to send her off so that she'd be able to better perfect her skills and abilities, understanding for the first time how vulnerable the black-eyed children really were. No matter how justified his choice was, she still didn't like it.

She approaches the house with a sigh of discontent, noticing a black cat sitting on the porch. As she passes the animal, it opens it's mouth to speak, startling her.

"Punctuality is a considerable attribute to posess, Ms. Reeve. You're the last to arrive." She doesn't acknowledge his suggestion, not in the mood to explain her tardiness to a feline.

"Give your luggage to Marcello and join the others at the table for dinner. I'm sure it's already begun."

"I'll keep my bag, thanks." Leopold frowns his disapproval and follows her inside to the dining hall where she takes a vacant seat.

"Madam Obb will join us momentarily."


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