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(closed for renovations.)


wears heelies to escape his feelies


I'm Husk and I've got some cravings
I am flexible, however, so nothing is completely set in stone.  
I don't expect you to read this entire thing but do read the rules and guidelines please.
If you do read it all, kudos man!
(please ignore my post count, I'm not new to this, trust me. I'm just fresh to this site. I also added a lot of relevant tags, no regrets.)


this is the boring part, right?

I'm 23 and deal in emergency medicine. Besides all things medical, I'm incredibly interested in psychology and criminology. Which probably explains my hankering~

I often draw and play video games in my spare time. 

I'd like to say I'm literate. I'm experienced in both writing and roleplaying. That being said, I am still shaking off my rust and getting back into the groove of things. 

I can take constructive criticism, I will match your flow, and I can put out more than a 500+ word count response. 

I like OOC, I really do. Making friends is always, always a plus. I'm a huge dork and I care tons. We can discuss anything, you can vent, or it can be strictly RP orientated. 
I like joking around and horrible memes as well. Not sure if that's a plus or not.

I love world building, creating plots, and developing characters. I'll invest a lot of thought in all 3 of these.

I can easily play more than one character, though I do tend to have mains. 

I, uh, I tend to curse quite a bit, not excessively but expect to see it from my characters if it fits their personality.

I'm cool with character sheets, I'm cool with having only a description, I'm cool with face claims. I love hearing about yer characters so feel free to drown me in all that sweet info.

I put a lot of effort into the things I write. Your enjoyment of the RP cannot be understated! That being said, I also have a lot of free time at the moment. I'm a ball of activity. You'll get at least 1-2 replies a day once the RP is rolling. So, hey, you want an active and detailed partner? Hit me up.
I am slow creating intros though, this is when I want to show you how I write so I tend to spend a lot of time on them. My perfectionism can get in the way but I'll always keep you up to date.

I am open to any platform to RP on besides doing a thread on here. PM is just my style. I really like Skype for OOC, I'm easier to get a hold of there in a lot of cases, but I am open to whatever platform you prefer.


So, what I'm looking for is a relatively dark and twisted RP involving mature and heavy themes. 
I can provide samples if needed.

I'm allowing for a lot of flexibility! If you have an idea it can certainly veer away from what I've mentioned here.
And when I say veer away, I mean you can drive that shit straight to the moon.
Get crazy with your ideas if you want! I'm open to a lot of different plots and elements right now.
I will collaborate with you 100 percent. I also have some vague ideas in mind should you be drawing blanks.
We can start out incredibly loose or train tracked. 
It's unlikely I will say no to your plot unless there is somehow no way my character could fit within it.
So barrage me with yer ideas and I'll do the same! I'm a schemer at heart.

What I am wanting to do is a  Cop|Detective x Serial Killer|Criminal pairing with a juicy, dark plot. A bit of a cliche? Probably! But it's a really interesting dynamic to me.
I will be playing the detective/cop in question. 

This is strictly M/M pals when it comes to a romance of any sort, I can't change that. I do not mind if your character is dominant or submissive, both, or neither. I'll work with you. 

I'm a mean mother to my OC, so yes, you can be cruel to him too.

Having some romance (depending on the chosen plot) is implied here but NOT a necessity. Platonic is fine. A one-sided relationship is fine. I tend to slowly build up to romantic relations but a faster pace is okay too if the plot calls for it.

Settings! This can be Modern, Modern with Sci-Fi elementsSci-Fi, Historical, Historical AU, or even Dystopian|Post Apocalyptic|Paranormal (which I am craving right now)
You are more than welcome to inquire about other settings.

I am open to your character being any sort of criminal outside of a serial killer, be it a drug lord of sorts, a sex worker, member of a gang or mafia, down and out drug addict, ect. They don't have to be villainous in nature. This RP is meant to have a nice focus on moral ambiguity. Feel free to get creative.

My character is pretty damned fleshed out but yours doesn't necessarily need to be yet! Development over time is fine. Just know I do have a fleshed out fellow in the waiting, complete with a fairly in-depth background. 

We can get as dark and gritty as you want. I don't have any notable triggers. If you do, lemme know and we'll avoid them.

Horror/Gore/Violence/Swearing/Illicit Activities/Emotionally Intense or Depressing Situations/Ect. are fine by me. 
I'm an EMT, it takes a lot to shake me. 

This is intended to be a pretty collaborative roleplay! I'd like us to work together to come up with a really neat ass story we are both into. 

You can have as many characters as you see fit or can handle. I generally have a sole main with secondaries and then sides. I can play any gender but I prefer male. I will double if needed.

Realistically my character will need to be anywhere from 23-30. Just a heads up. Age gaps are fine so long as your character isn't underage.



What's that? I'm open for plots/ideas/settings that differ from all of the above?
You heard right, pal! 
I am eager to throw my OC into some alternative plots I might not have originally considered. This CAN be platonic in nature. It can be almost anything. 
I prefer the darker themes but, hey, what's wrong with a little variance from my norm?
In fact, I am actually craving ANOTHER plot that is its own entity entirely right now.
If you don't see anything piquing your interest here, PM/comment yer own ideas! I'd love to hear what you've got in mind.

This plot is meant to have some semblance to The Last of Us.  The focus is the same. My OC becomes the parental/guardian figure for a lost youth in either a dystopic or post-apocalyptic in a world rife with strife and struggles. I would really like to build a large world to cater to this RP.  It will likely have touchings of a heavier theme. Suffice it to say this is platonic only folks unless you opt to add side character to double as a romance option. I can not begin to tell you how much I'd like to see this plot happen, so if you are interested beat me up with PMs. There's a lot of freedom for creativity here.
 Your imagination can run wild.

Werewolves. I don't know, okay, I'm just wanting some werewolves. 
I am incredibly likely to draw art dedicated to this plot because I'm a sucker for drawing a good ole werewolf. SO Free art for you? Possibly. $Cha-ching$

Something with an Abbot Abbot's Flatland or George Orwell's 1984 feel to it. Completely open on this one. 

Anything Else. Bury me in offers and ideas.


The necessary Evil.


Semi to Advanced Literate. I'm forgiving of mistakes since I'm not perfect myself. Literacy inspires the hell out of me so a writing style I love is like liquid gold.
Let it be known I am relatively slow writing up INTROS, not responses for the most part just intros. Probably due to the ridiculous amount of time and tears I put into them. I'm getting better.

It's okay if English isn't your first language, I won't hold that against you.

No one liners unless it's groundbreaking. That being said, quality is preferred over quantity. 

 I can and will put out lengthy responses. You don't necessarily have to match that. I will, however, match you, especially if you write a lot. Sometimes more is better and less best.

✦No god-modding or power play unless indicated.

Honesty! This is a HUGE thing for me. I can get invested in a RP very easily (it's a bit of a double-edged sword) so if you need to drop or you are losing interest it's OKAY, don't feel bad about it. Just lemme know, I don't bite. Shit happens. No hard feelings! If you don't like the way things are going in the RP I will try to rectify it for you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed! I don't want you to be having a terrible time, I want us both to be having fun. 
that being said, I do understand anxiety since I have it myself, whoops. 

Activity! I guess since I'm able to be very active right now I'd like an active to semi-active partner but I know life, school, and work can make things difficult. Just lemme know how active you think you can be and we'll work something out. Someone who can respond at least once a day is a huge plus in my book but not a necessity. I do tend to become more invested the more responsive you are or the more we plot together. 

Plot with me! I can do plotting, character development, and world-building fine enough on my own but it's more enjoyable when we are working together. Teamwork is awesome. We can throw ideas off each other. I'm incredibly open.

✦Let me know your platform of choice. I personally prefer Skype (for OOC) + PM but that is not a requirement at all. I'll generally use your prefer
red platform(s).


You're awesome, have a cat. PM me or comment on this thread for more info, friends.
Last edited by a moderator:
Holy crap, I've found my kind of person! First of all, your thread is so pleasing to look at. I love a well-organized page. Keeps me reading. Second, MxM is my game! Third, I love your passion. I totally understand how you'd get invested in RPs. I feel the same way. Last but certainly not least, cop/detective x serial killer? I am so in!
I am also willing to roleplay with you. Your writing inspires me. If you are still willing. Send me a PM, since I am unable to do it at my current state. (Just joined the site, though I have a few years roleplay experience.) :)
@Elsil Sending you a PM <3

@DuskerTem YES. Coooome join me! And thank you! I'll admit, I'm a huge sucker for formatting. Haha, my passions keep me going! Tossing you a PM friend!
Huh! This looks interesting! I've been looking for something dark and gritty lately.
Hola! I too enjoy the morally ambiguous, nitty gritty, dark and dirty roleplays with thicccck posts. I am down with highly collaborative efforts as well. We can plot over Skype? Shall I pm you my Skype name?!
So, speaking of ignoring post counts~

Long time roleplayer but just joined the site.  Forgive me, I'm rusty to introductions.

But getting to the point!  If you're still interested in finding any other partners, it's been a while since I've done a more darker, gritty rp like that detective x serial killer plot (Not to say that I haven't been kinda craving one) and I absolutely love to speak OOC, especially to discuss characters and plot!  I'm more a literate type of writer as well.  Literally the only thing I have a hang up about is using real life pics for characters.  I'll do description or anything drawn/painted, but face claims are definitely not my thing.

Other than that, I'd be more than happy to discuss some plot ideas~!  I have Skype if you'd like to send me a PM, if you're still searching for another partner!
messaging all of y'all~
for some reason I never received any notifications regarding receiving new comments in the thread.
Bumping as I've updated some things. I am also now open to alternate plots of all sorts! There's a whole section dedicated to that, so check it if you'd like. <3  
I've added 2 new plots.
Kiiiiiiiityyyyy ~~~  <3   ^D^   <3

You sound truly spectacular. I am allergic to one liners. My activity varies from 3/4 times a week to multiple times a day depending on how utterly bored I am in lectures. I am 19, but being a mental has aged me to at LEAST residing in my spiritual mid thirties. On that note, I'm a medicated mental so sometimes I may poof for 2-3 days, but I will ALWAYS notify you afterwards as to why and apologise profusely. 

I get over invested in RPs, too emotional about fictional characters, draw ridiculous fanart and nickname every main character a 'precious egg'.

I am too new to this site to PM you, but IF you would be open to writing a Sci-fi roleplay with the main pairing suggested here of cop x criminal, please PM me and I can ramble to you about my plot ideas for this. 

Mmm, think that's it.


Yup. Have a good day!

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