[Closed] [5e] Lost Mines of Phandelver

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Junior Member
Title: Lost Mines of Phandelver
Game: 5e
Player Count: 4
Description: [Pokemon narrator voice] Gundren Rockseeker has hired a bunch of folks to escort a wagon to the sleepy town of Phandalin— but soon it becomes clear that Phandalin and the surrounding area is more than meets the eye. Rife with tensions, our heroes soon find themselves caught up in a bigger adventure than they expected.

So originally I was planning to run Lost Mines for some newbies on campus, but that fell through. By the time this became clear I’d already done a lot of work revamping Phandelver to be more dynamic and inclusive, changing things to my heart’s content and making a solid hook to continue past the Lost Mines. Since it’s a shame to waste this effort and the summer is coming up, I figured to run Lost Mines here!
Character Creation: All officially published content allowed, UA up for discussion! We will start at level one but probably advance to level 2 pretty quick!
DM Style: I like to tell stories, and though there will be plenty of combat I love creative and wacky solutions to things. As such I tend to be pretty liberal with the rules. I’m often around during the day. My timezone is GMT+2 and I tend to go to bed at reasonable times.
Hello, forever DM here! I would be interested as well if there are any more spots available. A fellow European I see, my Timezone is GMT+3.
Well I was going to involve myself, but it seems like you are quite popular. On the off chance you have a drop out, give me a shout.
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