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Fantasy Clear Swiping

Have you ever wanted someone so much, but there was no chance of you being able to hold them? Yeah, he knew that feeling. Tasuke knew it all too well indeed. His couch was lonely, but he was not in solitude - he shared the house, just with the wrong person. There was nothing interesting on Television as usual, so he switched it off and tossed the remote to the side. Tasuke looked over the back of the couch into the Kitchen, he could see her moving about in it and then looked down at the Ring on his finger as his hand rested on the top of the couch - hmm. He turned around, sat back and relaxed again.

"Do you want any Pancakes?"

"No Thanks."

"Tasuke. You have to have breakfast, you Teach the kids who HAVE had breakfast."

"I don't want Pancakes Woman."

Tasuke heard her bare footsteps grow louder as her skins slapped against the laminate floor. She stood in front of him, just wearing a long pale blue shirt that was up to her thighs, her lovely legs clear - but he probably shouldn't have been ogling what skin she was showing. Her hand was on her hip and she looked unamused. Tasuke's head rolled back so that he looked up at the ceiling, breathing out a sigh. He then felt the weight on his lap grow as she straddled him, her soft hand guided his head back up to kiss hers. Tasuke was about to get into it, kiss her back, make out - but she presses a finger against his lips and shakes her head.

"We're out of Milk."

Tasuke blinked a couple of times as he watched her get off him and walk off, he watched her butt walk away into the kitchen. So... he did as he was told and stood up, heading towards the door to put something on his feet then go to the store.

Tasuke found himself nearing the store, but before he got there he saw a couple of lads he recognised from his School.

"Hart and Hynes, you're up early today - hope you're not thinking of buying junk before School, you're gonna rot your brain." He was impressed at how early they were both up and already walking around to the shops, In School Tasuke never woke up without being woken up. He hated mornings back then, now - he couldn't wait for them for his dreams were not on his side as of late.

"Good to see you're up so bright and early though. Hope you've done your homework."
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Tasuke listened to the kids talk, their interaction showed a closeness in friendship, something that he missed - something that they would too if they were to be unfortunate. Tasuke rolled his eyes and his left hand pressed against his forehead, a large breath audibly exhaling as they began to leave, his hand flopped as he did some form of wave.

"See you later, boys."

Tasuke found himself at the store and went inside, the bell alarming his arrival. He walked over to the sweet section even though he knew exactly what he needed, he decided to be a bit naughty instead. As he walked towards that section he moved passed an interesting looking man. He was drawn to the flyers he was holding, tilting his head to take a look at them as he picked up a Galaxy bar from the shelf.

"Circus huh? Do you perform or are you just paid to advertise?" Tasuke was probably being a bit prejudiced when he thought that he looked the part to be a circus performer.
Tasuke eyed him as he held the snacks in his hand, the ex-demon blinked a couple times and looked up at his face as he talked. He was the advertiser, nice tactic but he couldn't help but be interested, it would indeed be something new, maybe as a Date for him and his missus? Heh. He reached over and slipped a flyer from his pile to take a look at it.

"I don't usually give in to sells like this, but you've genuinely got me interested." His hand flipped over as he quickly scanned the back, "I might bring some people along."

After seeing his students he got a pretty good idea of what he might do. He picked up another chocolate bar and looked up at the advertiser, "Thanks, Guess I may or may not see you again?" He did a little wave before walking over to the where the Milk is, picking up a carton he went over to the counter to pay. Didn't take too long, took his grocery bag and walked towards the exit but not before audibly suggesting;

"You should get to the local school around 7:30 or 8:00am, give out Flyers to passing parents or even students."
Tasuke had made it home with the small amount of items he had - shit - he forgot bread, probably would've been a good idea to get it in. He opens the door and peaks in, looking around for the woman that he lived with. His wife. Of course the first place he went to look was the Kitchen considering he had to put the milk away into the fridge; which he did do.


Tasuke placed the two chocolate bars onto the counter and then leaned his back against it, tapping his finger on the marble surface. Maybe she had left early? No, she wasn't even dressed when he left and he hadn't been too long - knowing her she wouldn't have been ready to go anywhere just yet. He then heard activity as footsteps approached, the beautiful woman leaning her body against the frame of the entrance to the kitchen, a teasing and innocent look on her face. Tasuke grinned.


"You should get ready for School. I'll help you get changed." She held out her right arm and beckoned him to take it, Tasuke knew he was being seduced, it's mainly how this relationship worked and he let it work on him like a charm. He needed it. Since he felt no love for this woman, he had to be attached to her somehow. Might as well be for the Sex. She took him upstairs to 'get ready'.
Tasuke came down the stairs now dressed and ready for his day, his bag over his left shoulder as he looked down on the floor for his shoes. He spun around on the spot but couldn't spot them. He walked over to the Couch and got on his hands and knees, looking under it in case they had been squashed under. Suddenly he felt a pain shoot through his buttocks as he spun his head around to find his shoes dangling in front of his face, his Wife holding them for him.

"Thanks. Thanks for that." He spun around and took the shoes, sliding them on before standing up and smooching her on the lips. She was dressed too and always nicely, she adjusted her belt as the golden badge flashed before being covered up by her blazer. She then adjusts her firearm and smirks at him. "No problem, not everyday you get to be the one wearing the pants."

Tasuke squinted at her, he opened his mouth but no words came out, he then shook his head and left, "Bye Honey." "Bye bye."

Tasuke had walked and made it to the school, students already walking in. He just merged with the crowd and made his way inside until he say the same guy with the flyers from earlier. He grinned and walked over, adjusting the strap hanging off his shoulder;

"So I see you took my advice, got much interest?"
Tasuke smirked, pleased his advice worked - a sort of horn toot to himself. "No Problem, gotta help the Talent ya know? Heh. Gonna treat a couple my students I think if they perform well in today's assignment. So I guess you have managed to sell it to me."

Tasuke adjusted his strap again and looked around at the kids walking in to class. He taught Fine Art and didn't know what the students thought of him in general, he hoped he was liked - ugh and it's a pain when homework wasn't done, that means he'd HAVE to punish them. Punishment sucks in school, meant nothing, these little shites wouldn't change from sitting in a classroom for an hour after school.

"I better get to Class before the Student's show me up for being on time. See you around... Uh... Name's Tasuke by the way." He extends his hand for a handshake.
Tasuke smiled back even as he saw Ryder's drop, must've been something on his mind. As he let go of his hand, he waved his hand and went into the School. He didn't stop anywhere and went straight to his classroom, it was empty for now so he set up quickly before students started to pour in. He placed his bag on the desk and slid his laptop out, connecting it up to the Projector and logging in. He then slid out his Sketchbooks and art gear, spreading them out on the desk before placing his bag on the ground.

"Good Morning, Good Morning."

Tasuke sat in the chair and got up the presentation he needed to for today, it didn't take too long so he started looking through his sketchbooks instead. He then remembered the flyer and slid that out of his bag that was on the floor. Observing the flyer and pondering Just waiting for kids to show up for first period.

"Hey, Teach!" A Student stood in front of his desk, prompting the Ex-Demon to look up and drop his flyer. He froze in shock, his eyes spread open in shock and almost fear. A Creature Tasuke recognised, one less eye than usual.


"Oh, I never finished school so - I came back." Max grinned and nodded his head, "Great to see that you're teaching me. Since we have so much history."

"You're like, in your twenties... How did you get the money to come back?" Tasuke was angered, truly angered and had no choice but to keep calm. He couldn't destroy what he had. Not now.

"Money has it's waaaays." He swivelled around and went to his seat, nearer to the back of the room.
Tasuke's eye twitched at Max and was about to cuss him out but he looked up to see more students coming in to class, he quickly checked the time on his watch and lesson was really about to start. He let out a sigh and rolled up his flyer, placing it next to the Laptop. He was already stood up so he turned the projector on with the remote and waited for it to load up. He sat back down and waited for the lesson to officially start by the clock.

"Get in and Settle Down."

Meanwhile, Max sat Down in his chair, getting his book out and his Nintendo DS. He wasn't paying much attention until something familiar hit his nose and he looked up quickly, glaring around. He spotted a Kid, he stared at him with a small grin even when he looked at him. This was good, this was an opportunity. This is why Tasuke is here? Max would figure it out, he had figured it out. He chuckled to himself and kept his eyes locked onto the creature.

Time was up. Tasuke walked over to the Door to close it and as he did a Student shuffled in, he shook his head and had the right mind to kick his ass. But of course, he could not. The door clicked shut and he made his way back to the desk, but instead stood in front of it.

"Good Morning Kids, I'll take Register at the end but I'd like to introduce a new student to the class - he decided to come back to finish Graduating school. His name is Max Syn."

"Hey Everyone." Max didn't take his eyes of his Kin.
Tasuke was also a bit unnerved from Max being in the class, he didn't want him to be here, he wanted him to be dead and in the ground. Tasuke was stuck, would he have to commit murder? He had no option... He couldn't right? But this fucker had to die, he was one of the reason's Cerin was dead. Tasuke didn't notice Max's gaze. He continued with the lesson and looked back to his presentation.

"I hope all of you brought something for me to look at today, i didn't like homework but it keeps you guys practising outside of school. Don't want those art skills going rusty. Just a simple character design based on the two words that describes their look and a bit of their personality, like Tall and Heroic...You guys better have remembered what you got" He looks at their faces and shakes his head, chuckling, "If you haven't finished it then complete it today in the workshop and show me at the end. I'm going to choose the best two. Max since you weren't in last time, try your best - your two traits can beeee Skinny and Evil." He glared at the student before turning around so other's wouldn't noticed the conflict.

He started moving through the slides, going to the next one on the page to introduce what he was going to teach next. Letters came up, simply saying Items. "This is something I like, when drawing - if you're drawing for a setting or a character, a game, story, etc. There are always items that have to fit the character you are designing or the setting you are presenting. For example in a Boxing ring what would you find? A Boxing ring, Gloves, punching bags, maybe even a weight rack and punching pads, a stool... What about for a Knight, what would he use?"
"Yes, think deeper and story based however - He could be scarred and strong and merciless looking but have this bright pink ribbon wrapped around his forearm bracer - why? To remind him he has a loved one, gives him history, personality, makes him a being." Tasuke continued with the lesson, going through the slides and asking questions back and forth with the class until it was over. They would work now, he let them get on with it for now but would come around soon. "Don't be afraid to talk to one another about your ideas, remember I want to see your characters by the end."

Max got up out of his seat and other students did to, to sit with or stand with their friends. He however walked over to his prey and loomed over him, being creepy as hell. "So, what traits did you get for your character? Is it alright if I take a look, maybe get inspired?" Max tried to make his grin seem more innocent and less creepy for the boy to handle.
Max quickly took the piece of paper into his hand and looked at it closely before quickly lowering it and putting his concentration back on Colin. The creature walked around to the front of the Desk and stood in front of Colin and lay the piece of paper down on it.

"You're artistic, reminds me of an... old friend." Max grinned, he observed his books and things, spotting something in common on most of it, "Colin, right? I would definitely, like to be your friend." He stretched out his hand for a handshake.
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Max gripped the hand tightly and shook once before letting go, he stood in front of him for a moment, "I Think I got some pretty cool ideas for my two words. Hmm, better get to work right?" Max winked and walked back to his seat, he opened his sketchbook and started to draw.

Tasuke got up from his desk and started to go around to students to see how they were doing with their characters, he sat down or knelt beside them and started to give them practical notes, drawing on spare paper to give them an idea on how to express the traits they were given. Tasuke got to the back and started to 'help' Max whispering to him at the back of the Class.

"You dare threaten or hurt any of my students and I will kill you. Hell... Max, I am going to kill you. So Watch your fucking back." Max just grinned as he drew and then exclaimed out loud;

"Aww Thanks Teach! That's really helped me!"

Tasuke stood up abruptly and walked over to Colin, "You alright Colin? Hope your brain hasn't rotted from this morning." He flashed a smirk and then knelt down, "How is your drawing coming along?"
"Ah yeah." Tasuke doesn't look at Colin but instead the paper, he feels like the kid is looking at him but doesn't notice any of his shifty facial features. Tasuke had always taken to Colin passively, not just because of his skill in drawing, but it was something else. He tricked himself into thinking it was the art though. He observed the piece over and then laid it down with a smile, "You're getting the gist of it, nice poses to show how reckless he really is. Keep going the way you're going and you've got it down - just needs refining. However try to keep his height consistently short, I feel in some of the more dynamic poses you stretch him too much. But, as always Colin - your drawing is excellent kid."

Tasuke stood up and patted him on the shoulder, "I was thinking of picking you to go on a little trip as a bit of a prize and even to help with your proportion skills, people of the circus love to put on a show.... well... sort of a circus. Pick a friend, I'll buy tickets and arrange a date."
Tasuke nodded politely and walked over to his Desk, he sat down to do some admin and waited for the Class to start. He emailed his wife mainly and then Vex, see if he could get a hold of him - mentioning him about how Max had infiltrated this place. He was deep in thought about what to do. Before he knew it the Class was nearly over.

"Okay everyone, turn in your Work and I'll have Grades and improvements for next week."
Tasuke huffed, he had a long break until his next class and so he didn't rush to pack up his things. Letting the student's go first, he ignored Max for now - he wanted to play this smart and plan his next move between this secret adversary. His wife being an officer of the Law made it even worse, though it also had it's perks - Tasuke needed to get deep with his research now. He needed Tea.

Max eyed the Teacher as he made his way out of the classroom, but soon stopped as he realised that the ex-demon was paying him no mind. He noticed something curious however, Colin was approached rather closely by another Student and Max observed silently. However their little intimacy was soon separated. This excited Max, so he followed the pink haired one until Colin was out of sight and got his attention by grabbing his shoulder from behind.

"Hey dude! Do you know Colin? I'm a friend of his, It looked like you were pretty close man!" The Creature grinned.
Max made a face that expressed he was delighted, but it was just a face, he wasn't that over the top about it really, "That's awesome! I'm new here, started yesterday actually but was getting familiar with the place. My name is Max, I'm just trying to be social and gain uh.. .friendships quick so... whaddaya say?"

Max stretched his hand out for a hand shake, his big grin on his face as usual.
Max felt uneasy when they shook hands, feeling sick in his stomach and his smirk dropped for a moment, Ara quickly took his hand away and there was a moment of silence between the two. Max didn't know what to say, it was weird as hell.

"So...Um, What class do you have next?" He shrugged it off and grinned suddenly, maintaining his facade.
"Ah I see, well I guess I'll see you around...uhm... yeah." Max left and waved, as he rounded the corner he leaned against a wall and scrunched his face up, rubbing his stomach gently. "The Fucking hell was that?"

Tasuke left the School premises and started walking to a local Cafe that had Wifi, he was just going to grab breakfast before going back. He also liked the environment to work in. It didn't take him long and when he ordered and got to his table he quickly got his Laptop out to check for a reply, nothing yet - he just wanted to know if anyone else but Max survived. He also warned them that he was here, he might need to get out if he was to murder him. A backup per say. His phone buzzed and he picked it up, it was from his Wife saying that she was currently in the Field - he let out a sigh.
Tasuke's final lesson was over and so the school day was done. Whilst he was out at the cafe he had collected the tickets from the circus - it wasn't too far and fairly local. He saw Colin on the sidewalk interacting with a lot of the other boys, he didn't know if he should interject or not - well he guessed he had to or else it might be too late for they were tickets due to go in 2 days. He saw they were moving and quickly moved over himself,

"Colin. Hold on." Tasuke managed to get in front of him and some of the students, "Hey kids." He rummaged through his belongings till he grabbed what he was looking for, two tickets for Colin and whoever he chooses to go with him. The teacher stuck out his arm and waved them in front of his student.

"Lucky I bumped into you. See you then Colin." Tasuke waved and walked off, realising how terrible of a teacher he was for a moment there. The Ex-Demon just chuckled to himself and walked home.
Tasuke collapsed onto his couch as he got in and sat his case next to him, he let out a sigh and chuckled to himself - how he felt so drained being around so many kids compared to how he was before teaching. It truly was something, he thought about his son and how he was doing for a moment before grabbing the remote and turning to Television on. Nothing was on. He turned it off and took his laptop out his bag to check his emails and do some preparation for his next few lessons.


Max's Day was also over, yet he had a lot on his mind to get done. He was wary, looking around in case his Art teacher decided to follow him to find out where he lived. Until he was sure he wasn't being followed Max stopped taking the wrong route and made his way home. He had to catch the public bus there and sat at the back away from the little people that were on it. It took a bit and he was the last to get off, quite a way away from the school and nearer to the outskirts of the Suburbs. Max went into his house, looking to one side as he saw shoes not belonging to him on the floor; he slipped his off and continued inside letting out a sigh. The man was in the kitchen, pouring the kettle into the Mug.


Akaharu turned around and tilted his head, "Hey Max, was just waiting to check up on you. How was school?"

"Fine. I met someone from my past."

The white haired male's eyes lit up, but not happily, he looked worried and concerned, "Is that going to be a problem? Have you been Made?"

"No. Looks like we're both wanting to lay low, not want to lose what we have. But. If I'm and there is no evidence leading to anyone, It's him. His name is Tasuke, he's an Art Teacher."


Mahiro was looking back at the kids with a gentle smirk slapped on his face, he couldn't help but think about how cute they looked so quickly took out his Cell and snapped a picture of all three of them. No Flash as to not wake em before spinning around on his chair and looking down at the photo. "Naww, I want to surprise him. Hope his Wife isn't working too late today - she is much better at cooking than he is. We should offer to cook instead babe." The blonde looked at Vex as he drove and grinned.
"What do you mean?" Mahiro looked at him with a concerned look, "I think this will be good for him, though I still don't think we should tell him who they are... not yet. It's not lying if we just tell him we saved em." Mahiro looked back at them, especially Cerin - he looked different yet familiar however he doubted Tasuke would recognise him without knowing who he was. He let out a little sigh and started to get slightly worried himself, he knew how much Tasuke loved his Creature - and that love had changed him to be a better man.

"I just hope he doesn't fall back to how he was, he hurt me. If Max manages to get to him, he'll be a wreck." Mahiro pouts, "He has a good wife, but he needs a kid. Shame it never worked out with his Son."
"Alright, sounds like a plan... We should probably tell them that too." Mahiro glances back at them, "They'll be confused... But... I don't wanna wake them." He makes a cute face at Vex, trying to throw him puppy eyes for no real reason at all. He knew the risk though, if he didn't fill them in with the details on why they suddenly started calling them something they wouldn't be used to.


Tasuke was now sidetracked and had stopped working, instead he was browsing memes. Though every now and then he looked at pictures of Cerin, though he usually didn't notice he was having his picture taken - taken by Ryo and Clover mainly, Tasuke wasn't really into taking photos back then but now. He wish he had. He chuckled to himself, but his chuckle slowly turned into a sob. He covered his eyes and lay back. Still after all these years.
Mahiro got out of the car, hit by the fresh air from being in there stuffy car for a while. He enjoyed that feeling a bit. He walked over to the back and opened the doors for the Kids, watching them get out one by one as they shuffled across the seat to get out of the Car. Mahiro closes the door and talks over towards Vex, "Bring the bags in a bit later."

The Blonde walked through the yard up to his Brother's door, knocking on the wood with and abrupt out of character knock. He pressed his ear against the door to see if he could hear some activity, he did hear a little and it grew louder. He straightened himself out and put on a big grin. The door swung open and Tasuke stood there, his expression quickly becomes a shocked smile and he steps forward to Hug Mahiro - the surprise was pleasant and it was comforting for him.

"Brother, it's so good to see you."

"Tasuukkkeee, Good to see you again too."

"Come in. Make yourself at home" Tasuke moves to let Mahiro come in, then he realised he saw some Kids with him. He blinked a few times before looking towards Vex and stepped out to intercept him with a Hug. "Thank you for coming."
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