Claudia and Alexander Hindrance (Alice(s) of Hearts)


The Dazzling Prince
"How silly of you! We already know everything about Wonderland! It is, after all like are own twisted minds~!"



Claudia and Alexander Hindrance 


Both: 15


Claudia- 5'5ft

Alexander: 5'6ft



Alexander- 123lbs


Both- Silver


Both- Pale Violet


Both have lolita gothic attire on usually and seem to enjoy darker colors.


Alice(s) of Hearts


Claudia and Alexander's personalities don't really differ much from the each other's. Both seem  disturbed in a way  and each appears to be sort of sadistic in nature. Neither one seems to have a decent grasp on what's right and wrong and the two will usually commit certain acts without thinking of the results. Each one believes that nobody is innocent and think that everyone around them has alternate motives for  their actions. Kindness is pretty much lost on them though they'll accept it without complaint and if you try hard enough it may get through to them. On rare occasions people will see the slight differences between the two. Claudia at times is more level headed though stubborn as a mule. Alexander on the other hand is quick-witted however he is more emotional than Claudia though he rather not show it. They have a strange relationship with the other, leaving many to speculate if they really are just siblings.


Borderline Mad


The siblings were born in Romania and to a wealthy family...or that's what they had heard at least. Both were orphaned before they could even know their parents names and grew up in a orphanage called ''Crow's Call''. This orphanage wasn't a horrible one. It was quite nice looking on the outside and the area inside didn't disappoint either. The caretakers appeared capable and good-willed so nobody would even expect anything from it. Judging only from appearances it looked like any normal orphanage and for the most part it was. They were taken care of, given food, water, a place to sleep etc. Although there was a odd pattern that rarely seemed to change. Only teenagers ever got adopted. Kids that weren't at least thirteen were basically overlooked by adopting parents. Only a few times did a child that  was younger get adopted. It was certainly something weird however anybody that has been there as long as they had wasn't bothered by it and didn't anything of it.

Even with this unique fact about the orphanage's adopting system the two were happy with their lifestyle. Never did their parents cross their minds, they were young so there wasn't a need to worry about something like that. Even they had gained friends over the years, most older but some their age. They watched a lot of people come and go from the orphanage and though it hurt to watch a friend leave the first couple times, eventually they grew numb to the feeling of loneliness. Since they could no longer feel pain of losing a friend they came off as a little emotionless. Though they were unable to get attached anymore to other people they were attached to one another.  With each other at their sides they could continue being happy.

At age twelve is when everything went downhill. At this age they were adopted by a man and a woman, both in their late twenties at that. at first like  many other kids they were happy to have been taken in but soon that happiness was gone. When they were given to these people they were forced to do hard labor and other various things that no child should be subjected to. To eat they had to fight, not each other but other people. They were forced to kill for a meal, the reason why was because some people enjoyed watching this, they were basically a show for people.  It wasn't clear what their line of work was but it clearly wasn't good. At times they would be tortured or beaten on camera so that people could watch. This warped their minds and a few years later the two had became something other than children mentally. One fateful night was when they saw it a man dressed in ridiculous clothing with rabbit ears. Of course the two were intrigued by this but with no way to escape their prison they could not follow. The strange man was etched into their mind however so they came up with a plan of sorts. On their fifteenth birthday was when a house fire broke out. A cleverly devised plan had caused it, their captors became careless and this was the result of it. Now they planned to look or him. So without anywhere to go they wandered. Only in a few days did they find him once again though this time they followed him. He was fast but they were able to keep up long enough to be led to a door. They saw him enter and followed quickly behind, Before they knew it they were in a strange place they have known to love as Wonderland.

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accepted! Great characters! They should be very interesting to interact with. I wonder how they will get along with Blood and Serenity.

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