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Fandom Class 3-E: Assassination Classroom


Korosensei flew into the classroom at near mach 20 speed making papers and posters fly out off the walls of the Class 3-E wooden building, before he stopped behind his desk, "Hello students, I just came back from a movie in Hawaii. Now then shall we start the assassination attempts and role call." He said his once yellow face turning yellow with green stripes, showing that he was looking down on them, "There is an reason that I said attempts." He said with a patronizing tone. Before he started to say the roll call for this school day "Akeno and Akito.." he said the two names to start the role call, going in the alphabetical order of their first names, one of his yellow tentacles holding the clipboard for today and another holding a pen, he said as he started to dodge the impending bullets from the other students.

@Bills352 @Yato

Hikaru Niao

Hikaru closed his eyes, well at least the one that he had control of when the sudden burst of speed and wind came through the window, You would think that you would be used to that every time, He had his normal school supplies, along with some other added extras...He started to take the action of shooting Korosensei, he took out his pistol to shoot him/it. He could see where he was, as he blinked with the mechanical eye, which changed his grey eye into the black eye with red rings. The eye humming as it focused on the teacher, firing off a shot, which of course missed due to his teachers speed, his eyesight allowed him to follow Korosensei's movements but his reactions time could be slower. He sighed as he put down the gun, and placed in his pocket. It was hard to shoot him, his yellow and green stripes always making him seem high. In truth he was, he could evade every single country, with the best weapons they could manufacturer however, they could hurt him.
Funny how things work then hmm..He thought to himself.

(Sorry for being a little short, not really good with starters.)



For the students in the class 3-E, it was another normal day; another day at attempting to assassinate Korosensei, that is. If other ordinary people saw this scene, they'd never believe it. This was the assassination classroom, where the students try to kill their teacher while also going through the ordinary school day with an ordinary looking face; this was the epitome of insanity. Yawning and readying up his gun, the boy with blond hair was getting ready for the moment the teacher would enter. Obviously, to be able to actually 'get ready' for that, you'd have to be a superhuman, but he was simply trying his best. Of course, Akito's reflexes and reactions were normal, so he couldn't catch their teacher when he sped through the window, but with the help of the other students, he might've had a chance to be able to do that. He shot up from his desk and tried a shot at the tentacle monster, but, as expected, he failed. He let out a small sigh as he dropped his pistol and answered with a low voice, "Here."

@Tricky Emotions

(It isn't short at all! It's expected from in a casual RP)
Akeno Toujou

Akeno sighed, the class of 3-E has a job to kill an alien which most of the armies of the world could scratch but yet they expect a group of children, under achieving children at that to be able to kill it. The whole situation didn't make sense but this was class 3-E's job and had been for however how long now, as if school for these underachievers wasn't already hard. Akeno leaned back on her chair and shut her eyes for what must have been about a second only to feel a gust of wind enter the room. The gust of wind only much have meant only one thing, opening her eyes she was right, Korosensei had entered the room. Akeno unlike most of the class didn't instantly start shooting at him mostly since every time that they tried that nothing ever came from it making it useless, the pure speed of Korosensei made shooting him like this nearly impossible no it was impossible. Korosensei began role calling to see if anyone was absent. Akeno being one of the very first in the class already knew her name was due. "Here!" Akeno shouted joyfully raising her hand a little.

@Tricky Emotions
Connor was sitting in the front row as always. He looked at the teacher he grabbed his pistol and begun to shoot Korsensai he was atculy having fun with this. It was like some sort of game and he kind of liked it. but as he kept shooting his mood suddenly went down. He was getting more and more angry each time he shot him. As he continued he waited or his name in role call. He was probably after the others. He waited and after a while he went to the side of the deask. He then begun to slide across propably trying to knock him over. But of course he dodged it He had to remember he travaled at mark 20 so maybe he can put him in a corner while the other's trap him He contiued to shoot Korosensai. Trying desperately to take a hit.


Korosensei dodged the two bullets from Akito and Hikaru, "Nice to hear your excitement Akeno, " He went through the list as he spoke again over the gunfire, "Connor and Hikaru, " He said as he was going through the role call. He then put down the notebook as he went through the roll call on the sheet, he then looked at the bullet from Connor that he fired as it came by and one of his tentacles snatched the gun from Connor "Alright class will now begin," He said his face back to it's yellow face, after changing back to yellow and green again. "Oh what is up, giving already.." He questioned the group. "Oh wait I forgot to tell you about you new teacher, Rina Touya, she will be teaching you to kill me." He said to the group back to the yellow face. [/bg]

Hikaru Niao
Hikaru gave a nod as he spoke up over the gunfire, "Here." when the roll call was over he started to flip open his notebook, "Couldn't you slow down just a little bit." He whined as he calmed back down as some of the students started to agree with him. He then started to blink to shut off his eye and made it look back into the grey form. It was rather creepy to look at even to him. He started to scribble a little in his notebook, as he started to wait for the actual note taking to be taken in place. Good I was getting a little tired trying to keep you with Korosensei when he is taking over Physical Education.

Connor walked up to his seat "here" it was right in front of Korosensai's deask "i presume you speak English mr koro my Japanese is a little of you think were going to give up so easily some people might think that but as for me however i have no intention in not killing you" he said smieling his clicking heel's were on the floor "and nether dose everyone in the class i hope anyway Im making sure I know you Mr Koro psychologically and physically. I may not look like it but im a very very knowledgeable man when it comes to people. All my life iv been ridiculed but that changes a man into a wordsmith. thay can motivate bring despair hell even warp the mind's of people if there good enough. As for me i consider myself a motivator. And as long as im around i'l make sure this class never stop's killing you" connor said smiling "Anyway hope your having a wonderful time with us" he said smieling

hay is anyone one here.... because no one's replying...


"That's a good mindset to have, young man," Rina said as she walked into the classroom. She threw a knife at Korosensei, knowing that she would probably miss, while bowed to the class. "My name is Rina Touya. I will be your combat instructor, teaching you how to kill Korosensei over here," she said with a smile and indicated to Korosensei with her hand in a maid-like fashion. "Be prepared for some hard training." With her part said, she took a step backwards and waited for Korosensei to say his part.

@Tricky Emotions @drummerboi
"oh sir" Connor politly interupted "um don't we have a transfer student coming tomorrow i hear he's from Germany" He said looking at his teacher, as he then looked at the maid. "and thank you for the comment miss Rina sorry for my mispronunciation but my japonese isn't that much great" H said as he looked at her he then begun to sit back down again wondering what his two new teacher's are going to say. Wondering what she's going to teach them. He is good with a knife but he can use his word's like butter. He even convinced two enemy's that one was ratting out the other. He was a good person to his fraind's but to his enamy's he was a liveing death. Not of life but of reputation.



Korosensei turned orange with a circle, showing that Connor had said the correct answer, "Glad to hear it Connor," He said as he turned into a yellow with green stripes color again, when Rina-Sensei had thrown the knife he grabbed the handle of it and placed it on his desk. He then turned to Connor, "Please take a seat again Connor, and you are right!" He said as he used a tentacle to point at the computer-like object in the back, changing to his happy yellow and then to his orange circle "The Goverment sent a machine that is technically a student here, his name is Marcus." He said as he looked at Hikaru who was right next to it, "Seems that they need someone else to help you students" he said back to his yellow with green stripes that shows him looking down on them. "Oh yes I also forgot about someone else," turning back to his yellow face, "We another have a new teacher, please welcome Antonio Diaz" He introduced the three new people. [/bg]

@Bills352 @Yato @drummerboi @DreamBeat@Sombra Arcana

Hikaru Niao

Hikaru frowned at the machine that was right next to him,
is it even activated right now, he thought as he blinked his metal eye examining the thing that was now going to be part of their classroom. He then looked up at the desk awaiting the other person that was going to be teaching them, Korosensei is going to have his work cut out for him. He thought as he awaited the arrival of the new teacher, by the sound of the name it seemed that he was probably from Central America. He blinked again making back to the grey human like eye not noticing Korosensei's gaze which then changed to group as a whole.

The screen begun to flicker on "My name is not Magnus. I have no name i am a Multy tasking auto gun shooting nutrulisasing ultra system. My mission is to terminate one korosensai withought retaliation. now that home room is now and done with proceeds of elimination can begin. Probability to single handily take out target before deadline 90% probability to take down target with assistance significantly lower. Proper cause of action take down target withought assistence making assistance irreverent to programming and purpose preparing first attack combat system's online monitory system online retaliation mode online, wepons dispached" He said as his weapons begun to fire "First attack deployed"

Connor begun to hit the deck as hundred's of anti me bullet's begun to fire at korosensai "Get down!!" he said as he was under his deask now "what the fuck is that thing capable off" he said in shock as he looked at the bullet's flying as he knew korosensai might dodge them

@Tricky Emotions

Rina smiled and ducked out of instinct as a bullet flew past her head. Those bullets won't kill her, but they'll hurt all right. She didn't necessarily like getting hurt unless there was blood involved. Those bullets would just leave a nasty bruise. For future references, she watched what the reactions of the rest of the class was so that she had an idea of how to train them. With the help of the new teacher, of course.
(I'm gonna post if that's okay with you)

Antonio Diaz was sitting on the desk at the teacher's office playing guitar. He had a catchy tune similar to that of a flamenco or tango line of music. He was cheerful, but that couldn't be seen under his skull scraf. His big mariachi sombrero covered his head and almost his eyes, which were covered by goggles. Tony heard the huge ruckus coming from the room, but couldn't care much. He's being paid to kill an alien, but as long as he does his job, and time there was a lot, he could do what he liked most: playing guitar. He strummed his chords with such a passion, that music filled the hallways. He was utterly bored and was not yet called to present himself to the students. He was going to be their CQB and music teacher, as well as giving them some disguising tips.
Ken trudged up the path of the mountain once again late for his class. Adjusting his book bag he tried to think of a good excuse for his black eye that he had received the pervious night from his ever loving father. Honestly its a shock he hadn't been killed yet.... Taking a deep sigh he saw the school not to far ahead. 'Gone for a damn year and I have to go to this crappy classroom and kill some damned octopus.... Fuck.' He thought as he started to play with his knife a bit.

It didn't take long for him to reach the top, placing his knife in his pocket he walked into the school. Not looking at a single person he went to the back of the middle of the class room and sat down. Putting in his headphones he ignored everything going on and just casually looked at the octopus trying to think of the best way for him to get that bounty.


Korosensei dodged the first bullet from M.A.R.C.U.S as he turn back to his second favorite color of his facial expression, "Seems that the governments money has gone to waste yet again.." He said with a grin as he noticed en walking through the gunfire. "Also." He started to say maneuvering through the bullets." We have a second teacher, there is so many introductions today." He blinked as his hand broke and splattered, it regenerated as he started to move faster than normal and in more places, "Um yeah so your teacher is probably going to be in the teacher's office. And Lets start class, first period Math." He said turning his back to the class writing the equations on the board." [/bg]

Hikaru Niao
Hikaru nodded as he was the closest to the shooter, not even going to look up at the danger of being shot, if one hit his metal eye somehow it would be game over for him. He wasn't able to even remotely hear Korosensei. He started to glance up after a few seconds at a time. .

"first round of bullets completed observing dodge pattern 10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% dige pattern recognised firing secondry bullet's" M.A.G.N.U.S fired the second round but this time used a tiny difference this time he knew where korosensai was going to doge so he tried firing a extra bullet that will catch him off guard. "fireing rate at 50% compleation" It said as it then begun to fire more guns at him releasing his anti me rocket launcher and tried to fire it at him.
Antonio god bored from just strumming his guitar, so he decided to go and greek the children. Their other teacher would tell them all about guns and fighting, but when it came to knives and brawling, that would be his speciality. He got up from his chair and strapped his guitar to his back. He walked towards the classroom wearing his sarape (poncho), mariachi hat (sombrero), goggles and scarf with a skull that covered his mouth and nose. As he opened the door, he saw barage of BB bullets go around and frowned. "This is a mess. Weren't you supposed to be giving class, Octopus?" He said to the alien-like creature. As he said this, he pulled an anti-sensei knife and threw it towards the creature's throat.
I'm running late, I'm late, I'm late, late, late! Akame ran faster than it should it be possible. Class 3-E came into view, and she felt slightly relieved that she wouldn't have to run for much longer, but also a bit nervous because, well - she was late.

She burst into the classroom. She put her hands on her knees, and bent down, panting. It was literally a miracle that the lollipop in her mouth hadn't fallen out along the way. Slowly standing up straight again, she said, "Sorry I'm late! I forgot to set my alarm clock... Heheh..." She scratched the back of her head sheepishly. The lollipop in her mouth didn't affect her voice at all, it came out clear - not the slightest bit muffled.

"I'm Akame Elizabeth Justice. I'm here to help you kill Korosensei! But of course, I will be taking classes too... unfortunately."
Ken looked at the new girl with a bored expression. His feet propped on the table and his headphone still in his ear. "Yes yes, Soo what are you super genius that was built by an alien race?" He asked sarcastically already sick of all these new people with special abilities. They had an AI that kept shooting a million bullets that he knew he and the others would have to clean up. And a guy with some weird ass robot eye. "Whatever, new's flash none of us want to take class, so you adding that last comment *sigh* never mind." He muttered turning up his volume.

In a flash, Akame was behind Ken, with a knife to his throat. "I don't have any special abilities," she said. Her voice had noticeably deepened, and sounded even a bit sadistic. "I'm just an assassin trained by the Government itself. I came here on a mission, so I don't find it necessary to take classes. That's why I added that last comment, okay?" When she reached the last word, she voice changed back to normal, and she moved her knife away Ken's throat.

"Was that suppose to scare me? And that is a special ability dumbass. Being trained by the government aka getting help from higher ups to show how superiors you are compared to us at class e. *sigh* Idiot.... Next time you try to slit my throat make sure actually draw blood." He grumbled as he turned up his head phones and looked at her with cold eyes...though one of his eyes was a black one. "Now government trained assassin that knows everything. You should go take seat. I hope the wood chair isn't too hard for you... And if you see a bug don't worry only a few of them are poisonous...though a mighty trained assassin that's 14 years old should have nothing to fear." He said rolling his eye before stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"That's not a 'special ability', you idiot. There are more people than me trained by the Government, does give them all 'special abilities'? Tch. Besides, I wasn't trying to slit your throat, you prick. But next maybe I'll accidentally stab your eye out. And, I never said that I knew everything, but I do know some things about you - like your little problems at home. I'm not a mighty-trained-assassin, I'm still a rookie. There are things that I fear, because I'm human. I'm not a snob like you are, so I don't mind sitting on wooden seats. So, before you start spewing rubbish, try to use your head a little!"

With a small 'hmph', Akame took a seat, looking away from Ken. Jesus, what was that guy's problem?! What did she ever do to him... other than almost slitting his throat because she couldn't resist the urges her dark side made her feel. Her dark side was very fiery, one small insult was enough to let it take over. After all, it was since that day that she started having the urges... the urges to kill.
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"You tell me not spew rubbish, but that is all I heard coming from your mouth. And I am having no problems at home nosy brat" He growled already have a huge dislike to another classmate. He only saw her as a competitor for the bounty...a competitor with a huge advantage. He who didn't know shit about killing and lived in a rough neighborhood compared to her. A girl probably raised and trained to kill. If she got that bounty then he would have no way to repay the money he took....which meant instead of visiting the hospital he would visit the morgue.

"Damn government toys" He growled as he pulled out his sketch pad and started to draw. '...... it doesn't matter... When I get the bounty it will make the victory all the better for having surpassed these guys.'
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, hotshot." said Akame sarcastically. "And if you think I'm in this for the frickin bounty, I'm not. Even if I did manage to kill sensei, I probably wouldn't keep the money because I have no use for it. I'm here because I want to get stronger, I will not let the people I love die right in front of my eyes agai-" She suddenly shut up. She had said too much, hadn't she?

"Whatever." she grumbled, pretending like she didn't say the last part. "And I'm not a toy. I volunteered for this mission. So shut up."
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(( jsu so you know Akame needs to stay down since M.A.G.N.U.S is shooting hundreds of ati-me bullets)

Connor had enough of this he begun to crawl behind the ai and get some duck tape "Stop shooting already you piece of junk" he said wrpping the folds of the guns pushing them back in. after a while the shooting stopped since the guns were forced inside "finaly jeez you piece of worthless junk there's a time and a place for that" Connor said kicking M.A.G.N.U.S "weapon system's can't be put operational probability of nutrulising target before deadlin significantly lower assistance required" M.A.G.N.U.S said contacting his superior "Just shut up you piece of junk your not even a real person more yet what are you going to do with one billion yen get yourself a new monitor your nothing but a piece of code that can easily get whipped away you have emotion's and you are nothing withought your ram" Connor said getting pissed off.

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