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Fandom CLASH - Multiverse RP (Open, Needs People. Reboot)

Birdsie said:
Seems like a less dibs (OP) version of Alucard from Hellsing.
Oh god now that I think about it he really does...
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And then there is Ban, who could take them both on due to his magic xD

Form 0? Let me take your power and add it to my own. xD

We start whenever we have both of the Gods.

If it's needed I can become one.
We need more characters that are different. So far, the characters we have are very similar.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]And then there is Ban, who could take them both on due to his magic xD
Form 0? Let me take your power and add it to my own. xD

The amount of strength Ban can steal is limited as his body can only contain so much before he reaches his maximum capacity.

So yeah about being able to beat both of them when its unlikely you can hold most of Alucard power.
NekoChanBo said:
The amount of strength Ban can steal is limited as his body can only contain so much before he reaches his maximum capacity.
So yeah about being able to beat both of them when its unlikely you can hold most of Alucard power.
I know that, but he could probably fight Alucard without stealing any power up until Form 0.

If not, he always has Physical Hunt, where he steals all the power the opponent has for a quick punch.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]I know that, but he could probably fight Alucard without stealing any power up until Form 0.
If not, he always has Physical Hunt, where he steals all the power the opponent has for a quick punch.

And than Alucard just regenerates ^-^.

Its basically immortal vs immortal.
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NekoChanBo said:
And than Alucard just regenerates ^-^.
Its basically immortal vs immortal.
Ban can not get killed, Alucard can. There is your answer xD

Unless he can tone Ban into stone...
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Ban can not get killed, Alucard can. There is your answer xD
Unless he can tone Ban into stone...

After the final episode, when Alucard returns after consuming Schrodinger and killing every other soul in his consciousness, he is, as described by Schrodinger, everywhere and nowhere, both alive and dead but at the same time neither. He can exist wherever he wishes, and thus theoretically speaking, he could exist inter-dimensionally, as well physically and consciously, implying that no, he cannot ever be killed. He will exist forever.
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NekoChanBo said:
After the final episode, when Alucard returns after consuming Schrodinger and killing every other soul in his consciousness, he is, as described by Schrodinger, everywhere and nowhere, both alive and dead but at the same time neither. He can exist wherever he wishes, and thus theoretically speaking, he could exist inter-dimensionally, as well physically and consciously, implying that no, he cannot ever be killed. He will exist forever.

We don't use that Alucard as he is too op. You didn't know that xD
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]We don't use that Alucard as he is too op. You didn't know that xD

Oh I see how it is scared that he can beat you!
NekoChanBo said:
Oh I see how it is scared that he can beat you!
We do it for RP purposes. If we were to use Alucard...yeah, Ban would lose. He wouldn't die
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]We do it for RP purposes. If we were to use Alucard...yeah, Ban would lose. He wouldn't die

Yeah I get it.

Hmm now that I think about it would Ban be able to steal Wesker's abilities since its the virus that gives him it, so unless Ban steals part of the virus right from Wesker's genes (which if so have fun with the T-virus) Wesker wouldn't get any weaker. The only thing Ban could really steal is Wesker's natural abilities.
NekoChanBo said:
Yeah I get it.
Hmm now that I think about it would Ban be able to steal Wesker's abilities since its the virus that gives him it, so unless Ban steals part of the virus right from Wesker's genes (which if so have fun with the T-virus) Wesker wouldn't get any weaker. The only thing Ban could really steal is Wesker's natural abilities.
He can steal things such as stamina, speed and strength, meaning he could simply make him tired out by stealing all of his stamina
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]He can steal things such as stamina, speed and strength, meaning he could simply make him tired out by stealing all of his stamina

But once again what gives him the stamina is the T-virus from what I can tell you could steal his bodies natural stamina but once it came to the T-viruses given stamina i'm not so sure if that could be stolen.
NekoChanBo said:
But once again what gives him the stamina is the T-virus from what I can tell you could steal his bodies natural stamina but once it came to the T-viruses given stamina i'm not so sure if that could be stolen.
Yeah, that's true. I think he wouldn't be able to steal the T-virus abilities from him.
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]Yeah, that's true. I think he wouldn't be able to steal the T-virus abilities from him.

Yeah thought so, the only way to steal the T-virus abilities would be to steal T-virus (or use the T-virus itself) and without the anti-bodies that would not end well.
NekoChanBo said:
Yeah thought so, the only way to steal the T-virus abilities would be to steal T-virus (or use the T-virus itself) and without the anti-bodies that would not end well.
He would just keep on healing though...
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]He would just keep on healing though...

Yeah that's true, saying that so would Wesker well unless its a lot of damage instantly.
NekoChanBo said:
Yeah that's true, saying that so would Wesker well unless its a lot of damage instantly.
He can steal someone's heart with a staff xD

But Ban can deal a lot of damage at once. DBZ shit
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]He can steal someone's heart with a staff xD
But Ban can deal a lot of damage at once. DBZ shit

Wesker can survive to 12 Rockets exocet, with the impact of impact 165kg each, which added are "1950KG" power.
NekoChanBo said:
Wesker can survive to 12 Rockets exocet, with the impact of impact 165kg each, which added are "1950KG" power.
He broke a prison that was meant to hold the strongest people in the world with an arm wrestle...

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