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Realistic or Modern cяσssяσα∂s


where: home||"activating||theme: Jump- Rhianna||tags:@Eunoia


"Holy SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!" Dante thrashed to the floor, hitting his face on the hardwood floor. Scrambling to get up, he started slapping at his skin as if there were bugs on it. For a second, everything felt wrong as hell and then like that the feeling was gone. Or at least subdued. In place of the stings that rang all over his body there was a light hum. Dante stood still for a moment, listening. It sounded like a tuning fork but lower. "I'm not drinking ever again...he groaned, thinking back to yesterday. While he wasn't as hammered as Sal, he still buzzed for two days in a row. He immediately blamed his reaction on that.

"At least for a week." he added, being reasonable with himself.


"Good Morning, Grumpster." Patrice filled her waiting mug with strong caffeinated tea, preferring it over the harsh taste of coffee. She had a cup waiting for Dante though, who stumbled in like an ox in the heat. He reached for his cup and kissed his mother, for every intent and purpose, on her cheek. "Morning, ma'am. Thanks for the mug o' love." he said, trying to pull his hoodie over his boxer-briefs in modesty. Pat laughed at the action. "Boy, I changed your diapers. Quit actin' like you gotta make yourself uncomfortable." she laughed, her voice sounding light and windy. Dante sneered as he hopped to the fridge, opening it with his mug-less hand. His smile immediately turned into a frown. "Mommy, did you guys forget to--"

"We forgot to get your Irish creamer." Patrice answered before he could finish, "But Chery went to the store to pick up a few things. Maybe you can texter her before she--" The sound of a car lock interrupted them both. "Get's home. Pat finished, sighing.

"I hope she remembered this time." Dante got to the door before she could unlock it and helped his mom out with the groceries. "Morning, little dude." Chery chirped, fist bumping her son. "Hey, ma." Dante said, smiling. This was the woman who taught him how to do everything from riding a bike to building a fort. She was the first person he admitted being gay to. These two ladies would die for him and he knew it.

"Hey, Dante?" Cheryl called to him as she started to put cans away. Pat chuckled as she watched her lover stand on the tips of her toes before circling the island to help her out. "Ma'am?" Dante asked as he slipped on a pair of shorts out of the dryer.

"I didn't know if you ran out of that creamer you liked, so I got a six pack. It's in the, buddy." she said, as she hefted a pot out of her way.

"Fuck yeah. Thanks, ma." Dante said, kissing her cheek too as he passed by them to get his coffee creamer. Today was looking better already. As he poured the dairy product into his cup he checked his phone, seeing a group text from Ro. He decided to text her back, sending a "goodmorning" followed by a solitary emojii.

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Z O R A N A . W A T T E R S O N










The woman seated before her smelled of cigarettes and wet dog, a plastic container was clutched tightly in her calloused hands and the contents were last night's spaghetti cooked by your one and only, Zorana. The agent in particular had taken a seat directly across from the retired thief, gazing into the blue eyes which peered back at her before grunting as she clasped the cup of coffee (black, no sugar) within her hand. "We're repeating a cycle, you know?" Zorana surprised herself by speaking, the voice which belonged to her sporting a tired and almost broken tone to it, almost as if a record on repeat. The thought brought a rugged smile to her face and she was equally pleased to find the woman before her mirror her expression, placing the container on the table and tilting her head in an almost expectant manner. "You've sincerely just caught on, mate?" The Polish accent which tinged the older woman's voice seemed to do well at soothing Zorana's nerves, it was a sound that she had found herself adjusting to over the years that she had known Maria and it always served to place her at ease. Strangely enough.

"Nah, I've been caught on. Not as stupid as I look." The air seemed to still and somehow, the smile seemed to dissipate from the woman's face and instantly morphed into an expression of pure terror. It was as if a switch had been flipped and Zorana slowly stood as the woman began to screech, clawing at her own clothing in an attempt to get away from the agent. Instantly, the guards appeared and escorted Zorana outside of Maria's cell to which one sent her a pitiful glance. Zorana shrugged, adjusting herself in an attempt to escape the hand which had found itself on her shoulder. "With all due respect Sir, remove your hand." At this, the guard immediately let his hand drop from her shoulder and Zorana continued on her way, content with never looking back again. Like it or not, Maria had been correct in her assumptions. Zorana had just caught hint of the oncoming storm and it was stronger than she had ever imagined, the endless cycle they had been held captive in had somehow tipped over and the scales which had once been so perfectly aligned were now out of sorts. The young woman could feel it with every ounce of her being, could taste it as if it hung heavily on her tongue, a sorrowful flavor that lingered despite her attempts to wash it out.

Maria had allowed the routine to consume her and now she was doomed to suffer. Bound by the hand that had once set her free, cursed to repeat her monologue until she had no teeth to do so. Zorana did not wish for that, she would not have wished that prevalent future on anyone however she knew that if anyone deserve such a fate, it was her. As the woman exited the facility, she could not help but glance backwards if only to look at how much everything had changed.

Nothing had and yet...something was still apparent. Something that she was missing. Something that had been lost.

A friend.
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location: home > the beach near home | mention: Dante | tag:

Rowen woke up with a start. She had spent the day before sick as a dog. Her head hurt. She felt strange. Powerful almost. She decided to shower that morning, she hadn't felt up to it the night before. She chose the thatched roof bathroom, as that shower was her favorite. Something about the stone under her feet, it made her feel secure. The water was hot, but it didn't phase her, in fact, she felt better than ever.

Since her eyes were closed during the shower, she didn't notice what was happening around her. The plants around her were slowly wilting. Their energy was being drained, and she was where it went. She felt her nerves tickling, finally turning off the water. She grabbed her towel, and wiped her face before wrapping it around herself. That's when she opened her eyes and the color drained from her face. Her gorgeous bathroom was in dismay. All of the plants were wilted.

She let out a choking noise before running out of the room. She ran her fingers across the plants in the hall, ensuring they were okay. She watched in horror as they wilted at her touch. Should she have touched all of her plants to test them? No. Did she? Yes. She stared at her hands in horror.
"What's happening to me?" Rowen screeched, quickly dressing and running out of her house to the beach.

The girl tapped furiously on her phone, holding back tears, as she called the only person she could think of that would make her feel any better.
"Pick up, pick up." She was tapping her toe against her heel rapidly, pulling on her lip as she listened to the ringing. She watched lightning across the horizon. Something was different though. It was solid black.
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Location ? Home || Mentions ? @Stamper


Turns out, Myra's surprise was a diving trip. The day had gone extremely well, and Beck had a huge blast. Despite the soreness in his muscles after all of them had clambered back into his and Rowen's cars, and returned to their respective homes, he was smiling as he pushed through the doors to the Blue House. He didn't even complain when Bax once again greeted him with a slobbery assault. That night, despite the strange feeling that was swirling in his guts, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.

The next day however, proved that the strange feeling might have been a rare stomach flu that he had contracted when he went diving. For a while, he couldn't stomach anything solid. Every little bit of food would come hurling out in minutes. Claus had shut down the cafe and bar temporarily when Beck had first complained of discomfort, and promptly threw up all over the carpet. He claimed that he didn't want the customers to catch anything Beck was having, but Beck knew that Claus just wanted to stick close to him, and made sure he recovered properly. Finally, after surviving a couple days solely on Claus' home-cooked chicken soup, Beck slowly felt his energy returning. On the third morning he had awoken feeling perfectly fine, in fact, he never felt better. His speedy recovery was celebrated with a waffle platter and blueberry muffins. Claus even said that he would make the regular bar-dwellers make a toast to his health as soon as they resumed business, much to Beck's horror.

That night, he fell asleep peacefully, with Bax curled up on his lap. It was odd to see the big dog fall asleep so quickly. It was usually quite a indecisive sleeper too, preferring to try every corner in the room before it could decide on its sleeping spot.

A sudden thump made Beck jolt awake, followed by the sound of shattering plates. A quick glance at the nightstand showed that it was almost 5am. Bax was growling at the closed door, scratching at it frantically.
"What's wrong boy?" he asked hoarsely, squinting against the darkness. As he slowly eased the door open, he could make out two voices, one belonged to Clause, and the other... he couldn't tell, but it belonged to an adult female, and it sounded like she was threatening Clause. Before he could do anything, a gunshot exploded through the silence, followed by a few bolts of white light. Bax barked and pushed its way out of the door, and sped down the stairs.

" Bax, wait!" Beck called out, stumbling through the dark house after the dog. He finally found Bax in the living room, whimpering by the couch, with what seemed like a puddle of pee at its feet. "Bax...what's wron-" his voice caught in his throat as his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness. Illuminated by a single dim lamp, was Claus, sprawled face-down on the white carpet. It took him to realize that the wetness he was stepping had not come from urine, but from Claus' blood.

"Claus...?" he blinked slowly.

"No...no...this can't be right.." he muttered to himself. " Hey Claus, wake up...this isn't funny..." He knelt down beside the body, and gently nudged it with shaking hands. " H-hey..we still have that toast remember?... F-free beer for everyone...haha...now that I think about it, it's really not that embarrassing... so please, Claus, please...wake up..." His voice shook as tears began rolling down his cheeks. He hadn't noticed that a figure had appeared at the doorway, a small orb of light swirling in her palm.

Bax snarled and rushed towards her, his jaws snapping. The figure flicked her hand and sent a bolt of light towards the furious canine.

Beck looked up just in time to see Bax get blown to bits.

Blood and fur splattered onto his face. For a while he just knelt on the carpet, waiting for his turn. A moment passed, but instead of granting him death, the figure slowly retreated back into the kitchen, and he heard the back door shut behind her. One, two, three...one, two, three...he counted the seconds, but he never made it pass three. His trembling fingers refused to help him count. He couldn't take it. It wasn't real. He had to get out of this nightmare. He
had to get out. He got up and staggered out the door, and followed a path that led to the small patch of forest behind his house. At a time like this, he could only think of one person he had to see. He had to find Genesis.


He didn't know how long he spent stumbling through the woods. Branches reached down like gnarled fingers, snatching at his skin and clothes. Finally, he ended up at the other part of town where Genesis lived. He walked up the stairs and to her apartment unit, leaving bloody footprints along the way. He didn't know why but the guard who had tried to stop him suddenly stopped, and promptly fell asleep on the steps. It didn't matter, it couldn't be real...it wasn't real...it wasn't...

He pressed on the doorbell, and waited. Suddenly, his knees buckled under him. Before he knew it, he was sobbing. Huge, ugly sobs that wracked his chest and made his entire body heave. He couldn't stop. His family, everything he had come to love was gone. All gone in a flash of white light.

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Kijung Ahn

mood - disappointed


location - the group one house
Kijung was trying to get some sleep, with an emphasis on trying. Sure, it was the middle of the day, but time wasn't something that was about to stop him. The sound of pacing definitely could though. A tired sigh left his lips, combining itself with a small grunt as he sat up. He'd stop his attempts for now, especially after hearing Ulysses call them. If he was ever punctual, it was usually for announcements of some sort. He usually wasn't one to be very punctual, but most of the time he decided to value whatever knowledge would come from these announcements over his reluctance to get up and move.

With that, he gathered with the other 'kids' where Ulysses was, and listened. As expected, the first sentence that Ulysses had said was something of great value to him, as predicted before. However, the man's next sentence caused him to force his shoulders to not droop in disappointment. He placed a mostly fake smile on his face, not exactly liking the change in plans. Not including the fact that this destroyed his chance at reliving a thrilling memory of his, he never was the best at getting along with people. His new task seemed a bit daunting.

Of course, he wouldn't make this all too known among the rest of the group, and definitely not Ulysses. It wouldn't surprise him if the others in the group would be relieved knowing this, that he finally showed some disagreement to Ulysses' plans. This strange mindset was what made Kijung not want to share his true feeling at all, since it would probably be odd to most for him to prefer something related to murder to making some friends.

So, he clenched his jaw, making sure no signs of his disappointment showed until he left the room, muttering something quick to excuse himself, not having much to input from that point on. It was only after he was out of sight when his shoulders dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. What a missed opportunity.


"Somethin' bout you makes me feel like a dangerous woman..."

Myra sang along with Ariana as she parked in her driveway, closing the gate behind her. She was relieved she made it to Walgreens to print the pictures she took before they closed. Stepping inside her home, a bizarre wave of loneliness washed over her, and she already missed having all of her friends with her. It soon passed, and she proceeded to change into comfortable sleepwear before performing her evening rituals. With the pictures in hand, she grabbed her new scrapbook from the tiny bookshelf before searching her drawers for a glue stick.
I know I have one somewhere...

After finding one in an old shopping bag randomly placed in her closet, she crawled into bed. She looked over each of the pictures, and while she adored all of them, she chose two specific ones to add to the book. One picture was of the group altogether, (the one where Sal finally had his eyes open,) and the other was of Myra herself looking out at sea on the yacht. Glue was applied to one of the bare pages, and once the pictures were added, she added captions. Myra set the book away from her on the bed, and pulled the comforter over her body. A yawn escaped her lips, and the newly twenty-four-year-old drifted to sleep.


A couple days passed, and Myra was feeling weak. Her flesh was pale, she felt nauseated, and she was certain she was running a fever. She created a fortress of blankets and pillows on her couch, eating nothing but yogurt and drinking water to flush her system. Playing on her television screen was one of her favorite movies from the past, Aquamarine, but something was not right. The more she rest, the worse she felt. Reaching for her phone, she called her mother, Kassandra.


"Finally you call me! I am with a client, they chose
me to help with renovation ideas for their entire house. What is it?"

Myra's lips became moist again with the swift movement of her tongue, her fingers gliding across the fabric of one of the many blankets. She knows her mother will comfort her, but she is not quite ready to explain why her novel has made little to no progress since they last met. "I feel like shit. Can I maybe come over later?"

"You sound awful, angel. I will come and get you when I am done here, okay?"

The movie finished, and Myra pulled herself up and into her restroom. She felt less likely to throw up now, and could see her skin regaining its color once more. While she was starting to feel better, she notices her pupils are dilated, and her heart is beating faster than normal. Now that she has survived the initial formation of psychic power within her, it will not be long before her powers truly manifest.

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Damian | Ulysses Manor | @Eunoia @Ethereal @Stamper @Chibii @Zatanna @LastRomeo @Paranoia


Damian was finishing up his usual workout routine, until he heard Ulysses demand full attention in the main room. He sighed heavily, lifting himself off the bench and wiping sweat from his face with a rag. Making his way from the gym and down the hallway, he turned the corner and joined the others in the exquisite living space. His arms crossed, and he stood behind several others as Ulysses began to speak.

“Oh, and don't worry about their families. I already have that part under control."

I’m sure you do, Ulysses…

After Ulysses straightened his suit out, he laid the files on the long, wooden dining table, Damian being one of the first to look them over. There was basic information for each of them, and a picture of the individual when they were young. He picked up Myra’s file, brows furrowed slightly. “Looks like she had a birthday recently, I could ask around the shopping district and boardwalk if anyone has seen her.”

A smirk appeared on Ulysses' face, but only for a moment. "I will have more information on them soon, but that could work," he paused, making eye contact, "I trust you will not disappoint me."

Merely nodding, he watched as Ulysses began studying the files again, and decided to see what the others were planning to do. He usually kept to himself, although he needed to talk to Victoria, a young woman who can manipulate light. She was standing by one of the many windows, so he joined her, peering out the glass.

"I'm not bringing anyone to Ulysses," he started, his voice quiet, "and I don't really trust the government, of course." He stretched his arms, noticing the clouds clearing enough to let the sun shine through. "I plan to find my dad. Maybe this will give him a reason to start anew, and put the crap down, you know?" Glancing in her direction, he grinned. "You can come with me, Victoria. Just throwing it out there."
He turned from the window, and the earth manipulator, Kijung, had yet to say anything. The blondish, green locks always caught his attention. Both of them rarely engaged in conversation, but before Damian could say anything, he vanished into the hallway.
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Salvatore Aday


(Location) His Apartment - (Mood) Irritated/Sickly - (Theme) Dreams/Bastille

"Jesus Christ, what kind of hangover is this?" Salvatore groaned lowly, palms pressed tightly to his eyes. He was still in bed, sheets sticking to his sweat soaked skin like a second layer. Whenever he opened them, his eyes burned as if he were three feet away from the sun, despite the lack of overall light in his apartment. He could admit he'd had a bit much to drink after they'd made their way down to the docks, not to mention the simply
unhealthy amount of cake he'd consumed. He was sure he nearly drowned himself at some point, though the memories were foggy at best.

He managed to peel the sheets from himself, before he rolled over, hitting the cold wood floor with a resounding 'thud.' An indignant noise left his mouth as he pushed himself up, keeping one hand raised to shield his eyes. His other hand reached out, searching for something to hold onto, his legs already threatening to give out with the shaking they were doing. His hands finally found the edge of one of the shabby dining chairs he owned. He limped, slightly, to the kitchen, soon leaning forward against the cool marble countertop. Sal's eyes squeezed shut as the hand that had been covering his eyes reached out, desperately searching for some sort of pain reliever.

After a twenty-minute search he found a bottle of ibuprofen and choked down four, before sliding down to sit on the ground, back against the cupboards. "Fuck," He cursed lowly, his hands splaying out. His fingers brushed a rough, rectangular object and he dared to peek his eyes open, just a bit. It was his cellphone. How it had ended up on the floor of his kitchen, he couldn't tell you, but it brightened significantly as a text message rolled in. He swore, a bit loudly, before fumbling to turn the brightness down, a searing pain shooting through his head. He felt feverish all of a sudden, despite his significant lack of clothing, and reached up to wipe at his forehead. He shot a quick text to the others, sure that they'd have a clever response to his irritated text.

"Did you all roofie me or something? I haven't felt like this since the summer of '09."



where: home||active||theme: Hearing Damage-Thom Yorke||tags:@Eunoia


Dante stood in shock of what just happened. In his mind's eye he could still see the carnage. A tuft of feathers from his sofa pillow drifted in the air, only to land in the pile along with the others. Blood stained his walls.He could hear Cheryl yelling something to him, holding her arm. It was welling with blood from a wound that Dante was sure wasn't grievous. And he was sure because he made it all of this happen that way.

Fifteen minutes earlier...

"That's not how you send a Snap." Dante laughed, leaning his head back in the moment. Patrice just shrugged, placing her phone down beside her plate. Her wife had decided to make her well known steak and egg breakfast in lieu of the usual oatmeal or granola they usually only had time to eat. The trio exchanged stories about their week and took the time to catch up. All was well in the Monroe household--until the distinct sound of beeping filled the air. It was only a three tone sound, quick and quiet. Dante looked puzzled, asking if their fire alarm was malfunctioning. His mothers, on the other hand, stared each other in the eye preparing themselves for what was going to happen next.

Dante didn't know that bullets flew that fast. It wasn't until one hit Pat in the temple that he realized he was being aimed at. He stood facing the attackers, who's sights were all set on him. 'Fuck no...don't shoot me.' he internally cringed as several triggers were pulled. And nothing happened. The sounds of guns jamming was all Dante heard as he was pulled backwards by the neck of his shirt. Within seconds, the table was flipped upward and Cheryl was loading an Uzi--'Where the fuck did she get that?!'--with tears running down her face.


He heard his name through a filter in his mind. He turned his head to see Cheryl firing overhead for suppression. "Danny, take my car and run. Get to your friends, you'll be safe together. I'll come for you when I can."

"But-" Cheryl shot Dante the look she always gave him to let him know her word was final. Dante nodded and slipped out of the back door that lead to the garage. It was locked, which meant no one had breached it. He quickly loaded himself up in the Audi R8, hearing the woman's battle cry accompanied by rounds shooting off. As soon as the garage door was open he sped into acceleration, drifting into a turn int the direction of town. The sound of his ringtone, Twisted Nerve, had him grabbing at his cellular frantically with one hand. "Hello?" he answered blindly, his voice filled with panic as he checked the rear mirrors to make sure he had no followers.

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location: Group One Home | with: Group One and Ulysses | tags: everyone but specifically mentioning @Chibii @Ethereal

Xavier groaned as Ulysses called for them. He stood with his "siblings" and listened. His frown growing into a smirk, before falling again.
We're not killing them? He had no interest in becoming friends with these people. Well, that is, until he saw their pictures. The girls pictures made his smirk return. This would be fun, after all. He looked at the whole group, looking specifically at Victoria and Kamille.

Victoria was engaged in conversation with Damian, so he turned to Kamille. He approached her,
"you ready to have some fun, Kam?" He grinned at her. "I'm gonna fly in, angel form, want a ride? Could be exciting." His grin became a smirk. Truthfully, he wasn't convinced he was ready to befriend a group of seemingly goody two shoes. Clearly, he wasn't going to give them to Ulysses. If he wasn't going to kill him, he was going to manipulate them to his own use.

Power was what he wanted. These new people were going to lead the way to that. He looked through them again, looking at the girls once again.
Genesis, pink hair. Probably fun. Rowen, dark aesthetic. Probably untouchable. Myra, pretty eyes. Definitely fun. Indigo, aesthetically pleasing. Definitely untouchable. He'd narrowed it down to a couple of girls. The boys? He'd leave them to the girls.

Smoke surrounded him as his angel wings sprouted. "
You coming, Kam?" He held his hand out for her. Things were about to get interesting for them.
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| Location: Ulysses' Mansion | Mood: Amused | With: Group 1, Specifically @Stamper |

When Ulysses finally shut his trap, a wide and slightly maniacal grin spread across Minami's face. Granted she had to do one of her least favorite activities before actually axing off those kids, which was talking to strangers.
"You never know Minami, you could gain a friend." Oh shit, that angel-devil thing was back again. "Yeah right, a friend to kill off." Like she expected, a deeper voice appeared in her head with its' rather pessimistic views on the subject. Minami brushed off the two now bickering voices and took a deep look at the pictures given to them.

"I like what I see, that's for sure..." Minami chuckled darkly, her grin growing wider as she looked through the pictures. "Weak." She muttered, looking at Myra's picture. "Delicate." She was looking at a picture of Beckett now. "Sarcastic..." Her eyes were trained on Dante's image. Her mind was spinning, most looked weak and easy enough to break, but some looked strong, like they were made out of some impenetrable shield. "This will be a fun bunch to toy around with."

Minami handed the pictures to Monty with a smirk, her eyes glinting with mischief and a hint of sadism.
"They look fun, don't they?" Her dark chuckle returned, sticking her tongue out playfully, an odd gesture for her, but she was happy, and when she was happy, everyone was safe... Mostly.



Location : Ulysses Manor | With : Group one & Ulysses | Speaks to : @EricSings @LannaCrowe Outfit


Honey was sitting in her room quietly, going over how her life was going to go in her head. She did this a lot. She would write different scenarios of how her life would play out. This way she could never be surprised by something happening. She put down her pencil and stood up when she heard the announcement from Ulysses. She smoothed out her pink skirt and primped herself in the mirror a little before heading over. She walked through the beautiful hallways of the manor before stepping inside.

Honey looked at all of her roommates and sighed softly. She stood towards the end and listened to Ulysses speak. She was a little surprised to hear that there was another group of them and that they were supposed to be friends. She peered over peoples shoulders at the kids. They didn't look too bad. Honey's brow furrowed as she saw Xavier looking through all the girls. She rolled her eyes and her face went back to its usual soft smirk. Honey watched as the group dispersed and started to chit chat. Damian started to talk to Victoria, and Xavier started to talk to Kam. She was definitely jealous, Xavier like loved her and it was so annoying. Her eyes turned green with envy as she heard Xavier ask her if she wanted a ride. Honey stormed over to Victoria and Damian and smiled sweetly.

"What are we talking about over here?" she asked curiously. She considered Victoria and Damian to be her friends. No one really liked Honey at all but these were the people that hated her the least. She tried to be sweet but maybe that's why no one liked her. Oh well.

"Making plans for the big mission? I could take you guys over if you wanted a ride. Just need to turn into something that can fly." she said frowning softly thinking about who she could turn into.

"Oh also. Do you think I should turn into some like hot guy for the mission? There was a lot of girls and a gay guy I think..." she said looking over at Damian with a small smirk. Honey kind of didn't care if she annoyed these people anymore. Its been so many years that they should be used to it by now. Even if she was annoying, at least she was hot.

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Location: Group One Home | With: Group One & Ulysses, specifically Xavier | Mood: Bored, Lazy, Annoyed | Tags: everyone from G1, especially @Eunoia |

Kamille nearly choked on her cereal as she heard Ulysses' deep voice pierce through-out the whole house. It was quite often that he called for them in the manner that he did, and by now, one would be expected to get used to it, but Kamille never could. His manly voice was one of a kind, and always seemed to catch Kami by surprise whenever he summoned her and the others for whatever mission or announcement that he wanted to order them on next. Grunting, she placed down her cereal bowl on the wooden coffee table nearby, and made her way, along with the others, to join Ulysses.

It didn't take a genius to realize that everyone was practically bored to death, as Ulysses was explaining the mission. He was a strong man. A smart one, full of skill. All of those traits were constantly being proven from time to time in both physical and mental situations, that was for sure. But he could probably make a bird fall asleep—just by talking. That was, until he passed out the visuals for the task. Everyone's yawns and frowns turned to sly smirks. Hers included. Kam fumbled around intently through the papers, her eyes sparking with excitment each time she landed and read the next individual. Pink hair? Hah, she's a piece of cake. Beckett, obviously a softie at heart. Rowen, consider her done already. Kamille had no problem whatsoever in befriending a couple of amateurs. It'd be simple, with them having no acknowledgment on how to use their powers and all. She could trick them into doing her own stupid things. She could manipulate them exactly the way that Ulysses did with her and her other 'siblings'.

"You ready to have some fun, Kam?" Xavier jumped in, interrupting her thoughts. "I'm gonna fly in, angel form, want a ride? Could be exciting," He said again.

A soft chuckle escaped Kamille's lips as she turned to face the tall, hunk of a guy. She could already picture what Xavier had in mind after looking at the pictures. Girls, girls, girls. It wasn't a surprise, to anyone really. Shit, it was probably the only thing stuck in the back of his head at all times. It sure irritated Ulysses. And maybe that was why he and her were so close. He had somewhat of a rebellious streak, that enabled confidence, and she found that part of him really amusing and likeable. "Am I ready to have some fun? Is that that even a question?" Kamille briskly stepped back, as Xavier morphed into an angelic figure, his wings sprouting out beautifully, and full of length. An intrigued smile quickly made her face, and she pounced eagerly on Xavier's back like a small child. "Let's get this show on the road."



location: Beach by her house | talking to: Dante | tag:

"Hello?" His voice sounded panicked. This made Rowen's gut sink. She'd had a strange feeling that she wasn't the only one experiencing weird things today. And, for some reason, she had a feeling that they were only in the beginning stages of whatever it was. She let out a shaky breath.

"Something's wrong." She stated, choking back the tears. "With me, with all of us, I think." She watched the lightning across the horizon grow closer. She'd never see anything like it. It was terrifying. She bit her lip and stared out at it, she could feel it's power. It felt like it was coming from her. How could it be coming from her? That wasn't possible. Was it? No, of course not.

She saw an ant on a rock and let it walk into her hand, horrified when it immediately died.
"Every living thing that I've touched today died immediately." She whispered. She didn't have much time to say anything else before noticing movement at her house from the corner of her eye. "Someone's in my house." Her voice was barely intelligible. She hung up before he had a chance to tell her not to do what she was going to do.

The girl snuck around, looking to see who it was. A single man, with a mask covering his face, and a gun in his hand.
"All clear." He said into a com. "Intel was right, she appears to live alone. Agent Richards is nowhere to be seen. No sign of the girl, either." A second voice sounded, "torch the place."

"Don't you dare." Rowen spoke, stepping into the room with him. His gun pointed at her immediately. "Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house? Who's Agent Richards?" Her head was spinning from all of the questions she had. All of the things happening to her. She was terrified. Rightfully so, she'd say.

He let out a laugh,
"listen little girl. You're not my assignment. Get out of her before I decide to make you my assignment." When Rowen didn't move he shrugged. "Suit yourself, you can burn with your pretty little house." He pulled the trigger, aiming at her stomach.

The girl let out a screech and held out her hands, black.... something coming from them and causing the bullet to bounce off. The man seemed to be taken aback.
"So, you are one of them. I didn't believe it at first. That's incredible." He didn't have much time to say anything else before his energy began draining into her outstretched hands. Rowen watched in his horror as his body withered and rotted. She let out a shriek that would have left children terrified and crying.

"What's wrong with me?" The tears came back with a vengeance.


Location: Driving past Dante's house | With: N/A | Tag:
@AbstractAnnabella @Paranoia @RedIncubus

Waverly had been in town a couple of days, watching for signs of activation. She'd noticed none of them had seemed to leave much the day before, so that was a sign it was oncoming. She hadn't been up a long time, it was still early enough. She stopped her car and watched over the horizon as black lightning appeared.
"Well, at least one of them is active." She murmured to herself, continuing her drive.

Her car skidded to a stop in front of one of the kids' houses as a car tore away. She immediately flipped her radio on.
"This is Agent Thatcher, I'm at the Monroe residence." She looked at the house. "Active shooters in the building, the asset seems to have escaped. Get to the other houses, we can't let these kids die today." She grabbed her gun out of the backseat and slowly went towards the house. The door was open. She could still hear guns as she entered. Although, it almost sounded like a singular gun.

Gunmen were on the floor as she looked around. She was impressed. She took out a straggler before pressing her back to the wall. At least one of the agents was still alive, that was comforting. The agency would need intel on the asset in their care.
"Anyone alive back there? This is Agent Thatcher, I'm with the CIA. I'm here to help your child, come out and we'll try and do that together." She called out, once the bullets had stopped firing.

The young agent called in her location, for an extraction for the agent. She didn't question why the woman was crying. That much was obvious. There had been a lot of loss in the house this morning.
"If you know anything that might help us, now would be the time to tell us." She pried, reaching for something. Anything.

The extraction team arrived, and began the cleanup process. Waverly left the building with what little knowledge she had received.
With his friends. Easy enough..
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Genesis Lovittz

Now, the crying had more so turned into hyperventilation. The sobs turned into hoarse gasps and black spots popped behind her eyes. No, passing out would be terrible right now. But she couldn't get any air! Genesis had to be calm, she knew, she had to deal with this. She had to go back up there and face the fact that her parents were dead now. As much as she wanted to just lay here forever, crying, trying to forget the sight that burned its image behind her eyelids so that all she saw was blood and glazed eyes, she had to get up and face it.

She slowly got up, the half sobbing, half hyperventilation turning into small hiccups, and trudged through the brush of measly trees and bushes back into the small patch of grass beside the apartments. Her steps felt heavy as if the ground was trying to pull her down, suck her in, and consume her being. Being buried alive was never a big fear of hers but thinking about it now made her feel even more afraid. Her heart hammered in her chest as she got closer to her apartment, as if it was some sort of sensor, alerting her that the pain and danger was getting closer and closer.

And as she turned the corner, the door to her apartment clearly in sight, Genesis spotted Beck. He was on his knees, obviously crying and covered in blood. A whole rush of emotions washed over her. Confusion. Fear. Pain. Worry. Concern. Anxiety. She was falling apart at the seems. But instead of just collapsing like her body screamed at her to do, she rushed over to Beck and knelt down beside him, wrapping her arms around him, both for her sake and for his.

"What's wrong? What happened?" She asked, lightly stroking her hand up and down his back in a comforting gesture.

As soon as she saw that one of her friends was in a state of despair, she was immediately picking herself back up and trying to be bright and supportive for him. She had always considered herself the ball of sunshine in the group that others could warm themselves and dry off when the rain had beat down on them for who knows how long. Of course she knew bad things happened and of course she knew there was nothing she could do about it. Genesis wasn't good for that much. But if others looked at her smiling and always pointing out the silver lining, and then somehow, if even only a little, felt better from that, then that was what mattered. She just wanted everything to be okay.

And everything was not okay right now.

As far as she knew the two zombies of her parents corpses were still roaming about her apartment, waiting for someone to terrorize. She wanted to drag Beck away as quickly as possible. But she herself wasn't sure what had happened there. And she wasn't about to insist Beck get up and moving in this state. So there were two parts ripping her apart right now. The part that wanted to get up and run away from what had happened (obviously not leaving Beck behind) and the part that insisted she had to stay right here and deal with everything that had happened.



Monty Bryant

Ulysses had to be fucking kidding, right? Befriend them? More people to deal with and handle? Great idea, somebody give this man a round of applause. Instead of saying anything however, Monty just frowned and kept his mouth shut. Ulysses was the only person Monty didn't argue with. He protected the group and gave Monty a place to stay. So, Monty did whatever shit Ulysses asked and moved on. That was that. Didn't mean Monty had to like or agree with it. Which of course he didn't

His eyes moved lazily around the group, guessing that most of them were up to something else entirely. It was clear by the looks on their faces. Didn't they know anything about a poker face. Most of them were stupid and Monty tried to spend as little time around them as possible. But some were bearable and he might even consider them friends. Like Minami. If Monty had a friend here, she would be it. A little crazy sometimes he'd say, but she wasn't annoying and he liked her personality. And, she liked him too, which was something that usually was the deal breaker with any friendships he encountered.

When she showed him the pictures, claiming they would be a fun bunch. He chewed on his lip and raised his eyebrows, as if considering the possibility. Fun wasn't the word he would use. An experience? Well, it would certainly be that. A challenge? Most definitely and only because of all the other shit they had to deal with. Like the fact that most of them probably had other plans. Like how there were other people looking for these kids. And finally how little Monty cared for other people. He could easily take one of those people, stuff them in a sack, beat them around a little, and then bring them back. But befriend? Ha! A challenge indeed.


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Location ? Group 1 House || Interacting With ? @Zatanna @EricSings || Outfit



Victoria concentrated on the black thread, her lips curling into an agitated frown as the end bumped against the needle once again, sliding off the metal. Her sewing machine had broken apart a few weeks ago, and since she was still grounded by Ulysses, she had no way of getting it fixed. So she had to go back to the basics, the Amish lifestyle of a clothes-maker: hand-sewing. Just as the thread finally slipped through the hole of the needle, Ulysses' booming voice sounded through the house.

" Gah!" she jolted, accidentally dropping the needle onto the floor, where it disappeared into the carpet. " Goddamit Ulysses, " she muttered under her breath. The heavy wooden chair screeched against the floor as she stood up, adding a few more skid marks to the polished wooden floorboards. Victoria then proceeded to storm her way down to the main room, hoping that Ulysses could finally pick up the hint that grounding her wasn't exactly the best way to turn her into a faithful servant.

She entered the room just as Ulysses started explaining the fresh turn of events. Her expression turned grim as he mentioned that he had already taken care of the target's families.

Wow, good work. What do you want? A medal? A pat on the back?

Her eyes scanned the room lazily as he continued, resting on the faces of each of the first group's members as Ulysses drawled on about his plan like it was the greatest thing he had come up with. Kijung looked kind of disappointed, Damian looked like he was plotting something, Xavier was obviously wondering about the girls, Minami looked as if she were assessing prey, Kam looked like she was about to fall asleep (until she saw the files that is), Honey looked rather intrigued, and Monty...well, Monty just looked like Monty. She continued watching them as they took their turns with the documents, each having a slightly different reaction. When the papers were finally passed to her, Victoria quirked a brow.

They all looked young, not in the sense of age, but in the sense that they didn't seem to have a clue about the world they were about to be involved in. Killing them would have been quick, easy, but befriending them? That could take weeks, or months. After what Ulysses did to their families, she doubt any of them would trust a group of strangers that easily. She continued flipping through the photos, taking their names and faces in.
Beck...innocent, delicate...Genesis has really nice hair...Dante, seemed like trouble... She assessed them one by one, and widened her eyes in curiosity. I wonder what they're like... Peering out the glass window, she watched as the rays of sunlight stretch across the lawn, highlighting the trees that surrounded the houses.

She was jolted from her thoughts when Damian approached her. She smirked and shook her head softly,
" So that's what you were up to when you offered to ask around for the birthday girl, huh?" Sighing, she placed the pictures on the glass table. " Do you think your old man's still alive?" she asked, reaching into her pocket to retrieve her Rubiks cube.

After a moment of consideration, she nodded and lowered her voice,
" I'll go with you, on one condition. If we see any of them, we'll go talk to them. I want to know what they're like...and maybe...if we manage to get away from all of this, we could bring them with us too."

Before Damian had a chance to respond, a new voice joined the conversation.

" What are we talking about over here? Making plans for the big mission? I could take you guys over if you wanted a ride. Just need to turn into something that can fly."

Victoria grinned at the newcomer,
" I doubt you could carry the both of us. Damian's a big boy y'know?" As Honey continued, Victoria stopped shuffling with the Rubiks cube and returned it to her pocket.

She didn't really have a problem with Honey, despite the fact that half of the group seemed to hate her. She's heard that Honey had a crazy obsession with Xavier, but that was obviously just an exaggeration..right? She furrowed her brows,
maybe I should ask Xavier when I get the chance.



where: home||active||theme: Short Change Hero-The Heavy||tags:@Eunoia


Something's wrong...With me, with all of us I think.

"I know babe, but listen to me." Dante choked out, holding in a sobs that were threatening to break his chest. He held firm, now concerned by the fact that Rowen sounded panicked. He listened to her claims of draining the life of everything she touched. Any other day, he would have laughed it off as a joke. But, this talk of power he knew was true. Something had changed in him as well, though he had yet to figure out exactly what it was. And then, she told him there was someone in her house. His sight almost went red on the spot--he wasn't about to lose any more of the people he loved. "Get outside. I'm on my way." he said before hearing the line go dead. He set the fact that one of his parents was just shot dead before him in the back of his mind as he shifted gears and drifted his car into a U-turn. Skidding slightly, he drove in the opposite lane at full speed. The cars ahead of him didn't swerve in his direction at all. In fact, they turned off just seconds ahead of him. He didn't question this oddity, for all of his focus was getting to his best friend as soon as possible. Within a few minutes, he was pulling into the driveway and exiting the car, bounding for her front door.

He found the entrance slightly ajar, which worried him. Rowen never left her front door unlocked, not ever. He slipped in quietly, knuckles bone white from the force of his clenched hands. He tentatively stepped out from the shadows to find Rowen in a heap of herself. Before her lay a man, or rather a husk of one. His eyes hardened at the sight and he pulled the courage to speak from the depths of his soul.

"Ro...I'm here. It's okay." He reached out to touch her arm. To comfort her. She couldn't have done this. Sure, she was a fiery person, but Rowen would never hurt someone. He knew that just like he knew everything else about her. And, most of all, he knew she would never hurt him.

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location: Home | with: Dante | tag: @Chibii @Stamper @Ethereal

"Let's get this show on the road." Kamille responded as she jumped on his back. He grinned and flew straight out the double doors leading to the balcony and up into the air. Higher, higher. The trip wouldn't take long, he knew the place. He'd been there once with a hookup.

He felt free of Ulysses suddenly and it filled him with joy.
"I'm not taking any of these kids back to Ulysses." He spoke suddenly. The feeling of freedom was something he had no intention of losing. He also had no intention of sending anyone to him. These new kids could help him lead everyone back to the right side. His side. Power hungry? Yes. Entirely evil? No.

Xavier simply wanted to free those who were special, as Ulysses put it, and ensure that no one ever violated someone in the way they had been again. He wanted to ensure that the world knew what he, they, were capable of. But, every villain is a hero in his own mind.

He landed on a secluded beach and let Kamille down.
"Here we are. Time to have some fun."

Kijung Ahn

mood - still a bit disappointed

location - the group one house
Once Kijung had stopped sulking outside the room where the announcement had been made, he went back in, obviously still needing to read the files on the people he'd now have to befriend. Yeah, that was going to sound weird in his head. He still was a little upset, but not enough to show it. Once he walked in, he could see that people were already leaving, having read the files while he had been off being sad. What a waste of time. Not stopping to dwell on the leaving of others, he began to quickly look through the files himself. None of them had exactly caught his interest, but that was probably due to his lack of interest in knowing anything about them.

Kijung thought that the idea of him befriending any of them was unrealistic, and that Ulysses should have known better. Not that he'd tell Ulysses that, but he could barely keep himself on the right side of people here, how could be befriend some batch of strangers that he couldn't care less about? It all seemed very daunting. However, Kijung knew that he was never one to back down from a challenge, and if anything was a challenge, this was. So, it seemed like he would have to make an attempt.

Even as he made this conclusion, he didn't move to leave. He planned to leave as late as he possibly could, stall a little bit. The longer he could not be trying to find and talk to the annoyances that were the third group, the better. The combination of his overall dislike for socialization plus his lack of interest really gave him no drive to leave early. So, he decided to wait around and idly wait around the files until everyone else began to leave. Also, not that he would admit it, traveling alone seemed like it would be boring. At least with them he could eavesdrop, and not be alone at least.
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Location ➢ Outside Genesis' Apartment Unit || Mentions ➢ @Stamper



He let out a small scream and flinched when a pair of arms wrapped around him, his eyes widened in fear and he held up his hands, ready to shove the killer away.
They're here for me! They found me-

His hands stopped midair when he realized that it was Genesis.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

" Genesis...?" As his vision slowly focused onto his pink-haired friend before him. At the sight of her, he breathing evened slightly, letting his drop to his sides, his sobs gradually turning into quiet sniffles. Then he noticed that her eyes were red and puffy, as if she’d been crying too. Small scratches lined her arms, and a leaf was dangling from her hair. He felt a knot in his stomach. Something was wrong...something was very, very wrong....“ Genesis...something is happening... ” he whispered hoarsely, returning the hug. He held her tightly, in fear that she too, would disappear from his life. “ Claus...Bax...t-they’re dead...” the last word came out as a whimper, his lips trembling as he said it. “ We need to find the others, we need to-” Before he could finish his sentence, a movement beyond the door caught his eye. He blinked, in his initial state of shock, he hadn’t even noticed that the door was open, and there he was...ringing the doorbell like a madman...

However, his breath caught in his throat when the figures staggered into view.
What the hell...? Genesis was still stroking his back comfortingly as he pointed a finger towards the hallway of the apartment shrinkingly. “ Genesis...your parents...”

Or at least, a shell of what they were before. Genesis’ parents looked like walking corpses, with blank, soulless gazes and pale, lifeless skin. It looked almost as if all their blood had been drained out of their body, and had blossomed on the surface of their clothes and skin instead. At the sound of his voice, they slowly made their way towards the entrance with their arms outstretched.

“ Genesis...”he called again, shaking her slightly. “ Something’s not right...we need to go.” He had no idea what was happening, he couldn’t think. The world was spinning around him and he could only think of getting away. But at the same time something was telling him to stay, that this was something Genesis could possibly fix. He looked at the advancing corpses, then back at Genesis. At the back of his mind he vaguely noticed his phone buzzing in his pocket

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| Location: Myra's House | Mood: Frightened | With: --- |

The trip had been great. Indigo went home happy, which was rare, considering she was never truly happy with a lot of things. She'd went home feeling light and cheerful, though she had a strange feeling at the back of her head, though she brushed it off as superstition, but that night despite her wonderfully eventful day, Indigo felt like something was coming up... Something bad.

"Fucking shit..." Indigo groaned, getting off her stark white three-seater, holding her head and gripping her dark hair tightly, blurred out images of her living room's window panes filling her vision. Her free hand held a bottle of booze, which was rare, considering Indigo didn't like to drink. Her head hurt like crazy, and the light seeping through the windows were blinding. Indigo sighed heavily, standing up, almost losing balance before she slumped back down into her couch.

Indigo finally managed to stand up properly, her feet slowly bringing her to the bathroom, where she'd decided to take a quick shower before she went on with her day. Her mind cleared a bit in the shower as she realized that the stomach flu she'd contracted after diving was mostly gone by now, and had left her with this irritatingly sharp pain called a hangover. As she got out, Indigo decided that this would be a good time to head out. Sure, the light would probably blind her before she got 10 steps out the door, but that;s what sunglasses were made for. For hungover people with weird thought patterns.

Indigo strolled out, a bad feeling suddenly appearing at the back of her head, making the female sweat a bit more than usual. She walked towards the park, finding a bench she could sit down at. She tilted her head up to the sky, sighing heavily, before suddenly, a scream was heard. Indigo jumped to her feet in an alarmed stance, a fire had appeared on one of the street vendors' carts, it looked like the stove had blown a fuse or something. Indigo ran towards the cart, attempting to help the street vendor in her panicked state. As she grabbed the middle aged man's arm, a strange force pushed him towards the cart, making Indigo fly towards the nearby bush. Indigo gathered herself, pushing strands of her hair out of her face while onlookers dialled of the police frantically.

"Are you okay? Do you need an ambulance?" A middle aged woman approached Indigo with concern, a small frown etched on her face. The brunette shook her head, unable to speak due to both shock and fear. No one seemed to think that her flying towards the bush was weird though, which was weird in itself. Indigo's head was spinning, her headache and thousands of questions clashing together in a mad frenzy, she could barely make out her surroundings. Indigo got to her feet and started running, she didn't know where she'd go, she didn't know who she'd go to, but she just started running. As she did, a vibration came from her pocket, making her retreat into the opening of a forest, sitting down at the bark of a tree to see a few texts in her group chat. Indigo fumbled with the electronic device in her hands, her thumbs flying across the keyboard at a rapid speed.

'Weird shit is happening, I'll see you in a few."

Indigo got up, dusting herself off and collecting her thoughts. She wasn't usually like this. In fact, Indigo was usually calm, calmer than most in a lot of situations. She took in a deep breath and let it all out, running towards her house and getting into her car, though this time her movements were a lot of less frantic.

It wasn't a long drive to Rowen's house. Indigo scrambled out of her car, jogging to her friend's front door and turning the knob, hoping it was unlocked. She didn't have to hope though, as a small explosion emitted from her palm, making a quarter of Rowen's door burst open from the flames. Indigo's eyes widened, her jaw dropping.
"I'm so fucking sorry..." She muttered, stepping back a bit.



"Approaching Subject's home." Miller whispered into his com, his guns at the ready and still hot from a previous encounter. Some of the hired idiots mistakenly engaged with a friend of the ENIGMA3 group, giving the woman named Harlyn a nice scare. They were quickly and effectively taken care of, but not before the woman was critically injured. That, he could not help. The situation only served to harden his resolve. Taking his earpiece out, he replaced it with the earbud of his Walkman. Pressing play, he tackled open the backdoor to the residence.

He came face to face with the deceased bodies of the Lovittz girl's parents--

Former Agents Ramirez and Cho. They had mentored him at one point of his GUARDIAN training. It was a shame to see them riddled with bullet holes, but what was more perplexing was the fact that they were reanimated. Carey warned the Agency of the parameters from his experimentation: The subjects would develop differently, taking their limitless potential in their own hands. No one knew what their powers would be--or how powerful.

With the lyrics of "Jump Around" blaring in his head, Miller gave his former superiors a final act of kindness by putting a round in each of their heads--twice. After making a sweep in each room, he resigned himself to thinking that no one was on the location and made his way through the front door...only to find not one, but two of his targets on the front step. He sighed, pulling an earbud out of his ear with the barrel of one twin Beretta 92 F S Fusion. After a pause of wide eyed silence, he spoke.

"You guys are the ones getting shot at, right? Because I'm supposed to save some kids from being shot." he said in a deadpan manner.


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Location : Ulysses Manor | With : Group one & Ulysses | Speaks to : @EricSings @LannaCrowe| Outfit


Honey heard a little about what they were talking about but decided she could figure it out later. She shook her head softly and smiled at Damian and Victoria. However a winged Xavier with a Kamille caught her attention. Honey watched the two fly away and narrowed her eyes at the sight. She looked back over at her friends as Victoria finished her sentence.

" I doubt you could carry the both of us. Damian's a big boy y'know?"

"I mean I didn't mean both. I figured that you could ride some light. Is that how your powers work? I'm not really sure.... Besides if not I can just turn into something really strong that can fly... Like a-an airplane! Oh wait... I cant turn into an airplane. Well you get the picture." she said chuckling a little bit.

Honey closed her eyes and thought for a second before a pair of feathered wings sprouted from her back and her body slowly changed from a beautiful woman to a handsome man. She transformed into this superhero that she read about as a kid. He was hot and could fly so she thought it was perfect. His name was Hawk. He could soar through the skies and control the air currents to help him travel with people.

"Anyone need a lift." she said with her suave and deep voice.

"Now I'm Hawk. I can fly and control air currents so I could probably carry one of you and use the air currents to float the other one. Whaddya think?"


Genesis Lovittz

Something was happening? Genesis would have immediately dismissed it as the ramblings of someone who was very distressed. Nobody in this state was in their right mind right? Her world had once seemed perfect and she had never been aware of anything that could come to destroy it. She was naive. And now, she believed that yes something was horribly wrong. Her parents were dead and that did it's work to crush the little bubble she had grown used to and expose her to the horrible possibilities that had always lay wake beyond. It was terrifying, but instead of panicking, Genesis had steeled herself. They had all survived this long, with danger always lurking. So then, why could they not continue to survive now that they were aware of

What was most shocking was finding out Beck's parents had also been killed. And perhaps, there was the surreal yet comforting moment knowing she was not alone. Of course, if she could choose, she would have only had it been her parents and not his. It wasn't that she was glad they too had died. But it was knowing that they were in the same boat and therefor could push through it together. It was knowing that they understood each other and what they had both gone through. Only until now had she not noticed the blood on Beck, which was strange considering it was very obvious. Her first reaction, a common instinct, was to take the hem over her shirt and wipe away the blood off of his face.

"I don't know why this is happening..."

Suddenly, Beck's expression turned from sorrow to fear and his gaze was behind her. Her parents... The... corpses. She herself had no idea why it had happened or how to deal with it. Her body had begun to quake and she reached forward quickly and pulled the door closed. Zombies couldn't open doors right? Was she supposed to kill them now? Genesis had always been one for the occult, doing daily meditations, practicing certain spiritual rituals, and of course, believing in spirits and ghosts. But somewhere along the line all the horror and movies had intertwined inside her head, so it was hard to believe if these were harmless animated corpses or if they were ravenous zombies ready to feed on their cerebrums.
Think... She had read about necromancers before but it was all folklore. They were often considered demons or witches who performed strange rituals to animate corpses. As far as she knew, Genesis didn't light candles nor did she make a pentagram in her living. So as far as knowing what was going on, she was completely lost.

"I... don't know why that is happening either..."

What should they do know? She was vaguely aware of Beck talking again, but it seemed so far away now, as if she was underwater. Underwater... Diving. To think they had all been so happy diving only a couple days before. He said they needed to go. Where did they go now? Would they be tried for murder? Should they have called the police? What would become of them now? What was going on with the others? Did they even know? Was she suddenly falling apart now? Her eyes had slowly been widening as those questions ran through her mind. Her mouth went agape. It was Beck who was lightly shaking her that brought her back to her senses.

"You're right. We need to go..."

Genesis jumped at the sound of gunshots from within the house. Two to be exact. Someone killed her parents then... again? Was it the same people who killed them the first time? Had her parents somehow found guns? That would be scary on a whole new level. She glanced at Beck to see if he had been aware of it too. They should run. That was Genesis' first reaction. She wanted to take Beck and get the hell out of there. But before she could move, the door opened and there stood a blonde haired man with a gun in his hand. He looked rather professional. And with that, Genesis stepped in front of Beck, fixing a suspicious look on the man's face.
Good job there, Genesis. You'll make an excellent meat shield... from his shoulders down.

"W-Who the hell are you?" Genesis tried to sound tough but her voice shook and her hands were quivering at her sides. "Did you... Kill them?" Her gaze flickered behind the man.

He mentioned kids he was supposed to be protecting but right now, she wasn't trusting anyone but her friends. It wasn't safe otherwise.

As we've have learned.

@LannaCrowe @RedIncubus


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