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Realistic or Modern cяσssяσα∂s


faerie sightings



It seems like it was a lifetime ago, when the experiments started. Always orphans, these children would grow up to be the first line of defense in the coming wars. There were three groups. The first group, the oldest, were influenced by an agent with very different plans for their powers. The second group was entirely wiped out by the first group. The third? No one knows where they went. They were pronounced KIA and their case was put to rest. The first group disappeared, along with the agent who was manipulating them.

Fast forward about twenty years, to the town of Lewes, California, and you'll find a group of friends who think they have it all together. Their lives are about to get flipped upside down. An innocent birthday celebration turns into a life changing experience. The group quickly realizes they're not who they thought they were, they're actually the children from the third group of the experiment. When their powers are activated, they become the target of two separate hunts. One conducted by the CIA and the other by the first group of experiments, ready to finish what was started all those years ago.
Sixteen Years Ago | CIA HQ

"Ma'am, there's been an incident. Project Enigma has been compromised."

Present Day | CIA HQ

"Ma'am, do you have a minute?" One of the younger agents spoke, timid in the face of the head agent. "It's urgent, really."

Victoria turned to face the younger agent, "I'm busy." She had a file in her hand and used it to attempt to shoo her away before looking back at it.

"It's," the agent stopped for a moment, "it's Project Enigma." She watched the older agent in front of her as the file dropped from her hand. "We've located Group Three. They're alive, Agent Clarke, and inactive."

The incident flashed before Victoria's eyes. Suddenly entirely attentive. She never expected to hear that. Rising she prepared to make the biggest decision of her career. "Activate them." She put her hands on her desk and leaned forward, looking past the other agent. "This will be the only way to draw Ulysses out of hiding. These kids are our only chance. I'll be assembling a team, bring me every agent's file." She closed her eyes and exhaled.
Myra | October 1st, 2016 | 10:00 AM | Home | Outfit

"Sounds wonderful, Frank. Our diving equipment will be all ready for us, yes?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Thank you, my friends and I shall be there within
the hour!"

Myra hummed a song after she ended the call, a bright smile painting her face. She did a little dance, twirling and setting her fully loaded beach bag on the dark wooden table by her front door. Inside was sunscreen, her camera, an extra pair of shorts, three of her towels and two pairs of her sunglasses. It wasn't uncommon for one of her friends to forget their shades, and Myra is a strong believer in protection from the sun. She knew this wasn't a casual beach trip, but she figured the group might want to catch some rays or hit the boardwalk after their dive.

With a small frame of time to spare before her friends arrived, Myra sat down on her long, black leather couch. On the coffee table was one of her many notebooks, and after she grabbed it, she began to write a few ideas she had yet to put onto paper. For months now, Myra has been putting together a mystery novel. Biting her lower lip softly, she becomes distracted and peers at her clock on the wall.
I wonder if anyone was silly enough to buy me a present...

Rising, Myra decided she was far too excited to write, but shook off the fact that she has been giving excuses more and more lately not to write. "I need that catch," she spoke aloud, "perhaps I should ask one of my friends what they think." She threw her notebook and pen down on her couch, gliding into her kitchen and setting water bottles onto the counter for anyone who was thirsty. Her home was quiet for the moment, although she could hear someone pulling up in her driveway.

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location: home | with: n/a | tag: n/a

Buzz. Buzz. Rowen reached out to her table to try and shut her phone off, groaning when she finally did. She looked at the calendar and cursed. Myra's birthday. She thought, jumping out of bed and heading to her closet. She quickly picked a dress and shoes and headed to the bathroom. She was quick getting ready, as she showered at night. She sat at her vanity and did her makeup. She was careful to set it, so it would become waterproof. Take a girl swimming on the first date, they say. Clearly that doesn't work out. She thought to herself.

Sure, her morning routine took almost an hour, but she didn't mind. It was part of who she was. She quickly, well as quickly as was possible, watered all of her plants. Rowen had always been obsessed with plants. The air was so much fresher with them in it. Finally, she grabbed Myra's
present - a new journal, from Japan - and her beach bag, then headed out the door. She loved birthdays, especially when she could buy her friends gifts.

Rowen felt like she was late, but glancing at her
phone, she realized she was only a few minutes behind schedule. She locked her door and turned towards the driveway.
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Genesis Lovittz

Bikini | Outfit | Car


"Ouch, ouch, ouch!"

Genesis hopped back from her bed, clutching a throbbing knee. That damned bed post got her every time! One day, just one day without tripping over herself. Was that too much to ask? Who was she kidding? It definitely was.
"Now, where did I put my bikini..."

Her room looked like a hurricane and a tornado did the tango for a few hours. It wasn't gross or filthy, just cluttered. If anything, realistically it looked like she took the confines of her closet, drawers and everything else, and just tossed it wherever. Actually, that's probably what happened. Who needed to organize anyway?

She sorted through an array of props and wigs in a hazardous pile on the floor looking for the bikini top. She had found the bottoms somehow lodged between the mattress and the bed frame. It was clean and still smelled like detergent. Would Genesis be late again? Yes, yes she would.

And, as if by a miracle, her gaze fell upon the colorful array of strings and cloth... hanging from the ceiling fan.

"How did you get up there, silly thing..." Genesis mumbled softly, glaring at the fabric that was out of reach.

One wobbly chair and a stack of milk crates later, she was teetering on the makeshift ladder, tongue jutting out from between her lips as she reached up and snatched the bikini top.

"Aha!.... Ah!"



Well, that was the last of it. She stuffed the bikini in her bag along with sunscreen, goofy heart shaped sunglasses (a personal favorite), and her phone, keys, and wallet. Oh, and a bag of gummy bears. Genesis loved gummy bears...

She almost bolted out the door and forgot Myra's present! Genesis turned on her heel and went back inside, grabbing the little pink box from her dresser, the only clean spot in the room she reserved for the object and finally headed out the door. It had taken a long time to make, mostly because Genesis didn't want to mess up. It was a pen made to look like an ink quill. The frill of the feather was colored in an ombre of rainbow, a little personal touch that said this was a gift from Genesis. Inside the quill, was a full functional ball point pen that's ink can even be replaced with proper technique. A gift from the heart to Genesis was always better than something just bought and forgot about. Plus, making it was a lot of fun.

Now, there was driving. A feat Genesis was ungodly horrible at but always managed to survive somehow. Let's not jinx it, eh?

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starting location>home | tags> @Eunoia

Dante reached for his vibrating cellular, swatting it to the floor with a comforter covered hand. He was hungover, which was rare for him because it was also a workday. Having already cursed his judgement earlier that morning he simply stood up and embraced the fact that, despite the Advil, his head was pounding. He had not forgotten that today was Myra's birthday, but he also hadn't forgotten that Todd left him two days prior. The fight was over him moving to Florida to move on with his music career. Even though it felt good to be rid of the narcissistic dick wipe, Dante still felt lonely.

But, today wasn't about how he felt. Today, he would put on a happy face for his friends and enjoy whatever activity was planned. Myra always did a soiree to celebrate her passing age and always preceded the event with something fun for their circle. Birthdays were like little holidays for them and they celebrated in a grand fashion, as if they weren't gonna see each other the next day. As for the reason of why they were all close? Dante thought about that as he slid a set of grey and orange plaid shorts on. His white bro tank was fairly clean so he kept it on, sliding his stripped hoodie on. He finished the look with a pair of sunglasses, which were necessary since he had post-vodka vision.

After writing his moms a quick note telling them he was out and not to take any calls from customers, he was in the Mazda and driving down the street to Rowen's. Sure, she had her own car, but he always felt like being a sweetie and picking her up. He still couldn't come up with a logical answer for why they were all great friends. And of all of his pals, he liked Ro the most. Maybe it was the crass bitchiness towards life that seemed to harmonize with his own. Dante pulled into Rowen's driveway just as Rowan exited her house. He managed a smile as he rolled down his window, the grogginess lifting just a smidge.

"Beep beep. Get in tramp." He called out, shielding the loud brightness of the sun out of his eyes.

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Starting Location ? Home || Outfit || Interacting With ? N/A



Beck was awoken by an over-excited canine lapping its wet tongue away at his face. Groaning groggily, he tried to shove the huge panting labrador away, but it just slipped past Beck's arm and proceeded to stuff its head between his arm and his face, continuing its slobbery assault. " Shoo, Bax," he chuckled, finally pushing himself off the bed. Bax barked once and trotted off, seemingly satisfied that it had once again prevented Beck from running late.

The morning Sun was shining through the window, casting a perfect rectangle of light across the polished wooden floorboards. Like the window frame, everything in his room was tidy and asymmetrical. It's not like he had OCD, it's just that it's always been a habit of his to keep everything perfectly straight and tidy. The only thing in his room that wasn't straight was him.

After taking a quick shower and putting on the perfectly ironed clothes that were draped over his chair, he made his way down to the kitchen where Bax was waiting by the counter, and staring at the box of dog biscuits on the tabletop in a rather
demanding manner. A blue post-it note lay on top of the granite counter : " Went out to get groceries, I've already put up a sign outside. Have fun with your friends, and here's a simple gift to Myra from me. - Jeremy." The note was accompanied by a flat square box wrapped in a gift wrap with tiny question marks on it. The "simple gift" mentioned was a fancy Tiffany & Co necklace, Beck knew because he was the one who helped "Jeremy" wrap it. Jeremy Jameson, or Jerome Claus as Beck is more used to calling, was more invested in Beck's social life than he was., and knew every single one of Beck's close friends. He was like the nosy dad that invited his kid's classmates to a the house every weekend for a family bbq.

" Alas, you have outshone me once again! Curse you old man!" He waved his fist dramatically, but pocketed the gift anyway. He had gotten a necklace for Myra too, and the present was currently sitting snugly in the duffel bag in Beck's car. He had found it at a curio shop when he visited a small town about a two-hour drive away last week with Claus. The book pendant immediately reminded him of Myra. It looked extremely enchanting, with an antique vibe and beautiful beads, though he still felt that it was far less extravagant than Claus' gift.

After feeding the dog (and himself), Beck grabbed his keys and double-checked to make sure the sign at the front door read "Closed". Just as the note had said, a short notice had been taped onto the door, saying that the Cafe would be closed for the day, but business would resume after 7pm. As he exited the house, he couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen. The weather was perfect, but it's almost as if his veins were telling him it that thunder clouds were approaching. But he shrugged it off, it was supposed to be a fun day, and they were going to have the time of their lives.
" No use getting all paranoid now..." he muttered to himself and got into the car. The moment the engine revved to life, he told himself to let go of his worries, and pulled out of the driveway onto the road.

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location: home | with: Dante | tag:

"Beep beep. Get in tramp." A familiar voice called out. Dante. Rowen had always liked him the most. She wasn't entirely sure what brought the group together, some of them frequently called it fate. They weren't a group you'd normally see together, most of their personalities seemed to be extremely different. Yet, here they were, a ragtag group of best friends.

She slid into his passenger seat.
"Heya, slut." She grinned at him. "You look at least ten percent dead." She declared after a moment of studying him. She simply put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him comfortingly. "Thanks for picking me up, I'm way too lazy to drive." She pulled her locks into a messy bun and secured it. She always had beauty products at the ready. Especially bobby pins.

She didn't know why, but she felt like something was going to change today. The universe was shifting. She'd always be intuitive, her mom had said it was just part of being a girl. Rowen always felt like it was more than that. She sometimes felt like she could
feel stars dying, planets moving. That didn't seem like just being a girl. It made her feel crazy sometimes. Then again, she always felt a little crazy.
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Location: Home > Myra's house || tag: @EricSings


"My name is Harlyn, I'm so very

Fly, oh my, it's a lil' bit scary

Boys wanna marry, looking at my derri-

Ere, you can stare but if you touch it I'ma bury

Pretty as a picture, sweeter than a swisher

Mad cause I'm cuter than the girl that's witchya

I don't gotta talk about it, baby you can see it

But if you want, I'll be happy to repeat it!"

Harlyn sang out with a grin as she finished applying her waterproof eyeliner. Today, Harlyn was going to the beach with her friends for Myra's birthday. Harlyn was used to the casual trips with her friends but this time, she had a funny feeling in her stomach.

"I look pretty good." she complemented herself as she looked at her full body mirror, her fingers grazing the fluffy white house robe she was wearing. As the songs changed on her playlist, Harlyn unraveled the front of her robe and let it fall and pool around her feet. She bit the inside of her lip when she looked at the
bikini she was wearing. She wasn't sure if it was too much or not.

"Whatever." she said and went to her closet, grabbing a pair of shorts, a baggy shirt that hung off of her shoulders, a sun hat, and her aviators. She put them all on and grabbed the bag she had packed the night before. She glanced around the room to make sure she had everything and when she did, she walked out from her house and locked it up.

Harlyn got into her
car and started it, heading to Myra's place to meet everyone. The gift she was got Myra for her birthday was a little scrapbook filled with pictures and inside jokes that the friends had shared together over the years. It took Harlyn awhile to finish it but it was worth it and she was hoping that Myra would love it.

Harlyn wasn't a terrible driver, it was just that she drove fast and often got tickets. Nothing too major, right? Well since she drove fast, she reached Myra's place in half the time it should take her to get there. Harlyn turned her car off and got out, grabbing her beach bag with the present inside and locking her car. She skipped to Myra's door and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for the girl to answer.

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location>myra's driveway | theme> super massive black hole(kastler mix) | tags> @Eunoia


"Yup, I feel like a used condom--fucked and tossed to the ground." Ro could always see through Dante's facade. He sighed, wildly fishtailing his car out of her driveway and onto the road. If there was one thing he was a bit reckless about, it was driving. One shouldn't misunderstand "reckless" for "bad". Snickering, he leaned his head to the side and enjoyed his friend's company.

"Hey Ro, do you ever feel like something is wrong but you can't stop it?" The question had come out of nowhere, six minutes into the ride. He'd been watching both the road and her face as she scrutinized the sky. Rowan's brow always furrowed whenever she was thinking deeply, and this time her defiant scowl was pointed to the heavens themselves. As for Dante, he just went with it. All his life, he swam with the current--never questioning anything about it. He was known as the most laid-back member of the group but in all honesty he just didn't think he held any ground to be a rebel to any cause.

Before he could get an answer from her, he'd pulled into Myra's driveway. Harlequin had beat them all to the punch, being the punctual preppy princess of the group. Dante parked right behind her because he was twisted enough to enjoy making her a little upset. Flipping up his aviators, he turned to Rowen and frowned. "Sooo...my present for Miss Myra Jean was studio time so she could work on her audition tape for MMC. But...Todd broke up with me and left town...and took his equipment--that I paid for...." Dante tried his best to work around his RBF and give Ro pouty eyes. "Can I please write my name on yours so I don't have to tell her and get her feelings hurt?" he asked, pressing his hands together in a beggar's prayer. What didn't help the situation was the fact that Ro didn't know they'd split. While Dante didn't give a quack, she would have his ex's head. Internally he hoped they could get past it as normally as possible, though he knew that this would not be the case at all.

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location: Myra's | with: Dante, Myra, and Harlyn| tag:
@RedIncubus @lonecoyote @EricSings

Rowen snapped out of her moment when Dante asked about the something being wrong. She didn't have time to answer, as they arrived and he spilled about Todd leaving. It filled her with rage, but she ignored it. Deciding instead to focus on her friends.
"Since I'm the sweetest and bestest friend you'll ever have, yes." She gave him a crooked grin.

She handed him the tag to write on and climbed out of his car.
"In regards to your first question," she started leaning back in. "I feel that way every time I let you drive me around." She smirked at him, "if I don't die in your car, I'll never die." She shut the door and headed to the door where Harlyn was. "Hey, cutie." She greeted Harlyn.

Sure, Rowen knew Harlyn had already knocked. But that didn't stop her from knocking as well.
"Oh, Myra!" She would normally just open the door, but today felt different. So she didn't. She would have sworn there was electricity in the air. Something was happening to their little group. Something was changing. She didn't know what, but she knew it was going to happen.
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Myra | @Eunoia @RedIncubus @lonecoyote

Leaning over the granite countertop, Myra scrolled through local gigs for singers in California on her phone. She could either dress up as a Disney princess on call, or sing "All of Me" by John Legend for a wedding. Neither options really spoke to her, although MMC was hosting auditions next week. A sigh escaped her lips. Joining MMC would not pay her bills, and neither would her unfinished mystery novel.

Her thoughts were silenced as she heard the door bell ring, and a familiar voice calling for her. "Finally!"

Setting her phone down, she glanced at the small red velvet cake she bought this morning.
Who doesn't like red velvet? She set out plastic plates and forks for anyone who might like to partake. Before her front door now, she opened it, eyes gleaming and hands clasping together in excitement. "Hey, guys!" Stepping aside, she waited for the trio to walk inside, making sure to leave the door open just slightly for the others. Myra embraced each of them before gliding into her living room. She noticed Harlyn was holding a book of some sort, and Rowen had a gift with a sparkling, golden bow. "For me?"

Myra motioned each of them to try some cake, cutting the first piece and placing it on a plate for herself. "Or, you know, my fridge is pretty stocked right now." She stabbed the cake with her fork, taking a bite and licking icing from her lips. Temptation to reveal her birthday surprise was surpassed, figuring she would wait until everyone arrived. The group was aware they would visit the beach, but little did they know there was a luxurious yacht waiting to take them all on a diving adventure. She offered them all a peculiar look, eager to hear how they were and receive her gifts.

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Genesis Lovittz

@Eunoia @RedIncubus @lonecoyote

The journey to Myra's house would have had Driver's instructors cringing. Genesis had one hand on the wheel, going about forty five miles per hour in a thirty miles per hour zone, with her eyes on the rear view mirror and not on the road. In fact, she was applying water proof mascara, her face screwed up in intense focus, If only she could angle that focus onto the road. The parcel addressed to Myra sat in the passenger seat next to her beach bag which had it's confines practically bursting out the top. When she was satisfied with her make-up job, she turned on the radio and listened to music the rest of the way there.

Once Genesis arrived, she turned off the car, tossed her keys in her bag and grabbed her things. With her free hand, she placed the silly heart shaped glasses on her face and strode up to the house. She would have reached for the doorbell but noticed the door was slightly ajar. Well, that wasn't safe, but it was nice since Genesis guessed it was for Myra's friends sake. She entered quietly and called out in a soft voice.


She made her way for the living room and paused. Myra stood there with Harlequin, Rowen, and Dante. Wow, she was surprised. Not because they arrived before her but because she wasn't the last to show up. Points for Genesis. She smiled at each of the friends in greeting and her smile grew warmer when she stopped at Myra.

"Happy Birthday!"

Genesis gingerly held out the gift, not wanting to beat anyone else to the punch but didn't want to hold onto it longer than she had to. It was wrapped in colorful paper and far more sparkly than anything should be. Good thing Myra had sunglasses handy.

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Location ? Myra's Home || @Eunoia @EricSings @lonecoyote



Pulling into the driveway, Beck slammed the brakes, making the tires screech across the asphalt, and narrowly missed blowing a dent into the bumper of Dante's car.
" And here I thought I wouldn't be late this time..." he mused, shifting into reverse, and proceeded to parallel park his car on the side of the road. Checking his reflection one last time in the rear-view mirror, he stepped out of the car and into the mellow Californian heat with the duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

As he approached the slightly open door, he could already hear the friendly chatter coming from the living room. His fingers glided across his pocket, making sure that Claus' gift was still inside. He then retrieved Myra's gift from the bag, and gave a sigh of relief when he saw that the pink box had not been smushed by the rest of the bag's contents.

" Hey guys! Guess who's tootally not late," he called out as he entered the house, making sure that the door didn't shut completely behind him. He wasn't the last one, right? He waved at them as he approached his group of friends, giving each of them a cheerful grin. " And here's the birthday girl herself!" he exclaimed, giving Myra a warm hug. " Happy birthday, Myra! Here's a little something from me." He handed her the small pink box. " Oh, and this one is from Jeremy." He continued, retrieving Claus' gift from his pocket and handing it over to Myra. His friends knew almost everything about him, but Claus had given him specific instructions to keep Claus' real name a secret. He never asked why, just like he never asked why Claus had a new alias every time they moved. It's not that he didn't wanted to know, it's more that he wasn't sure if he was ready for the answer... whatever it was.

His eyes darted to the small cake, and plastic plates and forks on the table.

" Is that red velvet?"

Before he could get an answer, he had already cut himself a slice. Who else better to tell him than his own taste buds?
"This tastes heavenly, " he sighed, enjoying the smooth texture. If this cake was a person, he'd marry it on the spot. "So, what are we doing today?" He asked, taking another bite of the cake. Sure, he knew that they were going to the beach, but the specifics of today's plan was still rather blurry to him.

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location>myra's driveway | theme> birthday | tags> @Eunoia @Stamper

Dante used the orange ink pen he kept stashed in his glove compartment to sign the gift. With a grunt he took the few steps to Myra'[s door and joined in on the celebration. His sight immediately fell on the table. There was Red Velvet Cake and his inner fat kid clashed with his inner adult. He sighed, restraining himself with the intention of making a Bloody Mary at some point. "Happy Birthday, ma'am." he said, leaning in to give Myra her hug while silently handing off the gift to Rowen. The birthday girl went on to offer cake and her fridge to them, which Dante took up the latter--as per usual. More of their friends started to arrive: Geni, who was carrying a parcel that was brighter than her personality; and Beckerson, who's antics always earned an eye roll from Dante. The kid was too...naive. Definitely a milk drinker in Dante's opinion, but he would still knock someone out in the guy's defense.

With all the ingredients in the blender, he pushed the button for 'high' just as Beck started to ask about the day's activities. In his defense, Dante always had horrible timing for things. The faces he'd make out of sheer awkwardness only made things seem sillier. This time, his eyebrows were reaching the ceiling and he smiled with a shrug, holding the look until he had a nicely blended drink. After pouring it and adding a pickled celery stalk--the kind Myra seemed to only purchase for him--he walked over sucking at his drink innocently.

"Yeah, what he said." he chimed in, lightly leaning on Rowen purposefully.

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Salvatore Aday


(Location) His Apartment - (Mood) Cheerfully Tipsy

When had he ever drunk this early? He couldn't remember, despite his best efforts, which were naught due to his dizzy mind. Sal had worked a relatively late shift the previous night and, upon arriving home, he'd been unable to sleep. With the thought of Myra's birthday tiredly swimming through his thoughts, he'd decided, against his better judgement really, to get started a bit early. Soon enough he was sprawled out on the floor of his kitchen, half-empty bottle of bourbon beside him and a lazy smile on his face.

The male's head turned to the side, cheek pressing to the cool tile, his eyes darting to the clock on his kitchen stove. He squinted, vision blurry, in an attempt to make out the numbers. With a dramatic gasp, he hauled himself up off the floor and made his way to the end table next to his bed. In the process he'd managed to knock over the glass bottle of alcohol, it falling to the floor with a semi-loud 'thud.' The amber liquid began to spill out, but Salvatore hardly paid any attention to it. He was far too busy scrambling for his wallet, knowing he was far too inebriated to drive, and the small gift that he'd bought for his friend. It wasn't much, but he supposed it would suffice. After all, on the salary that he made, he wasn't able to afford much else.

With that he made his way outside, standing on the curb with his cell against his ear. He was calling for a taxi, since none of them actually ever roamed the streets in search of customers, and it was there within twenty minutes. He rambled off Myra's address, possibly the only thing he knew at this point, and was soon headed in the direction of the place. A song of unknown origins made it's way into Sal's head and he idly hummed along to it, eyes shifting to gaze out the window. Despite it seeming like it was taking forever, he arrived in practically no time and gave the driver what he was due, before hopping out.

Salvatore's hands wrapped tightly around the small, pastel purple box, before inviting himself inside. "Howdy, party people. I'm a
little late, but I see you've done nothing but made yourselves cozy, so I don't feel too bad," He greeted, speech slurred in the worst of ways. He shuffled towards the counter and set it down, before taking a seat on the floor. He rarely ever sat down on chairs or anything of the sort, especially when he was drunk, preferring the cool atmosphere the floor provided him with. His gaze turned to Myra with ease, that same lazy smile on his lips.

"Happy birthday, oldie."

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location: Myra's | with: the squad | tag: @Stamper

Rowen handed the gift to Myra with a smile,
"from Dante and myself. Happy Birthday, love." She gave Dante a side eye when he leaned on her, faltering only slightly. "You guys, we're still waiting on Indi. Chill." She shook her head, lightly shoving Dante off and making her way to the cake. Truthfully, her manager would kill her for this. She'd just work out a little more. She was only human, after all. She deserved to have some fun every once in awhile.

She cut herself a slice and had just taken her first bite when Sal arrived.
"You're right, Beck, this is heavenly." She smiled and looked at Sal. Oh, man did he look tipsy. "Sal, sweetie, you alright down there?" She asked softly. She glanced at Dante and his Bloody Mary. What was it with those two boys? It was a little early for drinks, in her book. But, she wasn't one to judge. She was, however, concerned about their wellbeing.

Rowen took another bite of her cake. The young woman was blissfully unaware of how today was really going to go. Sure, she had her worries, but she always seemed to. She was subconsciously tapping her toe against her heel as she ate her cake. She had no reason to be so nervous. She was with her friends, after all.



| Location: Myra's House | Mood: Cheerful | With: @Stamper @Eunoia |

"Where is it, where is it, where is it, where is it?" Indigo grumbled, tossing out various pieces of dark clothing onto her already messy bed. Myra's gift had to be somewhere, though it was obvious Indigo couldn't locate the bright blue box in her junkyard of a room. The gift was expensive too, a Rolex watch to be exact, she'd went crazy with her savings, and now she had just enough until her next paycheck arrived. Indigo let out a frustrated sigh, her lips forming a straight line as she looked towards her study desk. Wait a minute... What was that...? No... It couldn't be...

It was here the whole time?!" Indigo slapped herself, picking up the velvety blue box and dropping it into a brown paper bag. She pulled out a silvery glitter pen, writing Myra a birthday note to go along with the gift. "Enjoy madame, and happy birthday." She mumbled while writing it out on her bright pink pad of paper, she didn't have enough for those fancy cards from the store. Indigo stuck it onto the box and headed out the door hastily after picking up her satchel that had her monokini in it, smoothing down her t-shirt with a free hand. The car unlocked with a 'Beep!' and Indigo chucked her items in the passenger seat, driving away and towards Myra's house.

As she parked the car right in front of the building, Indigo stepped out, present in hand. Noticing the door was not fully closed yet, Indigo used her foot to gently kick it open, revealing her friends, and the main attraction... A velvet cake.

"Happy b'day Myra, got you a little something." She raised the bag, grinning widely. After handing her the gift, Indigo practically ran towards the cake, cutting herself a slice and taking a large bite out of it. "I did not come here just for the cake, I swear." She murmured, her mouth full with the deliciously sweet red velvet cake.


"Operation: Birthday bash-B is now in effect. The Target took the wrong cake."


Agent Miller drove the inconspicuous Dodge Journey down to the docks, checking his tie at every stop he could make. He was terrible at tying neck ties--and he had just spent three hours squatting outside of a woman's house to spy on her and her young friends. He was glad Dr. Carey had forseen the possible slip up that came to pass. While the good doctor and the agency would chalk it up as outside forces it was actually Miller's fault. There were two orders for a 2-layered Red Velvet Cake...which meant some poor person was going to suffer the consequences of ingesting the powdered Activator. It worked out well for the targets, for absorption of the product via osmosis bypassed the effect of uncontrollable vomiting.

It also meant Miller was going to have to do some acting today. The agency had already paid off the original person who was gonna bring the kids out to their destination. It was a stroke of pure luck that the Captain was going to be the Scuba Instructor. "I got this." Miller said out loud, pumping himself up in his rear-view mirror. "I was made for this!" A loud honk from behind him made him jump and pull forward quickly, turning left to park the stationwagon. Before leaving the car, he tapped the screen on his phone, sending a catered message to the leader of the event informing her that she and her friends got a free upgrade to a luxury yacht and accommodations due to "unseen circumstances". That part was his idea. Who said his job had to be boring, anyway?

tag: @EricSings

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Location: Myra's house || Mood: Relieved, content || With: @Eunoia @Chibii @Stamper


Harlyn smiled softly when she heard Rowan and followed her inside. "Hey, love!" she greeted back, following her inside. When Myra came into view, Harlyn wrapped her arms around the girl's neck and kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday, old lady!" she cheered and sat her bag down by the door. Then, it hit her all at once just as Genesis and Beckett came in and Myra was mentioning cake, her bladder told her it was time to go to the bathroom.

"Be back in a sec." she said and crossed her legs and ran as fast as she could to the bathroom. "Of course, at the mention of cake, my bladder wants to be a dick." she said and did her business. It took her longer than usual to use the bathroom because she was on her phone and everyone knows that takes up some time.

"Alright, now that that's taken care of." Harlyn said and finished her bathroom stuff, she walked to where the voices of her friends were. She saw them all gathered with cake and she grinned, grabbing the present from her bag and joining everyone. She sauntered over to them and placed her present in Myra's lap, smiling and making her way to the cake. "Hope you like it, love." she said and cut herself a piece of cake, putting it on a plate and standing beside Indigo. She watched her friend as she ate the cake, trying not to laugh.

"This cake makes me happy." she sang out, licking her lips and eating her cake. She looked around the room at her friends and couldn't help but smile to herself. She was so lucky to find these people and to be accepted into this wonderful group. Harlyn walked over to the couch and sat on the arm, crossing with one leg under her and the other holding her still. Something felt off, it wasn't her bladder or the cake, but something else. She couldn't put her finger on it but put the thoughts behind her. She had cake and her friends, why would anything be off?

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Myra | @Eunoia @Stamper @Chibii

As soon as she finished her slice of cake, Myra disposed of the utensils and stood up. It wasn't long before her friends presented their gifts. She opened the bright packaging that Genesis handed her, her lips curling into a smile. "I love it, Genesis." The quill was so unique, a part of her felt like she would keep it in her room for show, and continue to write with normal pens and pencils. Myra hugged Beck, then continued to open the boxes. She opened them, making sure to control her mouth, as it almost dropped in surprise. "Oh, Beck..." she sighed, placing the necklaces back in their boxes, "you shouldn't have." Now, she was to open her gift from both Rowen and Dante, but before she did, she offered them both a signature Myra look. "I don't want to write anything in here just yet," she laughed, opening the journal and smelling the fresh pages, "thanks, loves."

Once Indigo arrived, the birthday girl was presented with another small box. Inside was a Rolex watch.
"Indigo, this is lovely. I can't wait to wear it out." Myra disposed most of the wrapping paper, though opted to keep the sparkling bows and bright colored ribbons. They were quickly shoved into a kitchen drawer. Noticing Sal arrive, he appeared quite tipsy, sliding a pastel box on her countertop before sitting in her living room. She placed both hands on her hips. There were several things she could tell him, but Sal rarely listened to her, anyways. A recognizable smile painted his face, and she simply winked in his direction. "Sal, this must be for me?"

Harlequin emerged into the kitchen, placing a scrap book in Myra's lap. She flipped through the pages. "This is so precious, Harlyn. This picture..." she started, pointing out a picture of the two girls drunk for karaoke night, "thank you."

Myra tucked strands of hair behind her ear, clearing her throat, and managed to juggle all of the gift boxes in her hands. "Thank you everyone. I'm going to put them in my room." Swiftly, the young woman disappeared into her bedroom, displaying her new watch and necklaces. The quill and journal were set by her nightstand, figuring she would crack and begin writing later.
Harlequin's scrap book found itself snug on her bookshelf. Breathing in deeply, she stepped into her bathroom to adjust her hat and wash her hands. Her phone vibrated.

After reading the message, her eyes widened. She was about to message back, but figured the upgraded yacht would be waiting where it should be. Twirling into her living room, she requested everyone take a moment to listen to her. "All right, guys... so," she began, placing her hands together, "I know we are all expecting a beach trip, but... how does going diving sound?"

She watched as her friends reacted, hopeful none of them have already dived in Lewes beach. "I thought we could sail out a little ways, then come back and dive around the reefs. Perhaps we will find Dory," she laughed at her own joke, "but yes, we should get heading over there soon! Beck, would you mind driving, as well?"

The group shuffled outside, the California sun beating against Myra's face. Opening her Range Rover, she threw her beach bag in the back, and proceeded to start her car. She waited for everyone to buckle up before heading for the beach.
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location: several places | with: the squad | tag: @Stamper @Chibii
@LannaCrowe @RedIncubus @lonecoyote

The group split up to make the drive, half going with Beck, half with Myra. The dive was fun, although, the instructor was a little off. Rowen didn't know what it was about him, he was just too interested in them. That was probably part of business though. All in all it was great. The bad feeling she'd had was gone for the duration of the excitement.

When she finally got home, she changed out of her bikini and her now soaked dress. She stretched her arms above her head. The bad feeling suddenly coming crashing back. All the nerves in her body were tingling. Something was coming. She just didn't know what. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know what.

Sleep wasn't easy that night. She couldn't shake the feeling. Rowen sent a text to the whole squad, telling them she had had a blast and they needed to hang out again soon. She sent her love before finally finding sleep.

RP Day Summary
The Squad celebrated Myra's birthday. Agent Miller planted the device and lead them to it. They've begun the activation process. There will be a two day time skip. The day we're skipping, all of the characters will have the symptoms of a stomach bug, which is why we're skipping it because that's gross. Their bodies are trying to fight off their powers.

no slide
no slide
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There was a ring on a phone that he never thought he would hear again. A phone that only one person could contact. "Blackwell." His tone was cool, and collected. As he usually was.

"Group Three has been activated. They're currently located in Lewes, California." The voice on the other end spoke through a voice modifier. "Clarke wants to draw you out, be careful. She's sent a team to monitor the situation. I'll keep you posted. Await their information." The line went dead.

Ulysses stared out the window of his study, slowly putting the phone down. It was mere moments after the fax machine started printing. Pictures of each child, with their basic information. They didn't have much, which meant this wouldn't be easy.

"Kids!" He called out after awhile of staring at the information, heading out the door. He waited for them to gather in the main room. "Group Three has been found and activated." He was calculated in his deliverance, as he usually was. "I want you all to do me a favor." He said, pacing.

"I know the original plan was to take them out, but I've changed my mind." He smiled, coldly. It was chilling really, the darkness behind that smile. "We need to find them, and you all need to befriend them. Convince them to join us." He faced them, a grin on his face. "Won't that be fun?"

He handed the kids the sheets to pass around and look at. "You're not the only ones after them, you have to be careful." He looked at them all, entirely sincere, "the government won't be kind to you. They don't understand you like I do. They aren't your family, like I am." He smiled. "Let's make our family a little bigger, so that we can liberate the world. Oh, and don't worry about their families. I already have that part under control."



Agent Clarke paced her office. Today should be the day. The day the assets should be fully activated. She waited patiently for reports from her agents in the field.

Truthfully, she do anything to be out there with them. She recieved the first call in the early morning, the initial signs of powers were starting to show. There wasn't enough information on what their powers were, yet. She instructed them to watch them.

Group One Tags: @Stamper @Ethereal @Chibii @LannaCrowe @Zatanna @LastRomeo @Paranoia @lonecoyote

Agent Tags:
@AbstractAnnabella @RedIncubus @Paranoia
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Genesis Lovittz

The past couples days had been such an emotional roller coaster. Diving with the group was tons of fun! She got to get in the cool wet suits, make funny faces at her friends under water, and see all the pretty fishies.If it was physically possible, Genesis would have scooped one of the delightfully colorful fish up and taken home... but it would have died and we couldn't have that now could we? Plus, she wasn't sure Beck would be too thrilled about having a live fish in his vehicle. Everyone had a splendid time and the group went home with smiles on their face and good memories made. When she got home, she listened to fast paced, happy music until she fell asleep in her bed, still in the clothing from the trip.

The following morning, Genesis woke up feeling awful. Her stomach was in knots and her head was spinning. It was probably the worst she ever felt in her life since she was also a considerably healthy person. Her immune system was usually very bad ass. Take that, germs! But unfortunately, it seemed to have been slacking recently and for that, Genesis was very upset. She thought maybe it had to do with something about diving, maybe there was some weird algae or something that caused people to be sick. She had never gone diving before so she really wasn't sure what to think. So, feeling absolutely dreadful, and a little unsure, she called her parents. The two worrywarts were immediately very afraid for their only daughter and thought maybe they could diagnose her themselves. With many google searching and wild, worried imaginations, they concluded they daughter had some sort of rare flu, possibly Ebola, and that they needed to come to California as quickly as possible. It wouldn't be too difficult, they only lived a state away. Despite Genesis' insistence that they need not to (even if she really wanted to see the couple), they came anyway and a six hour drive later, they arrived at her apartment.

They had bags, so clearly they planned to stay for a little while. Genesis' tiny apartment didn't promise many accommodations but luckily her parents had brought a fancy air mattress of their own. They were always prepared for anything like that, one of Genesis' favorite qualities about them. That evening, she didn't go to her college class and was bed ridden. She told them she would sleep on the air mattress so that they would be more comfortable but they were more insistent on her sleeping in the bed because she was sick. In her sickly feverish state, she couldn't really argue, so that's where she stayed for the rest of the night.

During that time, it seemed as if she went back to her younger days. One time, when she was nine, she acquired a terrible fever and had to stay home from school that day. Her mother stayed by her bed for most of the time, talking to her, reading her stories and wiping her forehead with a wet cloth. When her father got home, he made dinner for everyone (delicious homemade stu) and they all ate together in her bedroom. She honestly could not have asked for better parents. It was something like that for the rest of the evening. Her mother wiped her head with a cool, wet cloth and stroked her hair back in a comforting way every so often. Her father sat in a chair on the other side of the bed, flipping through channels and talking about what was on even though they all knew he never really watched TV. While most of the time, Genesis was quick to announce that she was grown up now and needed not to be so dependent on them, right now, this is all she really wanted. Genesis was happy.

The following morning, Genesis woke up feeling a whole lot better. The fever was gone and she never felt better, health wise. That was always the good thing about sickness. When you weren't sick anymore, you felt better than ever. She yawned and then pulled the covers off. The clock read eleven AM. Wow, she slept pretty late! When Genesis glanced beside her bed where the air mattress rested, she noticed her parents weren't there. The blankets were ruffled but the bed was empty Of course they were already up. They tended to be early risers, always enjoying a cup of coffee at the crack of dawn. She herself never understood it, but it was another thing she had always known her parents by.

She slipped her feet into the fuzzy slippers beside her bed and groggily shuffled towards the door of her bedroom. She opened it slowly, her eyes fixated on the carpeted floor and... she paused. It took her a moment to make out what was on the carpet. Her first thought was that they spilled something and her landowner would be very upset. But, what was it? Dark crimson and crusted into the carpet. Her heart sank in her chest and her head darted up. The couple sat on the couch, eyes open and glazed, staring at nothing. Blood stained the beige couch, cascading down from their open throats and onto the floor around their feet. Her father still had his limp arm around her mother's shoulders and her head still rest on his shoulder.

Her lip started to quiver and her eyes widened. No.... It couldn't be.

Her mouth opened and she screamed, backing away from the horrible site of her dead parents. The parents that used to wake her up with the smell of delicious pancakes. The parents that always smiled when they talked and who's eyes always light up when they laughed. The parents who bought a TV but never watched it. The parents who liked their coffee in the morning with two creams and a spoon full of sugar, nothing more, nothing less. The parents who would call her their little unicorn and the parents she'd never get to talk to again. The parents she loved with all of her heart. She had back stepped so quickly, she stumbled and fell, her eyes still locked on the corpses. And then tears blurred her vision. She buried her face in her hands and began to weep. The girl who was always happy and smiling... now a crumpled mess. Her shoulders shook with sobs.

In front of her, something she couldn't have noticed with her face covered and her senses dulled, was that the two corpses twitched. And then began to move. The souls which had found their way back into the bodies of her parents gazed upon their tragically heart broken daughter and did the only thing they knew how: they got up to go comfort her. Their skin was still pale and blood still clung to their skin and clothing but... they were walking.

Genesis felt the touch of cold fingers on her arm and slowly looked up.

Her mother and father's corpses stood in front of her, looking at her with deadened eyes and swayed due to the already rotting limbs. They looked like zombies. They were terrifying and they couldn't be her parents..

"Get away from me," Genesis screamed, shaking with terror. She crawled backwards, standing up as quickly as she could. She snatched her phone off the counter and then sprinted to the front door, ripping it open. She didn't even bother closing it, and ran as far as she could from the apartment building. She didn't stop at the edge of the small array of woods and continued on into the green bushes and plants. She didn't stop until her lungs were about to burst and then, she collapsed onto the ground in a fit of tears, terror, and heart break.



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