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City Wolves


Boink Bean
humans are on the verge of extinction, the city is over run with animals, and is covered in beautiful nature. You are a lone wolf, (female preferably, yet it's your choice.) When he come upon a pack of city wolves, their pelts allet white, wearing spiked collars. They have blood stains, and greasestains on their pelt, except for one, the alpha male, Reaper. Small in size, yet he is murderous and unpredictable. Willyou join the small city pack of cruelwolves, or be destroyed by them?
Ari stalks behind the torn down gas station, the night helping to hide her from the pack of snowy wolves. Her black coat is rare among wolves now, and unlike the savage creatures in front of her she bares no collar. Her fur ripples and a silent nervous growl seeps out if her jaws. Glancing at them once more, she decides its probably best to steer clear, slinking towards another building.
Nightwolf13 said:
Ari stalks behind the torn down gas station, the night helping to hide her from the pack of snowy wolves. Her black coat is rare among wolves now, and unlike the savage creatures in front of her she bares no collar. Her fur ripples and a silent nervous growl seeps out if her jaws. Glancing at them once more, she decides its probably best to steer clear, slinking towards another building.
Could you please fill out a character application before RolePlaying any further.

Reaper stands on a edge of a ruined concrete wall, the many white wolves below him have their heads down, staring at the ground in obedience. He was about the size if a female wolf, yet he was greatly feared throughout the lands , his fur was white as newly fallen snow was a symbol of death, his Subordinates on the other hand had fur stained with blood and black oil, they did the dirty work. "The city, is ours. From now till the end if time." He howls in triumph, they had slaughtered many other wolves, their bodies were left to rot in the sewage systems below the city. He laughs, many of the young white wolves had injuries from training, some had malnutrition, yet Reaper didn't pity them, or any of his Subordinates. He treated them like dirt, brain washing them with lies, tricks, and fear. they served him loyally.
Luna padded along the trees and dirt, her tail swishing behind her. Being a lone wolf, she was aware of her surroundings, looking around attentively. Coming into what used to be civilization, she looks at a cracked, decaying cement wall. Walking along to the other side, she spots a pack of wolves. She hears them claiming the city, and howling of their triumph. She backs away, afraid, knowing loners are typically killed. She crouches, trying to get away, letting out small whimpers.
Reaper's eyes land on movement in the shadows. He had spotted Ari. He growls loudly, barking orders. A decent sized group of wolves, about five, floods after Ari.

Reaper's ears twitch as he hears whimpering. He turbs, spotting Kuna attempting to slink away. "Stay." He barks at her, showing his silvery fangs in dominance as he leaped from his spot, beginning to stall toward Luna.
She stops, rolling onto her back, her tail lying flat. Her heart pounds, and she lies still. Her eyes dart, and her ears flatten.
"I... Nobody," she whimpers, attempting to slide away. She looks quickly at the other remaining wolves, their pelts dirty. She quickly looks back at the ground, curling her tail against her.
Reaper bares his fangs before pushing her into the dirt, "Stay." He Barks, "who are you, and why are you in my territory?"
Reaper withdrew slightly, "you killed a human?" he questions, his ember eyes on hers, watching her every move.
A rather large white wolf approaches Reaper, Reaper nods. "Killing humans is a rare ability found to wolves." He begins to circle Luna, sniffing her every so often. "An admirable trait."
She tucks her tail near her as she is circled. She slightly wags it at the appreciation. "Oh," she says, unsure of how to respond.
Reaper stands tall, "you shall remain with us, and be evaluated. You shall go through training like the pups within our pack have, and if you fail, you die." He says ithe simply, just as simple as it would be for him to rip out her throat, yet he hasnt, so that's a good sign.
"Yes alpha," she says, standing slightly crouched, licking his muzzle in submission. She knew how easily she would be killed if she tried anything. She keeps her tail and ears low.
Reaper turned away from her, "come." He ordered, he walked past the large pack of wolves perfectly aligned and basically identical. They stand up, and follow him in perfect rythm as if programed to do so. He leads them to a large abandoned warehouse, with about four floors. He leaps up and pushed open the metal doors, before walking insjde. "This is our camp, we sleep, and eat here." He nods and the wolves break apart, acting less like a system and more like an actual pack. "Carry on." He nods to Luna, before beginning to make his way to the top floor of the warehouse.
Luna follows behind the large group of snowy white, and stained pelted wolves. Her own coat now stained with dirt from being on the ground, she looked similar. She looks at the big building, assuming it to be a warehouse. As they approached the large, metal doors, she watched them be pushed open. She nods back at hearing that this was their camp, seeing the wolves scatter. She pokes around the first floor, seeing the wolves and what was here. She walked over to an empty space, laying down. She lets out a huff, and stands again. She sniffs around the staircase, flicking her tail.
A snowy white she Wolf approaches Luna, "you're the new recruit?" She questioned, "I'm Sleet." She says softly.
Sleet smells her, "good luck, he'll bream you, Luna." she mutters. "No rouge has ever survived long enough to be accepted into the pack."

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