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Fantasy City of Night


sʇɐq ןooɔ ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıƃuɐɥ
And so it begins----
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Hello @Smoaki! I'm looking over your sheet cause @Vampunk went to bed and we have been discussing things in a PM. A few things..

1) Character title is what they would, well, title themselves as. For example, yours could be say Ice Nymph, etc.

2) What is the extent of their powers and which aspect is stronger? Is she more adept at bending nature (that only being plants) or ice? Can she grow a whole forest/create an ice cap or slowly coax a seedling to sprout/make a few snow flakes fall? This needs do be specified under "Strengths and Weakneses" in a bulletled list format with a minimum of three though more can be added though.

Lemme know if you have any questions! ^_^
Smoaki said:
Changed! thanks for the comments on it, I was trying my best to at least get all of the required fields filled in when I first submitted it. @StoneWolf18
Mmmm, so in essence, she could manipulate blood if she wanted too? Remember she is an Ice Nymph, not water so that would pertain to the substance when frozen and only frozen. To me it seems that if she wanted too (Not saying you would do this, it's just an example) she could cover a whole port city in ice just by controling the water.
I wanna join... There are so many things I wanna join... But I have a hard enough time keeping track of the RP's I'm already in... T.T
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]I wanna join... There are so many things I wanna join... But I have a hard enough time keeping track of the RP's I'm already in... T.T

JUST JOIN DAMN IT (But not as a murder this time...)
StoneWolf18 said:
JUST JOIN DAMN IT (But not as a murder this time...)

But I was just getting the hang of it... And I might join when school ends, although I have two weeks (maybe more) after next week starts... And I have an idea for a character, but he could be a... sort of murderer?
[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]*sniffles*
But I was just getting the hang of it... And I might join when school ends, although I have two weeks (maybe more) after next week starts... And I have an idea for a character, but he could be a... sort of murderer?

-_- Comon, be creative!
StoneWolf18 said:
-_- Comon, be creative!
No, no not a murderer murderer, he is sort of a... priest for a much more powerful being that is sort of him but not him and connected to him, that wakes up every ten thousand or so years yada yada and wrecks havoc and my character, the priest, would be trying to collect pledges from people via signatures in his notebook that would cut off a year from the countdown. But since everybody hates the people who go from door to door, he barely ever gets signatures.
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@StoneWolf18 Hypothetically, she could freeze someone's bloodstream. Basically any object that has water inside of it she can freeze and use the ice made to her will, but she could not use the pure water on it's own.
Smoaki said:
@StoneWolf18 Hypothetically, she could freeze someone's bloodstream. Basically any object that has water inside of it she can freeze and use the ice made to her will, but she could not use the pure water on it's own.
Mmmmm, could you stick to just water or a substance that more than half H20? I really wouldn't want he to go into some rage and kill 4 people because she froze the blood in their veins...

@MittyMittens 'Ello there!

1) Lovely character by the way, quite detailed.

2) Could you explain your take on a werewolf? I do hope it's not the fanfic version... (-says in high pitched, breathy voice while flailing around- The wolf inside of me, oh no!!!) Cause technically, they're biologically the same thing... But, is she...

- Alergic to silver

- Affected by the moon


3) How could she live in human society so well if her eyes are gold? That would be a major give away, and even if she got contacts I'm assuming they would hold some sort of bioluminescent qualities.
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[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]No, no not a murderer murderer, he is sort of a... priest for a much more powerful being that is sort of him but not him and connected to him, that wakes up every ten thousand or so years yada yada and wrecks havoc and my character, the priest, would be trying to collect pledges from people via signatures in his notebook that would cut off a year from the countdown. But since everybody hates the people who go from door to door, he barely ever gets signatures.

Please...that would have no purpose in the roleplay at all cause no monster is coming and no one would want to interact with a damned cultist.
Smoaki said:
@StoneWolf18 Ice is technically H2O, but I can tweak it a bit. I see where you're getting concerned/confused
I'm pretty sure I know that ice is frozen water... X3 I mean other liquids. If you have Mercury, which I'm pretty sure is liquid at room tempature, you wouldn't be able to manipulate it because it's it's own element.
StoneWolf18 said:
Please...that would have no purpose in the roleplay at all cause no monster is coming and no one would want to interact with a damned cultist.
xD thats the point, it would never come!

I like cultists...

[QUOTE="Yaoke Saint]
xD thats the point, it would never come!
I like cultists...


And you thought I was crazy with my...ahem...planned trip to the zoo ;3

@StoneWolf18 I tweaked her CS so that she is more of a water nymph, It is also a bit late at night for me, i have to go get some sleep, thank you for all of your comments, it helped!
StoneWolf18 said:
Mmmmm, could you stick to just water or a substance that more than half H20? I really wouldn't want he to go into some rage and kill 4 people because she froze the blood in their veins...
@MittyMittens 'Ello there!

1) Lovely character by the way, quite detailed.

2) Could you explain your take on a werewolf? I do hope it's not the fanfic version... (-says in high pitched, breathy voice while flailing around- The wolf inside of me, oh no!!!) Cause technically, they're biologically the same thing... But, is she...

- Alergic to silver

- Affected by the moon


3) How could she live in human society so well if her eyes are gold? That would be a major give away, and even if she got contacts I'm assuming they would hold some sort of bioluminescent qualities.
1) Thank you!

2) God no! I just see werewolves more as shifters rather than half human/half wolf hybrid/monsters. And after being bitten some personality changes occurred is all, she would be more animalistic and intense emotion would trigger her change unintentionally. But given time she's learned to control it better. Just because she shifts when she's angry per say doesn't mean she's forgotten herself, if anything it's her temper that has her blinded not the wolf. I'll specify it was only the first time she had shifted that so to speak her body/mind couldn't quite comprehend what was going on. I didn't realize how I made her sound until it was pointed out xD . I'm thinking that the whole possibly losing oneself is why she got bitten to begin with, that the one who bit her never had a chance to return to human, or something along those lines.

Also, I added those two things to her weakness section.

3) I researched it and well "amber" colored eyes are an actual color people can have, albeit rare of course. Amber Eyes - A Complete Eye Color Guide so I'll change from gold to amber, if that's alright.

Let me know if there's anything else I can improve on!
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Smoaki said:
@StoneWolf18 I tweaked her CS so that she is more of a water nymph, It is also a bit late at night for me, i have to go get some sleep, thank you for all of your comments, it helped!
MittyMittens said:
1) Thank you!
2) God no! I just see werewolves more as shifters rather than half human/half wolf hybrid/monsters. And after being bitten some personality changes occurred is all, she would be more animalistic and intense emotion would trigger her change unintentionally. But given time she's learned to control it better. Just because she shifts when she's angry per say doesn't mean she's forgotten herself, if anything it's her temper that has her blinded not the wolf. I'll specify it was only the first time she had shifted that so to speak her body/mind couldn't quite comprehend what was going on. I didn't realize how I made her sound until it was pointed out xD . I'm thinking that the whole possibly losing oneself is why she got bitten to begin with, that the one who bit her never had a chance to return to human, or something along those lines.

Also, I added those two things to her weakness section.

3) I researched it and well "amber" colored eyes are an actual color people can have, albeit rare of course. Amber Eyes - A Complete Eye Color Guide so I'll change from gold to amber, if that's alright.

Let me know if there's anything else I can improve on!
Alright, to me you two are all good. I'll leave the actually acceptance up to @Vampunk cause I wasn't offically promoted to co-gm (yet ;3)
Ah, I just love these kinds of mornings^^

Everybody being creative and allowing me to read through some awesome character sheets while drinking some hot chocolate.

Looks great so far guys!
Loki Odinson] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35723-vampunk/ said:
Morning! Nice drawing, by the way.
Thanks^^ Took me a while to produce something workable, caffeine works wonders
[QUOTE="Huor Spinks]Awesome, thanks! I'll get started on my character sheet by today. Can I play a kitsune?

I would stay away from them, they tend to get overpowered as fuck along with...why would a messenger to the gods stop in a bar?
StoneWolf18 said:
why would a messenger to the gods stop in a bar?
It's like Death from Supernatural and his fascination with pizzas...or whatever it was he liked to eat.

Maybe this Kitsune wanted to get drunk to stave off the pressure of being a messenger to the gods? I mean that job has got to have some hefty duties. XP

(But yeah, ultimately I agree with you on the OP part)

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