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Fantasy City of Evil: Character Page


New Member
It has been fifty years since the first super human appeared to the public, and in that time things have changed immensely. Where once it might have been strange to see a someone flying through the skies, or lifting ten times their own weight. However as with all things there are two sides, and with the Super Heroes also came, the Super Villains. People who used their powers for selfish purposes, no longer caring about those weaker than them. In the early days the battles between the Heroes and Villains rocked the entire world, raising up death totals and and damages until both sides realized they could no longer continue like this. So the Heroes formed together, creating teams and a world wide organization known as Justice Defense. With the unified efforts of the worlds Heroes those who used their powers for themselves began to be toppled, and it seemed like the Super Villain was going to be no more than a bad memory.

Seeing the destruction of their lifes work the greatest Villains the world had ever spawned came together and formed their own group, Dark Bank. They would organize the world of super crime, enforcing strict codes to make sure the Heroes wouldn't lock them all in cells until the day the sun died. Any Villain that isn't connected with Dark Bank will have a bounty on their head from both good and evil sides. After all, if someone goes and kills an entire city the Heroes will strike back ten times harder, cracking down on everything and making it impossible for them to get a dishonest days work done.

But this is the start of a new story, one of an up and coming Villain that might have just gotten their power, or is finally done with training and coming out of the shadows. The future for them is as open as the sky. What they make in this world is up too them.

May your Infamy Rise Beyond the Stars.

In this RP you will be taking the role of a Super Villain at the beginning of their career, working your way from the bottom to the top. Here is how that looks

Street Crimes
Bigger Crimes
Gang building
Dark Bank Membership
Dark Bank Top Criminals
Seat on the Dark Bank Council

Each climb up the ladder will require infamy, the only real currency worth anything in the Super Villain community. A character gains infamy by preforming acts of evil throughout the city or the world, so long as it doesn't conflict with Dark Bank's own plans and doesn't step above your current part of the ladder. Anyone who does try to take that step will have their door promptly blown down by Dark Bank's finest assassins and have themselves terminated. Eventually you can use your infamy to buy goons, a base, and even a seat on the Dark Bank Council among the best of the best.


There exist 5 basic starting classes that players can build off of as the game goes on.

Physical Enhancement: Physical Super Power base. Think very strong, fast, athletic, energetic, stuff like that. People in this class can do something better than anyone else. Start out limit would be lifting a car, or running at at a speed to keep up with a normal car for long periods of time.

Super Powered: People blessed or cursed with some amazing ability that they can control. Throwing fireballs on a whim, electricity absorption and use, heat vision, teleportation, things of that nature belong here. Of course remember that using these abilities will tire the person out, same as running or fighting.

Mental Enhancement: Super smart and great planners, people in this class have been gifted with the ability to think one step ahead of their enemies, through they tend not to have much going for them physically. This class actually starts out with a few goons under your personal control. They are best at talking their way out of situations and pretending like they were never there to begin with.

Mystical Arts: People who have studied the art of magic and perfected some field of it, despite not having some of the more valuable and useful books. People under this class have the ability to cast spells that make up for their lack of other powers, but tend to have glass jaws and tire quickly if forced to use too much energy.

Technological Master: The mad scientists with a chip on the shoulder and something to prove. Most people under this class make their own weapons, through getting funding in order to invent their ideas is much harder than it seems, as Dark Bank doesn't hand out loans to those who haven't proved themselves. They are also able to analyze and use alien technology as easily as terrestrial.


Notable People

Dark Bank's Big Five

Broker- Founder of Dark Bank and person that shouldn't be messed with if you value your continued life. No one knows what he looks like, as he attends meetings as a hologram shadow. No one knows where he came from or what powers he actually has, just that he is one of the most feared members of the Villain community, so feared that he managed to calm down the chaos of Super Villiany into a business.

Vessel- Lord of Dark Magic and King of Chaos. Vessel is a punk rock type women covered in numerous cult tattoos and sporting a look filled with hellfire. Its said that she sold her soul over a hundred times and gained powers from every type of creature that crawls in the darkness. She than signed a contract with Broker to keep her out of hell. Turns out the best lawyers in existence aren't in hell, and those that end up there can be replaced in minutes.

Gadget Master- At first apperance this eldery scientist appears to be past his prime, but this is an act that covers one of the most brilliant minds on the planet. Gadget Master invented just about every evil weapon that people can imagine. Death Ray? Him. Freeze Ray? Him. Earthquake Machine? You get the picture. No one knows how old the man really is, but most believe that he found a way to cheat death through technology.

Copycat- Copycat started out as a small time villain who was only able to copy a hero at half their power for an hour, but after being pumped full of Dark Magic and enhanced by Gadget Master Copycat is now one of the most dangerous people on the planet. Her ability allows her to copy any super power she runs into, and can use them without needing time to slow down. Its said the only reason she doesn't go on the war path is because there might not be a planet left when she is done.

Mister Scars- One of the youngest members of Dark Bank, but still feared in his own right. Its unknown if Mister Scars has any powers of his own, because anyone who has seen him in action ends up dead the next day. He is a more than competent crime lord who was even able to run a business outside of Dark Bank for a number of years. They say that he controls the thug community, and if you do right by him the rewards will be nice.


Players will be starting out in the fictional city of Lobras Cove, Mexico. Its a rather beautiful city (New York basically but not in the U.S.), despite the seedy underground. This is where Dark Bank sends all the up and comers to test their stuff. If they prove their worth among all the other up and comers than they can advance to other more profitable cities. If they show they can't play by the rules or can't stomach the work they will be told to leave the Villain life. If they try to go on afterward... well stupid only has one cure.

Players start without a real lair to call their own, probably just a modest house and a civilian job they have to hold up in order to not look suspicious. Players will receive missions from Dark Bank they can ignore or join in, teaming up with other villains in order to complete more difficult tasks. They will also start out with a card that gives them the ability to rob small things, like atm's, stores, and small time hero fights.


Character creation

Super Villain Name:

Civilian Identity:


Class: (explained bellow)

Power: Super abilities, weapons, spells, etc. should be listed here.

Origin Story: (state how your character got their abilities, and just say how they joined Dark Bank (someone came to them, or they went out and found it)

Appearance: (Picture if you like, description is fine as well)
Super Villain Name: Flesh Weaver

Civilian Identity: Dr Kimberly Rose Avory

Age: 28

Class: Super Powered

Power: Balance
Dr Avory is cursed to forcibly restore balance. The trouble is, whenever she hurts or heals someone she becomes charged with energy to reverse what she just did. For example, injuring someone in a specific way would give her the energy to magically heal the same sort of injury on someone else. She can direct this energy provided she can make skin contact. There’s a limit to the amount of energy she can store, and receiving too much energy too fast makes it harder to hold. If she doesn’t direct the energy herself, it’ll discharge to someone else soon enough (though her powers protect her, provided someone else is near enough to discharge into instead).

Importantly she doesn’t gain energy by spending energy. The main sources of energy would be physical combat, medical treatment or her drugs. For example dosing someone up on depressants would allow her to magically give someone else a stimulating effect.
Her power’s only work on the living so she can’t gain energy from corpses or redirect excess energy into dead bodies. She doesn’t gain any energy from killing either.

Origin Story: As a doctor, she knows how to manipulate the bodies as others, either to heal or hurt them. She knows her way around medicine and pharmacy, enough to make a living as the sort of doctor that doesn’t ask why when faced with bullet holes. She runs a small local clinic by day in the inner city, treatment is cheap enough for poorer people to afford and by all accounts, she’s a respected pillar of the community. People tend to feel different when they find out her cost are subsisted by her drug trade. Technically she’s not a qualified doctor, a difference in views of the Hippocratic Oath and a lack of bedside manner prevent her from being a ‘real’ doctor. Though on the knowledge and skill side of it, she’s all there.

She uses her days to build up energy which she then releases at night. With the right damage to a body, she can even graft new parts onto herself (though she’s new to the practice and hasn’t experimented with the possibilities yet).

As for a power source, she’s not sure what gives her power, knowing only that her sense of balance and fairness compels her to maintain balance. She doesn’t decrease the amount of health in the universe but believes good can be accomplished by redistributing wellness.

She knows the Dark Bank, and they know her, through a few of the “regulars”, you only need patch the wrong sort of person up so many times before they refer you to their higher ups and you have job offers. That and she’s got a fair good product.

Appearance: She’s shorter than average, about 5’2, usually wearing her doctor's coat. Her hair is a light sort of short dusty brown while her skin is pale. She looks like she doesn’t get much sleep (you’d be right). She wears glasses, she has from childhood due to some pretty significant vision problems, though now they’re just for show, she has 1 green eye and 1 blue.

Any notes or edits you'd like? Or things I could expand on.
And I'd be happy to set up shared backstory between other PCs or NPCs if that's acceptable to you and other players.
Any notes or edits you'd like? Or things I could expand on.
And I'd be happy to set up shared backstory between other PCs or NPCs if that's acceptable to you and other players.[/QUOTE]

Your characters ability and backstory makes enough sense so it should be fine. As for shared backstory between other PC's that is something you would need to go over with them. As for NPC's I wouldn't mind so long as you contacted me about them first.


Super Villain Name: Morpheus

Civilian Identity: Professor Harris J. Dessen

Age: 36 appearance, 104 within quantum time

Appearance: Photos above and below for reference. Usually wears suits along with his glasses, but if he himself is doing the dirty work he quickly adapts to its needs.

Personality: Unstable is the best word used to describe Harris. At one moment he could be laid back and sarcastic, the other he could rip your head off and stuff your body away into nonexistent space. His bipolar behavior can make him irrational at times, but usually he is on the calmer side due to not wanting to raise his superposition.

Class: Technological Master, though he has powers due to the technology he created, and stole from multiple timelines and multiple futures. Will explain more below.

Power: Harris is a being of quantum superposition, due to his own technology. He is able to drift between the multiverse, and can enter other worlds for his own use. Able to "pull" things from superposition in other worlds, but it also negetivly affects the world he uses. But using this power creates multiple timelines, and multiple versions of himself in those other worlds and timelines. Moreover, he is limited to only one world per hour, and if he enters/ and or alters a world, including his own he becomes ghost-like, as he is sucked deeper into superposition. As soon as he passes 40% on superpostion, he begins to fade away physically as if he were a ghost. And at 100% he dissapears into complete quantum superpostion. Device that contains him is hidddn within a mordern looking smart-watch. Tells him his vitals, as well as level of superposition. (i'll gladly explain the science to this power. Plz PM me if you'd like.)

Origin Story: Harris lived quite a boring life for a long time. Living his days deeply indulged in his experiments to create a version of " Shrödinger's Cat," and to harness its power. While juggling
his mad science, Harris taught quantum physics at UCLA. For years he slaved over his work, determined to become greater than Hawking, and even greater than Einstein... And after 15 years, he did it... Harnessing the "dark matter" within a metal box, he was able to obtain superposition. But the moment everything became great, it was soon taken away. The dark matter became unstable, and observed him within itself, taking him into permanent superposition. It took decades, hundreds of worlds, and over hundreds of time he had to kill himself in order to survive. But after many years, he was able to join his world again, though only 2 years passed in reality. Coming back as one of the most famous scientists ever, Harris soon grew in wealth, and able to create a device that could permentaly keep him stable if kept on his person. But even though his life became whole, he never healed mentally. Taking up the adapted habits of survivial, killing those who threatened him, and simply squashing out the bottom feeders, the Dark Bank soon took intrest in him, as he did in them. Quickly becoming a large doner in the organization, he skyrocketed in popularity in the ranks, as well as credibility for his matter of unstable personality.


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Super Villain Name: Noire

Civilian Identity: Vienna Alvaro

Age: 24

Class: Mental Enhancement

Power: Intelligence
Noire is highly intelligent thanks to an unknown benefactor. She is great at planning, of knowing which friends to make, which people to avoid. She knows that many see her as a beautiful yet weak woman, so she will not hesitate to use her looks to her advantage. She is capable of persuading others to do things for her. She's great at telling lies and making people believe her. She can cry at will, if she needs to make her story more believable. She is also a mistress of disguise.

Origin Story: Noire started as the owner and bartender at Sunset Nightclub. She was known for being one of the only females working in that industry and for her imaginative flair. Supervillains frequent the bar, and it so happens that once the drinks flow, secrets will flow too. She learned more and more about the things going on in the city, and how they worked, what they did, and why. Eventually, she knew too much. She started selling information to willing buyers. That wasn't enough for her. She started committing small scale crimes with the information she had. She decided to make her best friend the coowner of the shop, just in case something would happen to her. She happily continued with her double life. One day, she was intercepted by another villain, one whom she did not know or recognize. She was captured and forced to undergo the surgeon's blade. She was released back to the city a few months later with super intelligence and a squad of goons. She returned back to her bar, where she employed two of her goons as bouncers. She continued with business as usual, until she overheard rumours going on that Dark Bank had put a bounty on her. She decided that it would be safer to join them than to go back to her old life, so she's only started her journey to the top.

Appearance as Vienna:

Appearance as Noire: She uses wigs, makeup, and contact lenses to mask her face, so she may look different all the time. She will sometimes use a mask to hide her face if she needs to be recognized immediately afterwards. However, the only thing that remains the same is a pure onyx ring on her left finger that has a silver monogrammed N on it.
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Super Villain Name: Madam Fortune, Fortune for short

Civilian Identity: Tina Fortunato

Age: Late 20's, but it's hard to tell under all that makeup.

Class: Mystical Arts

Powers: She has some telekinetic ability, but it's been forever since she's lifted anything heavier than a deck of cards.

Her father was a magician in between stints at the county jail. Her mother was a psychic; she did cold readings once a month at the event center and charged callers by the minute for vague horoscopes. Tina quickly learned that if she wanted to make it in this world, she would have to use her mind. That, she did, by levitating small objects.

Tina's talents became apparent while she was still a toddler. Mrs. Fortunato was in the middle of browning meatballs when a client called. She rushed to the phone, thinking the call would only take a minute. She gave Tina, who was in a highchair, a pat on the head as she rushed into the other room. She was gone longer than expected, and the little house started filling with smoke.

"All of a sudden, I hear the smoke alarm go off," Mrs. Fortunato would later recall. "I panicked. I thought, how could I be so stupid to leave the stove on? I go into the kitchen, and Tina's staring at the stove. I see the knob click off by itself and Tina's still sitting there, staring at the pan of meatballs like it insulted her father. Then the pan hovers in the air, maybe an inch or so above the hotplate, and plops itself on the counter. The meatballs were a little tough, but Tina was too tired to eat after that."

Despite her childhood precociousness, Madam Fortune (as she calls herself now) had reached a plateau in her career as a magician. She had been doing the same, second-rate shows for what seemed like an eternity when the Dark Bank left her a pamphlet. It said, Tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck? Unafraid to do some dirty work? You've been selected to participate in our special Super Villain development program, located in beautiful Lobras Cove, Mexico. She shrugged; even if this was a scam, it had to be more interesting than asking Is this your card? for the millionth time.
APPEARANCE: If you looked up flamboyant in the dictionary, you'd see Madam Fortune's face. She frequently wears brightly-colored hooded robes with loud scarves. There's so much mousse in her hair that it seems to defy gravity. She looks like she applies foundation with a trowel.
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Supervillain Name: Hecate

Civilian Identity: Hazel Katherine Martin, Specialist at a rare book store.

Age: 25

Class: Mystical Arts

Power: Hazel has access to a spellbook, which could theoretically enable her to learn a vast array of magical abilities. However, given the fact that she only got it recently and has to translate the spells, the only spell she's been able to learn is a weak fireball.

Bio: Growing up in New Orleans, Hazel was a nerd. That's the only way to describe her. She spent most of her hours with her nose buried in a book, and wanted to become a librarian when she grew up. After a stint in college to study library sciences, she got a job at a rare bookstore. That's when her life changed.

A customer brought in a book written in a strange language. Hazel was able to pin it down as a bad translation of an older Greek book, and made the purchase. With that done, she got decided to look deeper into it. To her amazement, it was a spellbook written by the famous sorceress Medea herself, and what's more, the first spell she read conjured a flame in her hand.

They say with great power comes great responsibility, but Hazel was never that responsible. She took up a "second job", mugging passersby on lonely nights. Very few refused to hand over their valuables when confronted with the threat of third-degree burns, and they quickly did when that threat became reality. Eventually, the Dark Bank contacted her, offering her a possibility of moving out of the world of small-time thuggery. Who was she to say no?

Description: Hazel is five foot seven, 160 lbs, with brown hair, brown eyes, and an overall medium build. Her costume consists of a midnight black spandex bodysuit with a silver crescent moon on the chest and a black cloth mask to conceal her identity.
Super Villain Name:

Civilian Identity:
Akina Eldine


Class: (explained below)
Mental Enhancement

Power: Super abilities, weapons, spells, etc. should be listed here.


She is able to plan out possibilities of what will happen next, so if in battle, she would know what they'd do next. (APPLIES ONLY TO NPCS/GOONS)
This ability has an excessive form known as ULTRASCAN. Explained later.
Akina is extremely skilled with a small-medium gun of any kind, as she grew up with them. With that said, some deaths have been recorded in the Eldine household. She will modify her guns to create two small pistols, known as AKIGUNS. They are able to produce the SUPERSHOT! attacks.
An extremely powerful attack that bursts fire from her guns. Akina does not have this ability in the beginning, and when she gets it, it drains almost all her power to use it.
An extremely powerful attack that drowns enemies in water released from her guns. Akina does not have this ability in the beginning, and when she gets it, it drains almost all her power to use it.
An extremely powerful attack that shocks enemies with lightning bolts shot from her guns. Akina does not have this ability in the beginning, and when she gets it, it drains almost all her power to use it.
Able to predict attacks carefully planned out, such as bombs and military missiles. Faints from usage/drains ALL power.

Her own guns. If you don't know what these are... Didn't you read?

Origin Story: (state how your character got their abilities, and just say how they joined Dark Bank (someone came to them, or they went out and found it)
After Akina started to do small-time jobs as an assassin, shooting important figures from the roofs, the Dark Bank started to recognize her knowledge of where things would be exactly. Able to shoot a bomb in a city where, precisely 30 minutes and 24 seconds later, it would explode, killing the Secretary of the United States. They watched her for a while, and believed her ability to be merely future sight. But when they secretly watched a fight between her and a hidden agent, she was able to tell exactly where he would strike and what he would do next. Future Sight is a slow magic, and takes mental practice and peace, while she was predicting what was happening 2 seconds before they did it. After she killed him, 2 Dark Bank agents approached her with the offer. Now, she provides the Dark Bank with sneaky operations that no one can expect.

Appearance: (Picture if you like, description is fine as well)

Akina No Supersuit


Super Villain Name: Doctor Skaron

Civilian Identity: Edmund Galliff Skaron

Age: 36

Class: Mental Enhancement

Power: Deduction, photographic memory. Always uses a handgun, in terms of weaponry, unless it's a duel, or a in which he'd use a rapier or cutlass.

Origin Story: He was just a really perceptive child and got really good at puzzles. Eventually he decided that legal things were boring and there were less exciting things. Even being police or FBI was ridiculous. He couldn't be a superhero. The all had powers. But a supervillain... That was something different. He signed onto Dark Bank as soon as he could.

Appearance: Whenever he's seen or whatever, his face is sort of... well it is impossible to tell his facial features, but you can sort of see his face. Kinda like if this guy had a lot more scribbles on his face and a different hairstyle, but it is more of a roundish head. Wears a lab coat and a bowtie, with a white glove and a grey glove. WIP picture.
Super Villain Name: Dorsum.

Civilian Identity: Corrato Perez.

Age: 21

Class: Physical Enhancement

Power: He's incredibly strong, being capable of lifting an average-sized car over his head. Additionally, he's tougher than a regular human. He doesn't have bulletproof skin or anything, but he's more likely to survive serious injury than other people.

Origin Story: Corrato was born abnormal in body, but seemingly intact in mind. Loved by his mother and no one else, he nonetheless had a happy childhood. He had next to no contact with other people besides his mother, but what little contact he had only further distanced him from the rest of humanity. Then, when he was only eleven, his mother died in an automobile accident.

Corrato, grieving, cursed a world where his mother could die a death so pointless and random. He mourned, and a hate grew. A hate for how his mother had spent her life sacrificing for others, only to die without reward. He was placed into foster care, where he was further alienated from others. At the age of fourteen, he ran away, surviving for the next four years through begging, petty thievery, and occasionally working as a small-time thug. When he turned eighteen, he started working as a manual laborer until he heard of Dark Bank and saw on opportunity to use his strength to advance himself.



He's eight feet tall at the hump and has brown eyes.
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