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Realistic or Modern ๐“’๐“ฒ๐“ฝ๐”‚ ๐“ž๐“ฏ ๐““๐“ป๐“ฎ๐“ช๐“ถ๐“ผ - ๐“ž๐“ž๐“’

xayah. xayah. - Heya, this all looks right up my alley. What are the rules surrounding face claims? Are we doing realistic?

PS: Sorry if I missed this being answered anywhere
All good! Welcome and thank you for your interest. Face claims are 100% in the realistic area. Our gods probably all look in the 20s-30s but if you would prefer an older looking faceclaim thatโ€™s ok too. In reality, theyโ€™ll all be centuries old though.
Ah, that's a shame.
I'm not the biggest fan of realistic face-claims, so I'll leave ye to it.
I hope every one of ye have a great time with the roleplay, best of luck! ๐Ÿ˜Š
All good! Welcome and thank you for your interest. Face claims are 100% in the realistic area. Our gods probably all look in the 20s-30s but if you would prefer an older looking faceclaim thatโ€™s ok too. In reality, theyโ€™ll all be centuries old though.
Thanks. I just wanted to be sure. I get completely thrown for a curve whenever there is a mix of anime, art, and then realistic folk running around. I am just a sucker for uniformity. I will see if I can get my partner to join as well.
No problem! Iโ€™ve had that mix before in a previous roleplay I joined, and it is seriously difficult to get immersed.
Ah, that's a shame.
I'm not the biggest fan of realistic face-claims, so I'll leave ye to it.
I hope every one of ye have a great time with the roleplay, best of luck! ๐Ÿ˜Š
aw thanks for the interest though! see you around !
I'll share my god/dess idea shortly, and I haven't read the 2 pages of oc yet but I believe we are using realistic face claims correct?

Edit: My question is answered
i think descriptions might be allowed too?? idk am just assuming but

everybody share yalls character ideas ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ

The plan is to make a nature goddess who was born from earth herself, a part born from Mother Natureโ€™s rage towards humans. A protector if you will. ๐Ÿ˜Œ

the plan for my boy is... well,, he's basically the god of hedonism so get ready for him to throw some ragers and have hooked up with, like, half the pantheon in the past
๐Ÿ‘€ ๐Ÿ‘€ thinking of making a tired emt god of healing/light. here to be soft and balance the chaos I'm expecting a little !

also, I was just wondering if there was an age restriction on joining? sorry if I missed it in the rules ๐Ÿ˜…
Give all your ideas, I wonโ€™t ask again ๐Ÿ‘น

also, I was just wondering if there was an age restriction on joining? sorry if I missed it in the rules ๐Ÿ˜…
hi no worries!! But yes Itโ€™s 18+ so please everyone be 18 and above!!
neither of us wants to catch a case
ok ok so. moemis. god of lies and coincidences. he tells a lie and it ends up being the truth bcs of a big coincidence. YES i stole this from xayah, but where is the proof. ๐Ÿคจ he's a rat that always causes drama but also appears randomly in weird places. u go to court for tax evasion and hes your lawyer. u go to whole foods and hes ur cashier. u gotta get a heart transplant and hes ur surgeon, looking at wikihow.
ok ok so. moemis. god of lies and coincidences. he tells a lie and it ends up being the truth bcs of a big coincidence. YES i stole this from xayah, but where is the proof. ๐Ÿคจ he's a rat that always causes drama but also appears randomly in weird places. u go to court for tax evasion and hes your lawyer. u go to whole foods and hes ur cashier. u gotta get a heart transplant and hes ur surgeon, looking at wikihow.
at least you confessed your sins.

for ayanna! sheโ€™s the reason all your favorites make such bops but no one recognizes her talent and sheโ€™s been relegated to performing for tourists on the street. gets made fun of in every language but jokes on you, she understands everything and is not afraid to let you know by staring!

sybil is the god of time! but heโ€™s uh VERY nihilistic. Radiates strong everything dies eventually energy and doesnโ€™t care for much at the moment. Canโ€™t even control time anymore and has a really messed up perception of time that speeds up or slows down depending on his emotions. being nostalgic and sounding like a boomer is his middle name. Also he works at a jewelry store as a watch specialist and loses his mind everyday doing customer service.
For my children am finking of :

1. nassor, a god of death that wears gloves so that he doesnโ€™t kill or maim things and resents himself for having such abilities. Heโ€™s gonna be BIG SAD but also vulnerable and not in an annoying lone wolf kinda way ong HE HAS FRIENDS. Well. Really JUST MOEMIS FOR NOW SJNSJS BUT THEYRE BESTIES OKAY

2. chuhua, a goddess of love and fertility whos an absolute menace. Has everyoneโ€™s best interests at heart but is averse to being rational in any sense of the word. Would and has stolen a baby because it was alone and she wanted to make sure it was OK. Isnโ€™t allowed in some neighborhoods.

3. God of panic and fear - literally a walking nervous wreck, clumsy and always somehow gets into trouble despite wanting nothing to do with it. BIG SIMP energies and also very dorky.

4. Goddess of scandal and gossip. Has her own interests at heart and makes it known, very self-serving but also generous. Somehow became well-known and now has stans and Twitter beef JSNSJSN
Iโ€™m playing with the idea of Nabi, a god of truth and history. I think he's very concerned about the possibility of his own death, and has been obsessed with the idea of living on through archiving his own deeds as well as those of the other gods. And, though he's extremely embarrassed about doing so, he's been doubting his own divinity, researching other faiths in hope that he'll find something he feels can offer him a future existence.

He also spends far too much time arguing with people on Wikipedia talk forums (he once spent an entire week yelling at trying to convince user achillesfan469 that Homer didn't write the vast majority of the Iliad and also that he was a lousy cheat at cards), as well as frantically trying to correct disinformation on Twitter.
The plan is to make a nature goddess who was born from earth herself, a part born from Mother Natureโ€™s rage towards humans. A protector if you will. ๐Ÿ˜Œ
I will just say, if she goes full raging green peace - but with less peace, attacking oil tanking vessels in the open ocean, shooting poachers in game reserves, strangling South American dictators selling the amazon off... I swear she is gonna be worshipped again soon enough. If not by humanity then surely by whoever I dream up.
My god/dess idea is one of the void, abyss; I'm not talking about "darkness" but urges, impulses, and intrusive thoughts that rationally don't make sense or humans are just like, "Why did I have that thought?" "L'appele du vide" Thinking about jumping off a ferry when looking down in the water, but not actually doing it. Wanting to scream in a meeting, but not doing it because your rational thought processing knows that would backfire and you need to "behave." Had my character had their powers though, that person might just scream anyways. When your body acts on it's own, etc.
Probably was labeled as a chaos or chaotic god, they were prideful and things happened based on their whim.
Hi- finally caught up with the OOC and jumping in late.
I'm still trying to navigate and everything haha.

But! My concept so far is The Patron God Of Wanderers and Lost People, Azem. Like the over all guiding force for those that have lost their way, and guiding them safely home. From being literally lost or missing from home, to perhaps losing your way in life, a job, friends or whatever. A god those type of people used to pray to in hopes everything okay.The irony of it all is, that he's lost his own way, and the degradation over time, has caused him to forget his true name, and what was his true purpose was. Sure he remembers his past and where he had come from and the people he had met. But what was it that a God of Wanderers do?

I was thinking if my character had powers it would almost always be involuntary, showing up when a character might need him, or somehow having something that they might need at that given time.
[Hi yes i like giving warm hugs don't mind me]
Just me trying to figure out what folk have taken so far. From what I gather from what people have said so far -

god of lies/coincidences and a goddess of luxury
goddess of nature and agriculture
god of death or goddess of love and fertility
trickster/mischief maker gremlin and an empathetic god of warriors
goddess of music & language and god of time
god of light and healing
god/goddess of chaos and order
god of truth/history
god of wine and pleasure
nature goddess
god of lies and coincidences
god of Oaths
God of panic and fear
Goddess of scandal and gossip
God/dess of the void, abyss
God Of Wanderers and Lost People

Going from that, I think I may do something like a god of 'great works' - maybe long ago a he was a god of roads, monuments, buildings or places made for worship or places which hold power. In a modern sense, he might be seen as a god of architecture or engineering, maybe even a god of problem solving. I like the idea that famed wonders over the thousands of years of human development were started with a prayer to him, the whole 'breaking of new earth' for a project being a now long since forgotten sacrament to him. I don't think technology is his domain per-se, but rather something grander - places or things risen to carry the pride of cultures and civilizations into the future for thousands of years. I may refine this with time, but yeah - not that interested in a warrior god or anything like that. I am the god of castles and fortresses, temples, cathedrals, pyramids, great walls, gardens, towers, bridges, mountains, etc. etc. - not the god that presides over what you do with them.
Everyone: Selecting genre and narratively appropriate realistic face claims
Me, who learned the term "face claim" yesterday and can remember the faces of five (5) actors at a time:

Everyone: Selecting genre and narratively appropriate realistic face claims
Me, who learned the term "face claim" yesterday and can remember the faces of five (5) actors at a time:

View attachment 930568
PLSSSSS JSBSJSN HELP ME. The homies and I have an rp fc directory though if any of yโ€™all need help, check it out
here <3


that aside, hiiii I have a mini announcement to make!!
so after putting the CS skeleton up we (mainly me) forgot to add a couple of things sjbsjwb so itโ€™s been updated. But also Iโ€™d like to explain some elements so no one gets the wrong idea,,,, so first off with the power thing theyโ€™re just going to have one power and it can be further broken down into strengths//weaknesses - not exactly different abilities but small things they can and canโ€™t do essentially. The โ€œreplacementsโ€ aspect is something xayah and I recently talked about, itโ€™s essentially a call or pitch as to why such a powerful god would be dying- without the lack of faith notion (though it could even be why thereโ€™s a lack of faith but it should be realistic and not made up lore sknsjs). This just because with some of the ideas weโ€™ve seen so far, itโ€™d be hard to imagine why they would be fading when theyโ€™re still such a crucial part of society- for example my god, death although a big portion of the lifecycle is recently weakening because of the advancement in medicine/accessible healthcare and thus, a lower mortality rate.

PLSSSSS JSBSJSN HELP ME. The homies and I have an rp fc directory though if any of yโ€™all need help, check it out
here <3

View attachment 930571

that aside, hiiii I have a mini announcement to make!!
so after putting the CS skeleton up we (mainly me) forgot to add a couple of things sjbsjwb so itโ€™s been updated. But also Iโ€™d like to explain some elements so no one gets the wrong idea,,,, so first off with the power thing theyโ€™re just going to have one power and it can be further broken down into strengths//weaknesses - not exactly different abilities but small things they can and canโ€™t do essentially. The โ€œreplacementsโ€ aspect is something xayah and I recently talked about, itโ€™s essentially a call or pitch as to why such a powerful god would be dying- without the lack of faith notion (though it could even be why thereโ€™s a lack of faith but it should be realistic and not made up lore sknsjs). This just because with some of the ideas weโ€™ve seen so far, itโ€™d be hard to imagine why they would be fading when theyโ€™re still such a crucial part of society- for example my god, death although a big portion of the lifecycle is recently weakening because of the advancement in medicine/accessible healthcare and thus, a lower mortality rate.

Is Godly Alignment just their D&D-esc alignment? What does "Current Position" under Vulnerabilities refer to?

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