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Fantasy Cirque du Sommiel


New Member
Cirque du Sommiel is the circus of sleep, the infamous circus that appears in the backwoods of Stockbridge, Massachusetts. It appears without warning and randomly and by the next day it is gone, it's all under one large stripped tent held up by six posts made from chalk boards where people who want to watch the show sign there name on one of the posts with the chalk that litters the ground around them. And when they enter treated to a glorious show full of entertainment and wonder, spectacular and impossible feats. But there is a rumor that is spread around town that if you fall asleep during the show that they take you into their circus and you become apart of their show, for good. Whether you chose to sleep or not, trying to fulfill a bet, you lost a dare, or you're trying to disprove the legend either way if you fall asleep then there will be no way out. So, will you be able to stay awake or will you fall asleep and to the circus life you go.

The truth of the matter is the names are chosen at random from the names on the poles, one from each, the names appear on a secret document and the people are targeted and are either drugged with concession food or are gassed through a ventilation system in the seats either way audience members falling asleep is no random act. The circus is run by a mysterious demon who no one ever seems to see, his goal is to take as many souls as possible within the rules of the circus. When there is no show to put on the circus becomes invisible to the humans eye and intangible to the touch performers that are taken in can leave when the circus is not in use but if they don't return to the tent before the next performance they die and their souls and put in the demons collection. Those who are taken into it are given a tattoo, this tattoo determines what kind of ability a person gets, these abilities help when people are forced to perform in the circus this can very from turning into a mythical creature to being able to perform magic. Another thing that happens to the people that are taken is their friends and family don't remember them at all and the names they had written on the poles are gone, it is as if they never existed and are stranded on a colorful island of misfits. During the day the circus is in the living world so that the people working at the circus can go out and do whatever they do but when the sun goes down it goes into the realm of the dead (not unlike the movie Spirited Away). That's why if someone doesn't return to the tent before sundown they end up dead and it also is where they put on performances for the inhabitants of the world of the dead. When it's time for new recruits to be made they go back and put on a show for the living along with that stealing away the newest people they need to keep running the show. These are the rules of your stay you can choose to try to escape or accept your fate.

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