Cilantro Bosroo

Accidental Tea

Professional Pizza Scientist


"He goes by the name Cilantro Bosroo"

Picture or Appearance:

(I might draw him later if the RP goes well) "He stood at about three foot tall and wore a pair of pointed-toed boots that go up to below his knee. Rising out of his boots was a pair of forest green pants with a hefty amount of pockets. Hanging off his torso was a long denim blue coat with lengthy, meandering markings a backpack was also typically slung diagonally across his chest. Beneath the coat was a black vest complimented by a white undershirt.  His chin came to a point under his neatly trimmed goatee and his smile lacked the tooth second from the middle. The gnome's eyes protruded from his tan skin and the shade of blue contrasted well with the orange mop he calls his hair."


"Gnome, or so I'm told"


"His face was unwrinkled and lacked scars, he was a young man whom has only recently started his quest for knowledge"



Personality: (a detailed paragraph or at least 5 traits with examples)

"He was a very intelligent fella, he seemed to always know what to do, even in times of peril. He claims he's not as mischievous as the other members of his race, but he has played some tricks on me, I remember one where he tied some thin line to a piece of gold and pulled it just out of my reach whenever I got close. As mischievous as he was, he did care about his fellow party members, he always passed out potions and did his best to support us. The gnome was also very child-like, his eyes always lit up in amazement whenever he saw a creature unfamiliar to him. He was also very curious, almost to the point of getting himself killed, I can't tell you how many times I've had to pull him away to avoid a trap. Cilantro was always an optimist, he always saw the light side in a situation, and in many cases, that always helped us when we our morale was low."


"He said that his childhood was a bore, he told me that ever since the day he was born, he wanted to adventure out in search of knowledge and artifacts. He even dug into his parents' backyard in hopes of finding something of interest, he did find an old dented pocket watch with an engraving written in an unknown language. He also told me that despite hating school, he loved to read and would often spend time at his village's library. His parents ran a potion-making business, of which he worked throughout his childhood and picked up some skills in the craft. His father hoped that Cilantro would take on the family business, but against his wishes, Cilantro left the village of Melonbridge and started his quest for knowledge"


"He said that he had discovered a special book in his travels, the spell inside isn't anything too special, he just conjures up elements from the environment into a throw-able orb. Aside from that, I hadn't noticed anything obvious, but I do recall times where I was sitting right next to him and next thing I knew he was gone, I've also seen him take quite a beating."


"I thought I had a big appetite, but that little fella could put it away, I once saw him eat an entire chicken all to himself, there was nothing left on the plate. I also recall him having an affinity for his mother's triple berry pie."
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