Chris Jameson


The world is a testing ground for human ingenuity

Christopher Garret Jameson


He just goes by Chris

Date of Birth

Dec. 8th, 1994







Relationship Status

Single though not really looking for a relationship. One can still happen though.


Works web development and cyber security for Warwick, also plays with local big band on the weekend and some weeknights.


Chris is about 6’5 and looks the part of most metalheads: Long, thick brown hair that comes down to his mid-back(usually pulled back in a ponytail), an imperial(a soul patch that is about 4-5 in long, and can be considered a beard), and a black hoop earring in his left earlobe. He wears a pair of full frame, rectangular lens glasses slightly tinted gray(a special type of prescription lens that prevents blue light and UV overexposure in his eyes) and wears a necklace with a silver Triquetra pendant hanging from it. He usually wears black or dark gray clothing, his shirt typically depicting a band and his pants typically slacks or exercise pants along with black tennis shoes. He has 4 tattoos: One on his right hand depicting the symbol of the sith lord, one on his left shoulder depicting Lady Justice, one on his right upper arm depicting an owl and hourglass, and one on his upper back depicting a celtic design.


  • Correcting people: Misinformation tends to be a pet peeve of his
  • Gets irritable after a long period of time of not listening to music
  • Occasionally calls someone ‘My dude’
  • strokes his beard when in deep thought


  • Playing jazz bass as well as rock & metal
  • Tinkering with electronics both in instruments and in computers
  • Finding out how interesting things work(like bladeless fans, quantum computation, solar power, etc)
  • Playing video games


  • Jazz, Rock, & Metal; especially Meshuggah, Rush, Steve Bailey, & Victor Wooten
  • Dank meme compilations
  • Chocolate
  • A Jack Daniels every once in awhile
  • Astronomy
  • The occasional political debate
  • Learning interesting but not really useable facts
  • Finding out more about people
  • Dead By Daylight


  • Unnecessary pessimism
  • Not being able to accurately explain something
  • Close-mindedness
  • Astrology(the belief that celestial bodies affect people and the natural world)
  • Stereotypes
  • extortion of others
  • Oatmeal raisin cookies


  • Claustrophobia - fear of being confined in small/tight spaces
  • Thanatophobia - fear of dying
  • Needle Phobia - fear of medical needles


Though he may look the part of a metalhead, who are often associated with anger and violence, Chris is a very friendly and laid back individual. He isn’t hard to approach, and is often described as dorky by people who know him the best. He’s a pacifist, rejecting the use of violence for the battling of words. On top of that, Chris is a very passionate and loyal individual, often going out of his way to help someone out. He's usually pretty respectful of people's preferences, and tries not to annoy them too much.

He's very open and honest with everyone. Expanding on the latter, he almost never sugarcoats his opinion or criticism if they ask him of it. He's quite good at reading people, however, and will hold back if he believes the truth will hurt them. His sense of humor is mostly based on puns, references, memes, and innuendos. He's an unusually patient person, but watch out whoever actually managed to piss him off. Because if that happens, expect a different, much more willfully violent personality.

Place of Origin

Dallas, TX


(part of this is personal experience, it's up to you to figure out what)

Chris's childhood wasn't too significant with the exception of a single event, which I will get into later. He appeared to have an aptitude for technology and mathematics at a fairly young age, but always seemed to prefer isolating himself from other people. If one were to ask him back them as to why, he'd most likely shrug and say 'I dunno, I just like working by myself.' Of course, this aptitude did not go unnoticed by the teachers, who sought to put him into some kind of program where all they did was test. Of course, like any other child, he didn't go for long since he didn't like the pressure of the testing. Skip to middle school, some of the more aggressive students began to take notice of his ability to complete schoolwork with relative ease. They made his life a living hell with them continuously blackmailing him into doing their work. Unlike many students, he didn't tell the teachers since he saw one of the other people who was bullied by these kids not receive any protection from them whatsoever. For his own sake, he began purposely letting his grades slip so the bullies would leave him alone. Of course, it didn't work and in fact worsened the problem. The stress of all of this essentially caused him to break emotionally, rendering him stoic. His parents were able to take him to a pediatric psychiatrist in order to help him out, and this is the aforementioned event. The conclusion was him being diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome: a form of high functioning autism. It actually explained a lot: his isolationism, his love for technology, his ability of quick interpretation of knowledge, and most of all his handling of stressful situations.

Feeling it would be better for him, his parents moved him to a new state, a new school. Within a few months of attendance, his action were of himself again with the exception of his remaining stoicism and cynicism. This was mainly in part due to him finding out music was a massive stress reliever. Of course, this led to him being completely obsessed with it by the end of middle school. It, along with his expanding knowledge of computers and networking defined his time in high school. Compared to middle school, high felt like a massive breath of fresh air. It allowed him to cultivate his interests and further fill his mind with facts and equations that may or may not be useful later on. He didn't really care though, he felt mentally liberated there and that's all that mattered to him. It even led to the fading of his stoicism and the complete disappearance of his cynicism, and through this allowed him to get new friends. Granted, it was only a few people but he didn't need many. It was they who introduced him to the likes of Victor Wooten, Steve Bailey, and Meshuggah, which eventually caused him to pick up the bass at 16.

One high school diploma and two bachelor degrees later, Chris had become the person we all know today. He was fresh out of college and moved into a good-sized apartment that would eventually be shared by Orion.


Owns a custom Warwick Dolphin 6 string

He has a relatively high alcohol tolerance and is a 'happy drunk'

He's working on building a 8 string guitar-5 string bass double neck for shits and giggles. Also to basically pull a geddy lee(play bass through most of the song, switch to rhythm when the lead is doing its own thing) when he plays Meshuggah
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That history though. Not sure why but it brought literal tears to my eyes. :( I curse you for making me tear up.

But anyways, accepted! :D
That history though. Not sure why but it brought literal tears to my eyes. :( I curse you for making me tear up.

But anyways, accepted! :D

I'm sorry D: I was out of ideas for the history so i decided to draw on some personal experience

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