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Dice Childe of the Dead God (Chronicles of Darkness)


Rumours of Dragons

There were records, once. By most official accounts (within the Ordo and Invictus, at least), the entity calling itself the Ourobouros was created in some terrible Dragon experiment in the fifties. But the All Night Society loves its myths, and there are some who allege the Clan has existed in hiding for centuries citing stories of shapeshifting monsters and man-eating heaps of disembodied organs.

There were records, once, but the Ourobouros will neither confirm nor deny their content. Only that they burned down along with a Chapterhouse in Portland, Maine.

Now everyone has a different story. The Ordo whisper that it is a Gangrel of an unusual bloodline. The Carthians insist it to be the result of nuclear tests during the Manhattan Project. The Sanctum and Circle call it a blasphemy and hate it. The Invictus, appropriately, remain silent.

And what does Ourobouros know? It knows it was created by a coterie of Nosferatu from a short-lived and aberrant bloodline. It knows it was never human. It knows it can be legion, for no one can predict its face or location, and this worries wiser Kindred. It knows it must feed deeply to gain any sustenance at all.

Born within the Ordo, the Ourobouros has remained a notable member, resisting requests to swear to an Order and becoming a prominent scholar on the nature of the curse. And other, stranger things - it spend a long year with a dead woman who lived on wood and electricity, until it felt compelled to end her existence lest she turn on it next.

Intrigued by rumours, and thirsty for knowledge, Ourobouros has come to Campbell now. Its been in town for a week. It has yet to introduce itself.

All Hail The New Flesh

Ourobouros Clan Bane: The Bane of the Serpent.

The Ourobouros eats its own tail; the first point of Vitae from any feeding is ignored unless the vessel is a member of the Clan or a Ghoul of the Devourer.

Clan Discipline: Caroforma

Couldn't add to sheet - Ouro has this at 4 currently.

0 - Body Serves Will

Cost: 1 Vitae per change

Action: Instant

Duration: Indefinite

The Ourobouros isn't bound to a single shape or face; with a thought and a moment's concentration, its flesh warps and flows with Vitae before settling in a more pleasing shape. These changes are primarily aesthetic, but useful for disguise.

00 - Function In Form

Cost: 1 Vitae per change

Action: Instant

Duration: Indefinite

An expansion on Body Serves Will, this ability allows the Ourobouros to make more dramatic changes akin to Protean's Predatory Aspect; claws, spikes of bone, an intimidating mien, or other frightful mutations - yet still bound within a broadly human shape.

000 - Resculpt

Cost: 1 Vitae per change

Dice Pool: Dexterity + Medicine + Caroforma vs. Resolve + Composure + Blood Potency

Action: Opposed, unless on a willing or unconscious subject.

Duration: Indefinite on mortals; a number of nights equal to successes for Kindred

Subsume the will of others, and their bodies will follow. Ourobouros reshapes the target in the same way it might change itself, applying the effects of dots 0, 00, and 0000 to the target.

0000 - Optimized Form

Cost: 1 Vitae, 1 Willpower Point

Dice Pool: None

Action: Reflexive

Duration: Scene

The Ourobouros rapidly transforms into an utterly alien shape, something barely recognizable as human, with similar results to Protean 0000

00000 - The New Flesh

Cost: Burn Willpower

Dice Pool: Opposed Resolve + Composure

Action: Reflexive

Part of the Ourobouros is in every thing it touches - Ghouls, Childer, recipients of its transformative gifts. As long as a single piece remains, it is legion. The process is violent, painful, and forces a Humanity degeneration - when it would receive terminal damage, the Ourobouros is reborn in a nearby vessel, who is debilitated by crippling agony as the body shifts to reflect the Ourobouros' last chosen shape and their soul is forced from them.

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Embraced in the late 50s, Bruno Baudelaire was a struggling actor with a penchant for expensive liqueurs and bluffing his way into high society soirées. He was a touch eccentric even then, given to mixing the aspirational manly gentleman persona of the time with a light dose of buffoonery and occasional raucous humour. It got him kicked out of many a party, and invited back to plenty more. His (scandalous at the time) love of young blond gentlemen culminated one night with the Kiss of a lifetime: one desperate, lethal entanglement and an animalistic Beast was left where his buffoonery had been.

It ruined him. The taste of blood replaced that of his delicious liqueurs, and he showed a disturbing level of talent in sniffing it out. But he was no longer a social butterfly, and much more a mosquito: a pest, no longer welcome in high society. Decades on, the would-be "Sir" Bruno has still not regained the precarious social status he prized so dearly.

"Sir" Bruno is an odd man of quality but faded suits, expensive but scuffed shoes, and a veneer of eccentric chivalry hiding a vicious social predator. He appears to be an affable and attractive man in his early 50s, with a dash of grey through his otherwise black hair, twinkling blue eyes and a disarming Richard Gere smile. His manner comes across as an archetypal gentleman character from a 1950s American drama. In fact, he played one or two of them in his time.

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