

Acolyte of a New God
Name: Chet Andersen

Race: Ghoul (Formerly Caucasian)





S- 8
P- 6
E- 7
C- 4
I- 5
A- 6
L- 4

Items: Plasma Rifle, 10mm Pistol, Hatchet 

Likes: The Military, Good ol’ USofA, Nuka~Cola, Cigarettes, Being Busy, and Women

Dislikes: The Brotherhood of Steel, Bigots, Sunset Sarsaparilla, Vim, and Raiders

Personality: Somber on the inside he will occasionally try to balance it by being cheeky and an asshole just to watch other writhe around in discomfort. He is very temperamental often going off on anyone he disagrees with or who insults him. Though he is a ghouls he sometimes forgets and tries to be a “ladies man” but this never works and he almost always gets rejected. For the most part Chet lives a very simple and uneventful life, except when he is getting his leg blown off, he is striving to find something else to work for.

Bio: Chet was a normal kid for the time, he had little aspirations other than being a cowboy or an astronaut. As a teen he was involved in a small gang of misfits and trouble makers, then he developed an addiction to nicotine and was always smoking on an offbeat, this led to him being kicked out of Highschool in his senior year, without school he found himself homeless and with only one option: the military. He joined the marines, he found himself on the front lines of the invasion of Canada and survived the Anchorage front lines. By the time the bombs dropped chet had already returned home. Excited that on his 23rd birthday a new flavor of his favorite soda would be released, instead he was met with the apocalypse, and in some cruel way the universe had spared his life but ghoulified him. After this Chet began to wander the wastes, going all over the former United States of America. 

He made it to California around 2150 there he did odd jobs, fetching items, exterminating beasts, and killing raiders. Due to the fact that he was a ghoul he was best equipped for finding objects in ghoul nests and redirecting groups of ferals, finally he felt truly happy he had in some strange way become a cowboy, something he had always wanted to be. While working a job redirecting feral ghouls he was shot by a Brotherhood of Steel Knight, the Gauss rifle tore through his leg, luckily he was near the town of Necropolis and they nursed him back to health. There he fashioned a new leg from scrap metals and other parts. After he could walk normally, which took a few months, he was left Necropolis and was able to steal a Pip Boy, and began to make his way back to the east coast.

Around the year 2181 Chet had made it to Chicago, all the caps he had made allowed him to make a barter for a mint condition Plasma Rifle, and then he had done a favor, killing rivals, to have the gunmaker teach him how to keep the Rifle in a good condition and how to fix it, with this he was able to kill larger things than he would have with his 10mm and his, now retired, hunting rifle. He continued his way eventually stopping in Nuka World for kicks and some nostalgia, When he made it there he was a guard for a few caravans and worked a few contracts for raiders, he worked mostly for nuka cola and cigarettes. While on a contract in 2230 he found a little girl little older than 8 in a raider camp, and helped her to find her parents, but they were dead. Chet raised Amber as if she was his own daughter. He taught her how to shoot, and survive in the wasteland, when she was about 30 she finally headed off  to diamond city with her then boyfriend. 13 years later Chet went to see her for the last time, she had two daughters of her own and was now middle aged, they made their goodbyes and parted ways. After that he headed into D.C., never settling down and working occasionally as a gun for hire but for the most part lived peacefully in the Underworld. Recently he had wanted to start up another caravan for something to do in his life.
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