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Fantasy Chasm


New Member

Just as a fair warning now, the longer this roleplay goes, the more places will be revealed. It already has a fleshed out backbone of a story, and everything is in place. I just need you to participate! In total, there are five levels within Chasm, and yes, there will be fight scenes conducted to pass through each level with different areas. I have fully fleshed NPCs for these particular battles, and in the character area, you will see that character is just a simple, ominous figure.

If you'd like to learn more about how these will play out, playing a villian, or how am I planning to conduct these scenes, do feel free to message me. I've been a DM for multiple campaigns in my lifetime, and trust me - I wont make something incredibly OP and unbeatable. I make villians with a mindset of they'll eventually fall. How, however - is up for you to play out.

Right now we are just as level 1: Theas.


? A paragraph minimum per post.

? Usage of "quotations" are necessary to indicate speech. Italics for thought, and (parenthesis) for OOC.

? Try to keep OOC chat to a minimum while IC.

? One post per week is required! If something arises and you cannot do so, please let me know in OOC or message. If you cannot make

it and do not reply within three days past the mandatory week - your character will be killed off!

? Third person, and it past tense please to keep the storying flowing all together!

? Your character can be of any of the medieval fantasy races that have been known in any works of literature or other forms of media.

If it's something obscure, please link a reference in your character sheet so we get the jest!

? Character pictures have to seem realistic in appearance. (No anime photos, or sketches unless the sketches are realistic.

Any photography/screenshots from games are perfectly fine.)

? Remember that the object of escaping the Chasm isn't to be the most OP, but to work together to solve problems! It's not all about you!

Other then that, it's a complete free for all! If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments - don't hesitate to ask. These rules are subjective to change, though as they stand it wont be of any time soon. You will of course, be notified - and remember, the most important thing is TO HAVE FUN! :)
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