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Fantasy Chasm


New Member
The sounds of the market were unusually louder than the usual standard. People were murmuring along, while the familiar sound of keys jingling together around peoples key loops and merchants collecting them seemed to be drowned out by the gossiping amongst the people. Which, could only mean one thing:

New arrivals.

Chione casually made her way - her hips swinging as she walked which made the keys on her own belt loop clang together, followed by a little bell that she had attached on a braided ribbon to secure them as an extra measure, in case if anyone wanted to swipe them.

Bumping against people shoulder to shoulder, she attempted to go to the square, which really just looked like a giant opening with a few make shift benches made out of hide and bones, as well as a well so that she could observe the large tunnel ahead.

That's where everyone's living quarters were located - that's where the new arrivals will wake up and have a panic attack.

"Not too long now." she mused, flopping her knapsack on the ground and sitting on one of the benches languidly. She began to tap her foot, every waiting patiently.

It's been three years since she's been held up within the Chasm, not that she minded much. Still, she knew how scary it was the first day, the fear of awaking somewhere and not remembering how you even got there or moved was definitely a nerve-wrecking experience.

In fact, she couldn't recall ever seeing anyone moving people into the Chasm at all.

Still, while the whole area was shrouded in mystery, she waited.

She was sure she'll get her day to escape, after all.
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Mirizam jumped too attention. She was on the cold floor, in total darkness. This was nothing new, seeing as a thief sometimes had to sleep without a bed, and last night was probably one of those nights. As she sat up she realized she didn't remember last night, or anything much really, since a few weeks ago. She left work, stole something maybe, did she sell it? What day was that anyway?

Her head hurt. In fact, it was throbbing the moment she tried to recall anything, like something was trapping those memories behind a barrier of thorns. Quickly, she reached for her back pocket, where she always kept one match for safety's sake. After all, it was better to be safe than sorry in the thievery business. She struck it against the floor, and quickly threw her head around with the brief light, trying to locate some sort of lamp. She found no such thing, but instead a door, with a glistening key in it. Mirizam praised her stars for the find and lunged for the key, twisting it quickly, and throwing the door open.

Small lights dangled around, and a large tunnel opened up before Mirizam, revealing door upon door lining the walls.
"Wh... Where am I?" she murmured, quickly drawing her gladius from her lower back, but being careful to keep it concealed underneath her cloak. Mirizam looked both ways, and only saw one way out, so turned to face it and started heading that way, slowly, being sure to check all angles and make sure she wasn't being followed.

Seated at the mouth of the tunnel, in some sort of makeshift welcome plaza, was a smug looking girl a bit taller than Mirizam. Naturally, Mirizam immediately distrusted the figure, and tightened her grip on her blade, slightly revealing the end of the blade from beneath the cloak.
"Who are you?" she demanded, glaring at the strange and smug girl. "What is this place? Did you put me here?"

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