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Arielle Nakamura


She’s known as Ari or Ella , some friends call her Naka



date of birth

19th November

place of birth

Colmar, FR


The Overachiever

Doesn't officially work

Secret Occupation
Sometimes she is invited to sing at a bar at night


French, English and Japanese

University degree
Studying at the University of Literature

Other names
Riri or Ellie are the ones her closest friends use

None, she enjoys learning about them though

Theme Song
Numb Little Bug - Em Beihold

159 cms (5 ft 2 inch)

51 kg

Natural tone. Tends to keep it in it’s natural light wave form, or otherwise tied in a braid

Light green eyes.

body type
Petite - She tends to do some sort of training from time to time but it’s not often since she is focused on her academic performance. She does makes sure to balance her diet, most of it resembling the food from her home country.

body mods
Usual earrings as well as a piercing on her right ear.

face claim
Rin Shibuya

personality type - ENTJ

Positive traits


Negative traits

Easily Bored
Risk averted







Since she was a toddler, being the smallest out of the three siblings only led to the young Arielle developing a strong sense of high achievement. It was quite complicated to avoid comparing herself to the accomplishments of her older siblings, and she felt under the pressure to not disappoint her parents. This has led the female to reach a strong level of determination which has also led her into overworking herself into exhaustion a couple of times.

Even those she tends to be polite to strangers, when she finds it necessary she will intervene to make her point clear. Naka's not a fan of rude people, and can get quite blunt with them even if she does not know them. In her closest friend group you can truly see her sweet nature. Even with the painful amount of studies she keeps doing, the female has always enough energy when motivated. She can’t help but consider challenges energy-boosting, especially activities such as escape rooms or puzzle games.
Nakamura, when comfortable enough or stressed enough, has no control over her words, and rambles on about absolutely anything. This has led her into a couple of issues in the past, but she now works on biting her tongue to stop the words from overflowing, although it’s still a major work in progress.

true crime podcasts, archery, chess, reading about anything, coffee, warm blankets, marshmallows, night walks, acoustic covers of songs, sketching buildings, photography

slice-of-life books, cramming, packed public transport, paying with coins, books on the higher shelves, group study, lemons

Eyes get lightly watery with dust, funnily enough, it looks like if all books emotionally move her

hidden talent
has a high ability for climbing and reading people

She believes that depending on how she does in her latest chess game, it will determine how complicated the questions will be on the exam.
little more



Born in a small town in Colmar, France, Arielle was born in a numerous family of two siblings, sharing a cultural mixture from her Japanese mother and French father. All of them shared the same idea that Colmar had always been too small for them, and with the success of her older sibling in each of their fields, the young french girl felt pressured to keep up with their level. At a small age, she already worked as much as she could to be the first in her class, which lead to her maturing at a very young age. She still made friends, but later realized some of her closest friendships wanted to benefit from her homework and essays.

It didn’t take long for Ari to research other places where she would be pushed to the limit and ask her parents to transfer her to England, where she could keep up with a more strict education. Since they had the money, and Arielle was already quite fluent, she was sent to a boarding all-girls school for her last pre-adolescent years.


The new school opened the doors for the new female to explore the huge library that they had there. She didn’t socialize much as she spent most of her time with her nose between the pages of some book, any book would do. But she truly loved reading about fictional stories based on real historical events, which soon lead to her passion for history. She also was able to enrich her vocabulary, helping the female to keep her on the top rank of her year, and even being able to attend classes for the year ahead of her.

Ari truly enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment, even if that meant sacrificing the chance of making new friendships. But at the same time, she felt even more pressure to stay at the top no matter what. In the end, in one of her all-nighters, she fainted from pure exhaustion in the library. The young female spent two weeks in bed until she was fully recovered, and during this time, she was able to make a friend group who visited her to talk about new books and to listen to Arielle's storytelling historical events, which always entertained the young girls.

here and now

At soon as she turned 18, Ari applied for the University of Literature amongst other options and it didn’t take long to accept someone who had aced all of her exams and managed to keep a clean record throughout. She still keeps some of her friendships outside of the university, and two friends from her high school managed to get in the same one like her, so she still hangs out with them from time to time.

The female’s focus is still on her work, even though she keeps pressuring herself, she also feel much more motivated since she can focus only on her favourite subject. She finds comfort in the library, where she keeps reading as much as she can, to keep her knowledge up to date. There are no ranks, which makes it quite complicated for her to compare herself to other students, even though her teachers are very happy with her results… They always mention someone who also gets her results, but she hasn’t managed to track them down yet, and her curiosity keeps growing …

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© weldherwings.

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Yuu Takeshita
Yuu means superior


Is mostly called Yuu or Blue by friends



date of birth

7th of October

place of birth

Tomari Village, Japan


The slacker

Pizza delivery man

Secret Occupation
Being a genius


Japanese, English and Dutch

University degree
Attending University of Literature

Other nicknames
Blue because of his blue hair, only called that by the few friends he has,
None, but curious

Hobbes, the name of his favourite cat

180 centimeters (5'10)

71 kg

He dyes his hair blue, its natural color is blond. Mostly its just past his chin but sometimes when he forgets to cut it, it will grow somewhat longer

Really bright blue which he gained from his mother.

body type
Slender, he does skate as a hobby and has a healty body because of it, but therefor he also ends up with bandages from time to time. He mostly eats healthy food but only quick meals, doesn't work out next to skating.

body mods
Dyed hair

face claim
Langa Hasewaga

personality type - INTP-A

Positive traits

Open Minded

Negative traits








Yuu is a very distant person, often getting lost in the maze of his own mind where he wanders to explore new ideas. This can make him seem uninterested in which some cases, he is. The guy knows he is smart and has kept many people at a distant because of it. He can be easily bored and past experiences tell him he has way more fun on his own. The only exception to this being skating which he has enjoyed since he was a kid. There he is free of his mind and thoughts and there he connects with people, with only some knowing his smart nature and troubles.

Yuu is also very loving but has a hard time showing it because of his logical approach, he is always there when needed though and he respects his loved one very much. He likes to be social and to belong, sometimes he feels lonely because he feels he can’t really connect, apart from skating and his family. The ideas and theories he comes up with are kept to himself, he doesn’t want to bother or be bothered by others with it. Yuu never mention it or rarely even shows it, but he has quite the ego. Even at his university he likes to be number one at all times, only to now be stuck in a rivalry with another exceptionally smart student. This gives him somewhat more motivation to go to school, but he remains at home most of the time. Otherwise he can often be found at the library where he can indulge in his love for books.

Skating, working on new projects, starting new projects, sudoku's and wordfinders, fireworks, being in nature and camping, seeking thrills, rollercoasters and being around his family.

Meeting new people, explaining things, rain, cold weather, shopping, going to the bathroom, wasting time, waiting lines, reality TV, talking about feelings, crying people.

Gets a bit red with itchy marks when eating too spicy food.

hidden talent
Can do handstands and jumps really high

Before a test he first has to sleep for exactly 20 minutes, he believes this helps him reset his brain for the exam.
little more


Ages 0 - 8

Born in Japan from a Japanese father and a dutch mother, Yuu grew up in a not so average Japanese household. His parents always told him they gave him the best from both worlds. Learning respect and discipline from his father and love, fun and following your own heart from his mother. (Who of course also had a disciplined side, which he later discovered as a teen.) Young Yuu was already number 1 at his elementary school where teachers and his parents quickly noticed his ability to learn really well. Here Yuu wasn’t occupied with that though and had many friends, wanting to play being all that was on his mind. His mother got a job in England when Yuu was only 8 years old. They soon left Japan to stay in England.

Ages 13 - 18

It didn’t take long for Yuu to learn the language and when he turned 15 he was already fluent. His highschool years were a hard time for him. Here he lost friends and made few, he began to notice his own mind and started to wander off into his own ideas and fantasies. Feeling he couldn‘t explain this to his classmates he felt dissociated and lost. At this time Yuu picked up skating as a stress relief mechanism. He more often got in trouble and was always searching for the next thrill. At his 18th year he ended up heavily wounded as a result and resorted to a more calm lifestyle. Yuu never wanted to see the lost expression on his parents faces again and started to skate less and less. Stress build up and he eventually even dropped out of school.

Here and now

At the age of 21 he applied for the University of Literature for which he got in, even without a high school certificate. Yuu was socially isolated but missed learning so he decided he wanted to do something with literature as books became his safe space after the incident. Around this time he also started skating again and even made some friends, he decided that acting like he was normal would be best this time. Yuu is kinda content now but he feels like something is missing in his always logical life, some spice to mess it all up…

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© weldherwings.

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