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Fantasy Characters: ((APPROVAL FIRST!))

Please PM me your character.

All those characters right below me are those who are in the group: The Great war: The 4 Realms Collide.

Post your characters once approved in PMS! Otherwise I'd delete the ones not approved by me. Thanks!
Name : Nesy (last name: Celvius)
Age : 18 ((Semi-immortal)) -- Can live forever. Is not physically immortal.
Race/Species : Celvestian -- Half Humanoid/Half-Celestial Demon.
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Heterosexual
Relationship Status : Single
Religion : None.
Blood type: RH_Null.
Birthday : Taurus ((9008 - 03 -24th)) -- Earth time: 2001 - 03 - 24th
》☆《▬ ▬ ▬ ▬《☆》PERSONALITY《☆》▬ ▬ ▬ ▬》☆《

Personality : Nesy is somebody who wants to make friends with anybody because of his friendly-nature. So Nesy is a surprisingly a very quirky person indeed, he usually does adorable things around people such was: Whistling,Humming but he is also very talkative because he loves socilizing. Though Nesy is also incredibly friendly and it like a good ol pal to everyone and he does treat people as his own buddies from time to time because of his nice personality. He treats everybody as a friend and a lovely person to talk to. He remains his positivity and spirit through all situations and he does handle it maturely and posetivly. He never backs down from a conversation and he's truly one good guy. Extroverted,Quirky,Love-hearted and very charmy. But also wants power and progression! His charmyness is more like another factor that he might compliment people in an honest way. Though he's an honest guy and he never does make up any lies or having any malicious intent. He never seeks to suffer on anybody which is an other factor that makes him a better person from the inside because if he does let anybody suffer then HE would feel bad about it. Though Nesy’s intelligence is very high and he is indeed very defensive and evasive person. But also can be offensive.

Likes : Posetivity,Respectful people and joy.
Dislikes : Terrorism and hate.
Traits/habits : Nesy usually does hum and whistle near and when people isn’t there.

Strengths : Nesy’s strength is more defensive and ranged. Though hand to hand.
combat is good because he can defend himself in situations. He knows martial arts and is proficcent in handling weapons.
Weaknesses : Nesy is not good in magical-combat that is high-ranged or people who teleport around. That would make Nesy very confused in combats like these.

Powers :
(Life-Energy/Soul-Energy production) Nesy produces soul energy which keeps his semi-immortality in place and it's the source of his power and what grant's him his semi-immortality and abilities. Nesy can have energy-based weapons that can go up to 100 volts maximum. These weapons are LITERALLY made out of the energy Nesy produces. The production lasts as long as he lives and can allow slight regeneration. (Maximum voltage: 100 volts) -- 0.05AMPS Though Nesy can only manifest an energy-based spear and an energy-based shield on the other hand.
(Flesh wounds: 1-3+ turns) (Broken legs: 10 turns.) (Broken limbs or lost: 15+ turns)

(2-layered Deflectorshield): Nesy also has a deflector shield which is a 360 energy barrier 360-degree dome that protects Nesy from bullets and projectiles. It is capped at: 7.62x39 calibre. It takes 4 magazines to take down the shield. But psychic spells can go through but not things like fireball and such. The shield has a 4 turn uptime and 5 turn cooldown. The cooldown begins when the duration ends.

》☆《 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 《☆》 APPEARANCE 《☆》 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 》☆《

Height : 177CM
Weight: (Lightweight) Not overweight at all.

Body Type : Mesomorphic

Hair Colour : Greenish Red.

Eye Colour : Penta-coloured: Green,Red,Amber,Purple,Blue,Yellow.

》☆《 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 《☆》BACKSTORY 》☆《 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 《☆》

Backstory :

Well, you guessed it. Nesy is a Celvestian. A Celvestian is basically a being that has multiversal technology with many abilities and psionics. But the alien’s elemental seems to be psionics and energy. By multiversal: He’s from the other side of the damn multiverse! So, he arrived here like a school-bus from his planet. His family is a kind, noble and a very incredible family that raised Nesy. They had names: Elinus Celvius and Yuki Ryoko.
They together named the little baby which was Nesy Celvius himself.
Nesy is a very lovely guy to talk to. He is very cool in any situations and he is truly serious about some situations. He loves motivating and being motivated by people. Nesy, is definitely someone who really does focus on school and research. He only plays games on special occasions and when he doesn’t have homework he continues to study as an in-penetrable dude. Nesy has a dark side of course.Which may be for example: Ignoring people around him and acting very drowsy.
Nesy is very strong, has a slick body type if we can say so.. Very good in martial-arts and such. Pretty reactive and fast but sometimes shy and timid. Depends on his confidence and time of day really and he had recently quit school and onto the military.

But since the war started Nesy had to intervene and help the humans. The Earthern war had attracted his attentions as he had detected an unstable fluctuation when the 4 realms colided which caused him to go straight for the source and once he'd arrive there he saw humanity in war. So he had to help them alone by giving them ideas and he didn't want the others in the Celvestian alliance to intervene so he had to go by himself.

Any other additional features :

Nesy’s blood type is: RH_Null. Lacking antigens making it incredibly rare. Though Nesy’s blood has also a lot of iron content and surprisingly tastes very good. Making him vulnerable towards vampire attacks.
His DNA is also very complex making him intelligent and such. Does not mean he knows everything on the planet. He just is an intelligent “nerdy” alien.
Mental disorders/issues (optional) : None.
Zodiac : Taurus.

Weapons: He can also wield a railgun which looks like one of these halo-5 railguns.

》☆《 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 《☆》CHARACTER 》☆《 ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ 《☆》
Picture or description :

(NOTE- This character is work in progress and I need to do some cleaning with it. But for now I'll stick with this)
Last edited:
OC: Hayley Jamie Barns.
~~~Birth Info~~~
Full name: Hayley Jamie Barns
Reason for name: Hayley was her parental grandmother's name and Jamie was her maternal grandmother's names in their memory.
Nicknames: Hayls, J, Jamie
Date of birth: April,30

~~~Physical Apearance~~~
Hair color: Grey
Hair type/length:Long and curly.
Eye color: Brown
Skin tone: Cocoa
Skin type: Oily
Race/species: Shapeshifter
Birthmarks or scars: A scar on her arm going from her middle knuckle to her elbow
Bodytype:o positive

Family Religion: Christianity
Character's religion: None

Bio: Growing up in war was hard for everyone though her family tried to keep her out of it. Hiding her in a bunker when they went out to fight to ensure her safety. She grew up protected from the horrors of the front lines up until she was 16, then she was trained by the females of the family how to shift into different animals and trained by the males to fight. Hayley didn't know who she was fighting against but she knew that if she stopped fighting she wouldn't survive to see the next day. Now 20 and have been fighting for 4 years she was hoping the fighting would be stopped and resolved.

Powers: Able to shift in different animals though she has to at some point consume their DNA via eating.

Strengths:Shifting, close combat, luring and trapping.
Weaknesses: Mid to distanced combat, silver
Weapons: Twin iron daggers
fighting style: Capoeria

~~~Miscellaneous info~~~
Daredevil or Cautious: Daredevil
Easy to Give trust: No
Plan for the future: Survive and live

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