Character Submission- Maya Allen


Innocent Little Cannibal
[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Name: Maya Allen[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Age: 18[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Gender: Female[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Appearance: 5’8”, wild red hair, blue/green eyes, and dreadlocks.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Personality: ENFP-Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests her. People skills. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Backstory: In school, Maya only had two friends, a girl named Allison and her grandmother. When she was 16, her grandmother was admitted to the hospital, a month later, she died of cancer, leaving Maya empty and alone. She stopped trying in school and hid in the library everyday instead of going to her classes. Allison disappeared, leaving Maya to deal with the world on her own, but she couldn’t, and spiraled deeper into depression. Three months after her grandmother’s funeral, she found a new group of ‘friends’ that were intent on showing her how to be happy again, going to parties by the lake, getting high, and drinking until they threw up, then drinking some more. Finding whatever boy was cute and drunk enough to entertain them for a few hours before coming home at 4:00 in the morning only to get up an hour later and get ready for school, and do it all again. She tried to kill herself twice but didn’t succeed, the bottle of pills only gave her a huge stomach ache and the cutting wasn’t deep enough to do any damage. Three months later, her parents pulled her out of school and attempted to homeschool her, but she didn’t do the work and grew even more distant. A boy she’d known for a few years named Zach found her at a party and she decided to ask for him to be her entertainment. He agreed but instead of having sex, he took her home. She never went to one of her old friend’s parties ever again and started dating Zach. He made her happy and feel safe, while not smothering her. Slowly she pulled out of her depression and found the joy in life again, with him, safe and sound.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Other: She has a tattoo of a semicolon on her wrist, next to the long scar down her forearm.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=17.991939306259155px]Inspiration:  In “This is Gospel” the words [/SIZE][SIZE=17.991939306259155px]The Fear Of Falling Apart [/SIZE][SIZE=17.991939306259155px]are repeated and instantly the idea of a girl dealing with something huge in her life and not being able to handle it and so both her and her life falls apart. The part about [/SIZE][SIZE=17.991939306259155px]walking around like it’s a funeral [/SIZE][SIZE=17.991939306259155px]settled me the idea of someone dying, then I chose the grandmother dying because that part is true in my life. My grandma died in a month. “Cake By The Ocean” has always meant getting high and making bad decisions at parties to me and so I added that in as Maya thinking she’s trying to get better when she really just wants to leave the world behind and not care. “Safe and Sound” makes me think of my relationship with my boyfriend, Zach, and I gave him to Maya so that she could feel safe like I do in real life with him. [/SIZE]

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