Character Slots?


Senior Member
Suppose a roleplaying game accepted characters based on the roles they played. How often was this tried, and were these trials successful?
It's pretty common in dice games with class-based mechanics. Works pretty well. Everyone has some way to contribute and share the spotlight in some way, and people usually end up enjoying it.
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What about freeform? I was wondering if it would be effective to request, say, "lead," "love interest," "antagonist," "strong supporting," and such like.
People would need to be willing to commit to those roles, as everyone wants to be the cool guy at least for a little bit. It works in dice games because you have a GM managing things to make sure everyone gets a chance to shine, so if you do that in a freeform game, it could work.
From what I can gather of my experiences, I suspect the best way to make that work is to have the story's outline already planned out from start to finish, then adapt it to allow player characters; this way, no one gets left behind. On the downside, only a limited number of players can be useful, and if anyone drops, the story suffers.
Sounds like you have a plan. Now you just need to find some players who are willing to commit to such project.

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