Character Skeleton

Kirito Kei

One Thousand Club

|Access Granted|

|Welcome, Recruit|

You have (1) new message from CCA Headquarters - The Crime Control Agency thanks you for choosing to fight for balance in this time of uncertainty and country-spread strife. We are confident that, with the help of extremely skilled individuals such as yourself, the CCA will continue to maintain the balance between law and chaos.


However, before you become a official Entity of the CCA, we require that you complete the following attachment and send it back to HQ. We assure you that any and all information that you provide is under the protection of the CCA.


Thank you, have a wonderful day.



Personal Information

|Legal Name|

Please provide your legal name.



Please provide and nicknames and/or aliases that you have or have gone by in the past.


|Code Name|

Please provide a Code Name that you wish to be called while in the field.



Please provide your gender.


|Date of Birth|

Please provide your date of birth,



Please provide your age as of October 15, 2021.


|Occupation (pre CCA)|

Please provide your occupation before being approached and recruited by a CCA Recruiter. Criminal, rioter, and any other 'nonofficial' occupation is legal for this field.

Physical Information


Please provide a overall physical description of yourself.



Please provide your height.



Please provide your weight.


|Eye Color|

Please provide your natural eye color.


|Hair Color|

Please provide your natural hair color.



Please provide your dominant hand. We strive that all Recruits eventually become fully ambidextrous.


|Distinguishing Features|

Please provide and distinguishing physical features that you have.



Please provide your ethnicity. 

Mental Information


Please describe your personality.


|Redeeming Qualities|

Provide a list and short description of redeeming qualities that you have.



Please provide any vices, or bad qualities that you have.



Please provide any quirks that you have. 



Please provide any talents that you have. The CCA intends to use these qualities to their fullest potential.



Please provide anything that you like.



Please provide anything that you dislike.

Background Information

|Personal History|

Please provide a synopsis of your early life and the events that led to your recruitment into the CCA.



Please provide a list of all family members and their relationship to you.


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