Character Sheets


The last survivor of the Freelands
Here is the character sheet. If you want to add your own spice to it, Go right ahead!

(Place your appearance here. What you choose is up to you)

Name :

Nickname(s) :

Alias(s) :



Affiliation :

Role/occupation :

Height :

Weight :

Eye color :

Hair color :

History :

Skills : (Be realistic)

Equipment :(Be realistic)

Other :

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[SIZE= 28px]"I am an Entertainer, Kids...Let me show you my fireworks."[/SIZE]



Name : Andrew Pimms
Nickname(s) : Andy, Pimms, Psycho, DJ Grave-Walker
Alias(s) : Undertaker, DJ Grave-Walker
Age: 24 
Gender: Male
Affiliation : Dead Walkers
Role/occupation : Undertaker
Height : 5'6
Weight : 210
Eye color : Blue
Hair color : Blond-ish
History : Andrew Pimms is Ex Military. Served two terms before getting discharged over a friendly fire Incident with his CO. Andrew's file has stated that it is likely it was not the result of accident, but of foul play. He has a history of being wild, impulsive, reckless, and has demonstrated a total hatred towards authority in general. When he was discharged, Andrew decided it would be best to head to his old hometown of Chicago, to look for work and purpose. There, he heard that a close friend of his, one he hadn't heard from in years, was trying to start a gang. Simply because he had nothing better to do, ANdrew signed on.

Andrew may act out, but his time in the military has sharpened his skills considerably. He's an expert marksman, pretty much solid in combat of any kind, and knows how to craft homemade explosives. He also has a sharp mind, but refuses to challenge his Boss for control, despite his anti-authoritarian nature. Many people question this, but in the end the only thing is known is that he is unconditionally loyal to the Necromancer. He has taken bullets, and shot BACK bullets, to keep her safe.

However, it has been noted that this doesn't stop Andrew from annoying the hell out of her at times. Regularly, he often causes problems that can create monstrous head-aches for the leader, sometimes solely for the point of bugging her, trying to get her to 'relax'. but (thankfully to him) he has proven far too useful and too loyal to actually get rid of, and the two remain good friends (Often believed to be the reason he isn't dead yet). In his spare time, he works as the DJ for their Night-Club, the Smart Bar.

He has been known to get into fights with the rival gangs just for shits and giggles, blow up his targets, cause massive amounts of mayhem, and.....try just about anything that has a thrill to it, really. This utter lack of self-preservation may make him unrelenting in a fight, but it also means he can get hurt pretty damn easily, and he's not the best when it comes to leadership. He also doesn't tolerate disloyalty or traitors well, often times they have are killed rather gruesomely. Thanks to his time in the military, he also has access to his old army buds at the nearby base. He supplies them with some 'product' from their labs, and gets his hands on some sweet gear in return. Because of this, He's partially responsible for the recent expansion of the Dead Walkers in Braginsky territory. He's kept this fact hidden from everyone but his boss, and just tells everyone he gets them 'From a Friend'.

Make no Mistake, you do not want to be on the receiving end of his weapon.
Skills :

Expert Marksman

Melee Combat Expert

Unarmed Combat Expert


Equipment :

LWRC International TRICON MK6 5.56mm rifle

heckler & koch mp7

1931 RD80 military knife

Other :

In Accordance to his gangs style, he got skeletal tattoos on his body. They are under his shirt, along his arms and chest.
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Sun Bojing











Western Dragon triad~Height~5’9~Weight~155lbs~Hair color~Milk~Eye color~Yellow~Occupation~

Deputy~Skills~-Hand to hand combat

-Intel gathering




-Taurus PT 92 Pistol


Palmar Tunnel Syndrome(PTS), is a serious disability that causes one user's hands to become very sensitive to touches and in inflammation around the wrists.Similar to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This Makes it hard for one to defend itself against an enemy. Bojing's hands will enter a stage of serious excruciating pain for 30mins. Bojing developed this right around his years of joining the Russian human intelligence collectors(RIC) after going through intense combat training under the Chinese,Mongolian and Russian Militaries. He counters this by wearing specialized gloves created by the Russian military that seem to ease his median nerve around his wrist by attaching electric shocks within the gloves to ease the tension in the median nerve.~Personality~Boljing is a very observant person when in duty around his men, seen as a very trusting person when comes to any information as he can be very dependable when tasked with anything. Although Bojing has also been seen as a picky, sarcastic, and Bossy type of person. But of course, this was said by people who didn’t approve of him simply because he wasn’t full blooded Russian.~Biography~ Sun Bojing was raised in Liaoning, China by his Chinese mother and a Mongolian father. In the beginning of Boling's childhood, he went on to military school to study under Human Intelligence Collectors for 4 and half months under intense training. Boling's father was transferred by the Chinese military around Boling's 16th birthday to Kaliningrad, Russia to train fellow naval commanders. This is where Boling went to live for the next 15 years before moving back to China and then off to Chicago. But in those 15 years, Boling studied intensely around the Sambo, and Keysi martial arts combat as well further his skills in HIC(Human Intelligence Collectors).


Before Bojing left to Chicago, during his stay in the Jiangsu province he was approached by an old friend who goes by the name of Lu Tao. He claimed he was an enforcer of famous Triad group known as the Dragon. Tao managed to persuade Boling into helping the group, as Tao saw Boling as a gold mine with his knowledge of intel gathering during his years in the military. Bojing helped the group over the years tremendously by smoking out the moles within the group,rival intel,territorial expansion, and strong leadership. Bojing was promoted from an outside associate to Deputy after his Friend Lu Tao was only deputy for 2 years before stepping down over health issues and entrusted Bojing over the position, with also the blessing of the head of the triad as well.. Bojing took over his position, but was approached by the Dragon head(head of the triad) to watch over a branch of the group in the western side of the world. Bojing gladly took the offer and was still deputy as he headed over to Chicago. Here he met Tian Mao the man leading the triad branch known as The Western Dragon. Here he gave his assistance to Mao as Deputy of the group.
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Name : Jackson Taildawn

Nickname(s) : Jack

Alias(s) : The Rose

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Affiliation : Rose Corporation

Role/occupation : Head of the Rose Cooperation

Height : 5'8

Weight : 150

Eye color : Blue

Hair color : Black

History : 

Jackson was born into the Taildawn family, the owners of the Rose Cooperation ever since it was founded. During his early years, he helped out the Rose Cooperation by becoming the de-facto head of the criminal branch of the company. He helped gain much influence and started to bring smaller gangs over to the Rose Cooperation. This granted him much fame with his family and soon, many viewed him as the next potential candidate after his farther died to take over the family business.

However, the most important thing he did while he was head of the criminal branch was the introduction of the sex trade. The sex trade had always existed in Chicago, but it really wasn't all that profitable. This changed when he started to kidnap poor people from across the country and put them through what he called "The La Rupture", or in English, the breaking - A hell-on-earth where slaves would be tortured until they broke and became willing slaves. Any slave-in-training who had not broken in a year after capture was to be executed immediately. After the slave was broken, he'd bring them in cages to the slave market and sold them to the highest bidder. Each of them came with a shock collar that would keep the slaves in line plus couldn't be traced to Rose Corp. This made him a killing and made him well known but made the Dead Walkers hate him even more

Eventually, his farther died and after having to kill his entire family in order to secure power, he became the head of Rose Corp. He now is looking for an expansion option into Dead Walkers territory so he can get his hands on even more slaves to fuel his and his associates lavish lifestyle and he'll do anything to stay in power

Skills :

Incredibly Charismatic


Great Businessman

Equipment :

2 Glock 23 Gen.4 .40 pistols

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Tian Mao




Ao Ming






Western Dragon Triad







Eye color:


Hair color:



Born in Shanghai, China to an upper-class family of prestiged businessmen, military officials and political figures. Tian had grown up with a significant amount of weight on his shoulders to perform well on behalf of the family, his father being a Colonel General of the People's Liberation Army and his mother Chief Advisor to the former President of the People's Republic of China. He had a lot to live up to clearly, with his uncles and aunties also being well-known business tycoons or important government officials. He attended the most prestigious school in West China and got through it with flying colors, at age 17 he enlisted in the PLA where he went under his father's wing as he rose through the ranks as an Officer, leaving the Army at age 31 with the rank of Major General under his belt, soon after he had left the Army his uncle, who had been CEO of the successful Mao Industries had unfortunately passed away due to a heart attack. And without an appropriate heir the position was offered to the intellectual and well-capable Tian who accepted without a second thought.

He was CEO of Mao Industries for the following 5 years before he moved to the United States, Chicago more importantly as he had met a woman there online (despite laws against that form of internet) Her name was Sarah and the two had hit it off quickly, arriving in Chicago as he gave the position of CEO of Mao Industries to his brother Chen, he had been on the track to settling down with more than enough money to satisfy him and his future family, as Sarah was 4 months pregnant. Until he had been approached by some shady looking characters interested in a deal due to his influence and wealth, he had declined as he was well aware of the risks of organized crime due to his shady dealings in Mao Industries. However their response had been to attempt an assassination on his now-wife Sarah a week later. She had survived but with minor injuries, an enraged Tian quickly used this influence of his to embed himself with the Western Dragon Triads who accepted him due to what he could bring to the table. Another five years later and he had risen to the top, now becoming leader of the Chicago-branch of the Triads. Where his first order of business had been to organize the deaths of 18 gang members of the African-american gang that had attempted to murder his wife. With his original goal completed, Tian found himself being able to move onto more productive work, and under his leadership the WDT have grown even more powerful within the last year.



Tai Chi (Martial arts)

Strategic thinking/tactical mind




Glock 19 Pistol

Stockman Pocket Knife

Jian Sword (Not regularly)


He has 4 brothers and 5 sisters in mainland China

Mao Industries is a multinational conglomerate based in Shanghai

He has multiple traditional Chinese tattoos on his torso from the Army

His wife is named Sarah Mao and his daughter Lucy Mao who is 5

He has a German Shepherd named Wilheim
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Name : Osiris Black

Nickname(s) : Ghost, Striker

Alias(s) : Cyrus Lang

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Affiliation : None

Role/occupation : Anything you pay him for

Height : 6'2''

Weight : 172 lbs

Eye color : Blue

Hair color : Brown

History : Osiris has a fairly colorful past. Born to a trailer trash family, he became a runaway as the young age of 6 years old. He lived on the streets his whole life, literally fighting for his life every day. He was forced to learn hand-to-hand combat at the age of 8, and by the time he was 11, he had mastered every type of unarmed combat there was. His favorite was Krav Maga, because it appealed to his Romanian roots. When he was old enough, Osiris began working for anyone who would hire him. It didn't matter what they wanted him to do as long as they paid him for it. By age 14, he was a jack-of-all trades and well-known on the streets. But people didn't know him by his real name. To the criminal underground, he was Cyrus Lang, also known as Striker. Striker was a nickname he was given when he exhibited his ability to complete assassinations quickly and effortlessly, without leaving a shred of evidence in his wake. 


At 16, Osiris had mastered several weapons and chosen which ones were his favorite to use. Considering the jobs he was best at, and the ones that paid the most, the man decided he favored accurate sniper rifles, like the .300 Win Mag, semi-automatic machine guns, such as the M240-SLR, and combat knives, using supressors on both guns. He enjoyed quiet, but deadly weapons and they reflected his personality and his reputation perfectly. Though Black will do just about any job as long as it pays well, he prefers assassinations. He's very good at making people disappear. He knows one of the gangs will catch him eventually, but for now, he's content to sit back and watch the war rage on.

Skills : Espionage, assassinations, heists, hand-to-hand and armed combat

Equipment : .300 Win Mag Sniper Rifle, Melee Combat Knife, Supressors, and a Semi-Automatic M240-SLR

Other : He doesn't affiliate himself with any of the gangs, but he will do just about anything for the right price


(Note: This character is an exception to the affiliation)
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Name :

Desiree Babineaux

Nickname(s) :


Alias(s) :




Gender : 


Affiliation :

Western Dragon Triad

Role/occupation :


Height :


Weight :


Eye Color :


Hair Color :


History :

Desiree was born in France with her mother, father, and older sister. Her mother was from France, but her father was Japanese. Her sister passed away when Desiree was too young to know her. After her father found a new job, they moved to Japan where her father was from. However, on their way there, Desiree's mother and father were killed before her and Desiree was kidnapped. She was taken by a man called Quillon and to an unknown town in Japan called Nagasa. The town of Nagasa was only populated by one building called the Makidome. The Makidome was a top secret Japanese building that held the Onnetta program. The Onnetta program was a brainwashing and training program where they take young children and make them into the world's most deadliest and elite assassins. At the Makidome, she trained in combat under Quillon and learned everything she uses today as an assassin.

Desiree's training in the Onnetta program was brutal. The Makidome tolerated no weaklings, and the ones who showed weakness were killed. Often, they would put two children to spar against each other, but in the end, only one could survive. Desiree had forgotten all of her memories of her past life by then, along with most of the other children. The graduation ceremony was a big deal. The ceremony had the children, now at the age of 18, be sent off to a city to be assassins and leave Nagasa. Since Desiree was one of the best assassins at Makidome, she was sent to Chicago, Illinois to join the Western Dragon Triad. She became the Heartbreaker and is currently working in the Western Dragon Triad as their assassin.

Skills :

-Master Martial Artist

-Master Assassin

-Multilingualism (English, Japanese, and French)

-Expert interrogator

Equipment :

-Twin Sais

Other :

Face Claim: Elodie Yung

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Oρєяαтισηѕ Oƒƒιcєя


Ƙωση Jι-уσηg

() :



Ɓσмв Ɓσмв

Ƴσυя Mαנєѕту | Ɓєcαυѕє σƒ нιѕ ιηƒσямαℓ вєнανισя ωιтн єνєяуσηє |

() :

Ɓαву Ƒαcє

Ɓσмв Ɓσмв


: ϩӠ


:  Ɯєѕтєяη Ɗяαgση Ƭяια∂

/ : Oρєяαтισηѕ Oƒƒιcєя



Ƽ५ ҟց


Lιgнт Ɓяσωη


 Ƙωση Jι-уσηɢ wαѕ вorɴ αɴd rαιѕed ιɴ тнe cιтy oғ Sнαɴɢнαι вy нιѕ ĸoreαɴ мoтнer (Lιѕα) wнo wαѕ qυιт ĸɴowɴ ғor нer мαɴy roleѕ αѕ αɴ αcтreѕѕeѕ. Lιѕα ѕυғғered тo ɢeт нer cυrreɴт poѕιтιoɴ ιɴ тнe eɴтerтαιɴмeɴт ιɴdυѕтry, ѕнe wαɴтed тo eαѕe тнe pαтн ғor нer ѕoɴ ғorcιɴɢ нιм αт α yoυɴɢ αɢe тo ѕтαr ιɴ мαɴy roleѕ вy тнe αɢe oғ 12 нe wαѕ ĸɴowɴ тнroυɢнoυт Cнιɴα. Ƙωση Jι-уσηɢ'ѕ Cнιɴeѕe ғαтнer (Lιe Lιɴɢ ) wαѕ α polιтιcιαɴ, нιѕ wιғe Lιѕα coυldɴ'т ѕтαɴd нow oвѕeѕѕed нe wαѕ oɴ вecoмιɴɢ тнe ɴeхт preѕιdeɴт ѕнe leғт нιм wιтнoυт ғιlιɴɢ α dιvorce pαper. Tнιѕ leαd тo мαɴy coɴѕpιrαcιeѕ αвoυт тнe coυple, вυт eveɴ wιтн тнe ғαlѕe rυмorѕ Lιɴɢ вecαмe preѕιdeɴт, αlтнoυɢн нe wαѕɴ'т тнe вeѕт мαɴy cιтιzeɴѕ нαve clαιмed тнαт нe'ѕ вeeɴ αѕѕocιαтιɴɢ wιтн α 'ɢαɴɢ' мαɴy тнoυɢнт ιт wαѕ ғαlѕe rυмorѕ, нe ɢαιɴed мαɴy ѕυpporтerѕ вecαυѕe oғ нιѕ ѕoɴ αɴd wιғe.  Tнe ɢαɴɢ ѕeeмed тo ɢrow αѕ ιт dιd ιт αlѕo cнαɴɢed ιтѕ locαтιoɴ тo тнe US αт тнιѕ тιмe Ƙωση Jι-уσηɢ нαd jυѕт ғιɴιѕнed нιѕ world тoυr Lιɴɢ тooĸ тнιѕ αѕ αɴ opporтυɴιтy ѕeɴdιɴɢ нιѕ ѕoɴ wιтн тнe ɢαɴɢ. 

: ( )

Ƥнσтσgяαρнιc мємσяу



Mαятιαℓ Aятѕ ( Ɓєgιηηєя )

:( )

Boхeѕ oғ мαтcнѕтιcĸ


Loveѕ ѕweeтѕ

Cαɴ'т ѕιт ѕтιll

Tιɴɴιтυѕ (Rιɴɢιɴɢ ιɴ тнe Eαrѕ)



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Rσѕє Ƈσяρσяαтιση


Ƙιм Ƴσηg Sυη  

() : Sσℓαя

() : Ɓєαυту


: Ƒємαℓє

: Rσѕє Ƈσяρσяαтιση

/ : Ɗιяєcтσя


: 163 Շʍ

: ५Ӡ ҟց

: Ɓℓαcк 

: Ɓℓαcк 

Solαr ιѕ α мαɴιpυlαтιve woмαɴ тнαɴ αɢαιɴ wнαт dιd yoυ eхpecт ғroм α woмαɴ wнo wαѕ rαιѕed ιɴ α rυɴ-dowɴ ғαмιly. A Koreαɴ мoтнer wнo lιveѕ тo pleαѕe мeɴ αɴd α ғoreιɢɴer ғαтнer wнo weɴт тo ѕleep тαĸιɴɢ αll нιѕ мoɴey wιтн нιм. Solαr'ѕ мoтнer coυldɴ'т ɢeт eɴoυɢн тнe doυɢн αll вy нerѕelғ,  ѕolαr wαѕ ғorced тo leαve нer edυcαтιoɴ αɴd worĸ αѕ α нoѕтeѕѕ. Iт dιdɴ'т worĸ oυт well oɴ нer ғιrѕт dαy oɴ тнe joв ѕнe нιт α мαɴ wιтн нer rιɢнт нeel ғor тoυcнιɴɢ нer wαιѕт, ѕнe ɴoт oɴly ɢoт нerѕelғ ғιred вυт нer мoтнer αlѕo. Wнo wιтн нer αɴɢer lαѕнed oυт αт нer dαυɢнтer, Solαr αт тнαт мoмeɴт ĸɴew нer мoтнer'ѕ ғυтυre wαѕ doɴe, ѕнe нerѕelғ dιdɴ'т wαɴт тo нαve тнe ѕαмe ғαтe αѕ нer мoтнer, wнo мαrrιed α мαɴ ғor нιѕ мoɴey.  Solαr leғт нoмe тнαт very ɴιɢнт, нer ɢoαl wαѕ тo αιм eveɴ нιɢнer тнαɴ нer мoтнer dιd , ѕнe wαɴтed α мαɴ тнαт wαѕ pαcĸed.

: ( )


Eхperт αт ѕιɴɢιɴɢ


Eхperт αт υѕιɴɢ ĸɴιғeѕ



Pυrѕe αɴd wнαт'ѕ ιɴclυded ιɴѕιde ιт:

| Lιpѕтιcĸ dιѕqυιѕe ѕмαll ѕтυɴ ɢυɴ |

| Coмpαcт мιrror 

| Pepper Sprαy 

| Pнoɴe |

| Sυɴɢlαѕѕeѕ |

| Pιllѕ- Tιɴɴιтυѕ (Rιɴɢιɴɢ ιɴ тнe Eαrѕ) |

| Sɴαp Kɴιғe |


Scαred oғ тнe dαrĸ -  Pнoвια 

Loveѕ pιɢɢy вαcĸ rιdeѕ

Moѕт oғ нer ѕαlαry ɢoeѕ тo нer мoтнer-Preɢɴαɴт мoтнer

Sιde joвѕ: Sιɴɢer/Model/Acтreѕѕeѕ ( Noт yeт ĸɴowɴ )

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Victoria Charlize Argent


Nickname(s) :


Call her whatever you want. 


Alias(s) :







Affiliation :



Role/occupation :

Club owner 



Height :



Weight :



She possess a petite, slender frame but is also has an athletic built due to her intensive work-outs. 


Eye color :
Dark brown


Hair color :


She has a skull tattoo on her waist and the deadwalker's symbol on her stomache. 


History :

Victoria was born during the summer in Houston, Texas and did not have the traditional family setting. Her parents divorced when she was about six, leaving her to live with her father whilst seeing her mother only on occasion. her father was a detective, who decided it was best to start a new life elsewhere. Since she was young, her father tried to teach her the ways of law enforcement , in hopes that she would turn out a 'honorable' officer like him. during childhood and early teenhood, Spencer developed an adeptness and a fondness for police work.


At times she would find stakes of money in various places in the house, knowing all too well that it was a more than his salary. When she would ask him, he would give reasons such as: overtime and second jobs, because he was her father she never challenged his reasoning. However, in her late teens, she found out what he really was, a corrupt cop afflilated with the Rose corp.

 she began hating her father, and consequently lost interest in becoming part of the police force since she did not want to follow her father's footsteps. 

At the age of 16, she moved out of her father's house and moved to the southern slums of Chicago. She joined a small gang that opposed the top gangs at the time. She quickly made her way up the ranks as she was the go-to girl when things needed to be dealt with and earned the respect of her peers. 


[FONT= 'Times New Roman']Even though Victoria had moved elsewhere,  she still remained in school. she would constantly get into fights to show off the new skills she learned either from her father, the gang, or things she learned from TV. She had her fair share of wins and losses however she always succeeded into coercing her principle into giving her clemency for her actions. [/FONT]

Victoria was well known around school yet had only a handful of friends. One of her closest was Andrew Pimms. they knew each other since they were young and eventually parted ways after graduation since he went off into the military while she remained in Chicago.


Eventually she started to disdain her leaders,  it seemed like they we're going no where in becoming one of the big boys and if it didn't change the promise she was given was started to wither away.  One night she got into a heated argument  with them which lead to her, killing the top tiers with the bullets of her gun. She then declared herself in charge and rebuilt the gang from scratch. Victoria was reunited with her long friend and together they are on the rise. Her dream now is to make the world how it should be and finally be on top. 


Skills : 


Expert marksmanship-
Due to her father's training and experience from her previous gang days; she became very skilled. 


Detective skills-

Taught by her father since she was eight until she stopped in her late teens. Though she never intends to be a cop,  she knows how the law works and how to deal with certain situations. She is also very observant as a result. 


Unarmed combat -
Through years of experience (and a few close calls), she became a skilled at hand-to-hand CQC (close-quarters-combat) and, on more than one occasion, she was able to out-maneuver and defeat other experienced combatants.


Trained Bullwhip user-
First used in the beginning of her gang days, it was first a joke until she started to actaully enjoy it. Practicing it on a daily bases until she finally mastered it. She can use it as a whip to attack or a grappling hook to grab objects she wants. She uses the whip because it is a weapon that the user must be trained to use, and therefore it can not  used against her in a confrontation. 


Equipment :

Bullwhip (at times) 


2 Handguns


Daggers (hidden in close just in case) 


Other :

Has two dogs


[FONT= 'Times New Roman']On occasion,she will paint her face and neck to that of a skeleton usually during rituals or to intimidate foes. [/FONT]

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Head of the Braginskaya


Name :

Russian: Ivan Maxim Braginskaya

(E-von Max-im Brag-in-sky-ya)


American: Ivan Maxim Braginsky

(E-von Max-im Brag-in-sky)



Little Van, Vanya, Uncle V, Ivy, Max, Russian Devil



Ilya Romanov, Brutus Putin, Jared Connors









The Braginsky Family



The Pakhan/Leader






Sorry, but I can't tell you that.


Eye color:



Hair color:

Platinum Blonde to white



Ivan is the current head of the Braginskaya/Braginsky Family. He had been the head even since he was in his late teens, early twenties. He has been described as a great and compassionate leader much like his great-great-great grandpapa, Ilya Braginskaya. However, his life wasn't sunshine and rainbows. Ivan was born from a union between a prostitute and the Head of the Braginskaya/Braginsky clan at the time, Igor Braginsky. Ivan was born the middle child between his eldest sister, Irina, and his baby sister, Natalia. Ivan was only two years younger than Irina but three years older than Natalia, but he acted like the older sibling for both Irina and Natalia. His mother, Marina, had to continue working as a prostitute in order to make a living since she didn't want to tell Igor about the children. Irina stepped up as a second mother to her two younger siblings, making sure they were able to get to school and had food in their bellies. Ivan protected his sisters from the bullies at school, often being them up until they left them alone. Because of his height, he was scary to a lot of kids. Ivan would be suspended for at max three days for a time because of the beatings. Holidays with the family were very important to him and he wanted nothing more than to have a happy with his. For five Christmases, it was just that. A happy family. However, that would be the end of the happy family. One day, this mother went out to work as usual and never came home. Irina, Ivan, and Natalia waited for days for her to return, watching as people past by their apartment complex. Marina never came back. It wouldn't be until the news came on and revealed the fate of their mother...murdered by someone, a client whom she refused because she was trying to go home, the killer was never found.


10-year-old Irina, 8-year-old Ivan and 5-year-old Natalia cried for their mother. They cried and cried. Things only got worse for the small children. The power went out and the children became homeless when they returned home one day. So the lived out on the streets. Since the children didn't know anything about their family except that his name was Igor, they just wandered around, taking refuge under bridges or in boxes. Ivan made sure to protect his sisters from the harsh people around them and the bullies at school. Irina would beg for money and told Ivan and Natalia to never say anything about their mother. Life on the streets was hard, people were known for kidnapping children and force them into the gang life or into prostitution, Irina and Natalia had to be matter the cost. Irina managed to get a small job at a store as Ivan took care of Natalia by lying about her age. One day when Ivan was 13, Irina was running late from work, after two hours Ivan and Natalia went to go find her.


Once they found her, they were horrified to see she was running from a small group of men. Ivan remembered hearing a scream and he blacked out. When he came to, the group of men were dead and he held a pipe in covered in their blood. Natalia and Irina cowered to a corner, visibly afraid of Ivan. It wouldn't be long until another male emerged from a clean black limo. He stood tall over Irina and Natalia, but Ivan was almost eye level to the newcomer. When the man introduced himself as Igor, the three children stared in a bit of shock. He then explained who he was and told them information about their mother only they knew. He then explained to them he had been looking for them for the past few years after Marina was killed. He knew of them, but he wasn't allowed to see them since his job caused great fear for their mother. Ivan remembered who Igor was, he was a part of the Braginsky Family. More like the Head of the family. Igor took them in afterwards, raising them the way Marina would had wanted them to be raised.


Ivan started working with Igor for next few years, learning everything he could so he could be strong enough to protect his sisters and what family he had left. Between school and working with his father, maintaining the large Braginsky territory. Irina told Ivan to not join the crime life, but he believed he was doing the right thing doing so. Taking revenge on the person who took their mother from them. As he was going on with his business, he met a young woman named Olga and soon fell for her. He took care of her as well as his sisters. Those who met her, loved her very much. She was tough, but sweet. Ivan and Olga stayed together and had three kids, two boys and one girl. They stayed together until Olga was killed in an accidental shooting at a shopping store. Ivan mourned the loss of his love as he raised the three children by himself. Bad luck continued when Igor was killed by a rival gang's shootout, because of the Igor's last will stated Ivan were to become the next Head and with that, he did. Ivan became the new Pakhan at the age of 24. It wouldn't be long until he met another woman, named Yvonne. He fell for her and wanted to marry her. With Yvonne, he had a part of twins, Nolan and Irino. However, after his youngest daughter was born, Yvonne ran away from the Braginsky Family, leaving Nolan and Irino with him. Ivan was devastated when Yvonne disappeared with their little girl. He has sense been looking for her as well as the little girl he never got to fully meet.


In recent years, Ivan has his children living their lives and helping him watch over the Braginsky territory. On his free time, he is looking for Yvonne and his daughter in hopes to bring them back into the safety of the Braginsky family. Thankfully, he has gotten word from his sisters, Irina and Natalia, they met a young woman who carries the Braginsky traits with her strongly and even looked like a splitting image of her mother when she was younger. Ivan has since going to the bakery owned by Irina and seen the young girl coming and going every once in a while. He knows for sure, this is the daughter he has never met, now, he just needs to find the woman he wanted to marry.



- Peak Human intelligence

- Hacking

- Weapon assembly

- Poison Maker

- Berserk



- His pipe from a sink, actually a rapier-like sword

- His scarf

- His pick axe



Ivan wears a scarf said to be a birthday present, the scarf was too big when he was younger. Ivan gets his height from his father's side of the family. Ivan takes his family very seriously, messing with the family means you are messing with him. One of Ivan's nicknames for his sisters' is Little Van. Ivan has had his pipe ever since he beat the group of men to death when they tried to take Irina away, the pipe has been modified since. The Braginsky Family are well know for their smiles. A nickname the Braginsky Family goes by is the Russian Demons. Ivan's scarf stretches to his calves and is a very pale pink to white color. Whenever someone is killed by the a member of the Braginsky clan, there will be s sunflower placed on or near the body. Ivan's favorite flower is a sunflower and he sometimes gives his children small sunflowers.
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:BishieSparklesL:   The Unknown youngest Daughter of the Braginsky Family :BishieSparklesR:​




Russian: Rozalina Izabella Zima(Braginskaya)

American: Rosalina Isabella Zima(Braginsky) 


Rose, Rosa, Bella, Lina, RoRo, Little Rose ZiZi, Ivanya and Robella








Unknowingly part of the Braginskaya Family


Youngest Daughter of Ivan Braginskaya




I-I'm not telling you~

Eye color:


Hair color:

Platinum blonde, white


Rosalina was born to a prostitute mother and the current head of the Braginskaya Family, however, she doesn't know this. She doesn't really know anything about her mother's past or the identity of her father. Her mother, Yvonne made sure of that. Rosalina's full name in Russian is Rozalina Izabella Braginskaya-Zima. Yvonne wanted to raise her daughter outside of the Family's influence, she wanted Rosalina to have a normal life. So once Rosalina was born, Yvonne ran away, leaving her sons with their father. It has been 16 years since she had seen Ivan and the Family, and she hasn't made it easy for them to find her or Rosalina. But, no one could blame her, Yvonne wanted Rosalina to be safe and not killed by an accidental shooting, it was a nightmare Yvonne wanted to escaped from. Rosalina would grow up being told her father and brothers were still alive and loved her very much. Rosalina, of course, would be very curious about the information on her father and brothers, but she couldn't really get much out of her mother. However, Rosalina does remember being told that she has another sister, an older one who is also with her father. Yvonne would always lie and said Rosalina's father lived in a different state and would think about moving to Chicago to be together...This was all Yvonne could do to protect her little Rose.

Rosalina grew up having a normal life later in her teens, going to school and whatnot. That was the basis of it. Her mother worked at a daycare fulltime and Rosalina hung out with friends at times. Of course, in the beginning, it wasn't easy. Yvonne wasn't always able to find a good job and was forced back into prostitution, leaving Rosalina with her Yvonne's mother, Nina. Rosalina loved her mother, but she feared her mother would one day never come on. She didn't know what kind of job her mother held, but she knew it had to be a tough one. Rosalina would cry at nights sometimes because Yvonne never came home on time, making the little one jump to conclusions. She wouldn't calm down until Yvonne came walking through the door and helped calm her down. Once Yvonne had enough money, she moved to a very small, dank apartment in the slums. Yvonne tried to be very careful since she was moving on dangerous territory, having to move in Western Dragon territory. Rosaline and Yvonne stayed in their small home and out of the way of their neighbors. Rosalina, who was 6 at the time, was told to never leave the house once she got home. Yvonne feared her darling little girl would be taken from her, so she had good reasons.

Rosalina explored the apartment at times out of boredom at times, she was only 6, she listening wasn't going to be her strong suit. She did this for a while, a few months until Yvonne's nightmare came true. One of the neighbors tried to kidnap Rosalina while she was wandering the hallways. When Rosalina ran, the neighbor started chasing her, going into the apartment tried to drag the scared child out. Yvonne came home and started attacking the neighbor and others joined in when they heard the struggle. The neighbor was arrested and Yvonne immediately started looking for a new place. Rosalina never left the apartment after that, only leaving when she had to go to school. Thankfully, luck had shone on Yvonne when she was able to get a job at a daycare. This allowed 9-year-old Rosalina and Yvonne to move out of WD territory into Braginskaya owned areas. While Yvonne wanted to hide, she knew it might be a bit safer to stay within the Family's boundaries. Puberty had hit Rosalina hard, making her look a bit older than she really was. This caused her to be picked on by the other kids and get attention from people she didn't know or like. Rosaline would sometimes be late to school in order to escape the ordeals. Sadly, that never really worked at times. Thankfully, her mother was able to help her once she finally told her about the problems she had been having. Rosalina would then get a Taser on her 10th birthday, basically having it as self-defense. After two years, Rosalina started looking more and more like her mother when she was younger, even getting her mothers assets. So defending herself because her number one priority, making sure to protect herself when needed.

Another gift Rosalina had received was a necklace. Rosalina, at first, thought it was her mother or her grandmother. But Yvonne told her it was from her father. That much was true, Ivan had found out where Yvonne had worked, so she had to make it hard for him to find out where she lived. Rosalina had wore the necklace ever since. One day, Rosalina had to find a charger to her Taser, but she couldn't really find it. So she had to borrow her mothers. It wouldn't be long until she found something belonging to Yvonne's prostitution past. A picture of Yvonne with another woman, wearing very revealing clothes. Curious, she went to her mother and asked for answers. Yvonne feared the worse. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know if her daughter was going to hate her for hiding past. From there, Yvonne explained some part of her past, leaving out the Braginskaya Family to the best of her ability. Explaining to Rosalina that she had to do some things in order to get money. Rosalina at first, was in shock and disgusted. Not towards her mother, but towards the profession she had to choose. But her disgust turned to sadness before she hugged her mother. It was the only say to show that she was thankful. Yvonne had to go through so much in order for Rosalina to have a decent life. All Rosalina could really do was thank her. Three more years would past, now 16, Rosalina had been finding way to make some money on the side, just to help her mother. Selling donuts and such at her school for a dollar.

Currently, Rosalina is a 10th Grade at Washington High. She is just living her life and trying to keep her head held high. Helping her mother to the best of her ability and imagining what it would be like to meet her father, brothers, and sister one day. Little does she know, she had alright met her father's older and younger sisters, Natalia and Irina.


- Drawing

- Taser

- Great with kids

- Baking

- Can handle pressure

- Multilingual(English, Ukrainian, Russian, school taught Spanish)


- Pencils

- A few sketchbooks

- Colored Pencils

- Coloring Pens

- Her necklace


Rosalina doesn't know she has the female version of Ivan's name as her nickname. Rosalina carries her mother's last name, she doesn't know her father's. Rosalina is a spitting image of her mother, Yvonne. Rosalina wears a necklace mailed to her from her father, Rosalina hasn't taken it off since. Rosalina knows her father has to be of Russian Descendant since Yvonne is of Ukrainian Descendant. Rosalina has a small kitten named Regina and a rabbit named Thumper.  Rosalina gets her platinum blonde hair and violet eyes from her father. Yvonne is very happy Rosalina is short, women on Ivan's side of the family are sometimes very tall. Rosalina loved the snow.
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Sorry this is a WIP, will fix this up soon promise



(The armor shown is a custom and handmade suit of full body armor consisting of 3A and 3 levels of Kelvar protection, any soft spot i.e. the undersuit is 3A and all hard spots rest seperate from the undersuit and are level 3 hard plating.)

Name : Ryan Walker

Nickname(s) : Wraith

Alias(s) : Brian Tompkins, Walter Bakman, Lewis Totino

Age: 23

Gender:  Male

Affiliation : Rose Corporation

Role/occupation : Police Officer (corrupt)

Height : 5' 11

Weight : 176 lvs

Eye color : Slate grey

Hair color : brown, almost black

History : He was born in Chicago, though his father was of Irish descent and mother of Eastern European. He had a fairly decent life, B average student, no abuse as a child, never did drugs. But he had severe anger issues to the point he beat people. He was in out of Juvie since he was 13, and that was when the Rose interest took interest in his cases. One day when he was 16 they apporached him, told him to take a ride with them so they could talk. He agreed, and was told about a deal. Join up with Rose out of high school and his record would be wiped clean and he would be set up as a police officer, leading a really amazing life. Refuse, and his parents would die. Refuse once more, and his girlfriend would be sold into prostitution, never to be seen again. At first he refused, and a few minutes later saw timestamped video of his parents being shot in the head. He then agreed, scared out of his mind.

 At 18 they came back to him and got him set up with a decent house, clean slate and a new job in law enforcement. Though he was doing the dirty worl of the Rose, not upholding the law. He became a go to for scouting and taking down the operations of others, and this was useful for taking down a few of the Braginsky's operations. He created his own armor set, a dark grey that earned him the name Wraith.

Skills : Hand-to-Hand self defense

Revolver training

Semi-automatic rifle training

multilingual(Some Russian, French, German)

Equipment : 

S&W .44 Magnum


Other : N/A


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Name : Lucius Markov

Nickname(s) : Lou to friends

Alias(s)[SIZE=10pt]: Wendigo[/SIZE]

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Affiliation : The Braginsky Family

Occupation : Obshchak of the Branginsky Family

Height : 6'2"

Weight : 184lbs

Eye color : Gray

Hair color: Black

Skills : Hand to hand, Marksmanship, Subterfuge and Deceit, Unshakable Composure

Equipment : Concealable Glock 27, Knuckle Duster, MP5K

History : Lucius was born on the poor side of a destitute neighborhood, or at least that's what he likes to claim. His mothers favorite saying went along the lines of “A rough upbringing breeds tough people” and he'd heard it often enough to believe it. Perhaps there was some truth to the statement as the dark haired boy emerged from many a scuffle no worse for wear; wiling to take his place in a dog eat dog world.

It wasn't until his mother remarried that things took a sudden turn. His stepfather was part of the Braginsky Family and rather insistent on taking them back to Chicago. He was a strict and fearsome man in the eyes of a boy, but above all else fair, when the liquor wasn't flowing. Still the sudden change in scenery and introduction with the fringes of organized crime led Lucius to lash out often; getting him expelled from school numerous times. It wasn't until he discovered the sport of boxing that the young man managed to confine his anger to the ring.

Throughout high school his ties with the shadier elements of society and matches often won through sheer aggression and tenacity earned him a number of nicknames. The alias that stuck was one earned by the unusual calm he had gained outside of the ring and the sudden change that seemed to come over him when he did put on the wraps. It was during this time that he made the acquaintance of Ryan Walker. Ryan had a mean streak that seemed overly familiar and yet managed to maintain an intact moral compass that seemed to steer the pair right more often than wrong. Those were the good days, when getting into a brawl or lifting a six pack from the shop appeared to be the greatest challenges.

The end of his athletic career came after a nasty match that saw Lucius walk away with a case of retinal detachment, turning any chances of scholarships to dust. Around the same time Ryan grew rather distant, something seemed to have shaken up his life. Two men with a violent disposition and sulky mood never ended well. Eventually the tension exploded in a bloody brawl that had Lucius walk away with several stitches and the loss of his best friend.

With his moral compass gone and dreams up in smoke there was nothing to hold Lucius from falling back on the family ties and taking up racketeering. Breaking the odd leg or running errands was fine while rising through the ranks but it was the unwavering composure that allowed Lucius his break into the administrative ranks. Displaying a efficient ruthlessness beneath the calm exterior made him one of the youngest and most dangerous Brigadier's of the Braginsky Family.

With his stepfathers recent passage the dark haired man has moved in to become Obshchak, working directly with the Braginsky Pakhan, Ivan Maxim himself. Along with the position came responsibilities eagerly accepted. Dealing with threats to the family from outside of his former area of operation wasn't an unexpected task; yet the dossier he received on a man referred to as the Wraith had him pause. It seemed like no one was able to outrun his past.

Other: Lou is known to have a soft spot for the families numerous bakery's and while work seldom allows him the time he enjoys lounging around and sampling products. 
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Name :

David Coombs


Age: 32





Affiliation :

Rose Corp


Role/occupation :

Head of Security


Height : 5'9"


Weight : 110kg


Eye color :



Hair color :



History :

At age 19 David enlisted in the US army. He excelled in everything. At age 23 he was promoted to Sargent.Everything was going great until he got discharged when he took a bullet for one of his friends. They had to amputate his arm and he had to return to his hometown of Chicago. His girlfriend left him, he couldn't hold a job. His life was ruined. That was until the Rose Corporation found him. They offered him a high ranking job and even gave him a prosthetic arm but of course there was a catch. He had to join in on their operation. Of course he agreed, just so he could get a job. Any job.   


Skills :

Master Tactician

Proficient with any gun

Close quarter combat



Equipment :


Other :

This may seem a bit rushed and thats because it is. I just wanted to get this out there for now and I will fix it up tomorrow.

Name : Troy Conners

Nickname(s) : Troy, Cocoa, Guard-Dog

Alias(s) : Siberian Warhound

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Affiliation : Brigansky Family

Role/occupation : Boyevik (Hoping to move up to Brigadier )

Height : 6'1

Weight : 215lb

Eye color : Red

Hair color : White

History : Troy has been involved with the Brigansky family longer than he actually understood what that mean. His father, Heinrich Conners, was a Notable and Loyal Brigadier in the Brigansky crime family, always earning a good share for his boss at the time, Igor. However, when Troy was seven, The Rose Corporation made a move to 'remove' his father as a threat, and in the process, both his mother and his father were killed. Troy wanted to get his revenge, but Igor told the boy to save his anger, and wait for when the time is right. 

Troy still had a little sister to look after, and without a family, he was expected to earn for her. Giving him a fighting chance, Ivan took the child under his wing, making him his god-son. Troy took this in stride, and made it a point to honor what the Family had done for him. Since he was eight, he had worked to make up to the family for what they had done for his sister and him. Troy was officially inducted as an Shestyorka at the age of thirteen, and has steadily rose up in the ranks, earning a bit of respect from the higher ups for his unwavering loyalty.

Troy has handed the business his mother had, the Shokolad Pastry & Cafe, to his younger sister, to keep her out of the line of fire. He takes a cut of his share of the action, and gives it personally to the Obshchak, to ensure his sister is well protected. He makes a good amount of money with the family, but his concern isn't only them: It's the Rose Corporation.

The Rose Corporation and the Western Dragon Triad murdered his mother and father, have attacked the family, and made his sister's life hell, because they've tried to muscle her for protection or buy out her shop, and one time tried to outright kidnap. Troy has made it his mission to become Brigadier, So that he could begin a campaign of retribution upon them both. He is a also a childhood friend of Andrew, who helped him on more than one occasion getting started. His firearms are actually a result of that. His close relationship to the family, as he was practically raised alongside them, means he has personal connections to the Braginsky family, seeing them as a extended family.

On more than one occasion, he has turned down higher paying jobs simply to take jobs that normally lower initiates take, acting as bodyguard to the family members. This has earned him the nickname 'Siberian Warhound', as he has acted like a guard dog to the family for years. He is particularly close to Anastasia, the Viper. The nickname Cocoa is actually given to him by Ivan, for he has a particular fondness for Chocolate-flavored things, or anything related to chocolate, actually. His favorite is Pierogi.

Skills :

Good Cook

Unarmed Trained

Firearms Trained

Leadership Experience

Equipment :

Kalashnikov PL-14 Pistol

Molot Vepr 12 Gauge Tactical Shotgun w/ Fixed Tubular Stock

Robbie Dalton Irish Devil Brass Knuckles

Other :

Only the Family are allowed to call him 'Cocoa'. Anyone else always receives a swift punch to the jaw.

Name : Carter, John

Nickname(s) : Carter (Usually referred to by last name)

Alias(s) : Mac, Splenda

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Affiliation : Dead Walkers

Role/occupation : Revenant (Enforcer), Drug Dealer

Height : 6'3"

Weight : 180 lbs (very muscular)

Eye color : Brown

Hair color : Dark brown

History : Adopted a life of crime at an early age. Carter has led a simple, but sad, life. First-born to a single mother aged 17, with a father killed on the streets, Carter learned to be self sufficient. This was especially true when his mother died of heroin overdose when Carter was 12. By this time, Carter had already spent years on the streets, having been taken in by various small gangs through the years. Until his mother's death, Carter brought any "earnings" home, although they went to his mother's heroin addiction, as did her prostitution earnings. When his mother died, he was declared a ward of the state but he ran away to the streets, surviving through ludicrous methods, but not affiliating himself to any particular gang, until he was in his late teens. When Carter was 16, he was involved in a gang shootout, where he allegedly was involved in the death of several rival gang members (hence his alias "MAC-10, his weapon of choice). Carter spent the next 11 years in Chicago's worst prison, labeled a high threat. Violence comes easily to Carter, which earned him solitary for a big chunk of his sentence. While Carter was locked up, he became affiliated with the Dead Walkers, and was promised a position by a high ranking member who eventually became his cellmate. Carter was infamous for being the go-to for narcotics in his prison. The amount of skill required to run a drug trade business in a maximum security prison is unfathomable. He was known for selling "blow" (cocaine) to inmates and security guards alike, hence his nickname "Splenda"- Carter would transport his goods in sugar packets for coffee and tea. This secured Carter a position with the Dead Walkers. By the time he was released, he had amassed a total of $250,000 and a good deal on an old 1984 Lincoln Town Car, and a small apartment in the South East slums. Returning to his original stash of weapons from 11 years prior, Carter loaded them in his Lincoln (which was waiting for him out of prison) and drove to his new apartment. And so the story of John Carter's new life begins - August 18th, 2016.

Skills: Firearms, hand to hand combat, drug dealing, driving fast, causing disturbances

Equipment : 1984 Lincoln Town Car - Bulletproof windows, armored body, fine tuned

Handgun: .45 caliber semi-automatic, chrome Model 1911

MAC-10 Sub Machine Gun w/ Suppressor

Switchblade (Out the Front) with glass breaker on back

M67 Frag Grenades

M18 Smoke Grenade


Spray Paint Canisters

Black Bandana

Drugs (Narcotics), Assorted

Bulletproof vest

Jammer/Bug finder

Apartment, basic living tools, cigarettes, etc.

Other : Heavy user and distributor of narcotics
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Name: Lana Renee Gracietta

Nickname: Ghoul

Alias: Melanie Alvord

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Rose Corporation

Role/Occupation: Jackson Taildawn's personal slave/assassin

Height: 5'6''

Weight: 155 lbs

Eye color: Violet

Hair color: Royal Purple

History: Lana was born in Venice, Italy to a notorious criminal family. She was the youngest daughter of Antonio Gracietta, the head of the Italian Mafia. The Gracietta family had their hands in the pockets of gangs and crime syndicates all across the globe, and the Rose Corporation of Chicago was no different. They had established strong connections with them as soon as they'd established themselves as a criminal power in Chicago years ago. For years, their business between each other was peaceful and without dispute. Until Antonio allied himself with Ivan Braginsky and the Russian mob and decided to help them destroy the Rose Corporation. Obviously, Jackson found out and he was not happy. So he gathered his best men and anyone the Western Dragon Triad would spare him, and attacked the Gracietta base. He killed Lana's entire family, along with all of it's leaders. Without anyone to lead them, the members of the Italian mafia dispersed. But he spared Lana.

Three years before the Rose Corporation's attack on the Italians, the Rose himself had visited Italy for a business summit with overseas crime bosses. Antonio was the host. Mobsters and criminals from every major country in Europe, Asia, and Japan. There were even a few from the Americas. During the summit, Antonio was all too pleased to showcase his wealth and elegance, and that included showcasing his children. He had four. Three sons, and a daughter. Each one showed the visiting criminals their skills in combat, tech, business, and industry. Jackson had taken an interest in Lana while he was there, and when he attacked them, he saw no reason why he shouldn't keep her for himself. After all, she had no one left alive to protect her. So he took her as his slave and brought her back to Chicago. She's been under his control ever since.

Skills: Assassinations, NSA level tech skills, Archery

Equipment: Oneida Eagle Kestrel Bow, Throwing Knives, Ruger SR40 Stainless Slide Semi-Auto Pistols

Other: She hates being controlled, which really sucks considering she's a slave
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(Just a heads up, this char might end up as extremely racist, kek)

(He has both eyes, ignore the "bleeding/lost eye", heh)


Name :

Andrej Novak

Nickname(s) :

'Serb' 'Ivan'

Alias(s) :

Andrei Jones, Danilo Brankovich, Simo Nikolić




Attack heli Male

Affiliation :


Role/occupation :

'Work for the higher bidder' Thug (Doing jobs like collecting "black" cash, maybe even hitman contracts)

Height :


Weight :

189 pounds



Eye color :

Dark brown

Hair color :


History :

   (Sorry if the story gets a bit confusing, I'm extremely exhausted and I didn't sleep properly)

Born in Serbia, in the city of Belgrade, Andrej lived a 'normal' life for the first 17 years of his life, until the Yugoslav Wars started. Inside the school he was attending, there was a far-right group that Andrej joined as soon as he discovered "more" about them. They were well-known for violence and hate attacks against people of different ethnic groups, such as Turkish or Arabic. Said group had people infiltrated inside groups that mostly supported Turkish and Arabic people inside Serbia, during their meeting, Andrej and his "buddies" invaded the location it was being held and a short, but bloody fight started, police arrived shortly after, but it was too late for some people involved , with atleast 20 ending wounded and one was killed. His group had less wounded, and the wounded on his side had to only deal with simple bruises or cuts. 

   Both sides ended facing trial, most were freed after staying for a few days in jail. Andrej and 5 others were forcefully recruited to the "White Eagles", the paramilitary wing of the Serbian Radical Party. After extensive training, he, alongside 2 others from his old school were sent to the Republic of Serbian Krajina during the time period of March 1993 and January 1994, where they were tasked with helping the border patrol, which Andrej used his job as an 'advantage', learning a lot with the other Serbian soldiers. 

After returning home, he continued going to school for about half a year, but eventually dropped off to find a job... and failed miserably. He kept trying but to no avail, until he found a man willing to pay him "good cash" if he started doing some deliveries for him, with only two simple rules: NEVER ask questions and NEVER open the package. Andrej's first thoughts were something along the lines of "Delivering packages for easy money, why the fuck not?", but after a few deliveries his thoughts quickly changed "What if I'm delivering drugs? What if it's a bomb?", but he ended shrugging it off as paranoia. Eventually, the man contacted him again, asking him to now officially join the gang he was part of, which Andrej gladly accepted and started receiving more "High value" jobs, such as collecting the money from stores owned by the gang or scaring a certain person. He continued to work for the gang for years as a hitman, until their leader's death by the hands of a rival gang (now this is around ending of 2015/early 2016). Since they lost the grip of local business, the gang eventually couldn't keep up with others, so they disbanded, yet not before being approached by their rivals, with a "simple offer": Take the first flight to the United States without their family, but they could never return to Serbia and their families would be pardoned by them... Or refuse and live under the fear of dying for their rest of their lives. Of course every member choose the first option, so with all the money they could gather, the gang(sters) left Serbia on the first plane they could find, everyone 'going north' to New York while Andrej decided to go to the city known as the "Gangland" or Chicago, Illinois.

Skills :

Above average knowledge of weapon handling.

Average hand-to-hand combat skill.

Above average driving skills.

Multilingualism (Serbian, English with an obvious Serbian accent and some Hungarian, which he learned in school.)

Equipment :

Ruger GP100 (Chambered in .357 magnum)

Zastava M92 (Pretty much the Serbian version of the AK, chambered in 7.62x39mm)

Diving Knife 


Other :

Has an apartment in Old Town

Currently has 3 different fake IDs and Driver's License
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[SIZE= 18px]Xin Hyou[/SIZE]


The Orphan


Who Sin






Western Dragon Triad






152 lbs

Eye color

Dark Grey

Hair color:


The son of an illegal immigrant couple that sought to escape from China in last years of the millennia; his parents had been smuggled into America by way of the Triad. Unfortunately the travel proved too harsh on his poor mother who passed away during a period where they were moved in shipping containers to avoid detection by land. At that point Xin was barely a year old and his father a weak husk of a person by the time he managed to reach his brother's place in Chicago. Xin's uncle was a someone who'd set himself a small restaurant in China Town and garnered the respect of his neighbors for being a tough but fair man. He paid no heed to the turmoil of the gangs and did not discriminate between customers. He did not suck up to the cops or offer bribes for protection. He'd earned the nickname 'Great Wall' for this feat but he did not let t go to his head. 

As for Xin's father had improved over time but was left in pieces by the ordeal. Not liking to travel long distances, go to the sea or even talking to the customers that asked to thank the chef. His father was called the 'Wraith' by the regulars who came to eat at their place. Xin grew up under the guidance of his Uncle more than his own father. It got to the point where people thought the poor child had lost both his parents. In some ways ... Xin had.

Xin was a smart boy both in schooling and in practice. Under the tutorship of the local professors who'd long since retired, who started teaching the boy when asked by his uncle, he learned everything in a manner of one on one that made up for the lack of formality. Similarly another local who worked with his Uncle decided to teach him something else that would prove to be useful. Muay Thai. As you can imagine the man was not purely Chinese but a mix. In Xin he found an able bodied individual who had time and dedication but little place to put it to good use. 

This continued to be his life till the age of 16 when his father died.

The affair was small and attended by very few people. He recalled being unable to cry for the silent man who'd been more like his nickname than others could ever imagine. After that point there were issues regarding adoption. While his uncle had settled in legally and was a recognized citizen, he was born out at sea to illegals. He'd no papers to his name only words. His uncle had no wife or children but the issue lay with the law as always.

Xin grew to despise the law. The iron laws of China that forced his parents to flee and the laws that prevented him from being recognized as a person due to the circumstances of his birth. By age 18 his tutors had almost all passed away or moved into retirement homes at the behest of their families. His only remaining guardians were his uncle and Muay Thai instructor.

That was until an issue arose with the Rose Corps.

In a case where his instructor found out that there was going to be a shipment of Thai people being trafficked into slavery by way of some drunk members at the store; his mentor made a rash decision to try and liberate them. To his credit he'd taken down nearly a dozen men before they gunned him down in a hail of hot lead and cold stares.

Despite his Uncle's efforts at steering Xin on the right path it would have seemed that his fate was tightly interwoven with that of the Triad.

After training alone among the hustlers and thugs of the street for years he'd managed to form ties with the Western Dragon Triad. This would mark the start of his revenge on the Rose corp. His primary focus was building up a reputation over time in the Triad by starting as a bodyguard and delivery boy for the Weapons dealers in the WDT. Given his non-existent records and the clean look he had, the group made use of him thoroughly and that was fine by him. When the time came he'd make sure they'd repay the favor.


Cooking(Carving meat from bone included)

Muay Thai (Martial arts)

Sharp Memory for names

Human and animal anatomy


Eskrima sticks

Damascus steel knives

(Stolen from his Father's collection)


He has one living uncle.

No formal schooling, rather one-on-one tutelage.

No visible tattoos or scars.

Works in the restaurant "Middle Path"

Intense hatred of Rose Corp.
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