Character Sheet


Personified Salt Shaker

CS Rules:

  • Fill out every field. You may only make one character.
  • All characters are currently a part of Guild Violet Coral. No exceptions.
  • Read the lore before saying it's finalized.
  • Every character will know every other character before the RP starts.
  • Each character is only allowed to pick one (1) school of magic. No exceptions.
  • You are allowed to play as any race you want. Humans are human. See the lore for Elves and Dwarfs if you want to play as one of them. All others are at my discretion.
  • You can make up new locations for your character's hometowns and travel locations.
  • Have any questions? Check the Question thread. If your question is not answered, ask away. Do not ask questions about the CS in the OOC chat. Use the Questions thread.
  • When you are finished with your character sheet and you follow the OOC chat, I will approve or reject your character.
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Race: (Human, Elf, Dwarf, etc.)

Age: (See Lore for average ages per Rank for humans; some variance is allowed)

Rank: (Apprentice, Adept, Pundit, Professor only)

School of Magic: (See Lore for various schools. Pick one.)

Appearance: (Height, weight, tattoos, etc.)

Image: (Image preferred drawing, anime, or character creator (video games, dress up games, etc.))

Personality Overview: (personality is affected by their school of magic)


Sample Spells: (Mages create their own spells, so have fun here; the more powerful the spell, the more Mana it takes and more Focus it needs to maintain; Spells must be Rank and School appropriate; you are allowed to use spells other than the ones listed here)

Additional Information: (Anything extra you want to add that's not on the character sheet, add here)
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