Character Sheet


The evil one
Go here for character.


May post accepted character here in this thread for easier viewing. 

May post characters here after october 3rd, if liked accepted. 

[Adjust your sheet to how you see fit!]




Location: [Original world (only put location and or type of dimension fantasy/dream/real if you want to be vague]

Personality: (can be simple such as a list arrogant, lovely, or in paragraphs, may condense personality and story if you wish.)

Story: (tell us about this character. You can develop and add to this as we go. Does not need to be long, want a mystery? Pm me.)

Appearance: (Do you have a large nose with a wart? Freckles, how about horns?)

You may add as much as you want to this character sheet, powers, Race, theme song, weapon, where they live (Country, dimensions, limit will be condensing dimensions based on everyones character sheets) ect. 







Other (dark creature that does not care for the glory of villain-hood for example.)
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For convenience sake:

Name: Gan Fengchi 

Age: 57

Role: Henchman (former villain)

Location: Xianjing, China and New York State, U.S.

Personality: Quiet and calm. He prefers to spend time gardening and training to socializing. However, he gets rambunctious if he's been drinking rice wine. While he is an excellent #2 and has a wealth of experience to provide, he prefers more low-stress roles so that he can enjoy the time that he has left.

Story: Gan spent his youth training in Hua Quan, a martial art that influenced Shaolin Kung Fu. When his teacher died, he ran out of money and joined a bandit tribe on the steppes of Mongolia/Northern China, taking on the name of the founder of Hua Quan to protect his family. His skills prepared him to become the Bandit King of Xinjiang, a regional villain that terrorized the countryside.

At 55, he had a heart attack, so he retired from the mastermind role to focus on his health. He spirited his money out of China so that he could retire somewhere with a better healthcare system.

Initially, he enjoyed his retirement, but the boredom began to wear on him. He took a job as a henchman so that he could exercise his villainous tendencies without the stress of planning his own crimes. His primary role is groundskeeper for the Dark Queen, but he also accompanies her during criminal activities and provides advice when asked.

Appearance: An older Chinese gentleman with a short, flat face and portly figure. His hair is kept short, but he has a long white beard. While he looks overweight and frail, he is actually quite strong and agile. Years of training have given him a grace that comes from careful body control. Dresses conservatively in a suit without a tie, even while gardening. Somehow, he always remains immaculately groomed.

Fighting Style: The Hua Quan that Gan practices is based on alternating the rhythm of movement to unnerve the opponent. Often a practitioner will stay so perfectly still that he appears to be a painting, and then strike an opponent in a split second. Along with this style, Gan has acquired several other skills including: wall and treetop walking, jumping vast distances, resistance to poisons and corruptions of all types, and keen eyesight. His preferred weapons are twin dao.
Name: Max ZsasZ

Age: 25

Role: Former Terrorist/ Henchman


Location: Chad

Personality:Despite his line of work he's a very laid back guy. He's a huge alcoholic, even though it's nearly impossible for him to get drunk. Max is easly amused by things only a kid would think is cool.

Story: When he was eight he discovered he had the power to asborb multiple types of energy such as kinect, electrical and even solar energy. While messing around with his newfound powers he accidently caused a mass blackout in his town, and the massive surge of energy gave him a rush he always wanted to top. He immediatly dropped school and began to drain energy from houses, towns and even a few cities. The public branded him a terrorist and he decided to go with, and for sixteen years he was known as Blackout. After being arrested for the tenth time and escaping for the tenth time he decided to try and live a normal life, but after two years grew bored and thought being a henchman would be cool.

Appearance: He's a tall bulky dark skinned young adult. He often dresses in whatever clothes smell the cleanist and usually has unkept hair, both head and facial.
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Name: Zan "An evil Queen." 

Age: 200

Role: Villain/Owner of the Nefarious castle 

"Please, call me the evil one, what? Why are you rolling your eyes?!"

Personality: Sneaky-  Lazy - silent observer - Enjoys 'gold fish' or as she calls them 'petrified fish.' - Manipulative - reasonable - 'passionate' - arrogant - conceited/vain -

She enjoys this wordly culture called.. "snacking'

Location: Original location unknown, currently in the modern world of Earth. 

Race: Unknown


"Almost lost in this worlds cultures, in its conformities and constant norms i began to forget myself, my purpose... "

She was in the midst of a great battle when her powers tore the reality before her, she found herself in space itself, a torn reality stars everywhere. until something called her. She in an attempt to grasp reality awoke in the yard of some castle. Around her she saw that the stars surrounded the land like an orb, she was trapped in some dimension and the only place that was touchable and seeable without leading her to her doom was the castle before her. She stepped forward as the worlds dimensions fluxed in the nights skys. The castle moaned and it seemed to be alive as if it had its own soul. The castle had answered her call and had anticipated this moment, it wished to form a contract with her after observing her for long. She felt affection for this castle, it was like her in power and in likeness. Together their powers made the bounds stronger, the castle appeared as a celestial spirit, its body pure white as if eminating from the ground. She was in a pure white room and on the floor their was a circle with more circles. It was confusing, she believed it was meant to be some ritual. 

The house spirit reached its hand out for her and she reached back, desperate to go home, desperate for something more. The contract was formed..

For a few days the castle itself seemed to be crazily going forth passing through several different worlds when the castle settled on the world known as Earth, the modern world. 

At first she was distressed. Attempting to view other dimensions than this one, alas for some reason she could never return to her own. She was stuck in this strange world. Depressed she did not even try to explore. Not even to mention that her powers where affective mostly towards powerful creatures, however these puny humans in their powerlessness where strong against her. She could seal, but what is their to seal in the powerless? 

For the first few years she was utterly distressed, unable to l eave her castle and watched from the window as the humans passed by.

Friendly neighbors, bah. devils really. One day they caught her interest, when she glanced outside she saw monsters, monsters everywhere! The first time she exited her house, she walked among the tiny monsters, it made her feel an evil warmth inside. She gladly gave them magical trinkets from her house, even admiring the handy work they did decorating her house with white ghostly streams.

She only ever left her house 4 times to enter the world the castle seemed to enjoy, other times she would enter other worlds once in a while. That is how she found Rose, deciding to take her in. Someone like her who felt their world was not theirs, in her loneliness she took her in and has seen her as a daughter of sorts, no really! However, Nefariouses owner found some some benefits happened suddenly my house looked like it wasn't covered in dirt and webs! My beautiful mountain of laundry vanished! I did not even know this was possible! She would continously yell at me, strange things really. 

Smells nice?

I should stop being a 'bum' whatever that is, do something productive? hmm...

Huh, i should make 'friends'? hmm...

 'Dear evil ones...'

Appearance: Long tight wavy black hair, a velvet mideval dress, elf like ears, and a floral crown. Her eyes are purple and magnificent. Sharp nails. 

Powers: Master sealer, space [to be explained in RP]


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