Character Sheet


Scifi Commando
[Image here]








Weapons: (Three Max)

Abilites: (Four Max, this is sci fi, not magic)





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Name: Vesper Aurel

Age: 122

Race: Illustrati

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Faction: Grand Republic

Homeworld: Elysium Prime


  • GSM-40 RAC (Rail Assault Carbine): The GSM-40 RAC uses a Mag-rail system, that fires electro magagnetically accelerated rounds at high veleocity, while an energy recycler allows for full auto capabilities. The GSM-40 fire a 5.56mm rod at extreme speeds that it pierces the most sturdy of armour with little to no recoil. One of the biggest features is it's large bayonet, which is practicly an arming sword merged to the under barrel. 

  • Aurel-20 NAMR (Nova Anti Material Rifle):The Aurel-20 is a prototype rifle developed by Vesper Aurel. The weapon fires a hollow Black Aetherium 20mm round containing a cylinder of plasma suspended in a micro magnetic field contained within. due to it’s rather exceptional amount of kickback, it requires the soldier to be wearing some sort of powered exosuit, or risk serious injury. Upon the round’s impact, the cell is ruptured causing a massive flare up in temperature as the plasma is unleashed reaching temperatures up to over 10,000 °F (15,000,000 °C). The target and surrounding area (35ft) is completely vaporized within the millisecond of plasma discharge. Designed as a weapon to destroy enemy armor or large threats when conventional weapons are not enough, and large devastation weapons (Superconducting Slag Cannon) are too much. 

  • Autoblade: Autoblade is a favorite among the Officers of the Grand Republic due to it's sheer brutality and meesieness of the weapon. While technically not a blade, the weapon is a motorized saw, that has a chain covered in Aetherian or Durasteel teeth, tearing through armour and flesh with ease. 


  • Rapid Regeneration: Due to gene therapy while in the womb, Vesper can heal from some of the most greivous of wounds, healing in a matter of hours, instead of weeks like the rest of his kin.
  • Adaptive Biology: Like the rest of his people and the Felinae, his genes are extremely flexable allowing him to adapt to almost any environment, even going as far as gaining a lesser version of another race's natuaral abilities via blood infusion.
  • Augmented: Due to joining the juggernaut Shock Troop Cadre or JST's, Vesper was augmented like the others. Not only was he altered surgically, to allow use of his armour, but biologically as well. Key regions in Vesper's frontal lobe allowing them to endure physical trauma's that no normal Soldier could withstand, while enhanicing their agression to dangerous levels when mortally wounded, sending him into a berseker rage. 
  • Colloidal Neural Disunification: Greatly improves the individual's reaction time, decreasing the time taken to react by 300%.

Bio: Vesper was born to a wealthy civilian family, his father owning several businesses and an estate. When Vesper turned 18, His father and him had a falling out which lead to his disownment by his family due to Vesper joining the military, so he could have the right to vote, and become a full citizen of the Republic. Leaving his home, he went off to basic, where for the next decade he and others trained to become some of the most elite soldiers in the galaxy. It was during that time humanity had been crushed by the militaristic might of the Republic.  For almost a century, he served the Republic, climbing through the ranks, till he became a Lt. Colonel, when they were attacked by the Celestians. For the next three years, he fought along side soldiers of other empires to repel this Extragalictic threat. Desperate, he along with several others were volunteered for for the JST Program. He was among the 4000 that survived the process. Armed with powerful new weapons and clad in advanced armour, they soon started making headway on the battlefront. 

Personality: Vesper is considered an unorthadox soldier. While he follows the chain of command, he is very loose with the command structure of his squad, allowing them to voice their opinions and take lead on opporations if he allows. He is also considered an asshole to those who don't know him, yet is almost loyal to a fault to those that earn it, willing to go so far as march to the gates of hell and take it. On the battlefeild he feels no remorse for his foes, killing them happily. 

Likes: Xenos, Guns, Felinae women, Nocturnian Cigars, The color Sanguine, and Learning about different cultures.

Dislikes: Genocide (Barring the Celestians), Cruelty, Slavery, Tyrants, Light Beer, and tyrants

Misc: He has a thing for Felinae women. Do not talk bad about the military unless you want a beat down. Never Threaten his Squad unless you have some sort of deathwish. 

Name: Akane Shilling

Age: 25

Race: Half Falinae Superior and Half Human

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Faction: Peoples

Homeworld: Elysium Prime


  • Bow and arrows, the only weapon she wields. The arrowheads Akane uses are self crafted using Crystaline Aetherian metal, her bow crafted with an ancient wood which is extremely strong and bendable, allowing her to pull a large amount of weight, the drawback being about 65 lbs. Though her frame is small, she has had a fascination for bows since she was young and read about the weapon, she found them to be a beautiful weapon and soon after, convinced her Aunt and Uncle to help her craft one. She toned her muscle for drawing back the weight over the years, and draws a good amount for her small size. 


  • 9 Lives: Due to her Falinae heritage, Akane is extremely resilient and can heal quickly from most of her wounds, though healing can drain her energy quite fast. While the expression 9 lives is a myth, it came by a felines ability to avoid dying anyway possible, falling from extreme heights and landing on their feet, dodging animals, severe injuries that do not kill them, this is how Akane is. She is nimble and fast, better at being on the defensive rather than the offensive. 
  • Hypersensitivity:  Akane is able to react faster than most due to her being extremely aware of everything around her, another genetically inherited ability due to her Falinae side, she can see further and sense threats before they can see her. Her eyesight is extremely advanced, along with her hearing and reaction time, giving her the upper hand when defensively fighting.
  • 6th Sense: Akane is able to read people when she first comes into contact with them, determining whether or not they can be trusted. Much like reading a persons aura, she is able to see past their facade so to speak, and get a glimpse of a persons soul. This makes it easier for her to tell friends from foes, making it extremely difficult to manipulate her. 

Bio: Akane was born on Elysium Prime to an amazing mother and father in a small village, her mother being Felinae Superior and her father being human. Due to the interracial coupling, however, her parents were harassed constantly before it finally lead to their death, leaving behind Akane to her Felinae Superior aunt and uncle. Though many races were accepted on Elysium Prime, mixed breeds were shunned by many, which Akane began realizing at a very young age. Her body was that of a human, and she lacked a tail, though her grey cat eyes and black ears were the giveaway of her mixed blood. Due to her insecurities of being a mixed breed however, Akane began wearing hoods and hats to keep her ears hidden, this hindered her hearing though she was still able to hear better than the average human. 

Since Akane had difficulties making friends, she spent her youth alone for the most part, honing her skills and training with the bow that her uncle had helped her craft. He was skilled with crafting weaponry and taught Akane what he knew. She was one of the few that had researched how to craft the Black (void) Aetherian Metal, having to steal the documents to read, never actually being trained to craft with it however. Akane spent a lot of her time researching and training, reading and learning everything she knew by the books that filled her life, the only friends she really had. 

As Akane grew into a young adult, she became very distrustful of many people. Though she could see their intentions in a way, even those that held little darkness within their souls, many of those still shunned her for her mixed breed. This caused Akane to be distant from many despite her kind nature, she avoided interaction as much as possible. She wanted to be a part of the Grand Republic, but was afraid that she would be shunned due to her mixed heritage, having been turned down once before by a loyal soldier. Though her goals stayed the same, she wanted to travel, explore, and live... and she would find any way she could to achieve this.

Personality: Akane is very kind to everyone she meets, and despite her strong exterior, is extremely soft inside. She, like most, just wants to be understood and accepted for who she is. She is withdrawn when in a crowded room, and unless she is approached, she keeps to herself and smiles at passerby's when they turn their attention to her for any reason. Akane sees herself as weird since when she is alone she tends to be a bit innocent, still having much of her childish spirit in tow. Since she was alone most of her life, Akane has a knack for sticking her foot in her mouth, the kind of person that tries to chime in at the wrong time, or be completely oblivious to what is going on. Akane is also very determined and hard headed, having run her own life since the beginning, she doesn't take easily to others telling her how she should be or what she should do, though given the right circumstances she will. She is a very independent woman emotionally, only two people in her life ever having seen her cry, she seems rather detached or apathetic to everyone else, though she is extremely in-tuned and sensitive of others emotions. 


  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Learning of other worlds
  • Adventuring
  • Crafting weapons
  • Technology


  • Large bodies of water
  • Discrimination
  • Darkness
  • Negativity
  • Vegetables

Misc: While Akane is extremely slow to anger, when she gets angry she tends to be more violent than she thought capable. She is curious to a fault and has had quite a few injuries due to her curiosity. Akane is very sneaky, and is relatively skilled in getting her way no matter the barrier. 

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Name: Akane Shilling

Age: 25

Race: Half Falinae Superior and Half Human

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Faction: Peoples

Homeworld: Elysium Prime


  • Bow and arrows, the only weapon she wields. The arrowheads Akane uses are self crafted using Crystaline Aetherian metal, her bow crafted with an ancient wood which is extremely strong and bendable, allowing her to pull a large amount of weight, the drawback being about 65 lbs. Though her frame is small, she has had a fascination for bows since she was young and read about the weapon, she found them to be a beautiful weapon and soon after, convinced her Aunt and Uncle to help her craft one. She toned her muscle for drawing back the weight over the years, and draws a good amount for her small size. 


  • 9 Lives: Due to her Falinae heritage, Akane is extremely resilient and can heal quickly from most of her wounds, though healing can drain her energy quite fast. While the expression 9 lives is a myth, it came by a felines ability to avoid dying anyway possible, falling from extreme heights and landing on their feet, dodging animals, severe injuries that do not kill them, this is how Akane is. She is nimble and fast, better at being on the defensive rather than the offensive. 
  • Hypersensitivity:  Akane is able to react faster than most due to her being extremely aware of everything around her, another genetically inherited ability due to her Falinae side, she can see further and sense threats before they can see her. Her eyesight is extremely advanced, along with her hearing and reaction time, giving her the upper hand when defensively fighting.
  • 6th Sense: Akane is able to read people when she first comes into contact with them, determining whether or not they can be trusted. Much like reading a persons aura, she is able to see past their facade so to speak, and get a glimpse of a persons soul. This makes it easier for her to tell friends from foes, making it extremely difficult to manipulate her. 

Bio: Akane was born on Elysium Prime to an amazing mother and father in a small village, her mother being Felinae Superior and her father being human. Due to the interracial coupling, however, her parents were harassed constantly before it finally lead to their death, leaving behind Akane to her Felinae Superior aunt and uncle. Though many races were accepted on Elysium Prime, mixed breeds were shunned by many, which Akane began realizing at a very young age. Her body was that of a human, and she lacked a tail, though her grey cat eyes and black ears were the giveaway of her mixed blood. Due to her insecurities of being a mixed breed however, Akane began wearing hoods and hats to keep her ears hidden, this hindered her hearing though she was still able to hear better than the average human. 

Since Akane had difficulties making friends, she spent her youth alone for the most part, honing her skills and training with the bow that her uncle had helped her craft. He was skilled with crafting weaponry and taught Akane what he knew. She was one of the few that had researched how to craft the Black (void) Aetherian Metal, having to steal the documents to read, never actually being trained to craft with it however. Akane spent a lot of her time researching and training, reading and learning everything she knew by the books that filled her life, the only friends she really had. 

As Akane grew into a young adult, she became very distrustful of many people. Though she could see their intentions in a way, even those that held little darkness within their souls, many of those still shunned her for her mixed breed. This caused Akane to be distant from many despite her kind nature, she avoided interaction as much as possible. She wanted to be a part of the Grand Republic, but was afraid that she would be shunned due to her mixed heritage, having been turned down once before by a loyal soldier. Though her goals stayed the same, she wanted to travel, explore, and live... and she would find any way she could to achieve this.

Personality: Akane is very kind to everyone she meets, and despite her strong exterior, is extremely soft inside. She, like most, just wants to be understood and accepted for who she is. She is withdrawn when in a crowded room, and unless she is approached, she keeps to herself and smiles at passerby's when they turn their attention to her for any reason. Akane sees herself as weird since when she is alone she tends to be a bit innocent, still having much of her childish spirit in tow. Since she was alone most of her life, Akane has a knack for sticking her foot in her mouth, the kind of person that tries to chime in at the wrong time, or be completely oblivious to what is going on. Akane is also very determined and hard headed, having run her own life since the beginning, she doesn't take easily to others telling her how she should be or what she should do, though given the right circumstances she will. She is a very independent woman emotionally, only two people in her life ever having seen her cry, she seems rather detached or apathetic to everyone else, though she is extremely in-tuned and sensitive of others emotions. 


  • Adrenaline Rush
  • Learning of other worlds
  • Adventuring
  • Crafting weapons
  • Technology


  • Large bodies of water
  • Discrimination
  • Darkness
  • Negativity
  • Vegetables

Misc: While Akane is extremely slow to anger, when she gets angry she tends to be more violent than she thought capable. She is curious to a fault and has had quite a few injuries due to her curiosity. Akane is very sneaky, and is relatively skilled in getting her way no matter the barrier. 


Approved, the only minor issue i see is the parents being harrassed. Most members of the republic are Xenophiles. so their relationship would be encouraged. but i will allow
Okay and I figured since she was a part of a small village it would be less likely to be approved sorry. I can change it if you want me to 


(just the big guy)




known to be about 23 in his home age








Looking to going the grand republic



Weapons: (Three Max)




Abilites: (Four Max, this is sci fi, not magic)

Super strength

ability to take massive amounts of damage

resistant to lava and fire and heat


orthis grew upon his home world with his tribe which is the main power on his world. Growing up as the biggest and strongest in his tribe. He quickly gained notoriety as a bounty hunter and soon learned of the grand empire. There military intrigued him greatest as a job that would give him honor in his work. So he left the bounty world behind to try and become a great warrior in the greatest army he knows of


Intimidating, hot headed, protective, secretly has a really soft heart, easily angered, quick to violence, kinda like a massive 13 foot tall child to be honest 


Teddy bears 

his weapons


people who aren't scared of him


Mean people




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View attachment 154744

(just the big guy)




known to be about 23 in his home age








Looking to going the grand republic



Weapons: (Three Max)

View attachment 154749

View attachment 154750

View attachment 154756

Abilites: (Four Max, this is sci fi, not magic)

Super strength

ability to take massive amounts of damage

resistant to lava and fire and heat


orthis grew upon his home world with his tribe which is the main power on his world. Growing up as the biggest and strongest in his tribe. He quickly gained notoriety as a bounty hunter and soon learned of the grand empire. There military intrigued him greatest as a job that would give him honor in his work. So he left the bounty world behind to try and become a great warrior in the greatest army he knows of


Intimidating, hot headed, protective, secretly has a really soft heart, easily angered, quick to violence, kinda like a massive 13 foot tall child to be honest 


Teddy bears 

his weapons


people who aren't scared of him


Mean people





Beam me up, Scotty! :)

There's no image I could use, and I'm bad at drawing. Here's a description:

An unremarkable lowny, she is four feet tall. Her torso is almost entirely round and just below her chest, it begins to taper down toward her neck. Her neck and legs are fairly thick. (To a human, all this would look very overweight, but lowny are normally built this way.) She has green eyes and large filae. By lowny standards, her attractiveness is average.

Name: Vila Orn

Age: Thirty-five

Race: Lowny

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Faction: Quaja is in the outer reaches of the galaxy, fairly far from the existing factions. They've observed the two factions from a distance, and are planning to make contact. They know there's a force wiping out planets, and plan to make an alliance with the factions, to help them investigate.

Homeworld: Quaja

Weapons: (Three Max) She recently learned how to use a simple, standard laser gun, shaped similarly to a human handgun. She has the mandatory training on flying battleships, but they're tested every twelve years and never used. The spaceships she pilots have some lasers, but these are minor and, like the battleships, only tested every dozen or so years.

She still has the incredibly sharp 'cannibal tooth,' that all Lowny are born with, and though she's never used it in a fight before, she will if it's a life or death situation.

Abilites: (Four Max, this is sci fi, not magic)

Swimming - Like all lowny, she can swim fast and has clear inner eyelids, so she can see clearly and easily avoid obstacles.

Underwater - When underwater, Vila can fully function for fifteen minutes without coming up for air. After that, she slowly loses consciousness, and goes into a phase where she can survive underwater for a day (but must be found by friends to survive).

Sustenance - Like all lowny, Vila's filae can filter a little bit of sustenance, a tiny bit of pure water, and some oxygen, our of water. This would prolong her life in survival situations.

Intelligence - Lowny intelligence (and therefore Vila's) is not super-powered. However, it is in the top range, compare to other species.

Bio: Vila is one of two heads of Space Exploration - the government-funded scientific organization for space. Slightly small and much smaller organizations like it exist, but they rely on donations (which are usually generous). Space Exploration does the most important projects.

One head stays on Quaja at all times - Opak. Vila is the head that leaves the planet on the most important missions. She's willing to take big risks to increase the knowledge of the lowny species.

Vila and her 'little sister,' Maci were the only two children in their small community, growing up. Maci was specifically raised by a pair, Vila by a trio, but both were raised mostly bit by their community.

Personality: Like all lowny, Vila is intelligent, level-headed and patient. Most lowny are calm, and Vila is too. She got to her position by being adventurous and able to make decisions on the spot. She is brave, but sometimes she waits too long to do things, as she's more patient than the average lowny.

Likes: Learning, exploring

Dislikes: Fighting, training in case of battles, when her crew's too big to easily command

Misc: Even on important missions, crew sizes usually hover around six to twelve.
Beam me up, Scotty! :)

There's no image I could use, and I'm bad at drawing. Here's a description:

An unremarkable lowny, she is four feet tall. Her torso is almost entirely round and just below her chest, it begins to taper down toward her neck. Her neck and legs are fairly thick. (To a human, all this would look very overweight, but lowny are normally built this way.) She has green eyes and large filae. By lowny standards, her attractiveness is average.

Name: Vila Orn

Age: Thirty-five

Race: Lowny

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual

Faction: Quaja is in the outer reaches of the galaxy, fairly far from the existing factions. They've observed the two factions from a distance, and are planning to make contact. They know there's a force wiping out planets, and plan to make an alliance with the factions, to help them investigate.

Homeworld: Quaja

Weapons: (Three Max) She recently learned how to use a simple, standard laser gun, shaped similarly to a human handgun. She has the mandatory training on flying battleships, but they're tested every twelve years and never used. The spaceships she pilots have some lasers, but these are minor and, like the battleships, only tested every dozen or so years.

She still has the incredibly sharp 'cannibal tooth,' that all Lowny are born with, and though she's never used it in a fight before, she will if it's a life or death situation.

Abilites: (Four Max, this is sci fi, not magic)

Swimming - Like all lowny, she can swim fast and has clear inner eyelids, so she can see clearly and easily avoid obstacles.

Underwater - When underwater, Vila can fully function for fifteen minutes without coming up for air. After that, she slowly loses consciousness, and goes into a phase where she can survive underwater for a day (but must be found by friends to survive).

Sustenance - Like all lowny, Vila's filae can filter a little bit of sustenance, a tiny bit of pure water, and some oxygen, our of water. This would prolong her life in survival situations.

Intelligence - Lowny intelligence (and therefore Vila's) is not super-powered. However, it is in the top range, compare to other species.

Bio: Vila is one of two heads of Space Exploration - the government-funded scientific organization for space. Slightly small and much smaller organizations like it exist, but they rely on donations (which are usually generous). Space Exploration does the most important projects.

One head stays on Quaja at all times - Opak. Vila is the head that leaves the planet on the most important missions. She's willing to take big risks to increase the knowledge of the lowny species.

Vila and her 'little sister,' Maci were the only two children in their small community, growing up. Maci was specifically raised by a pair, Vila by a trio, but both were raised mostly bit by their community.

Personality: Like all lowny, Vila is intelligent, level-headed and patient. Most lowny are calm, and Vila is too. She got to her position by being adventurous and able to make decisions on the spot. She is brave, but sometimes she waits too long to do things, as she's more patient than the average lowny.

Likes: Learning, exploring

Dislikes: Fighting, training in case of battles, when her crew's too big to easily command

Misc: Even on important missions, crew sizes usually hover around six to twelve.


Name: Joshua Caine

Age: 27

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Faction: UST

Homeworld: Earth


LSR 44 Prototype dual variant energy system - Fresh from the UST weapon labs, the LSR 44 is the forefront of Energy weaponry. Still in it's experimental phases before wide scale production, it's currently only available to Tier 1 Operators of the UST Military. The condesed energy packs allow soldiers to carry more ammunition with less weight. Prone to overheating after sustained firing, but carries a bigger punch then standard kinetic ballistics, but the experimental rounds are less accurate then traditional weaponry, but in the hands of a capable shooter, is little issue. The LSR is capable of an AR mode and can be extended for an instant infield modification into a sniper. Conceived to help Snipers set up and evade quickly without the time and tools needed for traditional Multipurpose weapons, and keep from identifying themselves as snipers within patrols.

LS21 Valk Surrpressed agent infiltrator - The Valk is designed as a stealth SMG for infiltration missions. Compact and lightweight, it is easily concealable in civilian clothing. Using the traditional kinetic ballistics, the LS21 sports caseless AP rounds, allowing reduced evidence should the weapon be used. Though any true operator is able to defuse a situation without firing.


Enhanced breathing - modifications to lung capacity, Hemoglobin and Aveoli efficientcy allow normal breathing in less then hospitable enviroments and even partial immunity to toxins in the air. While someone would need an air tank and breather while climbing Mt. Everest, Caine can breath normally, with little difficulty unassisted or can maintain prolonged underwater swimming. 

Hyper sensitive - All five senses are in a constant state of overdrive. His vision is better then an Eagle's. His smell is the same as a Canine which is x6 better then a Humans sense of smell. His Hearing is beyond perfect. The hair on his body act as puesdo whiskers, enhancing his sense of touch, and is capable of determining the exact contents of edible items through taste.


Body and gene augmentation - Enhancements to his body increase his Strength, Stamina, and intelligence, in addition to a perfect genetic make up, ensuring prime health beyond normal human development with nohamce of any degenerative diseases.


Proactive Antibodies - Upgraded with the help of Nanobots, Caine's bloodstream is able to filter out toxins, break down viruses and bacteria, and accelerate healing.

Bio: Caine has been in the military since he was 17. Before then he was a troubled child and an orphan, living on the streets and resulting to crime to get by. He was involved in a gang since the age of 13 and never went back to the orphanage he lived in. Caine wanted more in life and wanted to explore the stars, and make an impact. He came across a flier one day for the UST military, prompting progress da about fulling your duty to humankind against it's enemies, and helping to advance Science and therefor Humanity. 

Caine walked to the nearest recruiting station and signed up. Normally the enlistment age is 18 but due to his lack of parents or gaurdian, but the recruiter had a quota to meet and turned a blind eye to his age. He left that day for basic with the clothes on his back. For the next nine years Caine would serve as part of a Marine Expeditionary Force, usually one of the first units on station to aid UST units, science facilities or ships. If they aren't in action or responding, Caine's unit was often a forward Recon unit for first contact civilizations or colonization.

Caine was regarded as an exemplary soldier by his superiors, often risking his own life to save others. Caine was made a Platoon sergeant within three years and served faithfully for another six. Countless combat distinctions, Purple Hearts and honors, He's politely refused any promotions past Gunnery Sergeant, not wanting to become an officer or canned with a desk job. He's revered by his men and is looked to as a Fatherly figure, despite his young age.

Unfortunately, The Celestians came. Caine's unit was alerted when a human colony had come under attack by an unknown force. As the closest QRF, the unit engaged this unknown force. They were essentially wiped out. Hopeless outgunned, and unprepared for such cunning tactics, Caine was apart of only a handful of survivors who became stranded in the colony with what was left of the colonists. Caine banded the survivors together to form a resistance and carried out guerrilla attacks until they could be rescued. For months they endured until a Rescue force could be mounted to retake the Colony. The force suffered massive losses and ultimately had to retreat, but Caine and the survivors were able to be rescued.

The debriefing of Caine yielded a lot to Military Inteligence. He gave detailed accounts of the Celestians, their weaponry, heirarchy and tactics. His expeirence was considered invaluable and Caine gained a reputation for being able to lead an extended resistance against the Celestians. Because of which he was offered a spot in The Black Hand program. 

For the UST, the creation of super soldiers  were conceived to reduce the large amounts of gear Standard Space Marines are required to carry and create an adaptive shock trooper for any type of situation. In many instances, it's slowed Soldiers, most times being scuttled or lost. And even in some cases, resulting in the death of troops. The program was created to reduce the costs of frontline commando units and create a formidable opponent for the Celestians.

Personality: Caine is a very quiet person. He prefers to sit back and watch why everyone else talks, showing how stupid they are. When he does say something, you'd better listen cause its important. He means what he says and doesn't beat around the bush, if he's got an issue, he'll bring it up and get it solved then and there. Caine is very intelligent, able to figure out most situations, and occassionally can come off as condescending when he speaks. He's an incredibly stubborn person, short of death, nothing will stop something he's put his mind to. Because of which, every mission he's assigned, will be completed.

Likes: Action, Honesty, Honor, Intelligence, Competance, Ingenuity, traveling

Dislikes: Liars, dishonorable actions, inaction, Hypocrites, incompetence, recklessness, stupidity, cowardice

Misc: Caine lives by two major rules. Always complete the mission, and No one gets left behind.

Name: Joshua Caine

Age: 27

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Faction: UST

Homeworld: Earth


LSR 44 Prototype dual variant energy system - Fresh from the UST weapon labs, the LSR 44 is the forefront of Energy weaponry. Still in it's experimental phases before wide scale production, it's currently only available to Tier 1 Operators of the UST Military. The condesed energy packs allow soldiers to carry more ammunition with less weight. Prone to overheating after sustained firing, but carries a bigger punch then standard kinetic ballistics, but the experimental rounds are less accurate then traditional weaponry, but in the hands of a capable shooter, is little issue. The LSR is capable of an AR mode and can be extended for an instant infield modification into a sniper. Conceived to help Snipers set up and evade quickly without the time and tools needed for traditional Multipurpose weapons, and keep from identifying themselves as snipers within patrols.

LS21 Valk Surrpressed agent infiltrator - The Valk is designed as a stealth SMG for infiltration missions. Compact and lightweight, it is easily concealable in civilian clothing. Using the traditional kinetic ballistics, the LS21 sports caseless AP rounds, allowing reduced evidence should the weapon be used. Though any true operator is able to defuse a situation without firing.


Enhanced breathing - modifications to lung capacity, Hemoglobin and Aveoli efficientcy allow normal breathing in less then hospitable enviroments and even partial immunity to toxins in the air. While someone would need an air tank and breather while climbing Mt. Everest, Caine can breath normally, with little difficulty unassisted or can maintain prolonged underwater swimming. 

Hyper sensitive - All five senses are in a constant state of overdrive. His vision is better then an Eagle's. His smell is the same as a Canine which is x6 better then a Humans sense of smell. His Hearing is beyond perfect. The hair on his body act as puesdo whiskers, enhancing his sense of touch, and is capable of determining the exact contents of edible items through taste.


Body and gene augmentation - Enhancements to his body increase his Strength, Stamina, and intelligence, in addition to a perfect genetic make up, ensuring prime health beyond normal human development with nohamce of any degenerative diseases.


Proactive Antibodies - Upgraded with the help of Nanobots, Caine's bloodstream is able to filter out toxins, break down viruses and bacteria, and accelerate healing.

Bio: Caine has been in the military since he was 17. Before then he was a troubled child and an orphan, living on the streets and resulting to crime to get by. He was involved in a gang since the age of 13 and never went back to the orphanage he lived in. Caine wanted more in life and wanted to explore the stars, and make an impact. He came across a flier one day for the UST military, prompting progress da about fulling your duty to humankind against it's enemies, and helping to advance Science and therefor Humanity. 

Caine walked to the nearest recruiting station and signed up. Normally the enlistment age is 18 but due to his lack of parents or gaurdian, but the recruiter had a quota to meet and turned a blind eye to his age. He left that day for basic with the clothes on his back. For the next nine years Caine would serve as part of a Marine Expeditionary Force, usually one of the first units on station to aid UST units, science facilities or ships. If they aren't in action or responding, Caine's unit was often a forward Recon unit for first contact civilizations or colonization.

Caine was regarded as an exemplary soldier by his superiors, often risking his own life to save others. Caine was made a Platoon sergeant within three years and served faithfully for another six. Countless combat distinctions, Purple Hearts and honors, He's politely refused any promotions past Gunnery Sergeant, not wanting to become an officer or canned with a desk job. He's revered by his men and is looked to as a Fatherly figure, despite his young age.

Unfortunately, The Celestians came. Caine's unit was alerted when a human colony had come under attack by an unknown force. As the closest QRF, the unit engaged this unknown force. They were essentially wiped out. Hopeless outgunned, and unprepared for such cunning tactics, Caine was apart of only a handful of survivors who became stranded in the colony with what was left of the colonists. Caine banded the survivors together to form a resistance and carried out guerrilla attacks until they could be rescued. For months they endured until a Rescue force could be mounted to retake the Colony. The force suffered massive losses and ultimately had to retreat, but Caine and the survivors were able to be rescued.

The debriefing of Caine yielded a lot to Military Inteligence. He gave detailed accounts of the Celestians, their weaponry, heirarchy and tactics. His expeirence was considered invaluable and Caine gained a reputation for being able to lead an extended resistance against the Celestians. Because of which he was offered a spot in The Black Hand program. 

For the UST, the creation of super soldiers  were conceived to reduce the large amounts of gear Standard Space Marines are required to carry and create an adaptive shock trooper for any type of situation. In many instances, it's slowed Soldiers, most times being scuttled or lost. And even in some cases, resulting in the death of troops. The program was created to reduce the costs of frontline commando units and create a formidable opponent for the Celestians.

Personality: Caine is a very quiet person. He prefers to sit back and watch why everyone else talks, showing how stupid they are. When he does say something, you'd better listen cause its important. He means what he says and doesn't beat around the bush, if he's got an issue, he'll bring it up and get it solved then and there. Caine is very intelligent, able to figure out most situations, and occassionally can come off as condescending when he speaks. He's an incredibly stubborn person, short of death, nothing will stop something he's put his mind to. Because of which, every mission he's assigned, will be completed.

Likes: Action, Honesty, Honor, Intelligence, Competance, Ingenuity, traveling

Dislikes: Liars, dishonorable actions, inaction, Hypocrites, incompetence, recklessness, stupidity, cowardice

Misc: Caine lives by two major rules. Always complete the mission, and No one gets left behind.

Approved. btw, the black hand are the ones producing the JSTs (Juggernaut Shock Troopers)
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