Character Profile





Name : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Age : 

Race : (Human, Elf, Dwarf are the main races. Other races will be mocked within a city as big as Atama, but they are allowed. No dragons though.)

Height : (In feet, use google to covert meters.) 

Body type : (Slim, chubby, muscular, lean, petite, ect. )

Extended Appearance : (Optional for people who had an image. If you have an image but have other things to add that the image may not show, like a scar, add it here.)

Personality : ( Are they pleasant to be around? Are they kind to strangers? How do they interact with people?? This can always change as the plot progresses. )

Biography : (This is a typical fantasy background... Were their parents farmers, warriors, bandits for hire? Are you a mage? A knight in the Atama army? Perhaps a simple baker with latent magical powers? If you are a mage, have you ever faced scrutiny within the city's walls?)

Known School of Magics : (Casting, Power, Alteration, Restoration) (Pick 2)

Spells ( Read the magic page for magic stuff. Magic is more "cast" based. Think the elder scrolls where you can to concentrate for each spell you use. You don't have to follow the guidelines exactly for power casting... For example if you wanted to summon a bolt of lightning that would be closest to air-casting. Or if you wanted to manipulate lava that would obviously be closest to fire- casting. If you do not use magic erase this entire section.) 

Weapons: (Hehe.)

Skills : (Any talent your character possesses that is not magical in nature. Fishing, swordplay, pickpocketing, sneaking, fist-fighting, cooking, fishing, ect.)

Of course ask me for anything you may be confused about in OOC or PM.
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