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Realistic or Modern character playlist <3

information label
  • sharingan

    New Member
    Roleplay Availability
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    posting this in the right place, whoops. just a place to post characters i don't want to loose.
    also for my coding + anything extra. mostly naruto
    naruto code
  • this is my default code for naruto characters or something of the like. FEEL FREE TO USE THIS CODE.
    if you're lazy like me and don't like clicking through 5 tabs of character information then this is a simple lil code for you.

    it has:
    - a music player
    - custom cursor
    - a sticker

    it also has alot of problems because i don't necessarily code, so, use at your own risk.
    just please don't remove the credit! dm me if interested <3

    do not touch do not touch

    do not touch do not touch


    full name:

    Duis ac malesuada dolor. Quisque eleifend nulla massa, et elementum velit elementum in. Curabitur iaculis iaculis quam, eu lacinia quam cursus et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis ac malesuada dolor. Quisque eleifend nulla massa, et elementum velit elementum in. Curabitur iaculis iaculis quam, eu lacinia quam cursus et. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed sit amet sapien dolor. Etiam molestie tincidunt feugiat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent dictum mauris sit amet ornare hendrerit. Ut blandit blandit viverra. Proin nec ultricies eros. Duis facilisis fringilla leo.

    Mauris dapibus cursus nulla iaculis vehicula. Aenean id ante lacus. Vestibulum porta dignissim urna id porttitor. Proin pharetra risus massa, nec sollicitudin sem malesuada in. Phasellus nec nisl nisl. In molestie elementum nisl, vitae congue nunc cursus at. Donec mattis quam odio, eget faucibus tortor porta eget. Ut rhoncus lacus pharetra, tincidunt est in, accumsan sapien.

    coded by sharingan
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    character form 1 - naruto

  • do not touch do not touch

    do not touch do not touch


    full name: takara nakakumi
    age: twenty
    gender: female ♀
    role: academy ninja (extra faceclaim)

    takara was born with a lightning chakra nature, passed down from generation on generation of similar ninja. she was raised in the village hidden in the leaf, though moved to the hidden rain with her grandparents once her parents died.
    she has a dojutsu called the shinigami. similar to the transformation and shapeshifting technique, it grants the user the ability to mimic the look of their target exactly. from every freckle, strand of hair, or skin discoloration, the shinigami is a perfect mirror.

    the shinigami allows takara to not only appear like the enemy, but to retain surface level memories.
    because of this, she can use the enemies chakra nature, fighting ability, and strength while transformed as them. however, she cannot use those abilites once in her original form or someone elses.
    aditionally, she cannot retain a different form for long, and will loose the ability to see for a short while. resulting in a blind handicap, this occurs if she overexerts the dojutsu.

    coded by sharingan
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