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Character Dossier Collection




I'm from another Roleplay Site and was a moderator there until a time.

I'd like to suggest an idea that perhaps has been proposed time and time again but this one is slightly different. A Character Dossier Collection that displays both the users common choice of characters and some samples from their work. This could; perhaps, be used as a way for people to see others Roleplay Styles and see if they would be interested in taking part in a Role-play with them.

((Anything is these brackets are meant for explanation of what's going on))




June's Character Dossier Collection​

June's Specifics:

About Me: Hello! My name is June! I'm from Owatanna, Minnisota and I love Jelly Beans! Here I'm going to put more stuff about me because I'm awesome and I love to RP on RPNation! Yay!

Writing Length: Paragraph

Availability: 5:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Central Time

Roleplay Preference: Clean, Romantic, Action, Horror, Survival.

((Other specifics you'd like to include can be added to this list if you wanted. This section is primary to just give people an idea of what is expected of you. ))


"My Original Characters!" ((This Title should let them know what universe they're in.)


#1.1 Name: Addirana Laydan || Hair: Black & Long / Eyes: Green || Age: 43 || Combat: Hand to hand || Occupation: Vigilante ||


Primary Roleplay Location: Realistic / Modern

Story Universe: ((If it's an OC to a Naruto Universe, you could put Naruto here or any Universe you have.))

Lore: Lore goes here if you want.

Details: More details such as powers and nonsense go here.

Sample RP: This is where my sample roleplay would go, if I had one.

(( And as usual, it's your dossier so you may format it as you wish. This is just how I am putting it. ))


#1.2 Name: Dog, The Dog || Hair: Brown & Long / Eyes: Black || Age 12 || Combat: Jaws || I am a dog


Primary Roleplay Location: Fantasy

Story Universe: Blues Clues

Lore: He is a dog and he runs... very fast!

Details: He can talk. He can fight. He is a dog.

Sample RP: Impressive sample Roleplay of your skills goes here about .. Dog Man, The Dog.

(( Now for this next section. This is a different scenario since these characters should already exist in the universe they're being used in. This is just to show that you enjoy Role playing as a certain character in the given universe so that others will know. The format is however you want it to be really as these characters are already made and the information on them is easily accessible where they are, if not; feel free to follow the format.))


"League Of Legends Universe"




Hello! I enjoy Roleplaying the following Champions of League.


1. Caitlyn, Sheriff Of Piltover

Sample RP: Caitlyn was scouting the - etc.

2. Urgot

Sample RP: Then he did a backflip.

3. Ezreal, The Prodigal Explorer

Sample RP: Ezreal blablabla dog bones.




Hopefully that kind of explains it. This system was proposed by me in the last community

and I'm happy to share it here whether it be denied or perhaps incorporated once more. The format itself can always be flexible to a persons personality and people sometimes used large pictures with images and the format in it to show off their personalities and talent in Photoshop and things such as that.... and Paint.. Ahem.

So feel free to add splashes of colors and not have it looking like a Script from some video game. Find your own creative way of doing it or just keep this old fashion hunk of junk because it does pretty well. My own input would be to place it in the WorkShop Panel or have it incorporated with into the "Looking for Partners" Section. Now if this was to be a thing, we could also have a thread that lists each of them alphabetically, though this could be difficult unless a specific group of people were assigned to check on the updates of Character Dossier Collections so that the Thread could be updated regularly.

Let me know what you think and I'm always willing to take some feedback on the system.

Thank you for your time, even if it was just for awhile.


~ Ivivi
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Dusky said:
Hi there @ivivi! You're asking for a place to showcase your characters, right? Fortunately, RPN actually has such a place: the Character Feedback forum.
Not entirely. This is not a place to showcase characters but a place to have a list of characters that someone can portray and is willing to portray. A posting location that is much like a profile that explains a persons experience and shows their best from what they've done. It gives Roleplayers a place to put all their best stuff pretty much.


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