Character Discussion

I was going to ask this in the OOC, but I'm guessing it fits better in this section but I was curious to everyone's ideas for what character they are gonna be making for the Rp. I've been going through a few ideas of my own but I really wanted to know more about what other people were doing to give me a better idea on which route I should go with my character. Feel free to flood me with all your character idea's/info.
I think I'm just gonna port my character over from your RP lol, I don't feel like I got to really flesh her out.
I'll probably going for a 13ish girl with some tomboyish traits. She could be training to be a bodyguard, and that's where her fighting capabilities come from. 

In terms of personality, haven't finalised yet but I'm thinking of starting with a more bland/empty kind, where she's not very passionate and can find about more things she likes/hates as she interacts with more characters. 

//Will be checking the characters regularly in case there's someone with a similar character, since I don't mind changing

Current idea for her appearance:

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Hahaha, she reminds me of N, from Pokemon xD

I have my character already, but I plan to make her mature into less than a kid and more like an adult through the story, using the Hunter license for exploring purposes, like Ging more or less... but something may happen xD
Just curious, what kind of development ideas does everyone have for their character? 

Kind of want to see what sorts of interactions we might have in the first arc, and want to see what my Loki can offer for others. 
@Quark What do you mean by development ideas? Do you mean how the character will progress in the hunter exam? Do you mean ideas that I want to put my character through?

Pretty much I'll have him flow along the main storyline. I'll add my subplots/missions/goals once the RP starts, and I may allow others to help me (IC/OOC), depending how my character interacts with others. Since he's friendly, he'll probably make friends with individuals who won't mind Geist as a friend. He possesses a high spirit rating, so he's determined/persistent/tough; therefore, I'll have him struggle (since he can take it), but overcome his difficulties with a skill he learned in his childhood, friends, or dumb luck.
@The One Llama to Rule All

Yes, that's exactly what I had meant. ^__^

What sort of events the character might face and what you hope they get out of it. 

That sounds pretty good. He seems like the resilient type to not back down in struggles. (Well, all of us are, but I just have the general feeling that Geist is going to have a better attitude about it than some of us). Yeah, I can imagine him being like a mediator if there's going to be a dispute between the others. 

As for what I'm thinking for Loki:

I kind of just want her to interact with different sorts of people, and start thinking for herself instead of just following along what was told to her. The future of being a bodyguard was just something she was doing, but I want her to question whether she really wants to do it or choose to something else for now. 

I'm hopeful that she can be friends with a few people, or have some sibling-type relationship over time. As for her dependency on her medicine, I don't know how that will play out. I was thinking of the "there's always situations when you're trapped and no one can help you" mentality for her. 
I kind want Eliot to go from someone who is self reliant and basically just focused on surviving to someone who actually cares about other people, at least a select few of them. I kind of imagine her starting just being annoyed by people not getting something or being naive and it bothering her so much that she feels compelled to help and gradually realising she actually likes helping people

I actually kind of can see Eliot and Loki having an interesting dynamic in that sense, Loki is somewhat naive or at least less experienced with the wide world and Eliot is like, street smarts personified. 

Come to think of it, both of them have a fair share of similarities. Both having masculine names (Kind of for Eliot), both aren't with their family and are observant. And both have their appearances drawn xDD (You shade the creases on the clothing nicely by the way)

I also imagine Eliot's problem with the mafia will be a good subplot, and a few of our characters would be happy to help her. (Unless she can take care of it all by herself ^__^)

Come to think of it, both of them have a fair share of similarities. Both having masculine names (Kind of for Eliot), both aren't with their family and are observant. And both have their appearances drawn xDD (You shade the creases on the clothing nicely by the way)

I also imagine Eliot's problem with the mafia will be a good subplot, and a few of our characters would be happy to help her. (Unless she can take care of it all by herself ^__^)

Lol, there's so much I'm unhappy with with that picture, the creasing looks okay on the jacket but the pants just came out weird, I tend to start at the top and work my way down so by the time I'm doing the fine detail and the legs and stuff I'm out of energy. Your coloring and line work look so much more natural and clean, I'm jealous.

Yeah I'd like to resolve that eventually but I'm happy to wait until the right time, since it'll be a major character development and I kind of want to flesh out who she is now before making a big change to her, I only got to play with her a little bit in the RP she was designed for. I wonder if we could visit Aqualia at some point and butt heads with these Hexea folks, that sounds like a potentially pretty fun outing. Everyone has to take a shot whenever someone says "Would you kindly?" though.
Lol, there's so much I'm unhappy with with that picture, the creasing looks okay on the jacket but the pants just came out weird, I tend to start at the top and work my way down so by the time I'm doing the fine detail and the legs and stuff I'm out of energy. Your coloring and line work look so much more natural and clean, I'm jealous.

Yeah I'd like to resolve that eventually but I'm happy to wait until the right time, since it'll be a major character development and I kind of want to flesh out who she is now before making a big change to her, I only got to play with her a little bit in the RP she was designed for. I wonder if we could visit Aqualia at some point and butt heads with these Hexea folks, that sounds like a potentially pretty fun outing. Everyone has to take a shot whenever someone says "Would you kindly?" though.

Ah, that's only because I draw it on paper first, and then draw the line art over the photo of mess of lines. What program do you use? 

Thanks for the compliment, I must give credit to the online tutorials that helped a lot in terms of coloring. 

True. I guess for the hunter exam arc, we're going to be just mainly interacting with each other. That said, I'm really hyped meeting every one of them. xDD

Which RP was she designed for previously? 

Ah those Hexea folks. heheh. 
Ah, that's only because I draw it on paper first, and then draw the line art over the photo of mess of lines. What program do you use? 

Thanks for the compliment, I must give credit to the online tutorials that helped a lot in terms of coloring. 

I use gimp, I have a cheapo little graphics pad that I usually use. I miss the feel of drawing on paper but being able to just mess around with stuff and change things around with so little fuss is hard to go back from. I should look up some. I should look up some colouring tutorials because while I went through some for my line work and stuff I never bothered for colouring because before I got my tablet I never bothered, I didn't have the space to really want to shell out for decent pencils and paper and stuff. 

Sinister Clown was actually running a HxH rp before the site update. It didn't have time to get very far and I guess we weren't really invested enough to go through the hassle of porting it over to the new system and fixing all the broken code and stuff.  
and then there's (unfinished) Dante.

I was lurking in his cs a while ago. The first thing that struck me was the first art was by Ibuki (Carol) XDD. Look forward to seeing his completed CS.

I use gimp, I have a cheapo little graphics pad that I usually use. I miss the feel of drawing on paper but being able to just mess around with stuff and change things around with so little fuss is hard to go back from. I should look up some. I should look up some colouring tutorials because while I went through some for my line work and stuff I never bothered for colouring because before I got my tablet I never bothered, I didn't have the space to really want to shell out for decent pencils and paper and stuff. 

Sinister Clown was actually running a HxH rp before the site update. It didn't have time to get very far and I guess we weren't really invested enough to go through the hassle of porting it over to the new system and fixing all the broken code and stuff.  

Ah cool. I used Clip studio paint for both the ones on Loki's CS, but I use Painttool Sai at times a well. And yeah, so much customization. The only reason I sketch on paper first is because my proportions looks bad if I don't do it on paper first. 

What sort of colouring style do you generally like? I notice that for Eliot's, hers is more of the 2D. (I generally go for the one with the more 3D, like the one with my character holding the swords but feels like it doesn't look as great with lineart). 

Ah right. It sounds like not much character progression happened in the RP? 

That said, I really hope that we do manage to get this running long-term. I wanna see Olf's crossdressing come to use. i want to see Tremki's eccentric behaviour (Loki would totally not be too fazed at first). Wanna hear Mason talk about the puppets he has. And I wanna hear Geist's attitude towards his sister eloping. 

Too much hype from me. LOL. 
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Ah cool. I used Clip studio paint for both the ones on Loki's CS, but I use Painttool Sai at times a well. And yeah, so much customization. The only reason I sketch on paper first is because my proportions looks bad if I don't do it on paper first. 

What sort of colouring style do you generally like? I notice that for Eliot's, her's is more of the 2D. (I generally go for the one with the more 3D, like the one with my character holding the swords). 

Ah right. It sounds like not much character progression happened in the RP? 

That said, I really hope that we do manage to get this running long-term. I wanna see Olf's crossdressing come to use. i want to see Tremki's eccentric behaviour (Loki would totally not be too fazed at first). Wanna hear Mason talk about the puppets he has. And I wanna hear Geist's attitude towards his sister eloping. 

Too much hype from me. LOL. 

Yeah, I have to mess around a lot to get my proportions right and used to find it easier to manage on paper. In a perfect world I'd have one of those tablets with the display you can draw on and not have so many of those issues but so far none have fallen conveniently into my lap. My colouring probably tends to be flatter yeah, I wouldn't say it's exactly a preference though, I just haven't got the hang of properly conveying depth, I kind of suck at foreshortening and stuff so I struggle to make really interesting poses. 

I guess we just didn't have the chance to really develop people's characters, it only ended up going for a few weeks or something, in IC terms we hung out on a blimp for a while then played dodgeball. We didn't even get to finish the dodgeball game. I am weirdly hyped for this RP as well, SOmething about HxH just makes it really fun to nerd out on characters and power development and stuff.
@Quark I can see Geist being a mediator with some characters; however, I am thinking of making him uncomfortable around people others complain about. Since he's young, he can be prone to feel weird if the situation is something he's never encountered. Such as a homicidal maniac, etc. Yet, since he's been isolated, he probably won't know much about anything of the outside world, so he'll be ignorant of stuff at the start.

I can see Geist bringing out your true desires/goals, if you follow him/work with him. Since he's goal oriented/determined, he'll probably make others to feel that way too (provided others want that to happen).

The medicine idea can bring another arc, where an unknown species cures, or provides a better ailment for her symptoms. Basically, you can use it as a mission idea, if you ever want to fix that issue. Also, I can see Geist acting as an older brother, if that relationship develops, since he does have a younger sister, so he's used to that relationship.

Hi there. I just saw Xenisis' CS. He's only happy, eh? He seems to be not able to feel fear. (I imagine the fear for god is something of a respectful fear). Does he have a mental condition?

Also, no hands? I feel bad for him when he's gotta eat... maybe one day in the RP he can get prosthetic fingers or something? 


Oh man, those tablets so expensive but I really want one. Though I've only been doing digital art since last year, so probably should get some more practice before that. 

Oh dodgeball xDD. Greed Island? 

But yeah, I think given how we have a good team of RPers, I think we should be fine. Dedication is the other thing. 

@The One Llama to Rule All

That's true. Hm.. wonder how Geist and Tremki will be interacting. Tremki doesn't seem bad to associate with but I can easily imagine him being talked about notoriously, making Geist uneasy. 

Yeah, I think at least once in the first arc, I'd definitely like to have Loki interact with Geist. The sibling-type relationship sounds like a really good idea to me (should it happen). Their strengths can sort of balance each other out in a team, and I imagine as siblings they can look out for each other in different aspects (given their different knowledge and stuff). 

The medicine idea can bring another arc, where an unknown species cures, or provides a better ailment for her symptoms.

Sorry, not too sure what you mean by that there? ^_^'
Hi there. I just saw Xenisis' CS. He's only happy, eh? He seems to be not able to feel fear. (I imagine the fear for god is something of a respectful fear). Does he have a mental condition?

Also, no hands? I feel bad for him when he's gotta eat... maybe one day in the RP he can get prosthetic fingers or something? 

Haiiiii!!! ^u^ Oh and good question O3O
Well... Achieving inner-peace granting enhancement as well as complete control over the mind so... Not any ideas at the moment X3
I'd like to hear your thoughts if you had any ouo
Oh and yup! Respect of the one he worships xDDD I guess having your hands and eyes willingly removed will make a person fearless in that way omo
And yassss-totally think that having prosthetic hands would be awesome!!! Although i guess... It'd have to be wayyyyyy later in the story, at a time he can afford them and when he feels comfortable. Altohugh part of me is screaming that that would contradict the punishment and reasons he did it for, thus remaking those chains he severed long ago. Like while he got hands, why not get eyes as well? X3 anyway... but yh... ill think about it more i guess.
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I was just reminded of a character that I had. She simply could not feel fear and couldn't panic. (It was amazing how long she survived given how she was curious as well to try and 'find fear' by going through dangerous situations)

From RPing her, I managed to find two interesting things to explore: 

1. "FEAR" stands for "F*ck everything and run". It's the gift from god that tells you to run away when there is danger. 

2. Consider the case where someone is in trouble, and your character doesn't panic or can't feel fear. Being composed in such a situation is good, but at the same time it might seem that you don't really care about them. //potential drama there LOL. 

But yeah, they were the two issues I found my character would have struggled with. Not sure if they apply to Xenisis as well. 

Prosthetic eyes, hm... gotta think about that one, but that sounds pretty cool. 
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