Showcase character carousel || em's character storage


i had a marvelous time ruining everything
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hello and welcome to the one and only (actually don't quote me on that) character carousel! this is primarily used for me to showcase my characters, some more fleshed out than others (i'm looking at you sawyer). so without further ado, the character carousel will now spin for your amusement.

Theme Song — Body Language by Helena Deland

Andrea Gilbert
Twenty-six years of age
Bisexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Adelaide Kane
Best used in crime, mafia rps
Last used in Blood In The Water, a group mafia rp
Brief description: Andrea is far from warm and friendly. If anything, she’s cold to the touch. She’s the three s’s: sarcastic, shut-off to the world, and stubborn as a mule. She hates to be around people, preferring to work long hours and stay busy. Being alone with her thoughts is not something that she likes to do either - the more preoccupied that she is, then the less time she has to think about her late husband. But nobody she’s around currently knows that she’s a widow. After all, there’s no ring on her hand, she’s reverted back to her own last name, and besides, she appears to be married to her work anyway.



August Young
Twenty-five years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Eli Brown
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Autumnvale, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Rich nepotism baby. Arrogant and he knows it. Not much else going on for him otherwise.


Theme Song — I'm Tired, You're Lonely by Liza Anne

Bethany Graham
Twenty-four years of age
Pansexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Carlson Young
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Autumnvale, a slice of life rp
Brief description: A hot mess express. Former popular girl in high school trying to relive her glory days. Really just sad at this point.


Theme Song — Hopeless Romantic by Michelle Branch

Caitlin Palmer
Twenty-two years of age
Bisexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Paris Berelc
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Willowbridge, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Hopeless romantic daydreamer who just so happens to be a very loyal, very passionate person. Used to be pregnant in a few rps, so there's that if anyone is interested in that.


Theme Song — Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old) by Garth Brooks

Christian Buchanan
Twenty-six years of age
Bisexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Evan Roderick
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Autumnvale, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Old man trapped in young man's body. Grumpy. Father doesn't want to believe that he is bisexual. Daddy issues. Country boy.


Theme Song — I Don't Wanna Wait by The War On Drugs

Cole Brady
Twenty-three years of age
Gay and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by KJ Apa
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Rosemary Beach, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Oh boy, where to begin with Cole? He's the sweetest brick wall you'll ever meet (aka himbo). He's borderline illiterate, but it's not his fault. His father moved him around so much as a child that he never truly got a good education. Found family would be a great trope for him.


Theme Song — Easier Day by Little Green Cars

Delia Hathaway
Twenty years of age
Lesbian and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Kerri Medders
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Willowbridge, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Twin to Drew. Rich cheerleader bitch. Not much more to say about her.


Theme Song — Downfall by Matchbox 20

Drew Hathaway
Twenty years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Dylan Minnette
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Willowbridge, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Twin to Delia. Quarterback for the university football team. Party boy extraordinaire, kinda like Johnny Manziel but fictional for my actual football folks out there.


Theme Song — Astrovan by Mt. Joy

Evan Steele
Twenty-four years of age
Pansexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Keenan Tracey
Best used in slice of life
Last used in The Coterie, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Burnout, lazy stoner bro type. No motivation whatsoever. Smoking and sleeping are his favorite activities. Sleeps on a bare mattress on the floor. Can't keep a job to save his life. Unreliable. Has both mommy and daddy issues. Literally the worst form of human being tbh. Could see him doing illegal things to make money too, would be an interesting fit for a crime rp.


Theme Song — Don't Kill The Magic by MAGIC!

Francisco Cruz
Twenty-two years of age
Bisexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Xolo Maridueña
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Paradise, a slice of life reality show rp
Brief description: Nerdy med school student. Family means everything to him. Sweet guy at his core.


Theme Song — Black & Blue by Gregory Alan Isakov

Gabriel Haven
Twenty-seven years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Aaron Tveit
Best used in slice of life, business, maybe crime
Last used in Rosemary Beach, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Oldest child to a seedy businessman. Lawyer. Had to move away from his hometown after his younger sister was nearly killed by someone his father did wrong. Killed said guy in order to save her. Left his fiancée high and dry because of this situation, though he still loves her. Very complex individual.


Theme Song — Room by Ethan Tasch

Isaiah McPherson
Twenty-three years of age
Pansexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Lucas Till
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Rosemary Beach, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Part of a big family, often overlooked. Shy and bashful.


Theme Song — Silence by Bryde

Johanna Wagner
Seventeen years of age
Heterosexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Zoey Deutch
Best used in slice of life
Last used in various 1x1s
Brief description: Very religious family, strict parents. Goody two-shoes.


Theme Song — My Name Is Jonas by Weezer

Jonas Russo
Seventeen years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Cody Christian
Best used in slice of life
Last used in I honestly don't remember LMAO
Brief description: Adopted by an older couple, adoptive father has since passed on. Really sweet and nerdy.


Theme Song — When You're Gone by Verite

Julianna Burke
Twenty-two years of age
Lesbian and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Abigail Cowen
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Paradise, a slice of life reality tv show rp
Brief description: Mommy and daddy issues, but it's okay because she's rich and pretty.


Theme Song — Lot Of Leavin' Left To Do by Dierks Bentley

Kendall Bryan
Twenty-four years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Carter Jenkins
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Rosemary Beach, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Dumbass. Wannabe womanizer. Very cringy. Very unhinged. One of my favorites.


Theme Song — If It Makes You Happy by Sheryl Crow

Lauren Phelps
Twenty-one years of age
Heterosexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Kennedy McMann
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Willowbridge, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Kind of ditsy, dreamer-like. Art student.


Theme Song — Holy Ground (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift

Magnolia Hunter
Twenty-three years of age
Heterosexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Josephine Langford
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Rosemary Beach, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Maternal figure, despite not having any children of her own. Daycare worker.


Theme Song — Fire Escape by Foster The People

Michael "Mikey" Harding
Twenty years of age
Pansexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Adrian Ojvindson
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Spinning Out, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Snowboarder. Comic relief type. Not really fleshed out much, but the potential is there.


Theme Song — Starboy by The Weeknd

Owen Manning
Twenty-three years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Charles Melton
Best used in slice of life
Last used in Rosemary Beach, a slice of life rp
Brief description: Total douchebag. Pretends to be rich, leads a life full of lies and deception because he's actually struggling to make ends meet. Very sleazy. One of my most beloved characters.


Theme Song — Upside Down by Jack Johnson

Sawyer Washington
Seventeen years of age
Heterosexual and uses he/him pronouns
Portrayed by Colin Ford
Best used in slice of life
Last used in n/a
Brief description: Sawyer. My baby. The apple of my eye. I rarely get to use him, mainly because I haven't found the right rp for him yet. The gist here is that he's a mama's boy (his father passed away rather unexpectedly when he was in middle school) who's drum major for the high school band. He's never even held hands with a girl, let alone kissed one. He plays it off as if he's just waiting for the right girl, but boy howdy, he desperately wants affection from anyone but his mom. I really want to use him in a 1x1. I have a whole plot surrounding him too - it's in my 1x1 search thread.


Theme Song — Like Everybody Else (Acoustic) by Lennon Stella

Summer Crosby
Seventeen years of age
Bisexual and uses she/her pronouns
Portrayed by Olivia Dejonge
Best used in slice of life
Last used in n/a
Brief description: Overachiever. Always seems to find herself falling for the wrong people.


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