Chapter One: A Dance of Darkness and Light

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As much as her new body surged with newfound strength and power over flame, Darrene still wasn't quite used to her draconic frame. What was once human hands were twisted into massive leathery wings, curved talons supporting her crimson frame as her horned skull rested on a strong serpentine neck, carrying herself high just the way she did when she was still walking on two legs.

With Eshne guiding them through the portal, Darrene would feel a shiver run down her long spine, a tingle surging from one spiked protrusion to the next all the way down to the tip of her tail, as they arrived in the cold stone halls of the fortress.
She dreaded that her rebirth in flame would leave her unable to ever feel comfort outside of a bed of fire, yet as the crimson-sclaed dragons made their way through the corridors Darrene slowly adjusted to the temperature.

Her massive heart sending blood like liquid fire flowing through her veins as each chamber of her great muscle would be almost as big as the oaken barrels used to store strong ale in. The newfound affinity for flame leaving her chest burning with a desire to just spread her wings and tap into the primal power the draconic deities had blessed her with.

Her mind trying to piece together if her human gods did not just portray abstract concepts of the children of Nox.
Eshne, the draconic entity who reigned over fire and war, so much alike to the Saint Georg and the Maiden Mareena who held the positions of heroic deities in the pantheon of her faith.

Yet shaking her massive head, and almost destroying a brazier in the process, Darrene cast these notions out of her still burning mind.
The numbed pain in her horned skull still remaining, even after her rebirth in the fiery inferno.

Finally arriving at the large quarters, the sheer size of the chamber finally making sense now, Darrene's reptilian eyes widened as they caught a glimpse of raven-hair, pale skin...and dark scales.
The dragon letting go of a low growl as she snaked her way through the crowded room, careful not to destroy anyone foolish enough to stand in her way as her draconic appendages left deep carvings in whatever furniture she bumped into.

Blazing a trail through the chamber as she finally came to loom over Katrina's pain-stricken form.
The sight of the woman being so tormented by her draconic heritage making Darrene exhale deeply as a cloud of dark smoke blew past the raven-haired woman.
The dragon slowly lowering her horned visage as fiery amber eyes met Katrina's own in the brief moments of them not being closed shut.
Her heart beating quicker as she felt an eerie glow radiate from underneath the thick scales of her chest.
"Katrina...Are you alright?" Darrene's voice echoed through the chamber as the wyvern's crimson form watched over Nox's protege's transformation, her long tail coming to form a circle around Katrina's bed as curved talons bore into cool stone.


LorellaAge: 42
Gender: Female
Race: Siren (Disguised as Triton)
Ancestor: Delta
Interacting: StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 Vampunk Vampunk
The woman’s reaction to the drink wasn’t terribly surprising to Lorella. She had no idea if the woman had ever even tasted alcohol before. Perhaps the bitterness was too much for her taste buds. “Its okie,” Lorella cooed to the woman, encouraging her to get the taste out of her mouth.

Seeing the woman try and cough had Lorella thinking about puking, and before she knew it she was over in a corner, heaving up all the food she had eaten at the mess table. It was a foul taste and brought back memories of the last time she had vomited, after she had to eat human flesh to prove her worth to the nest. That thought was enough to make her puke again.

“Yuck,” Lorella commented, walking back over to the cot and checking on the woman. The changes were progressing, black scales growing up and down her arms as her eyes began to grow. Lorella had a funny feeling this would be her soon. Plopping down on the ground, Lorella positioned herself to keep an eye on the cot before taking another swig of the liquid to rinse out the taste of the vomit.

She was distracted by the activity in the front of the room by an itching feeling on her legs. Looking down, under her outfit, she noticed that her thighs were beginning to change into scales. They were indeterminate enough that she couldn’t tell if they were dragon or siren. “Awe fuck,” Lorella swore under her breath. Was this that dragon stuff happening or was her disguise wearing out? Does her disguise have a time limit?

Did really matter? Asked another voice in her head. The answer was simple and went easily down the throat. She took the jug and tilted her head back, pouring the remaining contents of the jug into her until the jug ran dry. With a satisfied burp, she underhand tossed the jug a few feet away next to her. Her body leaned backwards to feel something there, like a wall or something...and a voice that sounded like that other woman who shouted at the dragons earlier.

“Whatshu want?” Lorella stammered at the voice, her vision going hazy with the alcohol. “Can’t yous see... I’m... been...watchen’... h’r?” Lorella speech had slowed to a crawl, struggling to form the words. Rather than talk, she realized that the wall was pretty warm and cozy for resting on. Well, if someone else was watching the woman...maybe a quick nap wouldn’t hurt.


Ki'Tavi held Eshne's glare without flinching, though there was a look in his eyes. It wasn't malice, maybe a hint of repentance? Or maybe it was a silent apology for not believing her in that he would be safe in the first place. So it seemed he did not hate her after his severe punishment. That torture had been excruciating, but at the same time, it had been brief.

Besides, he'd have one hell of a story to tell later if he ever got back to the Phantom Legion.

As they set to leave, he managed to somehow pick up his discarded belongings without destroying them, though he had to be careful not to let them too near the flames that moved from his body. Given the glare Eshne had given him, it seemed obvious she wouldn't be inclined to help him get the blazes under control anytime soon.

In other words, he was right fucked. A woman could hold a grudge a very long time, as he knew all too well.

As they left that strange place, Ki'Tavi's form shivered at the sudden drop in temperature. It was unpleasant to say the least, and the fires on his body rose a little higher to compensate until he could properly adjust. It wasn't something he did consciously, however. If it were, he'd have turned them off by now to avoid being an oversized fire hazard.

He, with the others, made his way back into the chambers. Reaching carefully over the others, he set his belongings with his pack that had been left on one of the cots. He had to be extra careful to avoid setting any of the damn things on fire. Satisfied his stuff was together, he made his way over to the nearest wall to curl up, just watching everyone.

His head lifted when he heard the other dragon inquire about the girl. From where he was, he could just barely see the scales forming on the girl's body. He flinched a little, instantly reminded of his own painful transformation once he had been pulled from the lava. "She's probably far from alright. If what she's going through is anything at all like what I felt... She's in her own personal hell." Ki'Tavi remarked laying his head back down on his front legs. His tail curled around him, and he watched the tip as a gentle flame still burned on it.

For now, he just listened to the conversations the others were having as he tried to figure out how to turn off the flames that danced so easily over his body.

Tags[ StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Vampunk Vampunk Mistory Mistory

Midas WorthAge:
The hulking mass of Midas stomped through the halls with his fellow decendants. It had been a long day, and he wanted it to end. As the doors swung open, midas audibly sighed. He couldnt help but glance amongst the small group, noticing some where missing. Must be their "time" too. With a groan, he made his way inside. He paused to give a glance back at eshne one last time, before finding a spot in the corner, and falling onto his side, his breath escaping his body with a grunt.

His eyes watched as Darrene hurried over to Katrina, clearly showing worry for the woman. By the looks of it, she was siffering the change as well. Though in a much more painful form.
"...Theres nothing we can do for her...simply be by her side and hope. It seems you all are good at that..."

Eldynn RoseAge: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Faerie
Ancestor: Zephyr
Interacting: Fable Fable Mistory Mistory

Eldynn looked up at the elf. So she was right about the elf being Lecethian. And her name was Veth. What an odd name...

"Eldynn," the faerie said. "Is my name."

The elf was curious about how Eldynn knew who she was. Someone had brought a screaming woman into the room. Eldynn could recognize the woman as the black haired human from earlier. She was a bit disturbed, but upon seeing that other people were already helping her, Eldynn carried on.

"I can enlighten you," Eldynn said. "Your group is very well known, among the faeries at least, because us faeries know everything, all the gossip and rumours and actual facts, about everyone... Though I don't think I should tell you why..."

That was kind of a lie?

The door opened, and Eldynn saw huge beasts come into the room. Dragons. There were more gods here!? One of the dragons asked if the woman (Katrina. Katrina Katrina Katrina.) was okay. Her voice sounded an awful lot like the scary human from earlier... The fishwoman from earlier was definitely drunk. Another two dragons spoke, one having a burning tail and mane and the other looking like a spiky chunk of rock and sounding alot like Bronze-eye. Eldynn was... confused. Very confused. But then she remembered that this was all a dream, and that shit like this would probably be normal in a dream.

Eldynn winced. Her back hurt enough now to be annoying.

"W-Woah!" Eldynn flew up.

She looked back at Veth.

"LET'S LOOK AT THE DRAGONS!" she said, forgetting her fatigue and flying right on over to the isolated, dark gray one in the corner of the room.

She hovered a respectable distance away from it.

"Hello!" the faerie waved to the dragon.

Hazel Rock

Interacting: Mistory Mistory doneanddusted doneanddusted
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 | Eshne
Located: The room of cots I assume

Hazel didn’t mind any stares as she trotted along by the others. She smiled and chuckles l. This was all so cool. Her tail flicked about happily as they went along, she felt quite right in this form. Moving was a little awkward but she soon got a hang of it and snaked her way past the people. Though, she noticed the brief interaction between Eshne and Midas. Mostly him ignoring her.

Hazel would sit down by him. And look at him and then at Eshne as she walked away. “You know...Huh...wait..haha this is cool. speaking with out mouth movements. Haha anyways.” She bodes her head and got serious. “Don’t be an ass for one. For two.” She relaxed a bit. “You don’t like all this Huh? Rubs you the wrong way?” I was completely obvious he dislike what was going on, and Hazel didn’t know what to do now So conversation with the one person who didn’t seem interested in doing so would do.

She waited for an answer, chuckling at the fairy who went up to him excitedly. She watched and thought about all this. The dragon forms we cool. Felt off but she assumed they grow used to it. We’re all the other going to go through the same thing? Will this just be a room of dragons soon? How awesome was that. How amazing was all this. For her it was just like another adventure, a thing to do. Something to occupy her time. At least that’s what she would tell others.

In reality. She didn’t know why she came. Maybe to figure out her lineage. She was adopted after all. This Hazel knew. What she didn’t know was what happened before then. Where she came from. Why her obsession with dragons. This dragon descendent makes thing, deep down she hoped it would make sense of what she didn’t know. So far, it was cool. So far, it explained the obsession a bit. Though so far it was confusing at the same time, but a good confusing. The kind tha made you think.

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Veth Denrilith


21 | Elf | Zephyr​
Veth's attention was drawn away at the sound of a scream, a very feminine scream, and she wondered if that happened to be Kit, considering the feline had no respect for personal space. Vis entered shortly after carrying the girl who she believed was called Katrina, leaving her in the care of the group here. Strange he would leave her here with strangers to tend to her. Eldynn didn't seem concerned enough to go over to where the commotion was occurring. Veth noticed something strange, what appears to be dark scales where the girls flesh should have been. This made Veth feel very uneasy, but the fairy spoke to her once again, grabbing her attention.

Veth listened to the small fairy as she stated that her kind were known to be very familiar with rumors, about everyone. If this was true, it was very interesting and perhaps could be used later on. She couldn't help be curious as to what skill the fairy had that made her claim to know so much. It could have all been a bluff, Veth would just have to wait and see.

Eshne eventually returned dragons blundering into the room, the same number that had left with her before. She didn't want to believe it, that those who had left had been transformed into dragons themselves. Was this her fate as well? Was she to wait here, only to be forced into a change her form? Her heartbeat increased as she watched the dragons, one which growled and made its way over to Katrina. Unlike Eldynn, Veth wasn't so eager to approach these dragons. One of them was literally radiating flames.

Voices, familiar voice of those who had left earlier, resounded through the chamber as they spoke. This confirmed they were one in the same. Were they forever stuck as dragons now? Veth got up from the floor, not following after Eldynn who was eager to speak to the dragons. Instead, she went back to the cot she had claimed earlier, sitting back down and opting to observe. She wouldn't dare approach Katrina who was being encircled by a dragon's tail. All she could do was wait, she doubted she could get answered from Eshne. Vis had already left with his own to have them go through what seemed to be some kind of rite of passage. Did she have no choice in this? Nox's words replayed in her mind, he made it sound like this change was inevitable, was this really true?

-sitting alone pondering life, open to interaction-​

Midas WorthAge:
Interacting: doneanddusted doneanddusted AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
The massive dragon wanted to snarl, wanted to bite, wanted to throw a fit...But he couldnt. No matter what he says, nobody seemed to care, so what was the point...

As the dragoness laid herself down beside him, his gaze flicked her way, looking her over. Her words made him wonder if she actually wanted answers,or was just trying to make nice...either way, he had to admit, it was nice having someone ask...

"...I dont like it. At all. I'm trying, I am, but nothing they have done has given me any reason to trust them, and yet they keep asking us to do things that are insane. All im seeing is people trusting the dragons. But ive seen it. Trust without reason is as bad as a dagger at your throat" he paused as the fairy arrived, and lowered his head to look at her at eye level. She was so small now..."Hello again, Fairy..." he couldnt remember if she had given her name before or not, but they had only spoken for afew moments before she vanished, so he might ask again., though his oher,blank crimsom socket seemed to remain trained on Hazel

Eldynn RoseAge: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Faerie
Ancestor: Zephyr
Interacting: Mistory Mistory AgWordSmith AgWordSmith

Near Rocky, another dragon laid down. Rocky spoke about trust without reason. Trust... Maybe Eldynn was a bit too trusting... She was trusting enough to go on a long journey to meet a stranger who claimed to be a distant relative. Well, everything was all a dream anyways. Eldynn could trust or distrust anyone she wanted without any real consequences. The faerie flew over to the new dragon, admiring its red scales. Perhaps it was bad to be this casual with gods, but Eldynn didn't care. She couldn't die in her own dreams.

"You're very marvelous dragons. Are you also gods?" Eldynn asked the two dragons. "Why weren't you at the big dining room?"

Civis MeghansathAge: 42
Gender: Male
Race: Triton
Ancestor: Wetgurl Sr.
Interacting: JustNicole JustNicole
Civis spent the next hour or so chatting it up with those around him, and finding out everybody's name. He also spent the time trying as much of the new and interesting foods laid before him as he could. He wasn't too big a fan of the meat surprisingly enough. It had too different of a texture to the normal fish back home. The fruit and sweets on the other hand, were his favorite. There weren't a whole lot of sweet things down in the deep, so these were a nice change of pace for his palate.

After time had passed and many sweets had been eaten, Vis thought it was about time to wrap up the party, much to CIvis' displeasure. Still, there was still plenty of time to mingle amongst the rest of the wyrmchildren and hopefully more sweets to be had. Arriving at a rather large, yet empty room, Civis couldn't help be reminded of his military barracks. Although, they didn't have these flat cushy things the people all around him started claiming and either sitting or laying on.

Civis walked over to the closest available cot and sat down. He then went through the arduous task of removing his armor. First he removed the bevor from around his neck and placed it next to him on the cot. Next went the pauldrons, rerebraces, and the vambraces. All clattering against one another in the pile. Then carefully removing the cuirass, making sure to to mess up his hair in the process. Setting that aside on the ground under the cot, he got to work removing the faulds and placing it besides the cuirass. Then removing the cuisses, and his greaves, placing them in the pile on his cot. Last, but not least, he lifted up his scalemail vest over his head revealing his loose fitting under shirt and pants made out of what could best be described as aquatic linen.

Looking over at his pile of armor, he was reminded of the times when he was still enlisted in the Triton military. He had done and learned so many things in the field, but he also lost a bit of himself along with a few of his men. Sighing, he tried to lay down on the cot, but felt it difficult to get comfortable. After a few minutes of tossing and turning, Civis got up and started walking around the room. The people all around him were either conversing with one another or lost in their own little worlds.

It wasn't long until Eshne came in and stole away those he figured were her family. Civis didn't care all too much. It probably had something to do with their blood or whatever, he wasn't really paying too much attention at the moment. Although, he was curious as to what the thing behind the thin screen was. Throwing open the screen, he was surprised to see a very large stone basin full of water. A smile crept across his face as he quickly shouted "I claim this in the name of the Tritons!" before hopping in.

From there, he watched as everyone went about there business. Eventually, Vis came in with Katrina draped in his arms and placed her on a cot before taking two more of the people away. She appeared to be writhing around and in great agony. He wasn't sure what was wrong with the girl, but it certainly wasn't pretty. Was this what was going to happen to him and the rest of them? Were they all going to slowly and painfully turn into a scaly beastie like they said at the orientation? As if on queue, in marched a small group of red dragons. One of which having the voice of the mean human woman. Yep, this was indeed their fate.

Most of the people were now crowding around the pain riddled Katrina as she laid there in pain. One of which was Lorella who didn't look to good herself. Watching as she acted very strange and even vomited in the corner of the room. Someone'd have to clean that up, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be him. That''s when he watched her walk back over to Katrina, shout some slurred words and pass out onto the now draconic woman.

Nope. Nope. He had seen how the woman acted towards the other non-humans at the party. Fearing that his newfound Triton friend would get crushed under the dragon's large foot, he leap out of the basin. In a light jog, he went up to the drunken woman and lifted her away from the looming reptilian form. He said carrying her over to another cot away from all the ruckus. Letting her down gently, he then walked back over to the basin he had claimed as his and sat on the rim.

His mind now filling with wonderment for when he may transform like them. What would it be like? Would it be this painful? He leaded backwards and let himself fall back into the water. Crossing his arms, he let the air in his lungs escape and form bubbles in the water. He always loved the way they always floated upwards towards the surface without a care in the world. And yet so fragile that a mere touch could make them burst.

Hazel Rock

Interacting: Mistory Mistory doneanddusted doneanddusted
Located: The room of cots I assume

Hazel chuckled. “No we’re not gods. I’m Hazel. A human. Apparently, we are able to become dragons. Don’t know if this is permenat or not but, not a god. Being god wouldn’t be a fate that I’d Want. It would be to lonlnely after a while.” Hazel answered the fairy. She was adorable and a curious glint in her eye made her even more so. The dancer had a soft spot for cute things, she hoped that as all this went along she could befriend the fairy.

She gave Midas’ answer some thought before replying to him. Trust with out reason. What had he seen? What had happened to him? What made it so that he would say what he said? Her mind pondered this. “Blind trust does cause trouble I agree. But, a trust in the heart is not the same as being blind to the truth. There is also the death threat so. I’d rather not die so why not have fun with it you know?”

If there was no escape from death happening why not dive into lava? Why not dive head first into it all? It made it enjoyable. It gave her some answers. It was something different from the norm. Where is reason? Well when reason’s time cooked she will lisen to it, but “To much thinking, gets in the way of life. Think about your next step to much and you’ll never actually take it.” She would smile as she said this, watching the fairy happily.

As Vis' eyes glanced over back towards Katrina, Ishnai also looked over the pained woman with great concern, a deep desire to protect her welling up within her. Though, she was at a loss for what to do, as not even Vis seemed to know. As Vis gestured to her, she turned back towards him, only for her eyes to widen in surprise at his next words. "A-ah, alright... Vis." She smiled a bit at that, despite her situation. though dropping the various titles her people had always called him by feeling rather foreign to her, she should've expected such a kind God to say such a thing, perhaps. He seemed devoid of all ego, or near to such, always looking out for others. It was frankly not how she'd expected him to behave, but she appreciated it greatly.

Then, her attention was brought to something that made her freeze: what she assumed were Eshne's kin, now hulking, fiery beasts that scraped her a little. In fact, she could feel heat wafting from them all on her fur from across the room. would she rival their size and imposing visage after the transformation? There was only one way to find out, she thought, which brought her back into the present moment.

Without further adieu, all that was left for her was to step through the door, curious as to where it would take her. The pumpkin woman looking over towards Jimean once more, gauging how she may be feeling about all of this, and giving her a nod, a determined expression on her face. A thought occurred to her here. Was Jimean her half-sister? Surely far, far less than half... either way, she was apparently distantly related by blood to this woman, and said relation seemed to reflect deeply in her morals and personality. She found herself smiling slightly at the woman, her feline fangs showing a bit, for just a moment before she turned back to the task at hand

The room was filled with energy as the first group to transform came back, yet there was a mission ahead of Ishnai. She closed her eyes, her tail twitching slower every moment as she took a deep breath, then as Vis bid her to, stepped through the door.

Inside, her eyes widened as she let out an astounded gasp, the sights before her uttery magical to her eyes. This was the most breathtakingly beautiful place she'd ever seen, nothing like the dry expanses of desert she'd called home for the vast majority of her life. The air was muggy through, and felt uncomfortable o her fur. She followed Vis dutifully though, as they then led her to a vast pit of what seemed to be quicksand, yet brown and more liquid in consistency. She was wary of it, though did as ask when Vis bid her to step in. She first test it with her fit, sinking in at the edge, before slowly wading in until her tail disappeared beneath the strange-feeling, slick mudpit. Up to her chest in the mud now, she looked over towards her distant relatives, first looking to Jimean and smiling. "I bid you, join me. It feels strange, but it's not bad." Then, she looked to Vis, her natural cat's curiosity taking over for a moment. "With all due respect, Vis, can I ask what purpose the mud holds?"
StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18 seasonedcat seasonedcat
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Midas WorthAge:
Interacting: doneanddusted doneanddusted AgWordSmith AgWordSmith
Midas gave a sigh, looking the fairy over, before glancing to Hazel. "No, little fairy. I am no god. Im the idiot who yelled at the Gods this morning, remember?" He gave a sad smile. An idiot indeed. He couldnt say he was in the right of mind at the time, but it was him...

He laughed at the dragoness' words. "I'd like to believe you. I would...but living with your life in the hand of another..." he gave a sigh, resting his head on the floor. "Thats...not living. That surviving. I had hoped I'd finally get a chance to start living here...maybe thats why I hate it. Got my hopes up for disappointment..."


Ki'Tavi heaved a sigh to himself, staring at the flame on his tail that refused to extinguish itself despite his efforts to make it so. He let his mind drift back to that infernal hellscape.

Standing there on that cliff, being told to dive headfirst into lava on a leap of faith. You'd have to be crazy to do something like that. However, that had been exactly what they were supposed to do. He'd taken off his boots, belts and top, but even as he had done so, his paws had been shaking. To show fear before the enemy was unacceptable in the Phantom Legion. He had focused on stopping the quivering in his hands, but as he set his gear aside and looked towards that drop off, he'd felt it gripping at his chest.


He didn't fear death. No, Death was an occupational hazard for a mercenary. It could come at any time. Still, there was a fear in his heart as it hit him he was leaping to his imminent demise. This wasn't a battle with an uncertain outcome. If he hit the lava, he would certainly die. He had fully believed that. Yet, his pride wouldn't allow him to show those there he was afraid. He couldn't let anyone see that.

He had to think of the scariest thing he could imagine. Something terrifying enough that it would make a dive into lava seem tame. As he watched Eshne, the answer became obvious. In the world as he knew it, there was nothing more terrifying than a pissed off woman. He'd seen the women of the Phantom Legion when rage overtook them. Never had he seen a more terrifying warrior.

So, really, as Ki'Tavi had seen it, he had two options. Let his fear show, and disgrace himself as a member of the Phantom Legion, or give himself something more terrifying to deal with so that the dive in the lava lost its teeth.

He had chosen the latter.

Once his paw reached her backside, there was no doubt in his mind that diving in the lava was a hell of a lot safer than staying up there with her. If a pissed off woman in the Phantom Legion was terrifying, he knew a pissed off Goddess of War had to be even more so.

Fucking hell he was right. He shuddered as he recalled getting plucked out of the lava to see her dragon form looming over him.

After that, Ki'Tavi wondered if it'd even be possible for anything to ever scare him again. He shook his head as he chuckled in spite of himself. She'd probably be holding a grudge against him for awhile over that one.

Lifting his head up, he looked around to see that most people had already started to form small clusters, with one notable exception.

His head tilted a little as he rose up to his feet. Ki'Tavi carefully watched his step as he moved towards Veth, painfully aware of his larger size and the fact he was a walking fire hazard. Finding the nearest spot to her where he could sit without igniting anything, he set his eyes on her. "What's up? Not feeling all that social anymore?" He inquired, trying to keep his voice from being too loud. So many adjustments he had to make in this form....

The sooner he figured out how to turn off his own personal night-torch, the better.

Right now, he didn't want to think about how painful his transformation had been, or how pissed at him Eshne probably was. He'd rather get back to learning more about those he was going to be here with. Hell, at this point, just a regular conversation sounded good, even if he got nothing out of it...

Tags Fable Fable
Veth Denrilith


21 | Elf | Zephyr​
Veth attention was drawn to one of the dragon's lumbering their way over in her direction. If she had to make a bet on who it was, she most assumed it was most likely the one person that had pestered her the most; Kit. The dragon tried to maneuver carefully across the room, it was probably hard to move around being so large thinking about it.

It - or rather he - sat down close to her deciding to state the obvious. She looked him over, focusing slightly on the flames burning from his scales. Guess he didn't have the ability or didn't want to stop the fire emanating from him. "Look what the dragon dragged in," she commented, "If I was against socializing, I wouldn't have said a word, but rather ignored your presence. Interesting how the fire hazard dragon turns out to be the troublesome feline."

She turned her head to look at him directly, her eyes wandering the large frame of the dragon before her before resting on the beast's maw, "I'm sure that cocky grin of yours is fairly terrifying as you currently are. I imagine you're here to inquire about myself once more. I will answer one personal question in exchange for an answer to own of my own.
And so help me, if you ask anything perverted, you will lose that tail. Nothing that probably can't be regrown as you currently are, but it would still cause pain.
" Her threat was not empty this time. "Is your change one of permanence?"

One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost
-ready to fite, not sure why a section of the post is fudged-​
28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
Soon enough Katrina felt something, or rather someone looming over her. Momentarily she would’ve opened her eyes to see a crimson colored wyvern staring back at her. As soon as she spoke, she knew who it was. It was comforting, having her surround her bed almost in a protective manner. It being enough to cause her to relax, although unable to respond as another bought of pain surged through her. This time, the scales began to consume her neck, gums beginning to bleed as her teeth shifted and sharpened.

While this occurred, sometime the end of Darrene’s tail would flick onto her cot. Without really thinking she would’ve grasped onto it, hugging the large appendage as if it were a pillow, although it was slightly uncomfortable for the newly formed dragon as the small talons forming on her hands dug into her scales. By this point she seemed unresponsive, tensing as the process continued.

The door would’ve then opened once more, Zephyr showing his face as he entered, making his way over towards Veth. “You ready?” He grinned, ignoring the now draconic Kit before looking towards the fairy. “You too!”

Vampunk Vampunk Fable Fable One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost doneanddusted doneanddusted

Watching over Katrina's pain-stricken form, Darrene would drape her wings around her bed, the thought of the others having to witness the raven-haired woman's tormenting metamorphosis not being a pleasant one to her.
Instead her mighty wingspan would form a leathery tent around Katrina's bedside, containing the warmth her massive draconic form radiated, hoping it would soothe the pain caused by the transformation tearing Katrina's body apart to remake her into a dragon.

Raising her head over her extended wings, Darrene would let her fiery eyes wander around the chamber, feeling unusually cold to her, a product of having become an avatar of flame herself.
Watching the other wyrmchildren being lead out by their ancestors, Darrene would exhale deeply, a dark smoke escaping her powerful lungs as every breath of her seemed to cause embers to drift away into the air.

Katrina taking a hold of her scaly appendage made Darrene's eyes widen, returning her attention to the Wyrmchilde's squirming frame as she grasped the crimson tail firmly.
If she were still human the gesture would have brought a bright red surging to her cheeks, instead, Darrene's powerful heart only quickened its rhytmic thuds, the eerie glow that reached through her scaly hide growing more intense.

"I am here. Just like you were for me." The wyvern spoke gently, lowering her snout as her eyes came to rest on Katrina's changing form, examining the dark hide replacing soft, pale mortal skin.
Her rebirth in flame had been aided by the infernal lake she had leaped into, yet Katrina lacked any catalyst to ease the pain of her transformation.

Just thinking about how much pain her small human frame must be suffering made the wyvern't heart beat with fury.
Anger over her inability to do anything besides just watching over her.
Fury over Nox who did not even sit by his protege's bedside and comfort her.

And as she watched Katrina, Darrene would find herself feeling an unfamiliar sensation deep inside her draconic chest.
Something she could not explain.
The candle Katrina's act of kindness had lit slowly growing into a stronger flame that had to be tended to, lest it would start consuming Darrene.
Lowering her head and exhaling a warm smoke, causing the leather tent of her wings to grow warmer, Darrene closed her eyes, hoping Katrina's rebirth would come soon.



It seemed her tongue was as sharp as ever.

A tired grin tugged at his features as he settled himself down on the ground watching her as she went on, those fiery eyes watching her as she spoke. She was rattled. For one thing, she was actually willing to give up some details about herself in exchange for information. For the other, well, that sure as hell wasn't a threat she'd just given him, that was a promise. It was, he had to admit, a bit reassuring to know that even she was a touch out of sorts over everything. It made him feel a bit better about how his own facade had almost crumbled on the cliff.

He sighed when she gave her question. "I'm afraid I don't have a definitive answer for you" He mused, holding her gaze. "I've seen Eschne switch forms more than once now. If we're supposed to be like them, I'd say it's a fair assumption that we can change back too. However, I haven't gotten any confirmation on the matter, nor am I sure how to do it myself yet. Hell, I haven't even figured out how to turn this off.." He paused, gesturing with a talon towards the gentle flame coming from behind one of his forelegs. "Sorry, but all I can offer is speculation." He shook his large head before settling his gaze on her once again.

He was being a bit more... Subdued than normal. In his new form, it's not like his facial expression was all that readable, so it seemed pointless to keep wearing the mask he normally did. Besides, it seemed clear to him that Veth's mask wasn't fairing much better than his own right now. For now, he was willing to call a tie to their chess game of words and wit.

His head turned as Zeph approached. It seemed her turn was now. His eyes turned towards her. "You'll be fine. We'll talk more when you get back. Just forgive me if I don't recognize you right away" He cast one last playful smile her way as he pushed himself up off the ground. Slowly, methodically so as to avoid burning and/or stepping on anything or anyone, he made his way back to the wall to curl up and lay down.

Once more, he stared at the flames on the tip of his tail, giving yet another concerted effort to figure out how to turn off the flame.

Tags Fable Fable

Hazel Rock

Interacting: Mistory Mistory doneanddusted doneanddusted
Located: The room of cots I assume

Hazel part his head gently and smiled at him and the fairy. His words stuck with her for a bit. What he was saying was true, and did explain his attitudes and actions thus far. She could understand how he felt. Her first few months on her own she had expectations for life traveling around. It was supposed to just be merry fun, looking at sights, meeting people and the like. It turned out very different.

“I’m going to make both of you a present of a secret. “ She said warmly. “Life starts with survival. Every time we try a new chapter whether a normal one like, taking up a trade or starting a familiar, or meeting gods and becoming dragons. We have to start that part over.” This was something she learned on her travels. Every new place started with figuring out how to get food and shelter for how ever long she was going to stay first, then she was able to do the fun part.

Though she felt like she was being too serious at the moment. Giving advice and all. Maybe all her fun had been spent on diving into lava. Maybe there was just a time and place for serious times and times of fun. Maybe a good idea after this conversation would be a good nap. Maybe she was just thinking to much. Haha.

Veth Denrilith


21 | Elf | Zephyr​
Veth wasn't happy there was no answer to be given to her question. Were these gods really going to remain so secretive on such matters? Surely they could answer some questions. Perhaps not. These were gods after all, they didn't bow to the demands or questions of mortals unless they wanted to. She couldn't threaten one of them to get what she wanted, they'd sooner kill her should she pressure them in such a manner.

"Unfortunately I am not surprised by your answer. As for ending your bodily flame, maybe dip your tail in water and see if that smothers it. Should it relight if removed from submergence, then it is either by your own will or out of your control." Veth wondered if Kit should control his flame via his will, that he would probably create an inferno before killing the flames upon him. "I would suggest doing such experiments with control, outside."

Their conversation was interrupted as Zephyr approached her, she knew before he spoke that he had come to lead them away to whatever was in store for them. While Kit was surprisingly trying to be reassuring, Veth felt a pit of doubt in her chest. "It doesn't matter if I am ready," she replied to Zephyr. "I'm sure you'll, against the odds, manage to sniff me out," she said, referring to what Kit has said about not being able to recognize her.

She stood up and approached Zephyr, not returning his smile, "Shall we get this over with?" There were two reasons she wanted this ordeal over quickly. Firstly, she didn't think this was going to be anything enjoyable. Secondly, she didn't doubt Zephyr would try something.

One Mean Ghost One Mean Ghost StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
-Zephyr's totally scheming something isn't he?-​

Eldynn RoseAge: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Faerie
Ancestor: Zephyr
Interacting: Mistory Mistory AgWordSmith AgWordSmith Fable Fable StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18

Eldynn yelped in some mixture of shock and excitement when the dragon said he was the idiot who yelled at the gods. She slapped her hands over her mouth. HE turned into a dragon!? So the dragons were the people who had left this room!? The faerie didn't pay much attention to what the dragons were saying. She was too excited at the aspect of turning into a dragon. Was she going to turn into a dragon? Would she also be red? Would she had fire powers? Would she keep her butterfly wings? She really liked her butterfly wings.

When the other dragon said something about secret, Eldynn paid attention again. Secrets were fun! And the secret was... the survival part of life repeats and over and over? Was it talking about change? Eldynn embraced change, as long as it was good change. The change of going on a journey to a far off place? Eldynn was all for it. The change of losing a close friend? Eldynn hated that type of change. But that type of change didn't come too often. Eldynn's closest friends were here siblings, after all.

Eldynn was going to say something (she wasn't quite sure what, she just wanted to add on to the conversation), but someone looked straight at her and told her to join Veth.

"I... I have to go! I'll see you later!" she said, before flying away.

The man who spoke to her was a man with reptilian i'm assuming yellow eyes and very light hair. The faerie flew over and made the impulsive decision to seat herself on Veth's shoulder.

"A-Are you also a god?" Eldynn asked the man with reptilian eyes. "You have very pretty hair. And eyes. Everyone here is so pretty! Where are we going? What are we going to do?"
28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
It seemed to be speeding up, the pain only increasing. By now Katrina’s grip on Darrene’s tail would’ve gone limb, the woman unresponsive and most likely unconscious as it began to finish. It wasn’t a pretty sight, to say the least. As bones began to break and rearrange themselves, her form swelling and growing, tail pushing its way out of the back of her spine and wings breaking out of her back. Her clothing had already tore as this occurred, the cot breaking under her new weight.

Minutes passed and it finally finished, Katrina’s flank heaving as she laid there within a daze, utterly numb both mentally and physically.

Meanwhile Zephyr was gesturing for the two women to follow him, the man weaving in between the dragons and out the door. He was a bit annoyed by how bubbly the fairy was but he remained silent until they approached a different door than the others had gone out of since the main portal was in use. Pushing it open he would slip inside, hoping the others would follow.

If they did, they would begin to fall at first, it being a vast expanse of nothing. The view was rather beautiful, a soft natural light originated from nowhere, clouds lazily drifting past. Over time the sensation of falling would lessen until one would begin to feel as if they were floating rather, it being rather comforting, even though there was the fact that there was no solid ground in sight.

Vampunk Vampunk Fable Fable doneanddusted doneanddusted

As Darrene's crimson frame loomed over Katrina, watching over her transformation, the dragon couldn't help herself but to let go of a gentle rumble. Originating from her scale-clad chest, her low, comforting growl would accompany her slowly removing her wings to give way to Katrina's growing frame.
Fiery eyes witnessing how a dark dragon was sculpted from the raven-haired woman...

And then, as Katrina lay there on a ruined bed, Darrene's horned head came to prod her lying frame, her breathing starting to normalize as the dragon watched her sides rise and fall in a calm, rhythmic fashion.
Exhaling, relieved by Katrina finally having pressed through the agonizing experience, Darrene's hot breath would wash over her reborn body.

Embers dancing in the misty fume she exhumed as she pulled her wing back, her serpentine frame coming to circle around Katrina's lying frame as the wyvern made sure to give her enough place to breathe and not feel overwhelmed by her fiery presence.
Lowering her sharpened beak, Darrene's forehead would come to rest against Katrina's own, trying to comfort the woman just like she had done earlier.

"Katrina. It is me. Are you alright?" The crimson wyvern's voice would echo from within her fiery core as she couldn't help herself but feel her heart beat at an accelerated rate.
Her head once again meeting Katrina's own as flame-forged crimson hide met black scales.
"How are you feeling?"


Midas WorthAge:
Interacting: AgWordSmith AgWordSmith

The dragon gave a pause,taking in her words. Survival must be repeated,before managing to live. Could be scripture. The larger of the two gave a laugh, a good, long laugh that would drum into the minds of those who heard.

How had he been so blind?! All this time he was trying to fight to keep from falling back to his level of life before the letter, but it was to simple! Enduring such an exsistance is the only way to move foreward!

Others probably thought he lost his mind. But it was finally clearing! He had been so angry, furious about the circemstances. But what is life without hardships? He had every right to be angry, but he was holding onto grudges that wouldnt change anything!

He brought himself up quickly, leveling his eye with the dragoness' head"Thank you! Ive been so blind. I have been an ass, and an idiot, but thank you! I cant believe how ridiculous Ive been today. I mean, I cant be so upset over every little thing, especially when Ive had far greater hardships in my life. I was petty, and angry, and Im sorry." His eyes showed the glee he was feeling "incredible how simple words can make me see past my own fury..."
Last edited:
28 || Female || Wyrmspawn || Nox
Slowly she began to become much more aware of her surroundings. This included:

Realising her transformation had completed

And that she was being cuddled by a slightly larger dragon.

It startled her at first, struggling to remember who this was, but as soon as she spoke, Katrina instantly relaxed. It was Darrene… the woman she had met mere hours ago but her company was making her feel… what was making her feel? She enjoyed her presence, it being comforting and securing. Not to mention she was rather pretty, even if she didn’t come close to Eshne’s appearance.

But… this didn’t make sense?!

The woman had been taught about love, but she had only thought that it would occur between a male and a female. Her feeling like this towards Darrene didn’t seem right… even though it did.

Utterly confused, she would bury her now massive head into the wyvern’s warm bulk, drinking in her scent. Kat had been assaulted with the various smells and sounds in the room, but focusing on the massive heart of this other draconian woman as well as her ashy, fire-esc scent not unlike a brazier that had just been set alight. It helped distract her, causing her mind to drift from the worrying put that had formed in her stomach.

Eventually, Kat managed a response, it being a semi-coherent murmur. “I’m… fine now that you’re here…”

Did she just say that out loud? It would’ve caused a bright blush to rise in her cheeks but seeing as her flesh was now coated in dark scales, that wasn’t much of an issues. Even then her heart did flutter, making her increasingly more bashful by the moment.

It was wonderful, curled up with the previously human woman. It could be possible that Nox was wrong about mortals, as this wasn’t like anything he had described in the slightest.

Vampunk Vampunk
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