Chapter 3: House of Thorns

Selene Manifested herself within her own dream, she struggled to do her best to persuade the figure that was a rendition of princess to stop. she frantically spoke. "Princess! we have a reputation to hold! harming a guest would reflect poorly on our reputation of having the finest hospitality in Arcadia." she tried to remind the princess of her virtue, of hospitality. it seemed to be her first time giving a reminder, she knew princess wouldn't like it, but she did it to save her, because a fey's existence is heavily influenced by how she is perceived by others, "Remember the last time you harmed a guest and how it sickened you?"

(Willpower roll to fight nightmares: Willpower is 4, +1 for RP, +1 for playmate kith (supporting thorn), +1 for spending 1 glamour for presence [3 remaining] = 7 dice)embed (1).jpeg

(Rerolled 10 into another 10, and got six. 3 successes. Enough to fight the fears off for now) 

(Nova: Going with the Umineko themes, Dreamdischarger is perfect for this XD. Link)
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Time 3 + Gnosis 4 + 1 location. 

Xistund[SIZE=19.5px]5[/SIZE][SIZE=19.5px]D10E8[/SIZE] → 0

( (1, 5, 5, 3, 2 → 0 successes against 8) )


Anthony rolled his eyes while hearing Aquilus mentioned only saying his name. "Come on, it's such an annoying name to say. Did you really need to put four syllables in your names. Aqua is so much easier to say in causal conversation." He said and then looked around the area. Seeing two people in black wearing black with matching sunglasses. Unless they were apart of the M.I.B. It was suspicious, "I would prefer that you'd come here, I'd rather not travel with her on my bike." He said walking over to them trying to make it look like he was deep in conversation. Bumping his shoulder on one of them he let out a "Excuse me." He said using his magic to see what he can read with the time-flow from them. He was channeling the library's energy, this house of learning to help him learn what could about them. Skipping a few pages to the back of the book for spoilers on what they likely do in the near future. He waited for the vision to come to him but nothing happened. He cursed inwardly as glanced around. Magic was not going to help him, guess he'd need to rely on his skills.

"Right, sorry if it's a touchy subject. I... I don't know just feels strange being thrown into all this without a gosh dang clue about anything besides what you hear about in fairytales." He said seeing her put away the dice feeling he messed up. "Yea, its from work. I should get it before I'm fired." He chuckled and answered the phone. "Hello."
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Black Bay; Residence of Aquilus Letum

"Anthony... The amount of syllables in my name is just a cheap excuse to be disrespectful." Aquilus replied as he also paid attention to what Dagonet had to say. "There is nothing wrong with my car, boy! At least it's made out of solid parts and not plastic!" He sighed and returned his attention back to Anthony. "I don't supposes you heard any of that?" He asked, glancing down at at the poster that was slammed down onto his desk. "Try Ramses... If he can't help, then give me a call... But it seems I might not be able to make it for a little while... something just came up."

Mysterium Library

Meila giggled and watched in amusement as B.Kat flailed about and she glanced up her skirt curiously for a moment before stiffening and tensing up. She sensed something, no... she smelt it... Dancing on the air was a scent most familiar to her and right now, it was a scent that chilled her blood. It was the scent of aged stone and of tainted earth, wood smoke and charred flesh; it was the scent of death and despair and of innocent people being burned alive in tiny cages as they screamed for the merciful end... It was the scent of home.

Meila started to whimper frantically and she backed up along the floor and against the wall, staring at B.Kat with terror filled eyes. "Y-Y-You said th-that no bodies would f-find m-me!" She stammered softly, "B-But bodies a-are already h-here..."

Thorn ended her spell while Selene talked, She wasn't there to witness everything dissolve. She opened her eyes and breathed an exhausted sigh, grabbing clipboard. She already got the information she needed and noted down the intense phobias and the projection of Princess as psychological notes. She observed the sleeping girl for a moment, and realized that she was fighting off the nightmares by herself. "That's talent..." 

The mage told Kana about the results of her examinations while Johnny talked to Burns. "That 'Caeda' thinks she's real...but all the memories are implanted. That maid also has serious issues, but it's nothing uncommon, and she has the potential to keep them in check. What should we do with the fetch?" Thorn rubbed her eyes. 

"We kill her, obviously."

The Highwayman

"Julia wanted me to ask if you're still doing work during this 'vacation' of yours. It's been like a week and we haven't heard back from you!" Burns said in a harsh tone. Johnny hadn't seen Burns in a while either, but he sounded like the same guy.

"I'm not going to accept 'nothing' when you get back, but it seemed like you've been dealing with a lot. If something's wrong, just tell me."  Julia sounded the same too, she had grabbed the phone from him. "Burns is doing a good job helping me write a piece on the casino though. We're getting huge numbers this week." Johnny could almost feel her smiling at Burns through the phone, and she was smiling to show her fangs to him. She waited to hear what Johnny would say, not knowing where he was or what he was actually doing.

((OOC Note: Burns' text used to be black, and now it matches Julia's. This is not a mistake.))

Mysterium Library

"Umm, uh..." She started filling out a card for them, "What's your home address, Phone number?" She looked over at Anthony, realizing he must be trying to gather some information on these men. She tried to do the same for herself. She clicked her glasses and peered away from the computer for a minute towards the men. She scrutinized their Auras and tried to read the weave of fate that bound them, along with the ties that they had to Meila. She was glaring at them, which only caused them to get more impatient and frustrated looking as they waited at the desk. Her eyes briefly took on a glistening cat-like shape that was hardly noticeable. She couldn't pierce through the veil that they held around themselves, but the fact that they were able to resist her magic warned her that they were not everyday people. She texted Thorn on Facebook using the computer while pretending to enter information. Trouble

[Spell "Kat's Eyes", Covert with Witness, Interconnections (Rote): Fate (2) + Gnosis (1) + Empathy (2) + Willpower (3) + Library (1) + Glasses Tool (1) = 10 Verses Difficulty 3 because they resist with Composure (2). 1 Success, not enough to get through the difficulty, and she got two ones also! Holy crap, she has bad luck with rolling too!]


Her cat-like eyes darted between Anthony and Meila, and surely the two would notice the subtle change. Afterwards, she blinked her eyes and they returned to normal.

"Where is she, we have determined that a girl is here. A girl we are looking for. We are not looking for books. We do not have phones or homes." They spoke in an aggressive and straightforward way, almost like Meilia did, with only slightly more educated speech.

B.Kat looked towards Anthony, "I'm sorry, if you can't get a library card, I'm going to have to ask you to leave..." She bowed slightly, secretly checking to see if Meila was alright. She made a thumbing motion to show them the door, but she was actually making it towards Anthony as if to signal 'Take them outside'

(Week 2 End.)

(Beats will be distributed soon)
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((Selene gets 2 beats (3/5), 1 for Nightmares, and 1 for participation. I suggest revising your goals based on the situation))

((Johnny gets a beat for participation (2/5) and I realize he's missing a goal, so maybe fill that in for an extra point next time))

((Meila earns a participation beat (3/5), I feel like you could remove Broken at this point since it's a new arc and start revising your goals. Unless you wanna be stuck like that for a while.))

((Anthony earns a beat (4/5). Normally I'd give an extra beat for taking care of Meila, but I feel like it hasn't really been a problem for you until now.))
Anthony heard what the what was  happening on the phone but what was going on in front of him was more important. "Sorry gotta go, call you back." He said hanging the phone. He then watched the two talk in Melia's Alien way of talking.  And with the signal from Kat walked up and put a hand on there shoulders. "Hey, Why don't we go somewhere a little more private for this. I'm the girl's protector so you got to go through me to get to her anyway." He said smiling and added. "So let's make this a formal duel. I take both you Jugheads on and if you win I'll be out of your way. And when I win you'll won't be bothering her again." He said with a bit of an undertone to that last part.

Johnny winced a bit hearing Burns, the man was as much of a hard ass as he was in his other job. He was trying to pay attention to both conversations.  "Yea, don't worry I'm still working while on this 'vacation' as you call it. You know how hard it is to find some information on folklore. The people here refuse to answer most of my questions." He said a little bitterly. Thankful when Julia took the phone. He cringed hearing how good of a job Burns was doing, fuck he was outdoing Johnny. He'd  need come up with something amazing or he'd be looking for a new job. "I should be coming back soon, you'll be happy with what I have I promise." He said but inwardly he thought he was fucked.
((Short post because Connection Issues and because i don't feel like coming up with a bunch of filler))

after Thorn Left Selene's Mind, the Small Maid began to awaken, noticing the familiar presence of the maid who helped her with overcoming her nightmares. she smiled and stood herself up, rubbing her eyes, noticing the Magus was impressed with her ability to fight off the fears, she proceeded to smile and curtsey as she spoke, her curtsey refined to near perfection after years of harsh practicing with some rather painful consequences if she couldn't pull it off. "you seem impressed. do you beleive you can continue to retain that expression for a bit?" she curiously asked Thorn as she intended to attempt to feed on that emotion specifically, impression, the opposite of disgust. well, she would proceed to feed on the emotion while it was there, even if Thorn was unwilling. mostly because she was in the mood for something to quickly perk herself up. assuming Thorn probably knew the Maid was able to feed on emotions harmlessly. if she couldn't feed on Impression, Satisfaction from the same Source would work just as well.
Meila crawled back across the floor so more, ending up against a windowed divide to one of the reading rooms. She whimpered to herself, dreading being taken back to face punishment for not returning in the first place. As she sat cowering on the floor, she caught sight of the reflection in the glass beside her; the little girl was back, grinning wickedly and her cold blue eyes staring right into Meila's soul.
"Kill them..." The girl spoke through Meila's own lips, "These pathetic 'Protectors' have no business messing in your affairs! You are 'The Finger' and they are beneath you!"

Meila glanced towards the girl and smiled, "I-I thought you went away and left me alone... I am happy you are back." She replied to the girl, "But you are not the one that wants to kill... that is how I do the thinking."

The girl in the glass turned and glared in the direction of the two men, "We are the same, you and I! As soon as you can accept that, the easier it will be for you to let go." She replied softly, speaking through Meila as her hands started to coat themselves in flame. Meila looked down and saw the the flames were over her hands as the girl spoke one last time, "Now, get up... We have work to do and lambs to slaughter."

Meila smiled, stood up and skipped towards where Anthony was addressing the two. She came around and stood directly behind Anthony, glaring coldly at the men, though still wearing her eerie smile and spoke to them in a hiss of disdain. "Who are you to seek me out!? Two lowly 'Protectors' would come seeking 'The Finger'?"  She scoffed, eyeing the two with contempt. "If father wanted my attention, he should have sent Akrin! Not too stupid people without authority over me!" She stated, raising her flame coated hands. "Begone with you or I will make you both burn to ash!"

(Intimidation roll; Intimidation 3 + Presence 3 = 6 die) 

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((I'm gonna be making two rolls on the behalf of Umbrie and Kara. The paradox and feeding rolls in particular. I'm also using the old feeding rules because 2e isn't out yet and I don't have it now risk to Thorn being actually drained or somesuch.))


Thorn allowed the poor girl to leech off her positive impressions. It did her no surface harm. Thorn's emotions were slightly sweet, especially her delightful Satisfaction. It was like licking whipped cream off the top of a milkshake. As long as Selene didn't try to stick a straw in and suck up the whole milkshake, Thorn would feel almost nothing. Her emotions seemed more potent and alive than a normal person's, and it only made for a more satisfying drink. Though, Selene quickly realized that if she didn't try to dig deeper into her, merely sucking on the edge of her emotions would not be enough to satisfy. 

(8 dice from manipulation + socialize + etiquette + wyrd)


(no successes, but I will allow you a retry if you are willing to stalk her and risk hurting Thorn :) )

Thorn didn't say much to Selene, just giving a simple smile in acknowledgment before heading back to the bar. She waited for Johnny to hang up (his boss didn't have much else to say besides goodbye) before she said, "Hey, I feel like you should know...that girl isn't real..." She put a hand on his shoulder as if thinking he would need to be comforted after such a strong revelation. 

Mysterium Library

Before the two lowly protectors could wheel around and punch Anthony in the face, Meila interrupted. They did not show fear in the face of her flaming hands, it was more of an awestruck respect on their faces as they started to kneel at her feet. "We were asked by them to seek you out, it was not our place to disobey."

B.Kat pretended to be afraid of the flames, but she didn't need to act that hard. "Hey, uh...could you please shut that off before somebody sees?!" She ran towards Tempest and pulled at his arms desperately while she flailed. She didn't know he was not well versed enough in Forces to do such a thing, and she wrongfully assumed he had some way to control her. Because nothing could be done, Paradox started to bleed out from the area, and the fire faded from Meila's hands as more nearby witnesses took notice. Her spell was unraveled almost immediately, and the aftereffects poured out like toxic black smog. Luckily, the spell faded with no ill effects, and the girl was left standing over the two grown men, still intimidating them even after the fire had disappeared into thin air and was erased from the minds of those not Awakened. 

(failure is good in this case)

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Johnny felt the hand on his shoulder and sighed as he was told the news. "I suspected as much but still..." He got up and started to pace with his notepad in his his hand he started to write down ideas for stories something he could get without pointing fingers to the freehold. 'Doppelgangers among us', 'Alien abductions', 'Crab monster sightings', 'The Ghost Black Bay' No, no one wants to read that.  Maybe 'global warming or war between farries.' He sighed and muttered. "I'm so going to be fired."

Anthony blinked at the request to stop her. "I can only use a bit of forces. I can't stop her if I wanted to." He said and was thankful that the fire hands went out. He unslung the bag off his shoulders and said softly to Kat. "Get the Unawakened out of here." He the looked around and called out putting on a roll of someone who had authority. "There seems to be a small gas leak. It should be alright but for your safety I need everyone to calmly head to the exits." He said hoping that the human's would do as he said. He unzipped his bag for easy access to his swords.
Meila glared down at the two men before her and then at her hands as her power faded and the flames died. She smirked with a certain satisfaction and took a few tiny steps backwards. "It is good that you know your place... Only stupid people try to take me by force and I melt the flesh from their bones!" She stated, laughing maniacally as she glanced over at Anthony whom was in the midst of retrieving his weapons. Looking back at the two men, her face not emotionless, says; "You two maggots can go back to the Sanctum without me! Take message to The Ear that the threat to the family was taken care of and that I am now looking into something that needs my attention... You tell him that... that is if you survive what my current guardian is about to do to you!" So saying, Meila offers the two men a curtsy and heads towards Kat, giggling with childish glee.
Selene wouldn't quite Stalk thorn. but at the moment, she had to approach the ruler of this particular freehold and introduce herself. she had spent too much time fiddling around, and she needed to get something done, her maid impulses were telling her that her lack of initiative would reflect poorly if she didn't come soon. well, she had to approach now, and she couldn't keep the people waiting. she had to make an appearance and now was the time. with a near marionette like air to her movements, like any doll, she began to move herself towards her intended destination. she couldn't keep them waiting, singing a tune, "I've got no strings To hold me down To make me fret Or make me frown I had strings But now I'm free I've got no strings Now, I'm free There are no strings on me " the song was a cheerful classic.
Mysterium Library aka The Lyre Library

The two men who were assigned to capture Meila realized the situation they were in and dispersed with a grumble. To question the dragon-witch would be suicidal at this point and they figured reporting back like she asked would be the best option. Meanwhile, the Sleepers within the Lyre Library were surprisingly less compliant. "A gas leak? Who are you?" Murmurs erupted as a group formed to question Anthony and Kat. "Uhm...I'm pretty sure they aren't going to buy that." She leaned into the swordsman and whispered back to him. The mortals started to clump up in front of them while the followers of the dark dragon moved for the exit. The sounds of various frustrated customers of public service filled the library and the two men simply marched out, the sounds of their boots drowned out. "I'd like to have a word with your manager, young lady, I haven't found the books  I'm looking for yet!" An older woman pointed at Kat. "Sure. Sure...let me get her on the phone..." Kat stumbled behind her desk and tried to dial Thorn. Though she only told a half lie when she put it down. The freehold didn't usually like to be bothered with technology. "Looks like the gas explosion took out the phone line...I'm sorry ma'am." She bowed and tilted her eyes toward Anthony, "I'm going to need to close the library until the fire department is notified." She then proceeded to escort everyone outside and signaled to Anthony to look after Meila for now.

Lyre Freehold

The revelation of Caeda's identity silenced the bar, but at the same time, it seemed to shock nobody. The air grew chilled as the cold-blooded killer spoke. "I'll be right back." The crab-girl clenched her claw.

"Does she really need to die?" 

"Don't talk about it like it's a person, okay? It's not." Kana turned her head, moving for the hut containing Caeda.

Thorn remained with Johnny, deciding to watch him as he wrote and collect her troubled thoughts. She closed her eyes, took a breath, and absorbed herself into the weave of Fate. In that moment, she saw Fate itself being pooled around Johnny slightly, like a gravity well, as if he was somehow unconsciously tugging at Fate, bending it in his favor. It was very slight, but Thorn absolutely noticed it. He's not an ordinary sleeper...there's Kat...but in reverse...? She strained within her mind to explore it, deciding to delve closer between the strands as she focused. This is big...


The Winter Queen certainly was not opposed to visitors. The door to her private area opened for the maid, and the blue haired woman sat on her throne, surrounded by two other girls. The three of them clothed in light blue silky flowing fabrics similar to wedding dresses. "Oh, you were the girl who was captured. You were lucky to be released in such good condition by that monster." She waved the other girls away and look a long considerate look at Selene and rubbed her chin. "Are you aware of our laws here? I intend to keep you safe from her, and anything long as you're willing to cooperate."

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"i am not aware of the laws of this particular freehold, but i am willing to learn them and i am willing to offer my assistance as repayment for my protection." the maid would respond in a curious and innocent but frightened and helpless tone, her cheerful song interrupted. clearly a classic stolen from not one but two films by the same company. she was honestly unaware of the local laws, because Princess never educated her own them. princess had originally planned to keep her a lot longer, but well, she had thought that, but she was honestly curious and unsure, being not very familiar with Arcadian politics, having spent more of her recent time amongst mortals or in captivity. she wanted to know more. well it wasn't like she had much to offer. well, it seemed like figures of authority seemed to trigger a sense of a submissive fear response that she had been trying to overcome. at least she could speak this time. "i am quite talented at preparing and serving refreshments. and i am not completely horrible at household chores either." she uttered nervously. knowing she was at least capable of something minor, even if it wasn't much, something that could help in the possibly coming conflict.
"No, it's fine." The queen relaxed. "I only expect you to obey my laws. You should never have to cook or clean again!" She leaped from the throne and grabbed Selene by the shoulders, twirling her around into a dance, taking her hips and guiding her in a sway along the floor. "Relax! Have fun, keep yourself hidden here..." She leaned into her face and whispered the last bit. "I know what Princess is like, so I don't expect you to be able to just move on easily." She dipped the girl downwards. "I don't want you doing ANY work here! You're not hers anymore, you're free~" She brought her back into a standing position and let her go to represent this. "We're a family here, you understand, and you're part of that family now." The cold-hearted woman let loose a bit to try to put Selene in a cheerful mood. She deserved at least that after spending most of her life in torture. "Those are my orders. Be free, but don't stray too far." She took her seat again. It sounded like quite the paradox. Regardless of that, Selene finally found a family. Found a home. Did that mean she would have to leave the casino behind? Leave her human life behind in exchange for isolation and safety? The winter was nothing if not cruel. The queen did her best to try to keep Selene warm.

(Beat for you, for your aspiration involving family. I suggest you update them now. 4/5)

Winter Waltz
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"i can guarantee you that i will try my best to grow used to freedom, but i usually need some task to keep me occupied." Selene Responded Calmly in a reassuring tone. "Among Mortals, working as a Tavern Waitress was a much better indulgence than the slavery that was working as a maid for Princess. the people that gathered there to trade portions of their wealth for drinks, entertainment, and companionship made me feel rather stimulated in a positive way. it was like the Tea Parties i read about in books rather than the Self Proclaimed Tea Parties i experienced as a maid."

"if i were allowed to occupy myself by preparing the selections of food and drink for parties like those and by indulging myself in those parties, not as a maid, but as an equal in the party, where status was irrelevant for a brief period and everyone can indulge themselves in feasting, companionship and drinking. it would make me feel more like i was living the chapters of my life i enjoyed most. the gathering of the tall, the small, the young, the old, the healthy, the sickly, the wealthy, the impoverished.  a party for all who are willing to set aside their differences and seek revelry"

"the biggest reason it was different than the time i spent with princess. was because nobody sought to hurt each other over nearly anything, it was all happiness and merrymaking, and that happiness and merrymaking, caused a great deal of happiness for myself."
Tempest relaxed a bit as the men left, thankfully that went better than he had thought. He fixed his bag so not to let the swords slip out and put a hand on Meila's shoulder. "You did a good job, let's get out of here, I'll buy you something sweet." He said with a smile and tried to lead her out from the forming mob hoping that Kat could hold the fort for a while. Once outside he remembered to call Ramses . "Good old Rammy, hopefully he'd be in a good mood for once in his life."

Johnny put down the note pad and sighed a bit, trying to not overhear the conversation about killing his one night stand.  He turned his attention to the woman who was closing her eyes at him. "Oh are you meditating or something, opening your third eye to see the world better. Can you see my chakra or do I just have something in my teeth?" 
Meila gazed around in annoyance as the flood of incoming people caused a loud ruckus of complaints and moaning; she was not in the mood for any of this and was getting ready to silence the mob by conjuring up a fireball when she felt Anthony's hand rest upon her shoulder. Listening to what he had to say, she tilted hear head and nodded slightly in response, "Agreed. There are too many stupid people here and they are making our head hurt!" She growled angrily, following the man from the building and watching curiously he he used his phone.
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Thorn didn't answer him. She instead focused on running the same sort of tests she initiated on Caeda unto him. She narrowed her focus exclusively to him, blurring out everything besides his body...his form...his pattern...his soul. She poured her Mana into him, allowing it to bend and react to Johnny's particular nature. Her Fate-based Mana, she assumed, would react in a similar way to what she already observed. This was her experiment, the witch became a scientist. The red bonds of fate swirled invisibly, painlessly, around the reporter, tightening around him like a blood pressure test for his aura. Luckily, Johnny couldn't see or feel anything or it would feel very invasive. They wrapped around him for only a few seconds, tightened, and Thorn's breath moved in a slow rhythm with the strands. Wyrd Lines. Thick and inescapable, which tied sympathies together. She had to focus even harder than normal because he was talking and moving, but it was within her ability to push past that obstacle. After opening her eyes, she reached a revelation.

"So, I guess I'll have to report this."

She sent a text to the council, realizing there was nobody around

"What's your surname, if you don't mind me asking." She didn't look up toward him for the moment, focusing on her phone.

-The freehold picked up a sleepwalker, almost got caught by a Fae, he's lucky-

[She got 1 success, good thing she spent Willpower, she needed it. ]



"I'm happy that you've managed to recover so well. Were you intending to return to your job?" The queen considered hiding her from Princess, but Selene seemed so content with being at the Wonderland that it felt cruel to hold her here. She figured that since the resident expert had declared her healthy there was no reason to hold her like a prisoner when she could be free. "Go then, take anything you need for the journey and be on your way, but keep in touch in case anything happens again." Her orders were declared, Firm and absolute. "I don't have the resources to protect you outside of this place. You'll have to fend for yourself."


(making a second post for the other half)




Streets of Lyre/Ice-Cream Shop [?]

For the first time in a long time, Meila walked openly in the streets. Even her walk to the casino was not this vivid. This time, she could stop and take in the sights of the city. Time and Space started to shift as the two of them wandered down the street. Once time moved toward the afternoon, snow started to drop to the ground, blanketing the streets in a sheen of white. The air felt chilly, but not nearly as bad as going up the mountain. For some reason, it was suddenly Christmas time, and Anthony was gone, nowhere to be seen. A costumed Santa wandered the streets, placing into the dirt a wide tree. Placed at the top was a bright burning star, a symbol of birth and hope. Meila entered the ice-cream shop, somehow knowing where to go, her little feet gliding there and suddenly appearing inside. On the tables that Meila sat at, there were markings that looked like a tilted half circle that was not only impaled horizontally but also crying. The air inside felt hot and the lights flickered on and off. A waitress walked up to the little table and placed down a black waffle cone with blackish cream topping it. The patterned black cone almost had a scaly texture. The cream seemed to shift, move and melt in the hot light. Purple eyes blinked inside the eye scream. Even though a waitress just delivered it to her, the whole place was empty. A single table and a harsh light. Only her and her fears.

From Tempest's point of view, Meila seemed to fade away in the afternoon sun, into that mysterious heat. Consumed by Forces unknown. The clear streets were as warm as ever and the crisp fall air swirled around on his skin. Looking for her was pointless because she had entered into the Aether, on her way to a watchtower. She was simply sleepwalking, nothing to worry about.

(Bout time, huh?!)
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Meila walked through the streets of Lyre, as though she were on autopilot; as she glanced around at her surroundings, her mind was deep in thought.

Dhām̐dhā; ēkaṭi sbapnēra rājyē barābara hām̐ṭā. Sādā pā'uḍāra; ākāśa thēkē paṛē māṭitē aspaṣṭa ēbaṁ bāẏu śarīra ṭhānḍā haẏē yā'ōẏā. Anupasthiti; praharī sarbasbānta haẏa, ēkaṭi ṭrēsa, kōna padāṅka dēkhā bā śōnā chāṛā. Sabuja ō lāla sṭriṁ; cakacakē, dhikidhiki sṭriṁ ēbaṁ cakacakē kācēra bala sṭriṁ, prakārēra ēkaṭi udayāpana jan'ya, tāra mānē hāriẏē phēlēchē. Atīta praticchabi; ēkaṭi lāla māmalā madhyē ēkaṭi mānuṣa, paricita ēbaṁ jali ēkhanō, nā ēkaṭi nāma mukhē lāgātē pārēna. Ēkaṭā baṛa gācha; kichu dharanēra ēkaṭi pratīka, dīrgha ēkaṭi mēẏē yāra nāma ṭuṭā mana pālātē bhulē. Ēkaṭi jbalanta tārakā; uṣṇa ēbaṁ āmantraṇa jāniẏē, gāchēra uparē ēṭā, asta yāẏa, yadi'ō ēṭi bārna nā. Abasthāna; āsāra adhikāra matānuyāẏī. Phirē dēkhā; kōna, yadi'ō paricita manē haẏa, yadi'ō kibhābē? Ṭanaka; āgē ēkhānē, praharī saṅgē. Sṭrēñja cihna; ajānā, yadi'ō aspaṣṭabhābē paricita tāṯparya. Duḥkha-kaṣṭa; jāẏagā, garama bhula matānuyāẏī, lā'iṭa astitba saṅgrāmarata. Ēkaṭi upasthiti; kē'u, panthā upahāra baring, kōna, an'ya kichu. Udbēga; ēṭā ki? Bibhrānti; kālō, ām̐śayukta, kṣaraṇa, kṣaraṇa, naṛana, raktabarṇa cōkha? Phāṭala; khāli, janaśūn'ya, niḥsba, ēkhānē kē'u. Bhuta; anubhūti, asbasti, kānā, ajña... Kōthāẏa āmi?


Dazed; walking along in a dreamlike state. White powder; falls from the sky, obscures the ground and chills the air. Absence; the watcher is gone, without a trace, no footsteps seen or heard. Green and red strands; strings of shiny, shimmering strands and baubles of shiny glass, for a celebration of sorts, its meaning lost. Past reflections; a man in a red suit, familiar and jolly, yet, can not put a name to the face. A big tree; a symbol of some kind, long forgotten to a girl whose name also eludes the shattered mind. A burning star; warm and inviting, atop the tree it sits, though it does not burn. Location; arriving, feels right. Retracing; no, though familiar it seems, though how? Recollection; been here before, with the watcher. Strange markings; the significance unknown, though vaguely familiar. Affliction; place is hot, feels wrong, lights struggling to exist. A presence; someone approaches, baring gifts, no, something else. Anxiety; what is this? Confusion; black, scaly, oozing, dripping, shifting, purple eyes? Chasm; empty, desolate, destitute, no one here. Phantoms; feeling, unease, unseeing, unknowing... Where am I?

Meila raps her fingers against the table, snapping out of her deep thought and glances about the ice-cream shop; nobody present, not even the woman that served her. She looked back down at the waffle cone in bewilderment before rising from the table and walking into the back of the shop, where they had a big, walk-in freezer and a door leading out into the alley behind the building. Meila's head begins to pound violently as she feels a headache coming on and she slams her right fist into the large door of the freezer as she starts laughing, losing her focus on the here-and-now, wherever that might be.
She reaches down for the handle and gives it a tug, opening the lock on the freezer and pulling open the door before stepping inside. Her vision flares up as she steps into the freezer and where it should be cold, it's just as hot as it was in the shopfront. The shadows of objects and furniture seem to stretch and creep across the floor, like inky black eels as she steps back out of the freezer and into the front of the shop once more; the shadows peeling from the floor and floating into the air, spiralling around her and whispering softly inside of her mind, though she could not make out the words.
Meila walks back to the waffle cone and glares down, smirking and unsure of what was and is happening. She picks up the cone and proceeds to stab it into the purple eyes repeatedly as she let her laughter carry her away.
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Selene gave a bit of nervous laughter. "i was intending to return to the mortal world. i need to check on the fellow waitresses at wonderland and see for myself how they are faring, i also need time to whip together an excuse for why i was gone for so long. " she responded reassuring of her needs. "when i find out the condition of those i worked with and fasten some loose drawstrings, i intend to return here shortly after. but i need to let my mortal companions know i am still alive and well." well, she had the cold iron burns on her hands still, but she seemed to be doing her best to bear it. "when the time comes and wonderland proves itself a hostile environment. i will return, and i hope to still be in a healthy state when i return.". the maid gave a final curtsey and tried her best to smile. she needed provisions and knew the journey was going to be long and dangerous,
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Johnny looked a bit nervous as the woman spoke talking about reporting something in. Just when he thought his day could not get worse. "Uhh, its Farrel." Johnny said scratching the back of his head. "So, is there anything I should be concerned of here. I don't have some kinda fey virus here do I? Last thing I need is a FTD."

Tempest looked at the girl who vanished and sighed a bit as he knew what was going on. It still was inconvenient but there was nothing he could do about it. He found a bench to sit at and placed the call to Ramses.
Ice Cream Shop [?]

At first, the place is eerily silent besides the buzzing of hot lights. The freezer itself was very reminiscent of, and in fact identical to, the back room of the bakery that Meila had previously been a guest of. The fact that Meila had been taken care of by not just one, but two heads of the local mage council made for an impressive accomplishment (or a massive weakness of dependence, depending on how it's viewed). The freezer was the only escape from the heat, but it replaced the warmth with a burning cold (a paradox more than a use of semantics). Strangely, even as Meila would feel burning pain, there wasn't any damage to her body or internal organs. No visible burns on her skin. She couldn't entirely even be sure she was even inside a body. That being said, the pain was too tangible to be dreamlike, and it certainly didn't jolt her awake. She would have to choose to Awaken on her own. 

Shadows came to life to torment the girl, reaching for the freezer but never truly grasping it. Formless, shapeless fears receded as she made her decision to step out and return to the ice cream as if responding to her intention. The world felt hollow and empty, but it certainly was not dark. Though, even in light shadows form to remind us we are never really free from the dark. They posed no harm, however, beyond the slight shock of their animation.

Once the violence began, the low buzzing became terrified screaming that echoed through the empty place. The cream resisted, but it could not move. It screamed as if it was in great pain while being butchered by the little girl. Screaming and laughing mixed together, consuming the place. The cream moved as if it was alive. Squirming, thrashing, and seeming to bleed and fall apart as if it had gore and human organs. It writhed and melted, its body and form splashed across the previously clean table.

To her right, a voice sounded. It resembled the voice of a woman, but not a voice Meila knew. It sounded familiar enough to be human, but not familiar enough to belong to anyone. The anonymous waitress to her right behind the counter was illuminated now as well. It was as if the spotlight swung like in a stage play. In front of her, there waited a black pen and a white slip of paper with no markings on it beyond a smaller imprint of the symbol that adorned the dining table.

"When you are ready, please sign the check." 

(other half of the post coming soon)
After being given orders by the still dancing queen, one of her mermaid assistants escorted the maid to the bar where Thorn and Johnny were located. They seemed to be having an intense conversation. Thorn tapped furiously on her phone, giving the journalist an awkward glare before returning to making a report. She only barely noticed that Selene had entered. 

"This is serious." The witch spoke clearly to him. "But I already told you, didn't I? You were not harmed by your time in Arcadia...and now I'm starting to understand why." 

The assistant interrupted. She was a woman with short hair dyed an aquamarine color with a long flowing dress and a collar around her neck. Johnny and Selene would both be able to see that in her true form she had gills protruding from where her collar was affixed. Her skin, through this vision, appeared more blueish and had more of a scaled pattern along with webbed hands and presumably matching feet. "The queen has requested that, in accordance with your pledge, you are being given the order to use your vehicle to bring miss Selene back home. You are also expected to return right after this task or else the pledge will have its way with you."

"I'm leaving also, I've done everything needed of me, and I have a job in Lyre." Thorn put away her phone, looked over at Johnny, and bit her lip. Nobody seemed to object, so she was free to go. It could be assumed that she also had to have permission due to a pact of her own.

Thorn exited the room with them and waited by her car. She was clearly not planning on driving until Johnny started down the mountain path. The road was bumpy, but it seemed wide enough to fit both vehicles. The assistant actually left after escorting them to the vehicles, leaving the three of them alone. Thorn stood cross-legged, leaning against her beige classic looking car and keeping her eye on Johnny.

The call, at first, didn't even go through to Ramses. The line had clearly been redirected to another line. There was a short tone that signaled this, and then suddenly...a voice.

"Oh. Tempest." David's (aka Suez) condescending and familiar vocals came through the phone speaker. It was clear that he not only had a communal phone line among all of his staff but that he also had caller ID. "What exactly do you want with my driver? Is something amiss? Are you returning to Black Bay? We could certainly use you here, considering how rough things are getting. You know the phrase...'you never know what you are missing until it is gone.' My staff certainly isn't combat capable, and the Werewolves are fighting in the streets. It is very difficult to contain and cover up, I assure you. Plus the vampire that we apprehended apparently escaped and is now being hunted by his own. Needless to say, I feel many regrets..." 

Eventually, David paused long enough to give Tempest room to speak for himself.
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