Chapter 1: Arrival


Scifi Commando
Year 2349 

Location: Astu Flovios, Island of Perfuro, Planet Elysium Prime. 

The City of Astu Flavios, was home to many different peoples within the Republic. It is also one of the many cities sharing an Island with a PDF/Military base on the Oceanic world of Elysium Prime. Here Vesper laid in an underground complex, fighting with every fiber of his being against the anesthesia being pumped into his system. Like the rest of his unit, he was undergoing the final stages of his augmentations, into becoming a Jeggernaut Shock Trooper. After seventeen hours of surgery, he had survived the implataions process, having 19 uplink ports installed, along with several injections, causing his frontal lobes to mutate, along with Colloidal Neural Disunification. The final process being the rapid growth of muscular tissue via minaral and protein injections followed by electro shock to the body over the course of two weeks. This would be the final day he would go through it, and still he fought against the effects of the anesthesia. Yet it was a losing battle, and in the end, the anesthesia won. 

For two days he remained under, and for two days, his body cunvulsed, and grew in muscle density. Thousands of needles stuck in him, all attatched to thin electrical wires, pumping him with 2000 volts. After two hours, the current stopped and the needles were removed. Vesper had then been moved to a recovery room. The smell of antiseptic hung strong in the air, as the constant beeping of medical devices droned on. He and his comrades, now merely seperated by screens began to stir. Vesper was roused from his chemically induced slumber, to the sound of one of his brothers screamng in agony. Nurses rushed to the felinae man as he writhed in his bed, his muscles contracting painfully , as if he had a full body cramp. Vesper remembered the first time when he began to undergo the process. Soon the Felinae, began to thrash against his bonds, that held him against the mastress, as rage soon overtook him. Must be the second batch undergoing the Augmentations. Vesper thought as he raised his hand to rub the sleep from his eyes. Pain shot through him, but it was managable. Well now it is at least. To any regular man, they would have cried out in agony like the Felinae beside him, or simply fainted. 

After several minutes of listening to the violent thrashing and medical staff trying to get the man soldier under control, One of the doctors came in. "Ah! So good to see you awake Colonel Aurel. How are you feeling" She asked in a joyful tone. She was a Felinae Minor, and she could tell by the look on his face, he was in serious pain. 

"Like I woke up from having a fifth of Human Whiskey, and an ass kicking." He replied, with a strained voice. Seeing the doctor pull out a syringe full of goddess knows what, she injected it into the I.V. sticking out of his left arm. The pain quickly washed away, and his muscles began to relax. "Thanks doc. When will I be able to leave the compound?" he asked, wanting to get out of that bed. There's only so much one can take, being in a hospital, and two weeks was enough to drive anyone batty. 

"Today, if your up to it. Your scans have come back clear. No negative side effect to the augmentations. Although the pain will subside in a few days, and knowing you Sir, you would rather fight through it and get out. If it were anyone else, we wouldn't allow it." She replied with an annoyed huff. Without so much as a warning, Vesper lept to his feet, and quickly dressed. Pain lanced through he body, but it was minor thanks to the injection and his improved tolerance to pain. within thirty seconds, he was dressed and making his way out of the compound and into the city. 

The city was exactly how she had imagined. Everything seemed to sparkle here, perfection in every corner. The city streets boomed with different beings, from human to Felinae, even seeming to be accepting of different races being together. The feel of awe grew as she stared up at the tall buildings surrounding her, this wasn't like anything she had ever seen in her travels. It truly was the most amazing place yet. With a new found confidence, Akane lifted her hands and pulled her hood off, allowing her black hair, and cat like ears to be free. The sounds that caressed her ear drums was musical. People laughing, talking, music through store speakers.  

The travel here had only ignited her curiosity more. She wanted to explore every world, meet every race. From what she was told, here in the city was where they sent the ships to other planets for means of exploration and much more. That was why she was here. Though it wasn't the most logical plan, Akane had plans to see where this happened, and sneak on board. Of course, her plans were not fully constructed, but it was a plan nonetheless. Though, she didn't have to do that right now right? She wasn't entirely sure when the ships were due for takeoff, but one night on the town wouldn't be too much time wasted would it?

Her eyes flew to a fancy restaurant across the large street, reaching into her pocket she pulled out the money she had. It wasn't much, in fact... it was far too small of an amount to afford food at a place like that. Though it didn't dim her attitude, instead, she turned to walk into a small diner type building, before coming to a seat at a table, and reading the menu. Much more affordable. And on top of that, this would leave her with enough money for a motel room if she needed one. Though the air was warm out tonight, she could probably camp out in the city... the though caused a blush to creep to her cheeks, the embarrassment would be inescapable. She would look like a bum out here. Hotel room, it was set. 

She hadn't thought this through at all, she was limited with money, how would she eat on the ship? She could pretend to be one of them, but how could she do that unless she looked like them? Her feline grey cat eyes lowered down her own body with a sigh. She was thin, not built like the troops that explored, she was dressed in jean shorts and a black hoodie, as well as black and white sneakers that were definitely worn. Without control, she felt her spirit lower a little, but it wasn't going to stop her. She was going to figure this out, but would it be before the next ship left? She hoped so.
Night was decending upon the world, the four moons all at different phases, bathing the night in a myriad of color, as a sea of stars dot the dark sky, in billions of lights. The city night life was booming with activity. Numerous peoples mingled about in the streets and numerous establishments. Vesper at this moment was visiting one of the little known places, that many officers and a few civilians frequented. Sitting at the bar, Vesper sipped a glass of 100 year old brandy. The pain from the proceedure was now but a dull ache, and the booze helped numb the rest. After two weeks being under the knife, he felt he should treat himself. Bringing the glass to his lips, he sipped the amber liquid, feeling it burn pleasantly. Looking out the window, he observed the inhabitants of the city, moving to and fro, shop to resturant, etc. Taking another sip, he spotted one of the more rarer sights. A hybrid. Human and Felinae Superior. Now that's something. Most hybrids are between Felinae and Illustrati. It's good to see love between other races. He thought swirling the drink, as he watched her enter the establishment. 

"Hmmm." Akane sighed as she looked at the menu. Her ears twitched at the noise of the restaurant, feeling like eyes were on her. It was a normal feeling of course, especially for someone that had been on everyone's radar since she was little. This city was like a whole different world for her though, the acceptance here, it was unbelievable. She lifted her grey gaze from the menu, before turning to look around, a couple people looking away, though... were they looking at her? She wasn't sure, but she set her menu down and moved to pull her hood up over her head once more. The hood dulled the sounds of chatter in the restaurant a little, though not by much. Lifting her  menu once more, she started searching through the options.

Since she was extremely limited in funds, Akane ordered a meat stew, not really paying attention to what was in it considering it was the cheapest there... as well as a glass of water. The water was brought immediately, and she sipped slowly at the chilled liquid as her eyes lifted to scan the bar once more. A man sat alone across the way at the bar, sipping at some type of amber drink, and her head tilted to the side in curiosity. He looked different than the others here... bigger. Like a warrior. 

Could he be a part of the Grand Republic? She thought. If he was, wouldn't he have some information of the departing ships to come? Would it be awkward if I asked? Would he even answer? She wasn't sure how long she sat there staring at him, but she was suddenly torn out of her thoughts as the waiter brought her meal and set it down in front of her.

"Is there anything else I can get you ma'am?" He asked.

"No... thank you." She said before lifting the spoon to the left of the bowl and beginning to eat. She hadn't realized how hungry she was before, not really even remembering how long ago it was since she had eaten... the city had been a welcome distraction. She most likely looked less than lady like as she shoveled the stew into her mouth, her canines scraping against the metal lightly with each bite, but she didn't really care at that moment, her mind was on her stomach.

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Year 2349 

Location: Astu Flovios, Island of Perfuro, Planet Elysium Prime. 

orthis sat there in the transport ship that was taking him to elisium prime with others from all around the Galaxy. He sat there in a massive cargo bay people sitting all around him. Families, women and children all sitting around. But most of the children were around orthis running around him and climbing on him which he didn't mind. But it was obvious the parents were less willing to let there children play with this giant. He didn't understand why they were scared of him but didn't say anything and just watched the children play on him giggling and laughing happily as he stared out the window of the ship as they entered the atmosphere and headed for an island, His destination.

As the ship quickly landed he along with every one else got up. Quickly catching any kid that was still on him and setting them down he stood up straight his head hitting the crawling a little as every one started to shuffle out of the ship while he grabbed his weapons and strapped them to his back and followed. He was anxious to get to the base and sign up for the military. Something he had always wanted to do, and now he was here walking out of the ship the setting sun hitting his black armor as he stood up straight obviously relieved to be out of that cramped ship and on elisium prime heading for the military base. He groaned a little and started down the platform his steps making crashing sounds as he walked obviously because of his weight. "Sir stop!" A guard yelled at him as he got in orthis's way. "You can't take those weapons off the ship." The guard said but he didn't listen and just pushed the man aside and continued on his quest as the guard yelled at him before he pulled a pistol out and pulled the trigger the bullet hitting orthis with a loud PING as the bullet ricashayed off making orthis stop dead in his tracks. A low metallic groan rang out from Orthis as he turned around facing the guard as he stood staring at Orthis in fear as he walked back over grabbing the guards head with one hand and lifting him into the air making him scream loudly as he struggled to try and get free from Orthis's grip. He wasn't squeezing he was holding the mans head gently but no one else could tell
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Seeing what the young woman ordered, Vespered waved over one of the servers. After a few moments, the same server approached him. "Give the girl a Goombay Smash, and what ever she wants on the menu." he said to the server, who simply nodded before going behind the bar to mix up the drink. Something simple, and easy on her, as to not get her drunk too quick. She could be a possible candidate for the JST program, the second generation. The Server was already mixing in the Coconut Rum and Apricot Brandy with the Pineapple juice and Orange juice, before tossing in a shot of 151 and spiced rum into the shaker. After several seconds of vigorous shaking, he set the drink down in front of the hybrid girl. 

"The Lt. Colonel has bought you a drink, and has informed me that you may have any item off the menu paid in full by him." The server said with a smile as he set another menu down in front of her. It was at this time, a gun shot rang out, not too far away, snapping Vesper to his feet, and running out the door to the sounds of a man screaming.

After a short sprint, he spotted a Drandalorian holding said man by his head, fully armoured and armed to the teeth. But what threw Vesper off was the man. Dressed in the uniform for the Mobile infantry, he noticed a distinct lack of rank, and looking at the ground below the man, he spotted an old service pistol. Alarms went off in the colonel's mind telling him this man was impersonating a soldier. A capitol offence, punishable by death. Looking to the Drandalorian, he spoke. "Looking to join the Republic, possibly gain citizenship?" he asked, picking up the old combustion pistol. Checking the magazine and the chamber he looked to the man that was still screaming. "For Impersonating an Enlisted man, I sentence you to death. May you find peace in the embrace of the goddess."

Panic filled the dead man's eyes, as he realized he fucked up greately. A second gunshot rang out that night, as the criminal's brains painted the Drandalorian's Armour. "Sorry for the rude welcome. Allow me to welcome you to Elysium Prime. If you're seeking employment or enlistment head directly to the base. Just relinquish your weapons at the gate. the will be returned to you. Have a nice night" He said as he made his way back to the bar. Taking a seat at the spot, he downed the rest of the brandy, then ordered another one.

@Mina @Daniel reaving
The stew definitely wasn't filling enough, but it was good nonetheless. She sat back before the waiter set the drink at her table, before handing her another menu. As he told her she could order anything, her eyes grew wide and she lifted her gaze to scan the crowd once more. It was then that there was a gunshot, and Akane's head perked up before turning to look out the window. She was curious, but it was probably best she stay seated. It wasn't her place. She didn't even have her bow with her right now, she had hidden it just outside of the city, not really sure how others would feel about her carrying a quiver full of arrows and a bow. It was a good looking bow though, she had made it herself, and she took pride in that fact.

She turned to see that the waiter had left her with the menu and drink, and she leaned forward to smell the liquid within the glass. It smelt... odd. Lifting the glass to her lips, she took a sip. It was sweet, but it burned when it went down. What was this stuff? The waiter had brought it straight to her, so it was unlikely it was a trap, so she took another sip. It was better this time, another sip... a drink. Before she even picked up her menu, the glass of delicious weirdness that sat in front of her was half gone. She had never drank liquor, and her Aunt and Uncle never had it in the house, so she had no idea what it was like. 

Her eyes darted to the option on the menu that she had seen earlier. It was an Earth meal, humans apparently came up with this. Akane loved chicken, so she chose the stuffed chicken, with a side of twice baked potatoes. This place carried all kinds of different ethnicity foods, but this one sounded really yummy. She set the menu down and moved to take another drink of the sweet liquid, suddenly feeling a bit... warm? Odd, she was perfectly comfortable before. The drink was cool at least, so she took another drink. The burn in her throat was much less now, the weird aftertaste wasn't as bad either, but the sweetness, was so good. 

"Are you ready ma'am?" The waiter had returned and smiled kindly at her. Lifting her grey gaze from the drink, she smiled from beneath the shadows of her hood. 

"Yes. I want the stuffed chicken meal." She said with excitement. What was wrong with her? "And another one of these... drinks?" She asked with a smile before lifting her hands to lower her hood. She didn't like the way it blocked her view, it was distracting. "And who exactly is this Lieutenant that allowed me to do such a thing? I would like to thank him." Lifting the drink for yet another gulp. While the drink was easy on most, for a girl that had hardly anything in her system and weighed hardly anything, not to mention had never tasted liquor before in her life, it was going to hit her fast. And chances were, tonight, she would end up embarrassing herself.

Orthis looked to the man that had spoken quickly and killed the impersonator then had run off. He wasn't happy that he had gotten blood splattered on his armor but new this man was offering him what he wanted. So he tossed the body aside and started for the base as he was told his massive wifht making the ground shake a little with each step as he walked down the side walk, he was so big that wherever he stepped cracked the ground at least a little bit as every person quickly got out of his path. It was like seeing an elephant walking in a heard of zebras when you saw him. All just faces in a crowd, all just blurs. Then suddenly your standing in front of a mountain of metal. He never understood why every one was so intimidated by him but he had learned to not care as he walked past the bar the man that recruited him was in his massive head looking at him then looking forward again and as he continued to the army base his steps shaking the glass of the bar slightly as he passed


The Bar shook as the Drandalorian walked passed, yet none seemed to notice or care, most the patrons being full citizens of the republic. Vesper looked over to the hybrid girl beside him now enjoying another drink, swaying a little in her seat. Appears to not drink much. Best cut her off after this one. He thought, watching the server set a lage plate of chicken and potatoes. "Good choice" he mumbled, getting up from his seat. tapping his left wrist, a small holographic display appeared as he began typing away. After a few momements, the cochlear implant fed a voice into his eardrum. "This is Colonel Aurel, there's a Drandalorian headed your way, heavily armed. Allow him access. He wishes to join the Republic as a full citizen, I reccomend the Apocalypse Division." he said into his wrist. 

"Affirmative Sir. We'll welcome him with open arms. We can always use another heavy hitter." The man replied over the com unit, before cutting the connection. With that matter settled, he returned his attention to the young hybrid woman. Getting up from his seat, he walked over to her taking a seat besider her. 

"Enjoying yourself ma'am?" he asked with a smile. He could tell she was on her way to complete inebriation. Seeing the server mix up another drink, he shook hi head, telling the man to stop. He needed her as sober as possible. "My name is Lt. Colonel Aurel of the Juggernaut Shock Troop Division."

@Mina @Daniel reaving
Akane felt good. Like really good. Her body was warm and fuzzy, and she couldn't help the happiness that brimmed within her, especially when the food was set down in front of her. It smelt amazing, and it looked delicious. "Thank you." She said to the waiter before she took a bite. While she had devoured her stew, she wanted to savor this food. Though she wondered when her next drink would be there.

After her first bite, she head the sound of the large windows vibrating, and felt it under her feet, causing her to turn her grey eyes toward the window. Her pupils dilated as she saw him, a huge man that walked with extremely heavy footsteps. What was he? She stared, even if it was rude, and even if everyone else ignored it... she couldn't help it, the man was a bit frightening. Though her attention was suddenly torn from the male that walked by the bar to the Lieutenant that sat down next to her and spoke. Her head turned toward the male beside her, her ears back as her pupils shrunk as she evaluated the man in front of her. This must be the man that bought her the food.

"You are the Lieutenant that bought me this food. Thank you sir, I really appreciate it." She said honestly, not realizing that her words were a bit slurred. To her, she felt like she spoke just fine, but to an outsider, it was obvious she was a bit... tipsy. She knew what she had drank, she had heard about alcohol before, but she didn't realize how quickly it could affect you. Bringing her thoughts back to the fact that the waiter was supposed to bring her another drink, she finished off the rest of the other drink as she looked at the male before smiling. "Apologies but, you are a part of the Great Republic right?" She asked, unable to hold back.

Maybe, just maybe this guy would be able to get her on the ship. Maybe, he would be her way out. 

Vila paced up and down the rectangular bride of the ship. Five chairs sat on either side of her, ten lowny looking at their screens.

As the Explorer Head of Space Exploration, it was her job to play captain on important missions, while the Stationary Head stayed back on Quaja.

And this mission was extremely important. The lowny had never reached out to another sentient species before, but the global vote that had taken place a year before had made the people's will clear. Today, they were going to reach out to this group of planets that they'd deduced, through intercepted radio signals, called themselves the Grand Republic. And Vila would be in charge of making First Contact.

She was nervous, to say the least.

But it had to be done. They'd been watching various planets with sentient species for millennia, and never before had the lowny see a string of planetary deaths like this. Someone or something was doing it, and their best bet for figuring out who or what, was to combine their knowledge with that of other sentient species. A bigger military and more overall resources would greatly help, too.

"Permission to begin landing sequence?" asked her crew-mate, Orin, as they neared the planet.

"Permission to begin landing sequence," responded Vila.

"Beginning landing sequence!" shouted Orin.

Vila watched through the thick glass window, as they descended onto the planet.
Fifteen men, clad in Valkyrie Armour flew in and took up position on the Alien Ship, five port, five starbord, five above and five directly behind the engines. "Unkown Vessel, Follow us down to the surface and prepare to be boarded. If you do not comply, it will be considered an act of war. Respond" The leader of the company barked over the the alien's radio channel. While the tech from the initial scans was about fifty years behind, they could still prove to be a threat. 


"That's Lieutenant Colonel Ma'am. And I would hope so. Everyone on the planet is of the republic, or is applying for citizenship. Are you from the UST?" He asked as the Server came over with a water, and set it before the hybrid girl. "Drink, you don't want to be hung over." He said when he heard his COM unit go off. "Escuse me one second ma'am" he said before getting up from his seat and taping the holographic screen on his wrist. "This is Colonel Aurel." he said pressing a couple of fingers to his ear. 

"Colonel, this is General Dante. We have a situation. I understand you just got out of the medical facility, but with your Gifts, we really need you on site." Dante said over the com link. "Our flyboys in the Jumper Corps have intercepted an unknown alien craft, and are being forced to land at Fort Victorium, your location. I want you there on the ground son when they land. If they are Alien, treat this as a first contact situation. Understood?"

"Yes General. I'm Oscar Mike. Colonel Aurel Out." Vesper replied before grabbing his jacket. Turning to the Hybrid Girl, he smiled. "Sorry to cut this short, but duty calls. If you wish to talk more, call me later." he said handing her a piece of paper with his personal frequency. With that, he slapped down several Platinum credits and dashed out making his way back to base. It has proven to be an interesting day. 

@Mina @Bwahaha
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Orthis had quickly made his way over to the fort he was told to go to when getting there he looked to the small checkin building at the gates and walked up his head easily peering over it he squared down his hands going to his knees as he looked in groaning loudly and making the security guard in the station freak out in fear now knowing what to do about the massive being that stood bent over staring at him with its massive white eye. Orthis groaned loudly at him in a loud mechanical groan making him Yelp and fall out of his chair in fear as orthis watched him curiously wondering why the man wouldn't let him in.

The guy that sent him here did say he would be let in so why wasn't he being let it. It confused orthis greatly but after about five minuets he started to get annoyed and angry his massive groans turned louder and sounded angry as he pointed to the gate a couple times really wanting to be let in now
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"N-no... I mean yes... I am, ugh." Akane felt like an idiot, she meant to ask if he was a soldier, but obviously he was. Alcohol equals bad news, Akane decided. She didn't even know what to say, but her cheeks were a bright red by the time he excused himself and she took the paper that he handed her, nodding that she would call him. While she did plan to, she was super embarrassed and was sure she made it clear that she wasn't the brightest bulb in the box.

She finished her food and walked out of the restaurant, heading downtown. The lights were so much more spectacular when you had a buzz. She was definitely a lightweight, which wasn't a surprise considering that was the first time she had drank, and she wanted more. She didn't feel as nervous, but her intelligence was definitely questioned as well as her instincts. She felt a bit hindered. Though in the moment, it really didn't matter. Instead of getting upset about it, she walked around and watched the beings that occupied the city right then, the lights that illuminated the night sky, the beauty of such a place. 

She probably wouldn't stop being in awe by this place, but she headed toward a small little hotel and lifted her gaze to the top story. It was probably one of the cheapest ones in the whole city, and it looked a little shady, but it was a place to sleep. With a sigh, she walked in, thankful that she had a full meal before, or else she would be hungry still. Her grey hues shifted to the doors before she turned and walked back out, deciding it wasn't the time to get a room. She wanted to get a feel for the city, she wanted to see where these ships were, and if it were even possible for her to sneak on. Would she be able to somehow gain entrance on the ship? She wasn't sure, and right now, her brain was having a hard time staying focused, but she had a reason she was here. Alcohol or not, she wanted to get it done.
Debrief: GySgt. J. A. Caine 65107-72961JA 

Location: REDACTED

Current assignment: Unknown

"Good morning Gunnery Sergeant Caine. Did you sleep well?" Said the black suit clad man.  He had a perfect posture and sat with his hands clasped on the metal desk. The only other thing in the room was the thick Manila folder that sat under the man's hands. "Only after a few glasses of scotch." Caine replied. "Hm, yes Well that is to be expected. That was certainly an ordeal you survived." "A lot of good men died, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them." "Your brethren's sacrifices will not go unaccounted I assure you. But I believe you're here today because of something else." Caine stood there silent, staring the man square in the eyes. The Man opened up the folder which Caine immediately saw was his complete service record. "You enlisted when you were 17 correct?" "18." "Please, Sergeant Caine I-, May I call you Joshua?" "No." "Fair enough. Sergeant, People see to it that I know what everyone else doesn't. There's no need to lie here, we're not going to discharge you." Caine still kept his gaurd up, he was suspicious of the man. "Alright, 17. Yes."

"yes, your recruiter had a quota to meet, I can tell he fudged some of your ratings. I thought he was lying about your IQ until I saw your original apptitide exam. Nearly a perfect score, indicating a near Genius IQ." "What about it." "You could have chosen any field, been an officer, Intelligence, why did you choose the Infantry." "I just wanted a bed and food in my belly." "Yes, multiple orphanages and adoptions until you dissappeared around 13." "What's matter to you." "You don't mention it much do you?" "No need to." "Let's jump into your actual career, multiple combat distinctions, high marks from your COs, Witness testimony indicate a striking loyalty and trust in you, often saving many of your squad mates despite personal risk or injury." "They would have done the same for me." "You're not one for pride are you sergeant?" "No soldier should be honored for doing what's expected of them." "Well, you are incredibly humble. Moving on, you were able to lead a formidable resistance in a first contact scenario which resulted in the destruction of your unit? How did you do it?" "My training." "Certainly must have been something more, some higher power, personal drive, the will to succeed or survive?" "My life doesn't matter, so long as I save as many others as I can." "I'll tell you why I'm here sergeant. I'm part of an organization that seeks to ensure what happened to your men never happens again. And to ensure that we win this conflict." "And how do I play in to this?" "Your ability to remain calm under pressure, create and maintain an effective resistance, not to mention saving the lives and liberating many others is remarkable, truely showing of the best humanity has to offer. But we can make you better." "How so." "The UST is working to create the first breed of perfect soldiers. Equiped to be lightweight, fast acting, precise, deadly, and superior." "Super soldiers." "Yes. And we consider you to be a prime canidate." "What's it involve?" "I won't lie, it's still highly experimental, there's no gaurentee it'll work, or if you'll survive."

Caune gave it a lot of thought, not breaking his eye contact once. What did he have to lose? Not like he had a life to go back to. The military had treated him well, and it kept him out of trouble. "When do I start?" The man smiled before closing the folder and standing up to open the door. "Right now."
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After a couple of minutes of waiting, an officer approached the gate and spotted Orthis, then the guard staring at him in fear. Smacking the guard upside the head, he returned his attention to the Drandalorian. "Forgive the private sir, Welcome to Fort Victorium. The Colonel called in and alerted us of your arrival. If you would please follow me, We'll get you squared away and into basic." The officer said. He was a Illustrati man that bore the rank of Captain, along with the badge of the Jumper Corps. Turning around, the Captain lead the Drandalorian to the recruitment office, cringing on the inside. There was going to be a lot of paperwork to do, and having dealt with Drandalorians before, he knew it would take a while. That all changed when the air raid sirens began to blare. 

After taking several shortcuts, Vesper made it back to base, and continued to sprint towards the facility where he and the other JST's/Candidates were. It was the only place that had his armour and gear. The only problem was, he didn't know which room, and couldn't find any staff to point him in the right direction. "Pedicabo!" he shouted in frustration. It was then that he decided to just open random doors. After about ten, he happened upon two human males in a rather empty room, save for a steel desk, a couple of folding chairs, and a manilla folder. Seeing the man behind the desk, he noticed the rank on his collar. A Major. "Major, Where in the Goddess' name is the armoury?!" He barked ignoring the human sitting in the room. "And Why in the hell are you not in full combat gear!? Are you fucking deaf soldier? The whole base has been put on high alert due to a fucking UFO. Get your ass Moving!" Vesper roared getting the human Major to jump to and lead him to the armoury. Turning to look at the other human, wearing a UST Uniform he spoke. "Sorry about that but duty calls. He'll be back as soon as this clears up Gunnery Sergeant." And with that, he was gone.  

Several minutes passed and Vesper felt the last plate of the HK-74 Prototype Armour click into place. He hefted a GSM-40 in his right hand and on his hip sat an autoblade. His back had the NAMR, a weapon he had designed in his youth back when he worked in R&D as a 2nd Lt. Securing his helmet with a pressurized hiss, he and five other JST's that had recovered enough were quickly making their way to the tarmac, where they waited for the Jumpers to guide the Alien vessel in. 

@Mina @Daniel reaving @DJGomez
Orthis groaned softly and stood up tall quickly following the man inside the base. Ducking under the door as he entered it was cramped in the hallways as he looked around curiously as he practically crawled through the hallways after the man before they got to the recruitment room and he got in with groan at the officer as if asking what he had to do which he was asking but it was in drandalorian and he doubted the man knew it but would be happy if he did as orthis continued to wait on him patiently in the base recruitment area before the sirens went off causing orthis to look around then turn his attention to the officer as he spoke in a series of mechanical groans and clinqs as he asked what was going on.

Orthis knew being recruited would bring a lot of work but he didn't know paperwork. All he wanted to do was be given his rank and head out to battle hopping the sirens would give him a good enough reason to be sent in right away as he waited for an answer

Caine's ears perked and his eyes darted around when he heard the siren. He nearly jolted to the door when he saw a larger then normal arm yanked his interviewer out, but quickly realized who it was. He gave a nod towards the Colonel's response but didn't stay there. He jogged out and followed behind the pair until they got to the armory. He was stopped by the guard, quoting something about procedure, authorized personel....political BS. "Corporal, you remember when we hd first contact with the Celestians?" "Of course." "Then move over." "Gunnery Ser-" "Look, move over, cause I really don't wanna file the paperwork justifying knocking you down and putting a first contact event in jepordy." The man looked intimidated for a moment before nodding and stepping aside. 

Caine shuffled through until he found a set of UST expeditionary armor. He strapped it on in less then 20 seconds, just as the armor intended for troops to get combat ready in minimal time. He looked around and saw a lot of weaponry he didn't recognize, or Illustri. He finally saw a few standard issue UST rifles, grabbing the familair and durable weapon to cock it back, clearing the breach and filling his pouches with magazines along with  other equipment. 

He he rushed back out and didn't even act like he was intimidated by the Five other almost gargantuan armor clad soldiers by him, a couple giving odd looks. He simply stood there at the ready, rifle at rest and waited for the ship to make its landing.
Eyeing the Gunny, he slapped a fresh magazine into his GSM-40 as he and the other five JST's stood at the forfront of the tarmac. "Wait till you get the HK-74 power armour." he said to the human as he watched the sky. His gene enhanced eyes along with his helmet's HUD spotted the fifteen Jumpers guiding the UFO in for a landing. To the naked eye, even to a regular Illustrati or Felinae, they would be impossible to spot, but to Vesper and his armour clad brothers and sisters they were as clear as flies on a window sill. 

Meanwhile, the Illustrati captain pulled out a stack of paperwork about three inches thick. "Name, age and gender?" he asked in the gutteral groans and clicks of the Dalandrian tongue. "Dea me per sensus mei ad hanc diem integru" he said in his native tongue with a sigh. 

@Daniel reaving @DJGomez
Fifteen men, clad in Valkyrie Armour flew in and took up position on the Alien Ship, five port, five starbord, five above and five directly behind the engines. "Unkown Vessel, Follow us down to the surface and prepare to be boarded. If you do not comply, it will be considered an act of war. Respond" The leader of the company barked over the the alien's radio channel. While the tech from the initial scans was about fifty years behind, they could still prove to be a threat. 


"That's Lieutenant Colonel Ma'am. And I would hope so. Everyone on the planet is of the republic, or is applying for citizenship. Are you from the UST?" He asked as the Server came over with a water, and set it before the hybrid girl. "Drink, you don't want to be hung over." He said when he heard his COM unit go off. "Escuse me one second ma'am" he said before getting up from his seat and taping the holographic screen on his wrist. "This is Colonel Aurel." he said pressing a couple of fingers to his ear. 

"Colonel, this is General Dante. We have a situation. I understand you just got out of the medical facility, but with your Gifts, we really need you on site." Dante said over the com link. "Our flyboys in the Jumper Corps have intercepted an unknown alien craft, and are being forced to land at Fort Victorium, your location. I want you there on the ground son when they land. If they are Alien, treat this as a first contact situation. Understood?"

"Yes General. I'm Oscar Mike. Colonel Aurel Out." Vesper replied before grabbing his jacket. Turning to the Hybrid Girl, he smiled. "Sorry to cut this short, but duty calls. If you wish to talk more, call me later." he said handing her a piece of paper with his personal frequency. With that, he slapped down several Platinum credits and dashed out making his way back to base. It has proven to be an interesting day. 

@Mina @Bwahaha

@Daniel reaving

The inside of the ship was tense and excited, relieved and terrified at the same time. They hadn't been sure if the universal brainwave translator would work on other sentient species. But now they knew they could communicate.

The message had a threatening tone, but was as welcoming as they could've hoped for.

Vila took a deep breath, then spoke into the communicator.

"This crew is from a planet orbiting a distant star. We come in peace, and will comply to your demands. Our species had been observing your group of planets for a few centuries. We are making contact now because we have noticed that sentient species on a disturbing amount of planets have been wiped out within a very short span of time, very recently. We are reaching out to you in hopes of joining forces and using our combined resources to investigate and stop the unknown threat.

"We can talk about it more, in detail, once we've landed. We will now follow you down to the surface, as you have requested."

Vila nodded to Rika, who was in charge or steering the ship, and they began to follow the other ship down to the surface.

Everyone aboard the ship wondered what would be in store for them once they were boarded. They didn't have long to wait.

Vila wondered if it had been a mistake to take one of the older, more heavily-armed ships. It had been the biggest ship, and therefore the most capable of holding the smaller, faster, more maneuverable single person ships inside. It was also good to have weaponry, just in case. But the technology wasn't up to date and the weapons could appear threatening - if their weapons even looked like weapons to the other ship.
Eyeing the Gunny, he slapped a fresh magazine into his GSM-40 as he and the other five JST's stood at the forfront of the tarmac. "Wait till you get the HK-74 power armour." he said to the human as he watched the sky. His gene enhanced eyes along with his helmet's HUD spotted the fifteen Jumpers guiding the UFO in for a landing. To the naked eye, even to a regular Illustrati or Felinae, they would be impossible to spot, but to Vesper and his armour clad brothers and sisters they were as clear as flies on a window sill. 

Meanwhile, the Illustrati captain pulled out a stack of paperwork about three inches thick. "Name, age and gender?" he asked in the gutteral groans and clicks of the Dalandrian tongue. "Dea me per sensus mei ad hanc diem integru" he said in his native tongue with a sigh. 

@Daniel reaving @DJGomez

Orthis groaned and clinqed his bake age and gender to the officer as he got in a more comfy position sitting with his legs curled towards his center like a half done version of criss cross seating position but his legs were just not long enough to cross so he sat there still bent over in the tiny room already eritated by the fact that the man was going to do this in a room that fit orthis unconftrbly even without the desk and other things in it. But with everything that was in it they might as well have stuffed him into a box that was bigger than him by a quarter of an inch and left him there waiting
Everyone on the tarmac stood at attention, their rifles held firmly to their chest. Vesper stood at the for front of the force as he watched the Jumpers guide the ship in. The tension in the air was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Eveyone was on edge. After several pregnant moments of silently waiting, the Ship touched down. Much to everyone's relief the weapons system on the ship was nearly obsolete to their tech and that of the UST. "Keep your heads on a swivel. They may claim to come in peace, but remain vigilant." He barked, many of the troops tightening their grips on their weapons. Three Heavily armed and armoured Drandalorians stood behind Vesper and his squad of JSTs bearing the mark of the Apocalypse Brigade. Their weapons were leveled at the ship and waited for anything to go south. Finally a pressurized hiss escaped the ship, as the loading ramp lowered. Taking several steps forward, Vesper stood at the base of the ramp awaiting the captain of the vessel.

"Gunnery Seargeant, take position beside me. And try to look relaxed. We don't want to give them the wrong impression." Vesper barked standing at ease. 

@Daniel reaving @DJGomez @Bwahaha
Everyone on the tarmac stood at attention, their rifles held firmly to their chest. Vesper stood at the for front of the force as he watched the Jumpers guide the ship in. The tension in the air was so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Eveyone was on edge. After several pregnant moments of silently waiting, the Ship touched down. Much to everyone's relief the weapons system on the ship was nearly obsolete to their tech and that of the UST. "Keep your heads on a swivel. They may claim to come in peace, but remain vigilant." He barked, many of the troops tightening their grips on their weapons. Three Heavily armed and armoured Drandalorians stood behind Vesper and his squad of JSTs bearing the mark of the Apocalypse Brigade. Their weapons were leveled at the ship and waited for anything to go south. Finally a pressurized hiss escaped the ship, as the loading ramp lowered. Taking several steps forward, Vesper stood at the base of the ramp awaiting the captain of the vessel.

"Gunnery Seargeant, take position beside me. And try to look relaxed. We don't want to give them the wrong impression." Vesper barked standing at ease. 

@Daniel reaving @DJGomez @Bwahaha

On the way down, there'd been a heated discussion over what position to put their hands in, to signal coming in peace. They'd finally decided on holding their hands away from their bodies, open and empty. They weren't sure that this would be taken the right way, especially since their hands were so different from those of most species they'd observed, including the ones before them. A lowny hand vaguely resembled a rounded triangle, with one point wedging into the wrist and the others at the opposite end of the hand. It was one flexible piece of cartilage, muscle, and other tissues, that moved flexibly.

It was decided all eleven would could out, single file. Leaving some people to man the ship would've been preferable, but could've caused distrust later on.

The lowny crew put their suits on, nodded to each other, and opened the door.

They came out single file, Vila in the lead to show she was the leader.

"Hello," she said. "I believe we have something to discuss. Unless you wish to go through other proceedings first. But time is of the essence, and we cannot wait more than a day or two."
Vesper eyed the Lowny bofore him curiously, his own face covered up by his helmet. Reaching up, he pressed the clasps that held the  helmet in place, and removed it with a hiss. "Welcome to Elysium Prime, Capital of the Grand Republic." He said placing his helmet under his arm. His face held a large scar running from the right side of his chin to his the edge of his eye. Besides that, he looked rather young. "I am Colonel Vesper Aurel, commanding officer of this compound. Are you the commanding officer of this vessel?" he asked as the rest of the forces surrounding the ship relaxed. "If so, follow me, the rest of your retinue can go with the Major" he said gesturing to the lightly armed Human beside him. And with that he placed his GSM-40 on the mag plate on his back, before turning to walk away, expecting the Alien female to follow. Looking to the assembly, he barked in the primary language of the republic "Reliqua autem dimitti! Hospites et nostra reverentia rogo. Fac populum de superbia" 

@Daniel reaving @DJGomez @Bwahaha @Mina
Orthis sat there in the room watching the man fill out paperwork. He was fully bore and really wanted to be outside where the action was but noooo he has to be in here filling out paperwork. That's what he hates about these army's. They do more paperwork than they do fighting and protecting. He groaned an irritated and uncomfortable groan as he taped his massive fingers against his knees looking around the tiny office for anything to entertain himself but found none making him groan quietly grumbling words in his own tounge as he sat there waiting


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