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Fantasy || Chaotic Good ||


New Member
[[ Chaotic Good ]]

Many people have different views of Heaven and Hell. Some see the two as very different, a stark contrast of good and evil. Others saw them as temporary rest stops on the highway of eternal life.

Both views, of course, were wrong.

Truly, Heaven and Hell were two sides of the same coin. Both sought for the complete control of mankind. The goal of both realms was to one day rule contain the entire human race, one in law and the other in lawlessness.

One represented chaos, and the other represented order.

The denizens of Heaven lingered on Earth, the human-inhabited world, attempting to create a certain degree of law and order between nations by law and power of higher beings. Similarly, the denizens of Hell promote self-rule, the man being his own person.

More often than not, both sides keep their identities and roles hidden. Only a few times in the history of Mankind has a denizen been revealed. But they are everywhere.


It was strange, being an ancient being in such an infant nation. Akara was one of the oldest denizens of Hell on the face of the Earth - she'd seen the rule of Cleopatra (who could miss their own rule as Pharaoh, after all), the fall of the Roman Empire, the collapse of the Ottomans, the massive death tolls of both World Wars, and everything in between. The change that had occurred over the many centuries was fascinating, the world evolving entirely as new nations rose and seized power.

Akara still remembered the construction of the very city she resided in - from the very first wooden structures to the massive Time's Square Jumbotron. History had always intrigued her the most out of any subject of modern education - perhaps because she knew so much about it from experience. She kept most of her knowledge to herself, though; revealing how much she truly knew would attract too much attention and blow her cover as a denizen.

To put her knowledge to better use - and simultaneously influence the newest generation - Akara took on the career of a History teacher in High School. The student's young minds were fresh pieces of clay, ready to be sculpted into something great. By teaching the history of the world, she could prove that government and rule eventually lead to collapse - "Take the Ottomans, for example. They dissolved from the inside out." - and make a living at the same time. Sure, she had been the leader of an entire civilization at one point, but everyone has their rebellious phases. Besides, she hadn't been the best dictator ever.

New York City, 7:38 PM

Coffee was always something Akara could count on after a long day. Something about the dim lighting and laid-back atmosphere was calming to the denizen, often accompanied by a classic novel whose pages were worn from constant reading. She'd once met Charles Dickens; the man had such interesting concepts and ideas, oftentimes portrayed in his novels. Currently she held a signed edition of "A Tale of Two Cities", one of her absolute favorites.

Over the steam from her fresh cup of coffee, Akara watched the coffee parlor from her isolated corner table. The usual social outcasts were seated randomly around the main lobby, strange hair colors and tattoos a regular sight with them. It was Akara's kind of crowd; they felt cheated by society, eager to be their own person without restraints or judgements.

This was the one place in the world that an ancient being could be at peace, not hassled by expectations or responsibility. Somewhere the universe simply halted.

[[ I'm actually so proud of this.

Anyway, I need someone who can conform to AT LEAST 15+ lines, preferably more. Your character can be a denizen of either Heaven or Hell, or simply a human. Either gender is allowed, and romance is an option. Before you ask for a post, provide the name of the ruler Akara was in ancient history.

I hope to see you soon!! ]]


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