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Fantasy Chaos in Wonderland ( O-P-E-N )

Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Gardens

Mood: Somewhat Relieved?

Varien let out a sigh as the small thing was taken from his arms. He didn't know what it was or what to do with it, so he was glad it was taken from his arms. "I'm fine, but I'm not sure about him." He said, nudging Sorren again. Either this boy was still stunned or he fell asleep and wouldn't wake the hell up. If he had to, Varien would toss him into the fountain to wake him up. Thankfully the Queen was alright as far as he could tell.

Mentioned: @Kazehana @Drakerus @thatlittlewhateverthefuckitscalledfromsupermariogalaxy
Aurelius Blanche

Blanche was a bit off in his own dream world, gently gnawing on the heel of his bread as he listened to Cecil's story. Of course, it was more floral and embellished than the truth, but Blanche wasn't one to call anyone out on that. He got the feeling that Cecil was trying to draw her in, ensnare her.

'After we graduate, who would take our place? It's not a bad idea,' the male thought, before pushing his tray towards Cecil once he'd decided he was done.

Cecil and Blanche were one in the same, in regards to their abilities. They both possessed alteration abilities, though Blanche would argue that his power was more practical. So when Cecil nudge him, he startled, and his hair turned the most peculiar shade of periwinkle in his surprise.

"You make them sound like Heroes," he mused, actually quite amused with the situation. "They just normal people of course, ones in spandex."

Location: Cafeteria ;; Mood: Absent-minded

@luthor @Needle

(I had to go to the ER and have an emergency surgery for Acute Appendicitis but I'm all good now and should be going home soon. That's why I didn't feel good yesterday and wasn't replying.)
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Sorren Likerus - Garden

Sorren's eyes fluttered open as he felt his side being nudged rather crudely. When his vision focused, he could make out Whitney and Varien standing above him. As he sat up he rubbed the back of his head in discomfort. He felt kind of weird. His head was aching slightly for some reason but, other than that, he seemed to be fine.

"Ugh, what just happened?" he said groggily as he moved to stand up. He wobbled a bit since he was still dizzy. He couldn't remember the events between waking up and saying hi to the three of them. With that thought, he noticed that Julian was gone. Where did he go? Oh well, no use worrying too much about it right now.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
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Whitney Farrell

She breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that everyone had pretty much gotten away with minimal damage, save for Julian's pride. But that could be fixed later when they had the time. Or at least, she hoped it could. Regardless, they could plan later. "Alright, so now what? We can't do anything to active, or poor Sorren and Onyx might have troubles keeping up. How about... How do you two feel about decorating?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to hear a response. In all honesty, she was rather curious to see what they might answer, having in mind the correct answer already thought out. Not to say that this would ever have a correct answer, just that she had picked one out regardless. She simply awaited for an answer as she rocked back and forth with Onyx gently in her arms.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']

Anders Vinterhall


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Focused

Anders steps clack on the floor as he makes a brisk pace into the cafeteria, the queue was rather long but he paid no mind to it. His face buried in a book, walking right past these peons to the front of the line. Loading his plate with an assortment of goodies, The cafeteria lady seemed she would say something. Without skipping a beat Anders lays a rather large bill in front of her, looking down with big eyes she takes it. The young man goes on his way with the loaded plate.

Finding a table with three young teens on it Mr.Vinterhall sits himself, they look at each other in confusion. Turning a page Anders says in a stern tone "Leave...now" the group shudders for a quick second before a white blue eye shifts from the text book and glares at them. As the pupil focuses on the group fear engulfs them...the eyes were dead. The three teens jump up shuffling rather quickly away from the cold glare, Anders proceeds to his studies, taking bites of food. The table now seated only Mr.Vinterhalls solitary figure looking through a Maths textbook, every so many pages muttering Ridiculous...

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Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Gardens

Mood: Slightly relieved, but neutral

Varien turned his head towards Whitney at the suggestion. Decorating? It wasn't sonething he was particularly fond of. In response, he shrugged. "Don't care." He said. It wouldn't matter what they were decorating, he had to be nearby Whitney just in case. Did he ever get tired of guarding the girl? Damn straight he did. Especially when she would be with her friends having "girl talk", whatever the hell that was.

Mentioned: @Kazehana @Drakerus

Sorren Likerus - Garden

"Sure, let's do it!" exclaimed Sorren, apparently having recovered from being dazed. He loved decorating but then again. he liked doing pretty much anything with his friends. AAs usual, Varien didn't look the least bit interested but that was nothing out of the ordinary. He stuck to Whitney like a dog either way. It was sort of selfless when he thought about it. Putting aside your own interests for the sake of keeping someone safe. Yup, that's why he's onii-san!

"Um, what are we decorating exactly?" he asked curiously.

@Cruor Flumine @Kazehana
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Whitney Farrell

She considered what they had to say, mulling it over by swaying slightly back and forth. "Hmmmmm okay then! We need to make something nice for Julian since he's probably feeling a little down right now. Our two options are headquarters and the student council room since I'm the head of them both. Headquarters might be more convenient and easier, but the student council room is brighter in general. Thoughts?" she asked, hoping they would give her something. At this point, it was basically just Sorren, as Varien was a bit of a bore when it came to anything fun. Maybe if he went off and had his own fun for once in his life, he would find more joy in things. Just look at Sorren! He was excited for just about everything! The big guy could probably use a break from just following her everywhere, but she just couldn't get him to stop doing his job. It was a little annoying, really. Sometimes she had to wonder if he was just warding off other males. With his stature, it sure wasn't hard for him to do so. She wondered if it was wrong not to tell him that she was interested in others. Perhaps it would crush his spirits somehow. And she couldn't exactly have that, now could she?

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Howard Baker

Location: Under a tree

While sitting under the tree, Howard peered through the window to see if the officers left. The food fights finally stopped and the cafeteria resumed it's normal activities. Howard began considering ditching his classes later and sleeping under this shade. The weather is nice too! It'd be a shame to waste it on Mr. Harrenhal's math class. He was about to doze off when another girl, this time with white hair, sat under the same tree. He watched as she made her own meal by drawing it and making it come to life.

"Jeez girl, you sure that's edible?", he asked while wondering whether it tastes like ink or not.

Alias said:
Howard Baker
Location: Under a tree

While sitting under the tree, Howard peered through the window to see if the officers left. The food fights finally stopped and the cafeteria resumed it's normal activities. Howard began considering ditching his classes later and sleeping under this shade. The weather is nice too! It'd be a shame to waste it on Mr. Harrenhal's math class. He was about to doze off when another girl, this time with white hair, sat under the same tree. He watched as she made her own meal by drawing it and making it come to life.

"Jeez girl, you sure that's edible?", he asked while wondering whether it tastes like ink or not.

Mimi Farrell

Mimi jumped a good five inches off the ground when someone above her spoke to her, dropping her notebook as she did. She looked around until eventually she saw Howard sitting above her. "Umm..Yeah. It tastes great, really.." She replied. "Sorry..I didn't see you up there...a-and you startled me." She explained. That was fairly embarrassing, nearly running and hiding just from someone talking to her. In all fairness though..she hadn't seen him at all and it was kinda random. "You uh..wanna try some..?" She asked. "I can..make anything you want? Pretty much. Just tell me I guess." She added with a slight shrug. Maybe company while she ate wouldn't be so bad, plus her sister did always..repetitively..tell her she needed to be more social. She was debating on skipping class today anyway, so..she didn't see what it mattered.
Howard Baker

Location: Under a tree

Although Howard doesn't usually pass up to offers of free food, he's gonna let this one slide for the sake of his health. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks though", he jumped off the branch he was on and sat beside her. At first glance, he thought she was at the same year level he's on. But then he realized he's never seen her in one of his classes before so he assumes she's from a higher year level. "Oh, my name's Howard", he said. "I just transferred here this morning. What's your name?"

Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Gardens

Mood: Neutral

"Not sure. Don't really know the kid that well." Varien said. It was the truth. Varien hardly spoke to anyone other than Whitney, Sorren on occasions. As stated before, he was a bodyguard, not a HR rep. The only reral thing he knew that Julian liked was eating. "Maybe...Maybe we should cook for him? I think the kid likes to eat. Dunno how when he's all skin and bones."

Mentions: @Kazehana @Drakerus
Alias said:
Howard Baker
Location: Under a tree

Although Howard doesn't usually pass up to offers of free food, he's gonna let this one slide for the sake of his health. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks though", he jumped off the branch he was on and sat beside her. At first glance, he thought she was at the same year level he's on. But then he realized he's never seen her in one of his classes before so he assumes she's from a higher year level. "Oh, my name's Howard", he said. "I just transferred here this morning. What's your name?"

Mimi Farrell

Mimi slowly nodded in response. "
O-okay.." She replied. She flinched when he jumped down beside her, not exactly expecting him to do that at all. She wasn't entirely sure why he was against eating her food, it tasted completely normal...maybe even better than some places. But, oh well. Nevertheless she wasn't going to let him impede her meal, thus she resumed eating. When he introduced himself and asked for her name she blinked, "Um...I'm Mimi. Nice to meet you Howard." She told him. "Are you liking school so far?" She asked, trying not to seem awkward.
Howard Baker

Location: Still under a tree

Howard felt this familiar aura while being around her. The way she stutters and keeps saying 'um', the way she flinches as if his voice surprises her; he felt like he's seen these mannerisms before at some point in time. Then it clicked. She's shy!, he finally realized. He was also like that when he started middle school. But soon, he got more social when he joined his school's basketball club. As an ex-shy person, Howard thought of saluting her for being able to introduce herself without fainting but decided not to.

"Are you liking the school so far"

"Well... The school looks great, but I never thought sitting around and listening to some old hag ramble on about the quadratic equation would be this tiring", Howard sighed. "I never thought subjects would be harder the second time around. I wish I listened the first time", he said as he remembered that he dropped out 1st year highschool once.


Louise Arley | Alice


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Rebellious

Louise didn't want to listen Blanche. In her mind, Lillium seemed like a group of bad-ass heroes in capes, not just normal people in spandex. She gave Blanche a roll of her eyes. "But they can't be just normal people! They protect the innocent!" She gazed out the window, dreamily. IN her mind, she could almost picture herself among the masked heroes, being congratulated for their good work as they strutted through the hallways. "Do you...do you think I can join them?" she asked the two uneasily, not sure of how they would respond. In the worst case, they'd just tell her it's impossible and she should stop dreaming. But just in case...

Before she could give them a chance to reply, however, she saw a white-haired guy shoo away a group of kids on a table
who had obviously come first. Now, everyday Louise wouldn't have the guts to stand up to the bully. Perhaps she would have consoled the poor kids later on, out of sight of the bully. But with this talk of school heroes, she found some new-found courage in herself.

"Hey!" she yelled as loudly as she could, and stomped over to where the boy had rudely snatched the table so rudely. Silence fell over the cafeteria and all eyes turned to look at her. Already, she was beginning to regret acting upon her impulses, but it was too late to back away now.

"Give them back their table, they came here first!" she said, trying to sound as brave as she could, but inside she was panicking.

@Xan @luthor @Jadus
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Alias said:
Howard Baker
Location: Still under a tree

Howard felt this familiar aura while being around her. The way she stutters and keeps saying 'um', the way she flinches as if his voice surprises her; he felt like he's seen these mannerisms before at some point in time. Then it clicked. She's shy!, he finally realized. He was also like that when he started middle school. But soon, he got more social when he joined his school's basketball club. As an ex-shy person, Howard thought of saluting her for being able to introduce herself without fainting but decided not to.

"Are you liking the school so far"

"Well... The school looks great, but I never thought sitting around and listening to some old hag ramble on about the quadratic equation would be this tiring", Howard sighed. "I never thought subjects would be harder the second time around. I wish I listened the first time", he said as he remembered that he dropped out 1st year highschool once.

Mimi Farrell

Mimi nodded slowly as she listened to Howard, a small smile forming on her lips. She had to agree, math sucked. Hardcorely. To make matters worse she wasn't exactly that good at it either...or rather try not at all. Really she was close to failing it. Then he mentioned something about a first time, was he dropped back a grade when he transferred? Mimi guessed that was the issue, but, she wasn't really going to ask. "
Y-yeah..I'm not that good at math either." She replied. "Everything else is okay though. A-and most of the people are pretty nice. That one guy that always follows my sister around is kinda creepy though.." She added, referring to Varien. She wasn't really sure why he followed her around like that, at all really. And why he looked like he'd murder someone for simply staring at Whitney wrong.

Anders Vinterhall


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Irritated

Anders was getting to a rather interesting chapter, actually giving him a chance to think on a problem. When the annoying little girl startled him with her ghastly wail. His eyes slowly turned to her as she stomped to his table like a unhappy child in a toy store. As this little mouse of a girl continued on her rant about "The table belonging to the losers" who were here before him. Anders let out a heavy sigh of frustration.

Pushing his glasses on further up his nose young Vinterhall closes the book with a resounding clap, that can now be heard in the silent cafeteria. Standing his full height brushing off his dark purple shirt he responds in the cold matter of fact tone "They knew their place in this food chain and ran. Like good little mice. Now you should run along little mouse..." Looking down on this young lady with a frosty gaze, he immediately loathed her. How dare she stand up to Anders Vinterhall. Rubbing his pearl ring of a horn on his right hand, Anders sends out a telepathic probe to try and breach her mind. To at least get a idea what was going through this girls head.

@Needle @Xan (in doctor doom voice) This...is gonna be fun.​

Sorren Likerus

"Oh, that's sounds like a great idea Vare!" Sorren exclaimed cheerfully. Apparently even stoic Varien had his moments. Speaking of food, Sorren still hadn't eaten yet so maybe he'd sneak a bite or two during the process. He wouldn't tell Whitney and Vare that though.

"I think it'd be better to just do it somewhere more public." he added, in response to Whitney's question regarding where they should work. He wasn't the best at keeping a low profile but he knew that doing it in the 'club' room would be kinda...unfitting. Then again, Whitney was the one suggesting it so maybe it was okay.

@Kazehana @Cruor Flumine
Whitney Farrell

She sighed at Varien's super helpful tidbit, mainly because she knew he should be paying more attention to his fellow club members. Seriously, did this guy ever make friends or what? She was starting to get the feeling that he was overprotective of her because she might be his best friend. That was fine, but he still needed to make some sort of effort to get to know literally anyone else. Sorren's comment was a bit more insightful, hinting that they should do it upstairs instead. She pretty much agreed with him because the 'party' would be much nicer in such a room. This did get her to thinking: They should either make their headquarters much nicer or find somewhere else to meet. It was a little irksome to have to use such a location, even if it was all they really had. She did have standards.

She nodded solemnly to Sorren, happy that they had come to some sort of conclusion. "Alright then. Off we go to the student council room!" she declared as if it were some sort of expedition. It always felt like an event when she put her fist on her hip and pointed off into the sky with a sly smile. Unfortunately, this was not one of those times, for she still had Onyx to take care of. She shouldered the weight of both the basket and Onyx into one arm, using the other to fish into her bag for her planner. It was always pertinent to stay on top of things, especially when it comes to a schedule. As she pulled it out, a plain, manila envelope fell out, and she just stared at it for a few moments. She carefully st the basket and Onyx down, kneeling on the ground and picking up the envelope. Wordlessly, she slid out a paper from inside, simply looking over it for a short time.

Once she was done, she shook her head and slid it back in, sealing it off once more. She put it back into her bag, exchanging it for a pen. Once she opened her planner to the correct date, she clicked the pen and set to work. A few scribbles later, she put everything away and stood up with her things. She took a deep breath, her mood obviously soured. "Sorren, I need you to find Catelina and bring her to the student council room. Bring Tweedle-Dipstick and Tweedle-Dumbass too. You know what? Just whoever you can. We have to get everyone up there. Varien," she said, pausing for a few moments, "we have business to attend to. We will probably need one more to go with just for good measure. I don't particularly care who, just find someone for the job. I will meet you at the fountain in a few minutes. I will be returning to my chambers to drop off my things and getting my mask. Sorren, feel free to get started decorating with the supplies in the closet when you get there. We will meet you shortly. Any questions? No? Okay then," she finished, majestically sweeping out of the garden and back inside.

She encompassed the embodiment of determination as she walked down the hall towards the girls' hall. She had a lot on her mind, and the less she had to worry about, the better. She stared straight forward as she went, not even bothering to look into the cafeteria as she passed it. Her heels clattered loudly on the floors as she walked, giving her the slight sense of empowerment as she went. Hopefully this wouldn't take long.

[/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Cruor Flumine[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'] [/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif'][COLOR=#ffc300]@Drakerus[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT='Droid Serif']
Howard Baker

Location: in asgard. lol jk, still under a tree.

"Oh, so those type of guys are still exist here", Howard chuckled. His first impression about this school is that the students here are all stick-in-the-mud bookworms with perfect GPAs and stuff. But it turns out, they're all still teenagers with raging hormones. "She must be lucky to have you as a sister. But you know what, you seem nice so let me give you some advice on guys like that: Often times they..."

His voice trailed off when he heard some people passing by.

"Dude, did you hear? Garrick Reed's targeted by Rozen now!"

"Yo, really? Man, he's fucked"

"But that's just a rumor, y'know. Why don't we ask him? He's from the same class, right? Speaking of which, where is he?"

"Holy shit, they caught him already!"

"Don't say that! He's probably just sick"

As soon as their voices are no longer audible, Howard asked Mimi a question. "Hey, what's Rozen? Are they some sort of club here?"

Varien Ardal | The Jabberwock

Location: Gardens

Mood: Serious

Varien went from neutral to serious within a second of getting his mission. "Yes, Whitney, I shall do as you ask. Stay safe." He said, watching her walk away. Speedily, he pulled out his cell phone and sent a text to the first person he could think of for a job.

Yo Eyebrows, we got a job to do, not sure what though. Reply ASAP so I can find another if needed.

With the message sent, he turned to Sorren. "You heard the boss lady, get to work." He commanded before walking off towards the fountain that he was told to meet Whitney at.

Mentions: @Kazehana @Drakerus @Mine
Cecil Mayhew In a strange manner, the boy simply sat in silence at the table, having entirely forgotten to respond. This girl was certainly...something else. Standing up to bullies was a fairly big nono for those in Lillium. There were bigger issues here. That said, the inspiration he'd caused in the young girl was rather entertaining, filling Cecil with a certain smugness that he had seldom felt before. As Louise's voice wavered slightly in her attempt to seem brave, he could barely rein in his laughter.

Soft chuckles came rolling from his lips, through the wide grin plastered on his face. Louise was ballsy, he could give her that. But that Anders kid was twice her height, and his very presence commanded respect. Still, any altercation would serve as entertainment, and the chaos would be welcomed.

Cecil shuffled about slightly in his seat to get comfortable as he rested his chin on his hands. From where he sat, he had a clear view of whatever would happen in front of him between the mouse of a girl and the tall boy. "Look what she's getting herself into..." He leant over to Blanche to murmur in his ear, with a wider grin.
Mood: Happy~~Mentioned: @Needle @Jadus @Xan

Jason McCallouic


Location: Cafeteria

Mood: Happy

Jason wanders into the cafeteria, a half wooden half mechanical owl sits perched on his shoulder chirping away. After the short wait in line he managed to get a meager meal for himself before sitting down in the tables amongst others. Simply giving a silent smile in greeting, the owl tilted its head Hooing every so often. Digging into the food Jason hears what would seem like an altercation, turning his head the big doe eyes fall on young Louise quarreling with a rather cold individual. His smile goes away, how dare he talk to this young maiden in such a way.

Lifting one leg over Jason now faces them fists clenched, he would not harm her...

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Glynn Rees

Entrance of Rozen's HQ

@Cruor Flumine

His eyes opened violently, a muffled gasp escaping his throat. It took him a few seconds to grow used to being awakened for once, while few beads of sweat dripping down his skin, drawing his breath in quick intervals and the sound of birds chirping nearby growing clearer. Had he really managed to fall asleep? Not for long, it seemed. From what he could gather from analyzing his current state, a nightmare was the cause. Sweating, panting, trapped in a state of loss and confusion. But...what kind of nightmare? He couldn't even remotely say what he had dreamed these past few...Wait, how much time had it passed since he had fell asleep? Minutes, hours?

Buzzing broke away his focus as to his condition. He pulled the device out, his brow furrowing immediately at the first words. It took him but a few seconds to assimilate what it asked of him before texting back a response, as asked of him.

Queen's Lapdog
Yo Eyebrows, we got a job to do, not sure what though. Reply ASAP so I can find another if needed.
call me that shit again and I'll rip your eyeballs off

Glynn had never exactly been one to find it easy to come up with substantial threats. It seemed his little incident with the Bandersnatch had come to affect him in more ways than one...

Guess I have her to thank for it...

Varien had it coming. If he were to address him by that dreaded nickname, he could at least do it behind his back. But no, he had to be as unnerving as he possibly could.

Well, orders are orders. By now, he did not even attempt to ignore or refuse to abide to the whims of the Rozen.

Foolish, foolish thing to do.

Dragging his feet out of the roof of the academy, uniform and hair unkempt after a nice nap. A nuisance. Once he reached his destination, the Dormouse entered the room, plopping onto one of the couches stationed there, awaiting the rest of the other members.
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Aurelius Blanche

Louise, running off before either of them could answer her question. Of course, it seemed they were both in on a secret when Blanche glanced Cecil's way, seeming a tad startled before letting out a breathless bout of laughter.

"Idealistic, isn't she?" the male said, the previous periwinkle of his hair slowly bleeding back into pink, and he pulled the hall from his head, laying it on the table. "Of course, the idealistic ones might make the best replacements. Those 'Lillium" aren't going to stick around forever," he also commented after a moment's deliberation, nudging his shoulder against Cecil's.

It was cumbersome when Lillium members took the "do good" nature too much to heart, after all who wouldn't suspect a justice bound freshman of perhaps being a bit more involved than she let on? Chaotic Neutrals such as Blanche and Cecil (or so the pink male suspected as the two had always shared a similar nature) were better suited for running under the radar.

But that wasn't for the male to worry about and he knew it, so as he watched Louise, slipping his sunglasses to perch on the top of his head, he decided he might as well put a word in somewhere for her, if she was so inclined. The girl had an awful black and white outlook on things, but sometimes it was the misguided that often made the best task force. They would run mundane errands all day long for the sake of "justice" even in often incredibly ugly costumes.

"Cecil, would you come with me later to see 'Whitey'?" he asked absently, before stopping and adding, "If she makes it out of here, of course."

@luthor @Needle @Jadus

Location: Cafeteria ;; Mood: Amused

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