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Traditional Changing my whole art style?


Whoa what's a custom title-
So I'm a little torn lately. I haven't had a lot of inspiration lately, but I still keep wanting to draw, so I've been drawing a ton of portraits of my RP characters. I sketch it out with a 0.3 mechanical pencil, outline them with either a Copic or Prismacolor brush pen, and then I color them with my Copic markers. While I've been doing those, though, I still try and do something a little different every time - usually, I'm just practicing more expressive expressions, but lately, I've started outlining them in colored pencil.

I've seen people use colored pencils for outlines, and I absolutely adore the look of them, but I've worried that they'll ruin my markers. I tried it out of boredom, however, and I can't decide whether or not I like it ._.

So I thought I'd ask for some opinions here. Here's the sort of stuff I usually do, with the really think, black outlines:


And then here's my stuff with the colored pencil:

Aaaargh the scan did not turn out nEARLY as good on these ones ._.

Anyways, what do people think? I would really love feedback and critique! :closed eyes open smile:
Maybe try adding a background shade to the ones that you do with colored pencil? That way the characters ‘pop’ off the page. I’m probably not explaining right but go look at DrawWithJazza on YouTube at about 15:42 on for the video

He gives some great tips about outlining iseas
I think you may have to lay down the marker stuff first, so that you can draw on top of that. Your style is crisp, fluid, and full of life, though!
I think they look really good!!

Aah, thank you! :closed eyes open smile:

Maybe try adding a background shade to the ones that you do with colored pencil? That way the characters ‘pop’ off the page. I’m probably not explaining right but go look at DrawWithJazza on YouTube at about 15:42 on for the video

He gives some great tips about outlining iseas

Ooh, I've seen that! He's one of my favorite youtubers. I'm doing a lot more rough sketching now, and I'm using a lot of the stuff in that video :D

How do you get yours to come out so clean ?? 0:

Repetition and a really, really thick outline. If it bleeds outside the lines, I just cover it up XD

I think you may have to lay down the marker stuff first, so that you can draw on top of that. Your style is crisp, fluid, and full of life, though!

Thank you! :D I've thought about doing that, but I'm even more worried that the graphite will ruin my markers than the colored pencil D: But I think I might give it a shot and hope for the best, especially since I did just see someone on Youtube do it, that means it definitely can't fail XD
I don't know much about art or really anything for that matter, but I just wanted to say you're an amazing artist!

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