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Change of Mind


I wake up and the house was quite, I make my way through my room careful to not make any noise. this seemed like a good yime to see if I could make it around the house unnoticed.

I make it out to the hall and start downstairs, I was not going to run yet I just wanted to see if I could make it to the door.

I made it down the stairs and was currently picking my way through the living room to the kitchen.

I had just made it through the living room when I heard a door open upstairs. I stayed still to try to keep whoever it was from coming down. I knew it probably wouldnt work though as I realized I forgot to close my door.

I hear someone coming down and I was not sure what to do, I was in the middle of te kitchen and I would not be able to hide that I was mapping an escape. Maybe I would be lucky and they wouldnt realize what I was doing. I continued my silent walk changeing course a bit to head for the fridge.
I spin around acting like I had not known she was coming, "I woke up and didnt want to bother you so I just came downstairs." I say not sure if she would buy it.
I go the rest of the way to the fridge, getting out the milk. I grab some cereal and go over to the table.
"What would be the point of that? your faster then me so I wouldnt get far anyway." I tell her though I knew I was basically busted with the silent escape.
I start eating s Asra watched me,"you dont have to watch me so close I am not going to try something with you right here."

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