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Queen in Training
A roleplay between @Faction Before Blood and @Absinthe


Character B is a hero, the greatest warrior that ever lived, in charge of hundreds of men. But he died, not in a battle fighting for freedom, but because he'd been betrayed.

Present day: Your story is now in books, movies have been made based on his heroics. But isn't life just unfair? Lady Luck knew she cheated him. So she gives him another chance, to be saved, perhaps? Enter Character A from the modern world, who fell across an amulet. The next thing she knew, she's no longer here, but back to the past, his past. Can she save him this time?
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"Good morning!" Margaret or Maggie to her friends chirped happily at the head librarian, who is already sitting down on her desk and stamping down books. Mrs. Miller looked up and stared at her through her thick blackrimmed glasses. "Good morning, Miss Donovan. You're early today. I still don't approve of your outfit," the woman glared and went back to her work.

Maggie's eyes widened with alarm. She looked down at what she's wearing. A black pencil skirt which ended just an inch above the knee, a white button down shirt with collar. And of course, her 5 inch black pumps. She looked respectable and fashionable, in her opinion. She shrugged and went to her desk. It was just a few minutes after 7 and library opens at 8. She had lots of time before students from a university near them fill the place.

After she settled herself, she went to the History section, which she had began organizing yesterday. She took out books and arranged them according to the librray's system. When she found books with loose pages, she placed it on the side.

"Good morning! Uhm...where do you find this book?" A hesitant guy showed her a piece of paper, with the book title written on it. She showed him the correct shelf. He was soon followed by lots of other people. Their library doesn't cater only to students but to all who can avail their card. They even have an author or two.

Before she knew it, it was lunch time and she grabbed a quick lunch at a nearby cafe. The whole afternoon, she spent the time organizing. Not wanting to leave the History section for tomorrow, she went to Mrs. Miller. "Maam, I'd like to finish my work before I go home. Is it alright if I close the library?" "I like your dedication, Ms. Donovan. Of course," she handed her the keys and she called it a day.

Maggie went back to her desk where three thick books were waiting for her to fix. With glue on one hand, she started fixing the first one. Hours passed. She stretched, it was already dark outside and she was finally done with the last one.

She looked down at the opened page. "Oooh!" It was about a famous personality. In fact, she had seen last month the movie dedicated to his heroics. Her curiosity piqued, she sat down and started reading. "Tadgh Callaghan was the greatest general Ireland has ever known..."

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