Centaurus Military Academy

Name: Genesis Appleby

Gender (if any): Female

Age:Twenty-Two (18 to mid 30’s or whatever the alien equivalent of that is.)



Genesis is small [5'5] making her look about Fifteen. She has warpaint etched into her right arm [As the Cosu-Alfa are a warmongering race.]. Her hair is jet black and pointed at the bangs its also cut quite raggedly suggesting it was done hastily. she usually stays in her dorm with her sleeping apparel on although will go out with an undershirt and some jeans occasionally.

Race (can be an original but give a description):Cosu-Alfa a race revered to be almost completely human although their eyes can adjust light and zoom in giving them over 20/200000 vision.

Sexuality (optional) :Asexual

Personality: Shes serious, even more so on training.

Backstory (Ex. why they joined the military) : Genesis joined for tuition's into college came in with the idea of being basic infantry although ended with one of the most boring jobs. Engi'. Yes engineering, the guys that come in with a toolbox and fix screws that went loose.

Whose side are you on?:Centaurus

Division (Pilot, Medic, Foot soldier, Engineers, Informants, Tech specialist, ect.) :Engineer

Other:And heres a joke to put in.

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Karcen said:
Name: SAO 206462 (SAO for short)
Gender (if any): naturally no genders, accepts female

Age: claims to be 24

Appearance :

Without suit

Full body

With suit

Race : Yolari. A mysterious race of beings seemingly made out of light and energy. They were unknown of before the Krayer came. They share a similarity to the Krayer as they are an extra galactic species that have come to the milky way galaxy seemingly to stop the krayer from one day coming to them. They claim to have no home world instead they claim to have come from a strange star that they claim is what is known as an extoic star from the big bang. As expected from beings that are seemingly made of light and energy they need something to hold them together which is in this case their suits, though they can inhabit just about anything that can store or use electricity, without a working suit the Yolari will fade though Yolari claim those that fade simply return home to charge and return this has yet to be proven. Worth note is while suits are 6 feet tall without a suit a Yolari's size is controllable.

Sexuality (optional) : unknown

Personality: SAO is rather curious and very blunt she is also not very polite. All of this means she is very socially awkward, not helping this is her need to ask very personal questions without understanding that they might be hard to answer. As far as understanding jokes, she doesn't, she can't really read the mood and if she can she will blurt it out for confirmation. she like all her people is secretive about what she deems sensitive information.

Back story (Ex. why they joined the military) :
SAO's story is tied to her people's entrance to the war. To put it simply they just appeared during one battle that was going very badly for those facing the Krayer. It was when the ships were seconds from destruction that the Yolari's ships appeared in a flash of light looking like giant shaped gems they unleashed powerful energy weapons on the Krayer saving the day. However after the fight they just vanished and this trend has repeated for the past year. Until finally the Yolari's ships appeared and for once broadcast their intents instead of their usual silence. Despite the shared enemy the Yolari are hard to deal with seemingly dictating orders to the other races rather than trying to negotiate or talk. This is because they have become detached and don't exactly understand how the organics think. SO to better work together with the races of the milky way a small group has been sent to several places all over the galaxy with SAO going to Centaurus Military Academy. This means she is the only Yolari in the academy and she will be coming in late.

Whose side are you on?: Centaurus

Division: Engineer

Other:her suit has a translator as Yolari speech sounds like creepy static.

@Rosyshark ok all done
Is it bad that i read that as Yolo-Ari?
Name: Nikowa Katoro


Age: 38


Original Height was 5'3, now he is 6'1. 235 Ibs. Green/purple eyes, all eight of them, blind in one due to a tech failure.

Race: Opiliones, a race of spider beings, varying from looking like full blown spiders to spider humanoids. They are scavengers, only eating most the dead, but can survive on other meats and certain veggies and fruits. Despite being Neutral, they are on the side of good, because as some reports from other Opiliones say the taste of Krayer is the most delicious they are ever had.

Sexuality: Pomosexual

Personality: Very calm and collected. Never speaks, but when does, its in a dull voice. Gets Giddy when he makes new things and gets harsh when people try to take or critize them.

He can also be strange at times

Backstory: The Krayers attacked his home planet once, during a battle, he had stepped on a land mine, blowing up his lower half. After recovering, he create himself a new set of legs for himself. That battle was the cause of how Opiliones started to love the taste of Krayer. Due to his tech advances to his home planet is how the Colonel found him and offered him a job to teach others.

Whose side are you on?: Centaurus

Division (Pilot, Medic, Foot soldier, Engineers, Informants, Tech specialist, ect.) : Tech Specialist (Teacher)


When he first started, Both Students and teachers wondered what the mystery holes in the walls and ceilings of the school were. One unlikely student followed a trail and almost fainted at the sight of Nikowa snacking in a dark corner. He soon created a substance to run through the tips of his mechanical legs to help him climb up walls.
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*post under construction*

(Solaris Data Library, CURRENT DATE: 416 ADE, 15th Neogen Generation)

Race: Neogen

The neogen have their roots in the human species originating from Earth. They look almost identical to humans except for natural hair & eye colors that would seem strange to actual humans. Bright red, shades of green or blue, pink or purple hair colors are typical for them while black or brown hair is a rarity. Eye colors are either golden, silver, green, or violet depending on what subspecies the person is a member of.

Neogen males and females vary in size and resemble Earthborn Europeans, Asians, or North Africans. The appearance of the species is thanks to the historical and evolutional difference between Earthborn humans and the neogens. Due to heavy genetic modification a neogen has higher endurance than a human, is rarely ill from natural diseases, has about twice the lifespan of humans, a high percentage of their population has mental (psionic) powers, and depending on subspecies and ancestry may be more nimble or stronger than a human.

Neogens now have 3 subspecies, and only one of these is obviously different from humans:

Argentus - The "Silver Ones" also known as "White Elders" have their origin with the White Faction and the Silver Sword, two organizations in the past of neogens. They have human features. Except for snow white or silver hair color they look identical to usual humans and they share the traditional eye colors of the other neogen families. Argentus are extreme rare as their origin is with Project Phoenix, only three noble families are of this neogen subspecies. These are House Kitsune, the current Royal House, House Kossuth which once led the early neogen colonists but lost much of its power and wealth due to either gambling members of the family or due to charitable ones, and the last one is House Silvermane, itself a cadet branch of House Kossuth on the female line of ancestors, famous for poets and wealth from silver mines. All Argentus members are known to have powerful mental powers of two or more Psionic Schools. Argentus families have the appearance of mixed Japanese-European heritage by now, always of physical perfection, even if one of them may not be considered beautiful.

Nobilis - The "Noble Ones", also known as "Common Neogen" as most neogens are from this subspecies. They are the most varied in appearance, still looking human. A rare few look absolutely as humans with brown or black hair and typical Earth-colored eyes. On the other extreme side, members of the Nobilis may also have cat iris eyes or pointy ears due to common heritage with the Felines and the now extinct Feyborn subspecies which resembled elves. These people have better eye sight or better hearing. About 45% of nobilis people have mental powers, a rare few have skills not just in one, but in two Psionic Schools. This is most common among the members of House Mikado, a family of Japanese origin with many Argentus ancestors which often serves in diplomatic positions. Nobilis families retain most of the Egyptian, North African dark-skinned appearance, but the other origins are just as much represented in them.

Feline - The "Catfolk", playfully also known as "Furry Ones" or "Kitty Beasts" if meant as insult. The name "Furry Ones" are by now misleading, as after the Genetic Wars and the G-Nome Virus they became less and less animal-like, and most families look as humans with cat ears and cat tails. Some of them didn't even retain their tails by now. Felines are the second largest group and about 33% of the neogens are of this subspecies. Only 5% of their population developed mental powers and that is usually in children from mixed parentage where a mother or father was a Nobilis. A feline with an argentus parent is unheard of, just as one having abilities in more than one Psionic School is. More than 3 quarter of feline population has Japanese origin and this is noticeable in their appearance. Thanks to this the "catgirl fetish" never really disappeared from the neogen culture, which is often either used to their own advantage, or despised by the actual feline girls. Felines are more nimble and stronger than the average human or neogen, but somewhat smaller. The feline House Feyborn is the most obvious example for quickness and nimbleness, and as their name points out they have the strongest feyfolk heritage in their blood, from the now extinct elven subspecies.

Feyborn - Also known as "Feyfolk" is a short-lived extinct 4th neogen subspecies that resembled elves. Here only listed for accuracy reasons and because their genetic heritage is still present in the blood of the other 3 subspecies.

Racial History Archives:

SEED Ship Odysseus

In 2160 AD among the first wave of human explorers and colonists the neogen ancestors also ventured out to seek new knowledge and home among the stars. While the so-called 'SEED ships' were mainly from the seven UN permanent council members (USA, UK, Russia, France, China, India, Germany) due to the massive global famine at that time or due to lack of manpower or enough wealth only the United States, Russia, China, and India were able to man and launch a SEED ship out of their own pocket, without the cooperation with other nations.

The SEED ship that became known as Odysseus was financed and manned by the European Union, Egypt, and Japan in cooperation.

ESA (European Space Agency) and JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) were on the same level of knowledge as the US NASA & Chinese CNSA but lacked the former 2's massive state funding and popular public support despite ESA being the first to land humans on Mars and JAXA being first to build a civilian orbital space station. Thus the cooperation between ESA & JAXA focused on gaining private funding while the famine ruined the economy in Europe and Japan, and found surprising state support from the smaller nations of Hungary, Austria, Poland, Finland, and the newly rich nation of Egypt. (which wasn't in the EU but was a partner of it, and was one of the few nations that greatly profited from the rising food prices)

Both the EU and Japan were greatly interested in joining the new race for interstellar resource grab, but while the former still suffered from the lack of a strong central control in addition to the famine, Japan which lost many of its islands including Okinawa recently to China decided on a government level to focus funding of defenses, and low population meant space colonization wasn't as popular an idea as it was a century earlier.

When Odysseus got launched its crew was a mix of Japanese, Egyptian, and a mostly British/German/Hungarian crew. State funding and influential corporation licensing secured leadership spots for all the known European powers like Germany, UK, or France. JAXA partnership and strong presence of Mitsubishi, Lexus (which was once a Toyota division but bought up the mother corporation two decades earlier), and Sony ensured Kazuo Asakura, the CEO of Canon and son of JAXA Administrator the spot of Ship Captain. Despite massive funding from Egypt as a surprise to international media they didn't gain a spot in leadership, instead they had the highest number of colonists on board, while the remaining 3 free spots on the bridge were filled by Greek, Hungarian, and Polish scientists.

(Solaris Data Library Affix:

Lexus currently second largest mammoth corporation, HQ: Lexus Tower on Eden)

As with all other SEED ships, Earth lost contact with Odysseus at the time when the ship got out of range of the primitive communication systems. Unlike with the other SEED ships however, 50 years later communication didn't get reestablished with it, and just as the Chinese SEED ship Fenghuang Earth considered Odysseus also be lost probably due to a catastrophe.

Their assumption was wrong.

Odysseus changed course inside a nebula, and instead of the original course and target system the SEED ship found a hospitable planet in a far away system with a red giant star deep in the galaxy over 200 years later. This system was named after Captain Asakura, and while planet Asakura II (also known later as Asakura Prime) it was hospitable, it was barely better than a desert planet.

While during the space travel the crew was mostly in suspended animation, the ship was damaged in the journey and half the crew died as systems failed or because one or another resource was lacking. In the end the newly formed colonial council decided to focus on constructing a single city under protection of an experimental shield generator on the desert planet, only terraforming the nearby area while the engineers converted the SEED ship Odysseus into materials to be used as core for the new city of Oasis.

Already during the construction of Oasis City, the researchers began to use genetic modifications to enhance speed, strength, and endurance of colonist workers to increase survival chances on the harsh planet. These weren't too extreme however, and until the third generation of inhabitants of Asakura Prime, the colonists were obviously still human, even though some were larger and sturdier to be ideal for manual force, or more frail and nimble to be better at precision jobs like that of a surgeon. During the third generation however, among the rapidly increasing population of Oasis a new trend gained more and more ground among the people, which was about using more and more extreme genetic modifications to either get an appearance that would turn humans resemble fey creatures of western folklore, or into one of the many popular Japanese fantasy creatures. As the number of elves and catgirls increased, even the more traditional conservatives began to modify their genetic code to have unique hair or eye colors. Many people raised objections against this trend, but nothing much was done because even some popular members of the Colonial Council were supporters of this extreme 'fashion'.

(Solaris Data Library Affix:

Average catgirl popularity dropped since 402 ADE, currently ranked 5 after Mecha, Maid Café, VideoGirl Ai, and Zbox Station 7)
The Genetic Wars & Dark Era

It was during the 4th generation of colonists that a strong identity conflict formed among the population. Three factions formed on the planet that dominated Oasis City, and one more in the orbital colonies. These were the Progressive Front (going to extreme measures to modify genetics and body), the Heritage Party (opposing any kind of genetic modification that went further than a change in eye or hair color), New World Organization (supporting genetic modifications for the well-being of the colony, but opposing any unproductive or visual changes), and the faction with mostly scientist members in the orbit became known as the Science Faction (which tried to negotiate between the factions and wished to write up a constitution that would limit genetic modification and spell out the limits of these).

At one point all the negotiations broke down and the Genetic Wars began, during which much of the population died, and most of the old factions either disappeared or turned into something new. This time is also known as the 'Dark Era', the time when damage to infrastructure meant loss of some important archives, when the colonists were unable to even calculate the passing time as they did before. After 31 years of wars, the least affected faction, the White Faction (formerly the Science Faction) started 'Project Phoenix', and dropships from the remaining orbital stations fell on Asakura Prime. From these soldiers clad in silver armor stepped out and swiftly, brutally took control of the contested remains of Oasis City.

The former Progressive Front became the Blood Front, monstrous beasts and humanoids barely resembling humans ruled it under the name of various clan banners, they enslaved other colonists or turned them into genetic warmachines, the more intellectual progressives were purged years ago, either dead or in other factions by now. White Faction decided that the Blood Front can't be reasoned with, and turned them into the hated scapegoats of the war in their propaganda plans. It worked out splendidly.

The demonized Blood Front was already hated, but the propaganda of the White Faction turned fear and hatred also against the lesser modified humans like the felines or feyfolk. The orbital faction looked away as the Terran Heritage (formerly Heritage Party) massacred thousands of people because they had pointy ears or a cat tail. The Terran Heritage leadership was taken out in a suicide attack however which got blamed on the Blood Front, and the newly elected leaders declared unification with the White Faction. This was the turning point of the Genetic Wars.

A legend of immortality already surrounded the silver soldiers of the White Faction. The troops of the scientists were not just well trained, but also had superior armor and personal energy shields compared to the equipment of the other factions. After the largest faction on the planet, the Terran Heritage got assimilated into their own, two other smaller factions also declared to do the same. The remnants of the former NWO (New World Organization) which now run under the name of Blue Shield (they controlled and protected the water supplies on the planet) also began peace talks with the White Faction, but the leadership of the scientists had other plans. If their plans had worked, the sabotaged peace talks would've meant the death of all minor faction leaders and total dominance of White Faction in the Asakura System. Ironically this was not to be, due to their own silver warriors.

Unknown to most of the White Faction or any other faction, the silver armored soldiers were clones bred for war. Their 'ancestors' were people who were considered heroes of the Journey Era of the ship Odysseus. officers of the ship, engineers, scientists, and the Captain himself. Their only unique trait which aided identification was that despite all the genetic manipulations of the past generations, only these troopers had snow white hair.

While these troops weren't identical as the genetic code was mixed and modified enough to avoid that, they did during the Genetic Wars develop a code of honor of their own, and while they considered up to this point in history the White Faction the most ideal faction to win the war, the troopers considered the planned mass murder and betrayal at the last peace negotiation with the Blue Shields too horrid and unacceptable. When the order to shoot was given during the peace conference, the troops that were as guards at the conference instead rebelled and shot the White Faction representatives, and at same time the troopers at other locations (including the orbital stations) took those over.

The shocked leaders of the other factions just looked on as the bloody remains were cleaned up at the White Faction table, and one of the silver armored soldiers took off her helmet to reveal her face of mixed Japanese-European origin and beautiful white hair. She introduced herself as Kitsune Asakura and declared that she is now the representative of the new Silver Sword faction, which replaced the White Faction. The Peace Accord was signed by her, and later formalized by her commander Attila Kossuth, another man with white hair.

The Genetic Wars Peace Accord ended many things, not just the Dark Era, but also the colonial ambitions in the Asakura System. Too much of the resources were used for war efforts, pollution almost reached that of Earth, historical data was lost, and just before the end of war the scientists realized that the red giant of the system is going to go supernova in less than a hundred years.

(Solaris Data Library Affix:

Dark Era Museum opened a year ago in Neo Budapest, White Faction Dropship & GW Peace Accord also exhibited)
Silver Age

Silver Sword created the second Colonial Council, filling 15 seats with members of their own, the Blue Shield, Terran Heritage, and the newly formed New Blood faction. The factions decided who their 3 representatives were, but the New Blood was granted 5 seats, and the Silver Sword retained 4 seats for themselves.

The white haired leaders of the colony under great effort reconciled the large majority of the population no matter their faction allegiance, the strong favorism for New Blood which combined the surrendering former Blood Front members and all the other small factions like that of the felines or feyborn was also intended to balance out the actual numbers and power of the other factions who only had 3 seats, while granting the 'outcasts' a new role as negotiators and key players on the Council.

It is this time when three of the modern 5 Great Houses of the neogens was formed, when the colonists actually started to call themselves 'neogen'. The 'New Generation' of the colonists included almost no unmodified humans among their surviving ranks after the wars. Black and brown hair became extremely rare in the population, unmodified blue and black eyes were also rare compared to violet or green eyes. The originally large number of citizens of Egyptian origin became a minority as demographics changed, while the minority from Japanese origin became almost dominant, and only if you add the various European origins together were they be considered second. Thanks to the wars and the mostly isolated, protected nature of the orbital stations the majority of Europeans had a Hungarian, Polish, or German cultural heritage while that of French and Greeks almost disappeared, and the British disappeared as their own cultural group but were present in all others and the language spoken in the colonies became English as well (although it included more Hungarian and Japanese words now).

As no one knew what the date was in Old Earth AD, the Council enacted the use of a new system to count years which is used even today: "After Dark Era" which starts at the Genetic Wars Peace Accord that is thus known as '0 ADE'.

The next decades were all about rebuilding the trust among the people, and about the scientific focus on preparing the evacuation of the Asakura System. A new SEED ship was under construction, but with the new technology the colony developed since the first colonists departed Earth the ship was much higher advanced, its size was to be four times the one of Odysseus, and be ready in half the time which the old SEED ship required for construction. The fact that resource bartering replaced the monetary system helped in the effort of the construction as well.
The G-Nome Virus

In 64 ADE the ghost of the Genetic Wars returned when the last, decaying group of the Heritage Party reared its ugly head then called the True Heritage and released a virus during the 5th generation that was originally meant to be used against the Blood Front, but was later modified to target the genetic code of New Blood members, and even later also against the white haired leadership of the Silver Sword.

The virus was old, a genetic patchwork, but it did massive damage even if not exactly as True Heritage wanted. The G-Nome Virus reacted to the constant modifications in its own way and mutated, the unexpected result was that most of the True Heritage members died first from it as the virus targeted the people with the weakest genetic code which was usually that percent of the population that had the least genetic modification in the past generations. Suddenly black and brown eye colors became even rarer than before, and while genetic modified families with golden blonde hair had no problems, natural Earth-blonde color is considered to have died out in neogen genetic code at this time.

As the mutated G-Nome virus spread it became obvious that the most affected among the colonists were the snow white haired leaders of Silver Sword. 98% of them perished, Only five people who had their roots in Project Phoenix survived.

After G-Nome was defeated with an antidote finally and the survivors gained immunity to it, the 6th generation became known as the "Gnome generation", as many of the children born had dwarflike features and small height, even one of the white haired pairs had a white haired gnome as son. All these 6th Gen gnomes were born sterile, scientists declared this the result of an aftereffect of the G-Nome virus.

The total loss of lives by the G-Nome virus was 37% of the total population of the population at that time, and is considered one of the greatest horrors in neogen history, even though now we know the virus also unlocked the door for mental evolution which enabled psionic powers for future generations.
The Long Journey

TLJ as it is also known started in 74 ADE, exactly a decade after the G-Nome virus incident. Despite the loss among the 'White Elders' they remained the leaders thanks to strong New Blood support from the various remaining mutant groups and the neutrality of the Blue Shield. The Terran Heritage faction lost most of their influence since the virus as well, because the True Heritage group formed under their faction's shield and created the virus with their funds, and even as many of them didn't know of the existence of these extremists they suffered the public backslash.

The new SEED ship was named for simplicity and ancestral reverence reasons simply Odysseus II. In the end, the ship turned out to be almost 5 times as large as the first one, and despite the size and modern technologies the whole population barely fit onto it. Even the most pessimistic calculations gave Asakura System at least a decade more before it goes supernova, but as no human truly experienced the creation of one of those up close the Council just wanted to get as far away as possible from the star before it happened.

The journey was once again done with most of the people sleeping frozen for the whole duration of it with a handful of exceptions. This time the crew was better trained, prepared, and the new technologies researched and used also helped. There was not a single casualty among the sleepers.

The chosen commander who was named captain was Aoi Kossuth, she served as captain for over 80 years during TLJ actively, and after the 121 year journey when all of the people were woken up when they reached the new system the neogen would call home, Captain Kossuth's grandson, Thomas Mikado was the acting Captain, since the death of his grandmother. He also reported the end of Asakura System, as it went supernova during the journey, and as it seems began to form a black hole.
The Solaris Federation

The new system was surprisingly ideal for human settlement. It had 3 Earth-like planets and a moon among ten planets with 21 moons.

The fourth planet was the largest E-class planet with 2 moons in the system and was a bit smaller than the Saturn of the old Sol System. Only two gas giants were larger than this one, one of them having the E-class moon orbiting it. To add to the surprise, the large Earth-like planet that had oceans and vegetation also revealed an additional gift once Odysseus II orbited it, as on the other side which was until then hidden from the colonists, a continent was revealed, one that looked very similar to Europe from old Earth, although it was "upside down", in addition the smallest continent close to the south pole looked like a large Hokkaido. (While the Europe-like continent was named Paradise later, the other one simply got the name Neo Hokkaido")

The awakened council decided to start their new home on this planet, not just due to the similarities to old Earth, but also because it being the largest hospitable planet it was most likely to have the most resources among the options. This planet was named Neo Terra, while the two smaller E-class ones were named Olympus and Argent (this one later became the seat of power to the Argentus Noble Houses, which gave them their current name), the E-class forest moon was named Eden. The star system itself got the name Solaris, thus Neo Terra is also sometimes called "Solaris Prime".

While for four decades the neogens had no further exploration in the system and focused on building a civilization on Neo Terra, the next two generations which grew up in the new home realized that the species evolved and gained various mental powers which got the name 'Psionic Schools' and a power was categorized based on the type one gained. A few examples include Telepathy or Pyrokinesis.
//I think it's better to write an extra post just for the characters and leave this for race, I just barely finished species history and culture details still left. Is there an option to hide text under spoiler tags? Would make it easier to read.//
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Name: Bear Williams

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Appearance: 6'1", 176 lbs. Pale skin, blue eyes, red hair. Scar going vertically over right eye. Left arm is robotic. Tattoo of wolf head over upper right chest.

Race: Human

Home planet: Ders Alpha

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Passionate, smart and strong. Enjoys a good fight. Big sense of humour. Loyal.

Backstory: Parents named him Bear for his ability to sleep long hours as a baby, and to sleep through pretty much everything. Parents died when he was six of a robbery gone wrong. Grew up on the streets as an orphan, learning from crooks, thugs, con artists and everyone inbetween. Learned how to pick people's pockets, and how to fight. Decided to join to get out of that life and into something more "fun".

Side: Centaurs.

Division: Foot soldier, heavy weapons specialist.

Other: If someone he likes and/or respects is hurt, can fly into a fit of rage and attack those he believed responsible.
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The character is fine and pretty much accepted, but! We would very much prefer that you add a bit more before you start rping. Like maybe tell where he grew up, is Bear his actual name? (We do need a full name, so even if that is his name we need a full one preferably.) But also what planet did he grow up on? How did he become an orphan, ect. Pretty much we would just very much like for you to flesh out his story a bit more.
Rosyshark said:
The character is fine and pretty much accepted, but! We would very much prefer that you add a bit more before you start rping. Like maybe tell where he grew up, is Bear his actual name? (We do need a full name, so even if that is his name we need a full one preferably.) But also what planet did he grow up on? How did he become an orphan, ect. Pretty much we would just very much like for you to flesh out his story a bit more.
Ok I added a bit more, tell me what else it needs

Well maybe put a bit more on what his homeplanet is like. Like is it just humans, is it mixed, ect. Also you might want to put some explanations on his scar/robotic arm. Unless that's the type of thing you want to be relieved/talked about via rp in which case that's totally fine.
Rosyshark said:
Well maybe put a bit more on what his homeplanet is like. Like is it just humans, is it mixed, ect. Also you might want to put some explanations on his scar/robotic arm. Unless that's the type of thing you want to be relieved/talked about via rp in which case that's totally fine.
I'll just discuss that stuff as it comes up if that's ok?
We're actually about to have a small time skip so that can be a good time for your character to come in if you're going to need a way to work him in.
Name: Lazarus Richtofen

Gender (if any): male

Age: (18 to mid 30’s or whatever the alien equivalent of that is.) 30

Appearance (picture optional, but at least a paragraph of height, weight, ect is required even if you use a picture.) :

87cm (at.sh.) 60 kg

Race (can be an original but give a description): Half Russian, Half German

Sexuality (optional) : Eeeh, straight?

Personality: Serious, aggressive, hateful, sly, tough

Backstory (Ex. why they joined the military) : hides his backstory from everyone. Even high generals don't know it.

Whose side are you on?: None/Both - traitor

Division (Pilot, Medic, Foot soldier, Engineers, Informants, Tech specialist, ect.) : Infantry, former officer

Other: He used to be a middle ranked officer, but after suspicion of being a traitor (through all proofs mystically disappeard) he got lowered to simple soldier.

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