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Realistic or Modern Celebrity Roleplay (romantic)

A Ty

New Member
Hello! Obviously I am searching for an RP partner, and that is why I am posting here! I've been desperate to do this for a while, so I have hopes I'll find somebody here!

What I am looking for:

-Someone who is on every day and can reply multiple times a day. Obviously I understand that life gets in the way at times, but you know what I mean. This is a major thing for me, really. I want someone who is frequent, or else I just get bored. But, like I said, I know things get in the way at times, so just let me know if something comes up, and I'll do the same.

-Someone who at least knows something about whats going on in pop culture, which will probably be needed for what I want to do. So, you know... If you aren't completely ignorant to what's going on in pop culture, then you should be fine.

-Someone who likes to double. I love to double, so this is also a major point for me. I want to play both a male and female characters, because I think that always works the best.

-Someone who can reply with 2-4 paragraphs per post. Personally, my replies are usually 4-6 paragraphs. I like to do two or three paragraphs per character, unless it's unneeded.

-MxF/MxM pairing, preferably MxF.

-Someone who loves romance as much as I do, which is a shit ton. I need romance in my roleplays. I love it, I need it. My guy will go with your girl, and your girl will go with my guy.

-A long term roleplay, and partner. I don't want to just do this for a week and be done with it. I have a million ideas already for this roleplay, so it should last awhile.

-Lastly, someone who loves to plot things out. I love to do this, and already have a ton of different twists and such in mind, so be ready to plot some!

What I want to do:

Simply, I want to do a simple celebrity roleplay. I think it explains itself. I want to use real celebrities, younger ones (20-25). I already have some ideas about who we can be, but we can discuss all the finer points later. For the actual pairings, I'm thinking:

Kendall Jenner x Harry Styles/ASAP Rocky

Gigi Hadid x Zayn Malik

Taylor Swift x Harry Styles

Cara D x Harry Styles/Kendall Jenner

We can always discuss this, though

I have a million ideas about ways we can take this and things we can do, but would still love to plot some! We need to add some depth and some flair to this skeleton outline... It's a really basic idea as of right now, but we can definitely make this more sophisticated and shape into something very fun for both of us. Like I said, I want to double in this (or triple if you want to do that) and play a M and F character. I love, love, love romance and drama, so that's got to be in this as well, obviously! I have a lot of darker roleplays going on in my inbox, so I need this sort of lighter roleplay to kinda balance things out.

About me:

I'm Ashley. I live in Texas (which sucks), so my timezone is -6 GMT. I am in college, but I am in pretty easy classes, so I have a shit ton of free time right now, which is why I'm basically on all day every day. If you have any questions about myself or the RP, then comment or PM me! Really hope to hear from some of you

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