cdi's cast of elder exalts.


world class sprinkler
I recently statted up a bunch of century-old Exalts. Spending a week sick with the flu gives one all sorts of free time. I'm not so great on backstories, though. Rather than create a boatload of threads, I'll post them in this one after I put on some finishing touches and give them a good polishing up.

Sasha, Chosen of Journeys

Sasha is an independent minded Chosen of Mercury. She was born in the Wavecrest and taken to Yu-Shan before her first birthday. She grew up in Heaven, surrounded by tutors -- elder Sidereals and gods. For several years before her Exaltation, she held a minor post in the Golden Barque of Heaven. This prepared her admirably for dealing with bureaucratic infighting and factional politics while not getting sucked into the fray.

Like many of her Caste, she is more at home with the journey than the destination. Even when sitting still, she fidgets. Her fickle nature posed a connundrum for her tutors. While she displayed excellent promise in almost all areas, she rarely bothered to concentrate on any single skill long enough to master it.

After her Exaltation, Sasha was assigned a Bronze Faction Sifu. After some cajoling on Sasha's part, he agreed to teach her Celestial Monkey Style. His first two choices, Air Dragon Style and Violet Bier of Sorrows Style, were vetoed by Sasha because "neither suits my temperment". Much to her Sifu's chagrin, Sasha progressed slowly within her chosen martial art -- finally mastering it days before her 100th birthday.

While a member of the Convention on Water, her affinity to languages makes her one of the few young Sidereals capable of working anywhere in creation. Because of this, she is often slated for cross-convention assignments, much to the annoyance of her convention chair, Righteous Tsunami. She also holds a seat on the Convention on War. Behind her back, many members of the Five-Score Fellowship considered this to be Oversight's idea of a joke (she had no dots of War at the time).


Caste: Chosen of Mercury (Journeys)

Faction: Independent

Motivation: Bring distant peoples together

Concept: Heaven's diplomat

Anima Banner: A rich yellow halo

Anima Power: Lesser Sign of Mercury

Current Age: 100 yrs

Exalted At: 20 yrs

Total XP: 800


Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5

Appearance 5, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4

Perception 5, Intelligence 4, Wits 4


Journeys: Resistance 5, Ride 3, Sail 3, Survival 3, Thrown 3

Serenity: Craft (Air +1, Fire +1, Fate +2), Dodge 5, Linguistics 5, Performance 3 (Prayer +2), Socialize 3

Battles: Archery 1, Athletics 5 Melee 1, Presence 3, War 3

Secrets: Investigation 3, Larceny 3, Lore 3, Occult 3, Stealth 5

Endings: Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 3, Integrity 3, Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed +3), Medicine 3

Colleges: The Mast 3, The Messenger 3, The Captain 3, The Ship's Wheel 3, The Gull 3, The Pillar 3, The Banner 1, The Sword 1

Languages: Seatongue (native), Skytongue, Flametongue, Forest tongue, High Realm, Old Realm

Backgrounds: Acquaintences 5, Allies 2, Artifact 3 (Starmetal Dragon Tear tiara, Starmetal Hearthstone Amulet), Backing 3 (The Golden Barque of Heavens), Backing 1 (The Convention of Water), Celestial Manse 4 (Gem of Omens, Monkey Stone), Connections ((1 dot each) the Bureau of Heaven, Wavecrest, all 5 Divisions of the Bureau of Destiny), Salary 3, Savant 2, Sifu 3


2nd Excellencies - Resistance, Survival, Dodge, Linguistics, Athletics, Lore, Stealth, Awareness, Martial Arts

Resistance: The Mast (p127-p130)

5x Ox-Body Technique (-0), Water and Fire Treaty, Optimistic Security Practice, Someone Else's Destiny

Ride: The Messenger (p130-p133)

Ordained Bridle of Mercury

Sail: The Captain (p133-p136)

Serendipitous Voyage

Survival: The Ship's Wheel (p136-p138)

Sky and Rain Mantra

Dodge: The Ewer (p143-p145)

Absence, Duck Fate, Avoidance Kata

Linguistics: The Pillar (p145-p146)

Favorable Inflection Procedure, Blue Vervain Binding

Athletics: The Banner (p153-p155)

Unswerving Juggernaut Principle

Stealth: The Mask (p170-p173)

Blinding the Boar

Awareness: The Crow (p173-p175)

Prior Warning

Martial Arts: Celestial Monkey Style (SotM p85-p88)

Monkey Tail Distraction Strike, Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique, Body of War Meditation, Withering Paw Strike, Celestial Monkey Form, Walking in the Footsteps of Ten Thousand Things, Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm, Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment, Celestial Godbody Understanding


Distracting Monkey Laugh (2m+1wp)

2nd Martial Arts Excellency, 2nd Dodge Excellency, Monkey Tail Distraction Strike, Absence

Monkey Dances Blissfully (0m+1wp)

2nd Martial Arts Excellency, 2nd Dodge Excellency, Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique, Absence, Duck Fate

Monkey Takes Banana (4m+2wp)

2nd Martial Arts Excellency, 2nd Dodge Excellency, Withering Paw Strike, Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique, Absence

Monkey Punches Halo (3m+2wp)

2nd Martial Arts Excellency, 2nd Dodge Excellency, Flowing Mirror of Opposition Technique, Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm, Absence

Optimistic Paranoia (5m+1wp)

Optimistic Security Practice, 2nd Dodge Excellency, Absence


Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Primary Virtue: Conviction

Flawed Fate: Advocate, seek, or cause the greatest journeys she can conceive.

Willpower: 9

Essence: 4

Personal 17/17

Peripheral 40/43 (3m committed)

Join Battle: 7

Join Debate: 7


Clinch - spd:6 dice:13 dam:+3B def:-- rate:1

Kick - spd:5 dice:13 dam:+6B def:-2 rate:2

Punch - spd:5 dice:14 dam:+3B def:+2 rate:3

ParryDV: 8 (Unarmed)

ParryDV: 10 (Four Halo Golden Monkey Realignment)

Dodge DV: 7 (Wearing Armour)

Dodge DV: 9 (Unarmoured)

Parry MDV: 4

Dodge MDV: 8

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:4 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:4 L:6 B:8 (Optimistic Security Practice)

Health Levels: 6x(-0), 2x(-1), 2x(-2), (-4), (I), 5x(D)

Artifacts and Manses:

Starmetal Dragon Tear Tiara (artifact **, Exalted 2e, p381)

Starmetal Hearthstone Amulet (artifact *, Exalted 2e, p380)

Gem of Omens (Sidereal Manse **, Odanel's Codex p104)

Monkey Stone (Wood Manse **, Exalted 2e, p383)


Spent XP:

299 (Charms and Combos)

232 (Abilities and Specialties)

152 (Attributes and Virtues)

75 (Essence and Willpower)

42 (Backgrounds)
Shin, Earth Aspected Outcaste

Shin travels the East, ruthlessly punishing corruption and decadance. The immoral know something terrible stalks them. In the middle of the night, the worst of the Dragon-Blooded host are culled from the herd. Only morally bankrupt Dragon-Bloods earn his wrath, because "they should know better" and he never strikes without first collecting damning evidence. Evidence he tends to leave behind.

Throughout the city states of the Hundred Kingdoms, he has a formidable network of allies, spies, contacts, informants, and couriers. They keep him very well informed. He is also very careful. Few people outside his closest associates know either his appearance or the sound of his voice.

Few non-Lunars have the support of The Winding Path. Shin is one of them. His manse lies within territory protected by his Full Moon Mentor Cunning Tiger. The Lunar keeps an eye on Shin's sanctuary while Shin keeps the Lunar informed on the goings on of distant places. On a few occassions, Shin even assisted in rescuing a newly Exalted Lunar from the Wyld Hunt.

He initially earned the respect of Cunning Tiger for fearless bravery. A mentor-student relationship developed. The elder Lunar taught his Dragon-Blooded student the Tiger Style while carefully molding his development. Cunning Tiger sees his student as a successful experiment. Other Lunars are inclinded to agree.


Aspect: Earth

Motivation: Root out and ruthlessly eliminate corruption

Concept: stealthy assassin spymaster

Anima Banner: A swirl of rainbow colored pebbles

Current Age: 98 yrs

Exalted At: 18 yrs

Total XP: 800

Spent XP: 800


Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5

Appearance 4, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3

Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Air: Linguistics 2, Lore 2, Occult 2, Stealth 5 (Ambushes +2)

Earth: Awareness 5, Craft (Air) 2, Integrity 5 (vs. Lies +2), Resistance 5

Fire: Athletics 5 (Balance +2), Dodge 5 (Outnumbered +3), Presence 4, Socialize 4

Water: Buraucracy 2, Investigation 5 (Interviews +3), Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed +3)

Wood: Medicine 2, Performance 4, Survival 3


Allies 5 (Assorted), Artifact 2 (White Jade Hearthstone Bracers), Backing 2 (The Winding Path), Contacts 5, Followers 3 (associates, spies, couriers, &c), Influence 3, Manse 1, Mentor 5 (Cunning Tiger, Full Moon Lunar), Resources 3


1st Excellencies - Stealth, Awareness, Integrity, Resistance, Athletics, Dodge, Presence, Investigation, Martial Arts, Survival

2nd Excellencies - Martial Arts

3rd Excellencies - Martial Arts

Celestial Martial Arts - Enlightening (DB p193-195)

Tiger-and-Bear Awareness, Tiger-and-Bear Unity

Celestial Martial Arts - Tiger Style (SotM p107-108)

Crimson Leaping Cat Technique, Striking Fury Claws Attack, Tiger Form, Raging Tiger Pounce, Stalking Cat Movement Meditation, Celestial Tiger Hide, Spine-Shattering Bite, Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack, Angry Predator Frenzy Style

Stealth Charms (DB p136-137)

Distracting Breeze Meditation, Feeling-the-Air Technique, Soundless Action Prana, Zone of Silence Stance

Integrity Charms (DB p144-146)

Oath of the Ten-Thousand Dragons (Cunning Tiger, his Mentor)

Resistance Charms (DB p146-p148)

2x Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2)

Survival Charms (DB p182-5)

Quarry Revalation Technique


Stalking Tiger Pounce (14m+2wp (+1m/damage die))

Tiger-and-Bear Unity, Raging Tiger Pounce, Spine Shattering Bite, Leap From Cloaking Shadows Attack


Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 4

Willpower: 9

Essence: 4

Personal 13/13, Peripheral 30/34 (4m committed)

Join Battle: 8

Join Debate: 8

Attacks (Tiger Form damage after slash):

- Clinch - spd:5 dice:13 dam:+4B/9L def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:4 dice:13 dam:+7B/12L def:-2 rate:2

- Punch - spd:4 dice:14 dam:+4B/9L def:+2 rate:3

ParryDV: 8 (Unarmed)

DodgeDV: 9 (Normal)

DodgeDV: 10 (Outnumbered)

ParryMDV: 4 (Normal)

ParryMDV: 6 (Interviews)

DodgeMDV: 9 (Normal)

DodgeMDV: 10 (vs. Deception)

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:5 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:0 L:6 B:9 (Tiger Form)

Soak: A:0 L:7 B:10 (Celestial Tiger Hide)

Soak: A:0 L:11 B:14 (Form Form + Celestial Tiger Hide)

Health Levels: (-0), 4x(-1), 4x(-2), (-4), I, 5x(D)

Artifacts and Hearthstones:

White Jade Hearthstone Bracers (artifact 2)

Gem of Night Vision (Fire Manse 1) - (Odanel's Codex p91)


Spent XP:

299 Charms and Combos

224 Abilities and Specialties

145 Attributes and Virtues

72 Essence and Willpower

60 Backgrounds
Casca, the Scholarly Fox

Casca is an accomplished artificer and brilliant thinker. His capacity for leaps of logic, flashes of insight, and unorthodox solutions is well known in all five directions. For example, he mastered the Emerald Circle Sorcery Charm and Death of Obsidian Butterflies within a few weeks of his Exaltation.

Celestial Circle Sorcery will follow, once he finally gets around to it. If asked why he hasn't mastered it yet he gives a cryptic smile and replies "I have my reasons." He gives the same response when asked why his panoply consists of only a Moonsilver Reinforced Buff Jacket and a Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light.

The Realm would very much like to have a Wyld Hunt take him down. They've tried, and failed spectularly, several times already. He is also a cherished treasure of the Silver Pact, one they keep well protected.

When not in his workshop crafting artifacts, buried in a library researching something, exploring the Wyld for lost treasures and exotic components, or mentoring a young Lunar, Casca is visibly campaigning with his Solar Mate (a Dawn Caste). When "playing at war" he is, ironically, the least exposed to danger. He competently commands her artillery and engineers.

He usually dresses is the traditional flowing robes of a High First Age scholar, even when campaigning with his mate or exploring the wilderness and wyld. Regardless of where he is or what he's doing, Casca maintains the dignified and detached air of a professor calmly studying some interesting problem. On the battlefield his ability to, even when wearing his war form during a fight, look like someone about to spout off on arcane theory tends to annoy and irritate his enemies.


Caste: No Moon

Motivation: Take Creation and make it absolutely fabulous

Concept: Philosopher-Engineer

Spirit Shape: Artic Fox

Lunar Tell: Bushy white hair and a fox's fangs.

Anima Baner: Dreamlike veil of dark blue light

Anima Totem: A stylized artic fox wearing glasses and reading a tome

Current Age: 103

Exalted At: 18

Total XP: 835 XP


Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4

Appearance 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4

Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5


Archery 2, Martial Arts 2, Melee 5, Thrown 2, War 2

Integrity 4, Performance 2, Presence 2, Resistance 2, Survival 5

Craft (Air 5, Fire 5, Earth 5, Water 5, Wood 5), Investigation 2, Lore 5, Medicine 2, Occult 5

Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Dodge 5, Stealth 2

Linguistics 3, Ride 1, Sail 1, Socialize 2


Skytongue (Native), Old Realm, Forest Tongue, Claw Speak


Allies 3, Artifact 3 (Reinforced Buff Jacket, Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light), Backing 4 (The Crossroads Society), Followers 2 (Artisans), Heart's Blood 3, Influence 1, Mentor 1, Reputation 3 (Knowledgable Savant), Resources 4, Solar Bond 5


Changing Plumage Mastery, Internal Form Mastery, Subtle Silver Declaration, Deadly Beastman Transformation, Quicksilver Second Face, Lightning Change Style, Constant Quicksilver Rearrangement


1st Excellencies - Dexterity, Appearance, Charisma, Manipulation, Perception, Intelligence, Wits

Instinctive (Attribute) Unity - Dexterity, Intelligence

Dexterity Charms (LU p149-155)

Crafting: Clay-Wetting Practice, Weapon-Shaping Method

Defensive: Golden Tiger Stance, Wary Swallow Method, Wind Dancing Method

Stamina Charms (LU p155-163)

Endurance: Ox-Body Technique (4x -2, 2x D)

Appearance Charms (LU p176-177)

Interaction: Observed Predator Instinct

Perception Charms (LU p178-186)

Essence Charms: Eye of the Cat, Instinctive Essence Prediction

Intelligence Charms (LU p186-190)

Crafting: Form Fixing Method

Insight: Counting the Elephant's Wrinkles, Inevitable Genious Insight

Sorcery: Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Wits Charms (LU p190-194)

Reaction Charms: Meerkat Alertness Practice


Terrestrial Circle: Death of Obsidian Butterflies, Emerald Countermagic, Demon of the First Circle, Stormwind Rider, Infallible Messenger, Corrupted Words, Emerald Circle Banishment, Incantation of Effective Restoration, Raising the Earth's Bones


Fox Fights Hounds (0m+1wp)

1st Dexterity Excellency, 1st Perception Excellency, Golden Tiger Stance, Wary Swallow Method

Watching the Watcher (4m+1wp)

1st Appearance Excellency, Observed Predator Instinct


Compassion 5, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Limit Break: The Curse of the Whipped Dog (Compassion)

Willpower: 8

Essence: 5

Personal 21/21, Peripheral 52/56 (4m committed)

Join Battle: 7

Join Debate: 7


Clinch - spd:6 dice:7 dam:+3B def:-- rate:1

Kick - spd:5 dice:7 dam:+6B def:-2 rate:2

Punch - spd:5 dice:8 dam:+3B def:+2 rate:3

Quarterstaff - spd:6 dice:13 dam:+11B def:+4 rate:2

ParryDV: 5 (Unarmed)

ParryDV: 7 (Quarterstaff)

DodgeDV: 8

ParryMDV: 3

DodgeMDV: 8

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:4 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:7 L:9 B:14 (Moonsilver Reinforced Buff Jacket)

Health Levels: (-0), 2x(-1), 6x(-2), (-4), (I), 6x(D)


Moonsilver Reinforced Buff Jacket (artifact 2)

Moonsilver Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (artifact 1)


Perfect Quarterstaff (resources 2) - spd:6 acc:+3 dam:+8B def:+4 rate:2 mins: st:1 tags:2,r

Deadly Beastman Transformation War Form

Casca appears to be a 9' tall very menacing Artic Fox and Human Hybrid as his war form. This form benefits from Fangs, Claws, Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Sight, and Smell), Thick Fur, and a Tail


Spent XP

315 Charms and Combos

236 Abilities and Specialties

141 Attributes and Virtues

89 Essence and Willpower

54 Backgrounds
Kazei Yushoto Kaji, Fire Aspected Lookshy Officer

This skilled tactician defeats his opponents through the application of feints, misdirection, and surprise. He thrives on being unpredictable. Unorthodox tactics, often invented seemingly at random, are his mainstay. His mercutial nature carries over to his personal life and few can say with any certainty what he will do next. He does lack tact, which irritates his peers.

He commands a highly decorated Dragon in the 4th Field Force. Since assuming command of this unit over 40 years ago, he has never failed to complete an assignment. Despite his successes, he has been passed over for promotion several times, much to his annoyance, mostly because the General Staff finds him too unpredictable. On such occassions his direct superior, Taimyo-yin Teresu Zen Wu, convinces him not to retire out of spite or a bruised ego.

Despite being passed over for promotion many times, Kazei Yushoto Kaji's loyalty to the 7th Legion and love of Lookshy is absolute. He will not betray Lookshy. If Yushoto Kaji were to ever discover the truth behind the Usurpation (Sidereal manipulation) or the Creation Ruling Mandate (it belongs to the Solars) his desire to serve would be permanantly damaged, however.


Aspect: Fire

Motivation: Protect Lookshy

Concept: Unpredictable Tactical Genius

Anima: A swirl of dancing sparks

Current Age: 113 yrs

Exalted At: 19 yrs

Total XP: 875 XP


Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5

Appearance 4, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2

Perception 4, Intelligence 5, Wits 5


Air: Linguistics 5, Lore 3, Occult 3, Stealth 5

Earth: Awareness 5, Craft (Earth 2, Wood 1), Integrity 5 (vs. DB Charms +3), Resistance 5, War 5 (Tactics +3)

Fire: Athletics 5, Dodge 5 (Unstable Terrain +3), Melee (Daiklaves +3), Presence 3, Socialize 3

Water: Bureaucracy 4, Investigation 3, Larceny 1, Martial Arts 4, Sail 1

Wood: Archery 5 (Powerbows +3), Medicine 1, Performance 3, Ride 1, Survival 5


Forest Tongue (native), Riverspeak, Skytongue, Flametongue, High Realm, Old Realm


Allies 5 (Junior Officers), Arsenel 4, Artifact 3, Backing 5 (The 7th Legion), Command 4 (1,000 troops), Connections 3 (Spies), Family 2 (Gens Yushoto), Reputation 5 (Unorthodox Tactician), Resources 3, Retainer 1 (Private Secretary)


1st Excellencies - Stealth, Integrity, War, Athletics, Dodge, Melee, Archery, Survival

Terrestrial (Ability) Reinforcement - War, Melee, Archery

Linguistics Charms (DB p129-p132)

Wind-Carried Words Technique

Lore Charms (DB p132-p134)

Elemental Bolt Attack

Stealth Charms (DB p136-p137)

Distracting Breeze Meditation

Integrity Charms (DB p144-p146)

Oath of the Ten-Thousand Dragons (Lookshy)

Resistance Charms (DB p146-p148)

4x Dragon Blooded Ox-Body Technique (-1,-2)

War Charms (DB p148-p151)

Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings, Phantom-Warrior Horde, Blazing Courageous Swordsman Inspiration, Ramparts of Obedient Earth, Dragon-Seared Battlefield, Dragon Vortex Attack

Dodge Charms (DB p152-p155)

Safety Among Enemies, Elemental Defense Technique (Fire)

Melee Charms (DB p155-p156)

Dragon-Graced Weapon, Blinding Spark Distraction, Threshing Floor Technique, Ringing Anvil Onslaught, Portentious Comet Deflecting Mode

Archery Charms (DB p172-p174)

Dragon-Graced Arrow, Swallows Defend the Nest, Harvest of the Hunter, Unobstructed Hunter's Aim, Life-Swelling Sap Strike, Ravenous Thorn Technique

Survival Charms (DB p182-p185)

Quarry Revalation Technique


Compassion 2, Conviction 5, Temperance 2, Valor 5

Main Virtue: Valor

Willpower: 8

Essence: 5

Personal 13/13, Peripheral 26/38 (12m committed)

Join Battle: 10

Join Debate: 10


Clinch - spd:6 dice:9 dam:+4B def:-- rate:1

Kick - spd:5 dice:9 dam:+7B def:-2 rate:2

Punch - spd:5 dice:10 dam:+4B def:+2 rate:3

Snickersnee - spd:3 dice:17 dam:+9L def:+1 rate:3

Short Powerbow - spd:5 dice:15 dam:+5L def:-- rate:2 range:300 (not including ammunition bonus)

ParryDV: 6 (Unarmed)

ParryDV: 7 (Snickersnee)

DodgeDV: 8/7 (Normal)

DodgeDV: 9/8 (Unstable Terrain)

ParryMDV: 3

DodgeMDV: 9

DodgeMDV: 10 (vs. Dragon-Blooded Charms)

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:5 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:8 L:10 B:14 (Lamellar)

Health Levels: (-0), 6x(-1), 6x(-2), (-4), (I), 5x(D)


Red Jade Reaper Daiklave "Snickersnee" (artifact 2)

Red Jade Short Powerbow (artifact 2)

Red Jade Lamellar (artifact 2)


Spent XP

234 Charms

235 Abilities and Specialties

160 Attributes and Virtues

90 Essence

66 Backgrounds
Finally, a Solar! Hurray! :)

Celesia, the Promised Tomorrow

There once was a Dreamwalking Maiden ...

... who was the spy, the assassin, the bait, the hunter, and the harbinger.

... who was the thing which stalked the fitful slumber of your nightmares.

... who was the constant reminder that - Even in the darkest shadows of the Night - Divine Light still shone.

... who was righteous anger - given both form and mandate.

... who was terrible, tireless, inevitable, and indefatigable.

This Maiden promised many things ...

... Horrors one dared not face.

... Sutras one dared not learn.

... and a Single Solemn Oath - "Tomorrow will be better than Yesterday."


Caste: Night

Motivation: Bring light to all the dark places where evil hides.

Concept: Invincible Bow Bunny

Anima Power: Muted anima and suppression of essence displays

Anima Banner: An orbiting ring of 25 golden prayer strips, one for each astrological constellation. Each has the scripture associated with a different constellation written on it in Old Realm.

Current Age: 101yrs

Exalted At: 19yrs

Total XP: 830 XP

Spent XP: 829 XP


Strength 2, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5

Appearance 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4

Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5


Dawn: Archery 5 (Longbows/Long Powerbows +3), Martial Arts 3, Melee 4, Thrown 2, War 3

Zenith: Integrity 4, Performance 1, Presence 2, Resistance 4, Survival 5

Twilight: Craft (Wood +2), Investigation 5 (Traps +1), Lore 1, Medicine 2, Occult 5

Night: Athletics 5, Awareness 5, Dodge 5 (Multiple Opponents +3), Larceny 5, Stealth 5

Eclipse: Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 5, Ride 5 Sail, Socialize


Forest Tongue (native), Old Realm, High Realm, Skytongue, Flametongue, Seatongue


Artifact 7 (Orichalcum Long Powerbow, Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers, Silken Armour), Contacts 4, Followers 3 (Manse Staff), Influence 3, Manse 5 (The Palace of Mist-Over-Ice (3), The Palace of Son-Goku (2)), Resources 4


1st Excellencies - Archery, Melee, Survival, Investigation, Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Linguistics, Ride

Infinite (Ability) Mastery - Archery

Archery: (p187-p190)

Essence Arrow Attack, Phantom Arrow Technique, There Is No Wind, Rain of Feathered Death, Accuracy Without Distance, Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire

Integrity (p199-p202)

Integrity-Protecting Prana

Resistance (p205-p208)

Body-Mending Meditation, Durability of Oak Meditation, Iron Skin Concentration

Survival (p209-p211)

Hardship Surviving Mendicant Spirit, Element-Resisting Prana

Occult (p220-p222)

Spirit-Detecting Glance, Spirit-Cutting Attack, Ghost-Eating Technique, All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight

Athletics (p222-225)

Graceful Crane Stance

Awareness (p225-226)

Keen Sight Technique

Dodge (p227)

Shadow Over Water, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Leaping Dodge Method, Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction)

Stealth (p230)

Easily Overlooked Presence Method

Linguistics (p232-p234)

Sagacious Reading of Intent, Twisted Words Technique

Ride (p234-p236)

Worthy Mount Technique



Dreaming Of Steel And Feathers (0m+1wp) - reflexive (20 XP)

1st Excellencies - Archery, Melee, Dodge, Ride

Shadow Over Water, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Leaping Dodge Method, Seven Shadow Evasion, Graceful Crane Stance

Dreams Become Nightmares (var/attk + 1wp) - supplemental (41 XP)

1st Excellencies - Archery, Dodge

Essence Arrow Attack, There Is No Wind, Rain of Feathered Death, Accuracy Without Distance, Durability of Oak Meditation, Iron Skin Concentration, Spirit-Cutting Attack, Ghost-Eating Technique, Shadow Over Water, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Leaping Dodge Method, Seven Shadow Evasion

Dreamwoven Quiver of Fire and Light (8m+2wp) - simple (22 XP)

Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire, Integrity-Protecting Prana, Graceful Crane Stance, Keen Sight Technique, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Leaping Dodge Method, Seven Shadow Evasion


Compassion: 2, Conviction: 5, Temperance: 2, Valor: 3

Virtue Flaw: Conviction

Limit Break: Heart of Flint

Will, Health, And Essence:

Willpower: 8

Essence: 5

Personal 23/23, Peripheral 42/55 (13m committed)

Join Battle: 10

Join Debate: 10


- Clinch - spd:6 dice:8 dam:+4B def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:5 dice:8 dam:+7B def:-2 rate:2

- Punch - spd:5 dice:9 dam:+4B def:+2 rate:3

- Short Sword - spd:4 dice:11 dam:+7L def:+1 rate:2

- Long Powerbow - spd:6 dice:15 dam:+8L def:-- rate:3 range:400 (not including ammunition bonus)

ParryDV: 5 (Unarmed or Short Sword)

DodgeDV: 8 (Normal)

DodgeDV: 10 (Multiple Opponents)

ParryMDV: 5

DodgeMDV: 8

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:5 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:5 L:7 B:8 (Silken Armour)

Health Levels: (-0), 2x(-1), 2x(-2), (-4), (I), 5x(D)


Silken Armour (artifact 2, Odanel's Codex p159)

Orichalcum Long Powerbow (artifact 3)

Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers (artifact 2)


Spent XP

305 Charms and Combos

229 Abilities and Specialties

146 Attributes and Virtues

86 Essence and Willpower

63 Backgrounds
I wanted to create someone silly, and the last one gave me an idea. So, Enjoy!

Lumina, The Speed of Light

Among the Five-Score Fellowship, the bureaucratic cock-up leading to Lumina's Exaltation as a Chosen of Endings is an embarrassing open secret. Fate had earmarked Lumina for selection as a Night Caste Solar. Her sister, Celesia, was destined for Exaltation by The Maiden of Endings. Somewhere along the line, their forms, files, and destinies got all mixed up after an incompetent divine clerk dropped them. That clerk no longer works for the Most Excellent Designers of Destiny and Sidereal Conjunctions.

By the time the Pattern Spiders had everything sorted out it was too late. Lumina was listening to the Unconquered Sun's message mistakenly attached to the properly stamped, signed, and authorized Form 573: Authorization for Sidereal Exaltation. His signature on her Form 574: Authorization for Sidereal Employment, while highly irregular, was still technically valid - he is the CEO of YuShanCorp, after all.

Lumina is a member of the Gold Faction practically by default. The Bronze Faction wants absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with her. She acts too much like an Bureaucratic Princess for their tastes (doh!) and has a troubling tendancy, when on a field assignment, to blow her cover in a fantastic display of essence fueled archery. Regardless of faction, most Sidereals find her disturbingly regal, imperious, and direct.

Note: The longest lasting consequence of this screw up regards a certain Sidereal Martial Art that now will never exist. Humour being a fickle thing, the final Charm let one spend several actions Stepping Outside Time.


Caste: Chosen of Endings

Faction: Gold

Motivation: Oversee the Turning of the Age

Concept: Bastard Bureaucrat from Hell, Invincible Bow Bunny

Anima Totem: A Rich Dark Violet

Anima Power: The Lesser Sign of Saturn

Current Age: 100 yrs

Exalted At: 18 yrs

Total XP: 820 XP

Spent XP: 820 XP


Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4

Appearance 5, Charisma 5, Manipulation 5

Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4


Journeys: Resistance 5, Ride 2, Sail 2, Survival 4, Thrown 1

Serenity: Craft (Air 2, Wood 1, Fate 2), Dodge 4, Linguistics 4, Performance 5, Socialize 2

Battles: Archery 5, Athletics 2, Melee 5, Presence 5, War 2

Secrets: Investigation 2, Larceny 2, Lore 4, Occult 5, Stealth 4

Endings: Awareness 5, Bureaucracy 5, Integrity 5, Martial Arts 3, Medicine 3


Forest-Tongue (native), Old Realm, Skytongue, Flametongue, Seatongue


Journeys: The Mast 2

Serenity: The Musicial 2

Battles: The Quiver 2, The Spear 1

Secrets: The Sorcerer 2

Endings: The Crow 2, The Haywain 4, The Rising Smoke 2, The Sword 3, The Corpse 2


Acquaintances 4, Allies 3 (Seira, The Radiant Princess), Allies 3 (Divine Bureaucrats), Artifact 7 (Starmetal Long Powerbow, Starmetal Lamellar, Starmetal Hearthstone Bracers), Backing 3 (The Violet Bier of Sorrows), Celestial Manse 2 (The Sentinel's Stone, OC p95), Connections 4, Salary 2, Savant 5, Sifu 2


2nd Excellencies - Survival, Craft, Dodge, Performance, Archery, Melee, Occult, Bureaucracy, Integrity

Propitious (Ability) Alignment - Archery

Resistance: The Mast (p127-p130) - 2x Ox-Body Technique (-0)

Dodge: The Ewer (p143-p145) - Absence

Performance: The Musician (p146-p149) - Perfection in Life, Defense of Shining Joy

Archery: The Quiver (p151-p153) - Any Direction Arrow, Generalized Ammunition Technique, Opportune Shot, Every Direction Arrow, Five Seasons Response, Many Missiles Bow Technique (Prayer Strip, all 7 ammunition types)

Melee: The Spear (p155-p156) - Impeding the Flow, Harmony of Blows, Serenity in Blood (Temperance)

Occult: The Sorcerer (p169-p170) - Mark of Exaltation

Awareness: The Crow (p173-p175) - Prior Warning, Expected Pain

Bureaucracy: The Haywain (p176-p178) - Icy Hand, Underling Invisibility Practice, Paralyzed Mandarin Infliction, Terminal Sanction, End Debate (Prayer Strip)



Protection of Sidereal Bliss (0m+1wp) reflexive - (15XP)

2nd Excellencies - Dodge, Performance, Archery, Melee

Expected Pain, Absence, Impeeding the Flow, Serenity in Blood

Rain of Feathered Death (32m+, 1wp) extra-action/simple (spd 3, DV:-2) - (28XP)

2nd Excellencies - Dodge, Performance, Archery

Harmony of Blows, Every Direction Arrow, Any Direction Arrow, Opportune Shot, Five Seasons Response, Expected Pain, Absence, Impeding The Flow, Serenity in Blood

Lumina draws, nocks, and looses an impressive number of arrows in quick succession in this magical flurry. She makes three seperate attacks, with each containing up to (essence) arrows. Each attack contains at least two arrows and costs a minimum of (8m/attack). Additional duplicate arrows may be fired for 3m each, and no attack may have more than (essence) arrows. Attack successes may also be purchased with the 2nd Excellency. If Lumina needs to conserve essence, she may raise the speed of this combo to 4 ticks. This reduces the total cost of the combo by (6m). If Lumina has Many Missiles Bow Technique active, she may transform any arrow in flight for (1m/arrow). The maximum cost of this combo is (59m+1wp) before arrow transformation and Excellency successes. That gives 15 arrows with three separate attack rolls.
Many Missiles Meditation (10m+2wp+1lhl) simple (spd 5, DV:-1) - (16XP)

Many Missiles Bow Technique (Prayer Strip), Absence, Expected Pain, Impeding the Flow, Serenity in Blood


Compassion 3, Conviction 3, Temperance 5, Valor 3

Primary Virtue: Temperance

Flawed Fate: Advocate, seek, or cause the greatest endings with the most meaningful changes.

Willpower, Health, And Essence:

Willpower: 10

Essence: 5

Personal 20/20, Peripheral 41/55 (14m committed)

Join Battle: 9

Join Debate: 9


- Clinch - spd:6 dice:9 dam:+3B def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:5 dice:9 dam:+5B def:-1 rate:2

- Punch - spd:5 dice:10 dam:+3B def:+3 rate:3

- Short Sword - spd:4 dice:14 dam:+6L def:+4 rate:3

- Long Powerbow - spd:6 dice:13 dam:+8L def:-- rate:3 range:350 (not including ammunition bonus)

ParryDV: 6 (Unarmed)

ParryDV: 7 (Short Sword)

DodgeDV: 9/8 (Normal)

DodgeDV: 11/10 (Defense of Shining Joy (5m+1wp))

ParryMDV: 5

DodgeMDV: 10

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:4 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:8 L:10 B:13 (Lamellar)

Health Levels: 3x(-0), 2x(-1), 2x(-2), (-4), (I), 4x(D)


Starmetal Long Powerbow (artifact 3)

Starmetal Lamellar (artifact 2)

Starmetal Hearthstone Bracers (artifact 2)

Other Weapons:

Perfect Short Sword (resources 3)

Celestial Manses:

The Marble Watchtower (Earth Manse 2, The Sentinal's Stone (OC p95))


Spent XP

277 Charms and Combos

206 Abilities and Specialties

133 Attributes and Virtues

81 Essence and Willpower

63 Colleges

60 Backgrounds
This one is loosely based on a character I actually got to play. Same great taste, fewer embarrassing mechanics cock-ups.

Dawn's Cleansing Light (as shown here) is much slimmed down from what my PC actually had. No unnecessary defensive stuff the PC never used (like dodge and soak charms). And Yes, I did unleash it at the 54m+10wp level a few times - that is HIDEOUS in actual play.

Cherry Blossoms Blooming is a modified "Yoink!" from the Keychain of Creation. Jukashi, awesome combo there!

Seira, The Radiant Princess

Within her Circle she is the voice of reason and the calming influence. Her

calling is the sword, but her passions are calligraphy and knowledge. Her

preferred weapons are words, letters, and the trappings of scholarship.

Seira is a master swordswoman, and has been since before her Exaltation. Her

approach to fencing treats it as a dance and an artform. It is a physical and

philosophical expression of self. It is the principle of motion and the

blossoming of a perfect flower. It is a sanctified and solemn prayer to the

Unconquered Sun.

Many champions cloak themselves in necessity or drown themselves in the rush

of battle. Not Seira. She cares little for conquering kingdoms or fighting

meaningless wars, for there is no blissful joy or transcendent understanding

in either. Rarely will she draw a blade in anger. When she does, however,

she is a most terrible whirlwind of destruction. One few survive to face a

second time.

Seira's reputation for lethal skill is such that only a handful of beings in

Creation or Yu-Shan would consider dueling her in hand-to-hand armed combat.


Caste: Dawn

Motivation: Perfect the Art of Swordsmanship

Anima Totem: Cloudy floes and whispy ribbons of plasma surrounded by crackling and roiling shards of light.

Anima Power: Appear awesome and terrifying for a scene.

Current Age: 107 yrs

Exalted At: 16 yrs

Total XP: 868 XP


Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4

Appearance 4, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3

Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4


Dawn: Archery 4, Martial 4, Melee 5 (Swords +3), Thrown 3, War 5

Zenith: Integrity 4, Performance 5, Presence 5, Resistance 3, Survival 1

Twilight: Craft (Air 5 (Calligraphy +2)), Investigation 1, Lore 5, Medicine 1, Occult 1

Night: Athletics 4, Awareness 5, Dodge 5, Larceny 1, Stealth 1

Eclipse: Bureaucracy 3, Linguistics 5, Ride 3, Sail 3, Socialize 3

Languages: Old Realm, High Realm, Forest-Tongue (native), Skytongue, Flametongue, Seatongue


Allies 3 (Essence 5 No-Moon Lunar), Allies 3 (Essence 5 Sidereal of Saturn), Artifact 6 (Orichalcum Daiklave "The Perfected Golden Lotus", Orichalcum Lamellar, Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers), Contacts 3, Followers 4 (1,000 Troops), Influence 3, Resources 5


1st Excellencies - Melee, War, Integrity, Performance, Presence, Athletics, Awareness, Linguistics

2nd Excellencies - Melee

Infinite (Ability) Mastery - Melee, Linguistics

(Ability) Essence Flow - Melee, Linguistics

Melee Charms (p190-p194) - Hungry Tiger Technique, One Weapon Two Blows,

Peony Blossom Attack, Iron Whirlwind Attack, Invincible Fury of the Dawn, Dipping Swallow Defense, Bulwark Stance, Fivefold Bulwark Stance, Heavenly Guardian Defense (Temperance), Protection of Celestial Bliss, Solar Counterattack, Ready in Eight Directions Stance, Call The Blade, Iron Raptor Technique, Blazing Solar Bolt

Resistance (p205-p208) - 1x Ox-Body Technique (-1,-2,-2), Body-Mending Meditation

Awareness (p225-p226) - Surprise Anticipation Method

Athletics (p222-225) - Graceful Crane Stance, Thunderbolt Attack Prana

Linguistics (p232-p234) - Sagacious Reading of Intent, Letter-Within-a-Letter Technique, Discerning Savant's Eye, Flawless Brush Discipline


Transcendent Wall of Blades (0m+1wp) reflexive (20 XP)

Excellencies - 1st Melee

One Weapon Two Blows, Bulwark Stance, Ready in Eight Directions Stance, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Surprise Anticipation Method

Cherry Blossoms Blooming (29m+2wp or 45m+2wp) simple/extra-action (27 XP)

- "Standard Iron Raptor" - 29m+2wp (8 attacks)

- "Sandstorm Wind Attk." - 45m+2wp (8 attacks, unblockable)

Excellencies - 1st Melee, 2nd Melee

Hungry Tiger Technique, Iron Whirlwind Attack, Iron Raptor Technique, Dipping Swallow Defense, Solar Counterattack, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Surprise Anticipation Method

Dawn's Cleansing Light (12m+3wp to 54m+10wp) simple/extra-action (27XP)

- each attack costs (6m+1wp) and is undodgeable, unblockable, and holy

- minimum (2) attacks, maximum (9) attacks

Excellencies - 1st Melee, 2nd Melee

Hungry Tiger Technique, Peony Blossom Attack, Blazing Solar Bolt, Dipping Swallow Defense, Solar Counterattack, Heavenly Guardian Defense, Surprise Anticipation Method

Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 5, Temperance 5, Valor 5

Virtue Flaw: Temperance

Limit Break: Ascetic Drive

Will, Health, And Essence:

Willpower: 10

Essence: 6

Personal 25/25, Peripheral 48/75

Committed: 27m (12m to artifacts, 15m to Heavenly Guardian Defense)

Join Battle: 9 dice

Join Debate: 9 dice


- Clinch - spd:6 dice:9 dam:+3B def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:5 dice:9 dam:+6B def:-2 rate:2

- Punch - spd:5 dice:10 dam:+3B def:+2 rate:3

- Daiklave - spd:5 dice:17 dam:+9L def:+3 rate:2

ParryDV: 6 (Unarmed)

ParryDV: 8 (Daiklave)

Dodge DV: 10/9

ParryMDV: 5

DodgeMDV: 10

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:4 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:10 L:12 B15 (Lamellar)

Health Levels: 1x(-0), 3x(-1), 4x(-2), (I), 4x(D)


Orichalcum Daiklave "The Perfected Golden Lotus" (artifact 2)

Orichalcum Lamellar (artifact 2)

Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers (artifact 2)


Spent XP:

304 Charms and Combos

231 Abilities and Specialties

158 Attributes and Virtues

112 Essence and Willpower

63 Backgrounds


08.28.2008 - Cleaned up combos.
And I thought I'd try my hand at a social Dynast next.

Nellens Tai Lei, Wood Aspected Dynast

Tai Lei is the de-facto face of House Nellens in their dealings with other Dynasts. He has managed to cultivate ties with every Great House, including House Iselsi, and most major institutions in the Realm over the course of several decades. An accomplished flautist and socialite, and Tai Lei has a reputation for hosting splendid parties. This reputation partially offsets the stigma associated with attending a House Nellens hosted soiree. He is one of the most connected Dynasts in the Realm, a fact which pleases him greatly.

He also serves his house by acting as a trade envoy and goodwill ambassador between House Nellens and the handful of satrapies controlled by the house. He spends a great deal of effort trying to keep the satrapies content, because a content satrapy is less likely to withold tribute.

The Nellens penchant for complex multi-party deals instead of direct tribue suits him just fine. When arranging such deals, Tai Lei has a habit of slightly reducing the amount of tribute extracted from the satrapies without cutting into what the House expects to receive from the deal. This has made him many friends within the Threshold.

Indeed, he is willing to aid the House's satraps and allies in negotiating such deals for themselves ... in return for a small favor. His aid is almost always welcome, since he never asks for anything odious in return.

Nellens Tai Lei is a selfless idealist who devotes most of his time and energy to improving the political and economic fortunes of House Nellons. Helping the allies and tributaries of the House is beneficial to House Nellons, even if the benefits are only intangible.

Nellens Tai Lei mainly relies on performance charms and presence charms to protect himself from harm. He is also a not a member of the non-existant White Veil Society, and has not learned the White Veil martial arts style up to the Form Charm. He finds the use of force to settle disagreements to be terribly gauche.

Were it not for a number of glaring disqualifications, Nellens Tai Lei might make a viable candidate for the Throne. The most glaring of them is his marriage to a mere Patrician. His acknowledged distaste for the Military and poor breeding don't help his case either.

Note: As a member of House Nellens, Tai Lei suffers a +1 external penalty to social interactions with Dynasts of other houses.


Aspect: Wood

Motivation: Improve the fortunes of House Nellens

Concept: High Society Goodwill Ambassador

Anima Totem: A swirling cloud of lilies

Current Age: 134 yrs

Exalted At: 20 yrs

Total XP: 970 XP


Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2

Appearance 5, Charisma 5, Manipulation 5

Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5


Air: Linguistics 5, Lore 5 (Realm History +3), Occult 3, Stealth 2

Earth: Awareness 5, Craft (Air 5, Water 2), Integrity 5 (vs. Dynasts +3), Resistance 3, War 1

Fire: Athletics 2, Dodge 2, Melee 1, Presence 5 (Persuasion +3), Socialize 5 (Parties +3)

Water: Bureaucracy 5 (Trade Deals +3), Investigation 5 (Realm Secrets +3), Larceny 4, Martial Arts 4

Wood: Archery 1, Medicine 5, Performance 5 (Flute +3), Ride 1

Languages: High Realm, Old Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Forest Tongue, Skytongue


Allies 3, Artifact 2 (Unsurpassed Flute, Green Jade Collar of Cleansing Light, Green Jade Hearthstone Amulet), Backing 5 (House Nellens), Backing 2 (The White Veil Society), Connections 10+ (you name it, he's got it), Family 1 (House Nellens), Henchmen 1 (Personal Assistant), Manse 1 (Gem of Surface Thoughts), Reputation 5 (Known for hosting splendid parties), Resources 5, Retainer 5 (Steward, Secretary, Bodyguards, Servants)

Connections: (1 dot in each)

The Thousand Scales, The Deliberative, The Immaculate Order, The Heptagram, Realm High Society, House Cynis, House Iselsi, House Tepet, House Ragara, House Cathak, House V'neef, House Mnemon, House Leedal, House Sesus, House Peleps


1st Excellencies - Linguistics, Lore, Awareness, Integrity, Presence, Socialize, Bureaucracy, Investigation, Larceny, Medicine, Performance

Linguistics Charms (DB p129-p132) - Language-Learning Ritual, Cipher Missive

Integrity Charms (DB p144-p146) - Oath of the Ten-Thousand Dragons (House Nellons)

Presence (DB p156-p159) - Auspicious First Meeting Attitude, Glowing Coal Radiance, Aura of Invulnerability, Terrifying (Wood) Dragon Roar

Socialize (DB p159-p161) - Sweeten-the-Tap Method, Warm-Faced Seduction Style, Friend-to-All-Nations Attitude, Jade Defense, Wary Yellow Dog Attitude

Bureaucracy Charms (DB p161-p164) - Confluence of Savant Thought, Finding the Water's Depths, Thoughtful Gift Technique, Distraction of the Babbling Brook, Drowing in Negotiation Style

Performance Charms (DB p176-p180) - Talented Improvization, Hidden Petal Aria Method, Invisible Street Performer Technique, Soul-Stirring Perforamnce Method, Vibrating Strings Defense, Tireless String-Plucking Meditation, Protective Performance, Three-String Sword Prana

Terrestrial Martial Arts - White Veil Style (SoTM p61-63) - Birdsong Over Blades, Alehouse Memory Stance, Owl Clutches at the Night, White Veil Form

Virtues: Compassion 5, Conviction 2, Temperance 2, Valor 2

Will, Health, And Essence:

Willpower: 9

Essence: 4

Personal 13/13, Peripheral 27/32 (5m committed)

Join Battle: 10

Join Debate: 10


- Clinch - spd:6 dice:8 dam:+2B def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:5 dice:8 dam:+5B def:-2 rate:2

- Punch - spd:5 dice:9 dam:+2B def:+2 rate:3

ParryDV: 5/3 (Unarmed Punch/Kick)

DodgeDV: 5 (Unarmoured)

ParryMDV: 5 (Normal)

ParryMDV: 7 (vs Persuasion, at Parties, hiding Realm Secrets)

DodgeMDV: 9 (Normal)

DodgeMDV: 10 (vs. Dynasts)

Soak: A:0 L:1 B:2 (Unarmoured)

Health Levels: 1x(-0), 2x(-1), 2x(-2), (-4), (I), 2x(D)

(Aura of Invulnerability provides 3x(-0) temporary health levels)


Unsrupassed Flute (artifact 2, treat as an Unsurpassed Sanixan (OC p35))

Green Jade Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (artifact 1)

Green Jade Hearthstone Amulet (artifact 1)


Spent XP

346 Charms and Combos

264 Abilities and Specialties

172 Attributes and Virtues

94 Essence and Willpower

96 Backgrounds
And two more for you ...

Tomtom, Chosen of Secrets

Born in Nexus to a somewhat wealthy merchant family, Tomtom was doted on during her youth. Upon reaching adulthood, but before her Exaltion as a Chosen of Secrets, Tomtom taught Lore to spoiled and wealthy teenagers at a private school for several years.

Tomtom is easily distracted, absent minded, very clumsy, and a bit of a spoiled brat. She is very good at discovering hidden and embarrassing information, and tends to reveal such secrets at the most inopportune moments possible.

Like any good office gossip, she has embarrassing dirt on almost everyone working for the Bureau of Destiny -- and Tomtom knows how to use it. Her coworkers wonder what scandalous bombshell she's going to drop next, and who will have the pleasure of enjoying the subsequent Criminal Audits.

The Bronze Faction would love to catch Tomtom doing something improper. Two decades ago her political enemies manufactured a scandal, complete with trumped up charges and falsified evidence, out of frustration. The attempt backfired spectacularly when Tomtom discredited every witness presented. Needless to say, the Censor trying the case was not amused with the Bronze Faction's shenanigans.

Dismayed and disturbed by the Bronze Faction focus on strengthening the Realm, at the expense of doing what's best for rest of Creation, and well aware of just how much damage Creation has suffered since the Usurpation, Tomtom was a member of the Gold Faction long before her older brother Exalted as a Twilight Caste Solar. She is not fully trusted by Ayesha Ura and the rest of the Gold Faction, however. They fear what might happen if she inadvertently revealed some of the factions more sensitive secrets, and so they endeavour to keep delicate information from her.

Her charms and sorceries focus on whatever will help her locate forgotten places and information. Unlike most Sidereals, Tomtom has almost no combat charms ... and does not practice Martial Arts ... because of how clumsy she is. She has survived the century since her Exaltation by avoiding trouble whenever and wherever possible.


Caste: Chosen of Secrets

Faction: Gold

Motivation: Uncover and reveal the forgotten secrets of lost ages.

Anima Banner: A pastel emerald halo

Anima Power: Lesser Sign of Jupiter

Current Age: 126 yrs

Exalted At: 28 yrs

Total XP: 850 XP

Spent XP: 849 XP

BankedXP: 1 XP


Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4

Appearanc3 5, Charisma 4, Manipulation 4

Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5


Journeys: Resistance 2, Ride 1, Sail 1, Survival 5

Serenity: Craft (Fate 5, Water 2, Wood 2), Dodge 3, Linguistics 4, Performance 5, Socialize 5

Battles: Melee 1, Presence 5

Secrets: Investigation 5, Larceny 5, Lore 5, Occult 5, Stealth 5

Endings: Awareness 3, Bureaucracy 3, Integrity 5, Martial Arts 2, Medicine 3

Languages: Old Realm, Riverspeak (native), Forest-tongue, Flametongue, Skytongue


Journeys: The Messenger 1

Serenity: The Pillar 2, The Lovers 1

Secrets: The Key 3, The Guardians 3, The Treasure Trove 3, The Sorcerer 3, The Mask 3

Endings: The Rising Smoke 1


Acquaintences 5, Allies 3 (Seneca, a Twilight Solar), Artifact 4 (Starmetal Dragon Tear Tiara, Silken Armour, Backing 5 (The Division of Secrets 2, The Gold Faction 1, The Convention of Wood 1, The Convention on Essence Wielders 1), Celestial Manse 2 (Air, "Gemstone of Surface Thoughts"), Connections 10, Salary 2, Savant 5


The Cult of the Illuminated (East) 2, The Bureau of Nature 1, The Bureau of Humanity 1, The Bureau of Heaven 1, The Bureau of Seasons 1, The Golden Barque of the Heavens 1, The Cerulean Lute of Harmony 1, The Crimson Panoply of Victory 1, The Violet Bier of Sorrows


2nd Excellencies - Craft, Performance, Presence, Investigation, Larceny, Lore, Occult, Stealth, Bureaucracy, Integrity

Dodge: The Ewer (SI p143-p145) - Absence, Duck Fate, Avoidance Kata

Socialize: The Lovers (SI p149-p151) - Fortuitous Fellowship

Investigation: The Key (SI p162-p163) - Efficient Secretary Technique, Research Assistant Invocation, Embracing Life Method (prayer strip)

Larceny: The Guardians (SI p163-p166) - Avoiding the Truth Technique, Name-Pilfering Practice, Dream Confiscation Approach

Lore: The Treasure Trove (SI p166-p169) - Methodology of Secrets, Of Secrets Yet Untold, Of the Shape of the World

Occult: The Sorcerer (SI p169-p170) - Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, Celestial Circle Sorcery

Stealth: The Mask (SI p170-p173) - Soft Presence Practice

Awareness: The Crow (SI p173-p175) - Prior Warning, Expected Pain

Integrity: The Rising Smoke (SI p178-p180) - Preservation of Resolve, Uwavering Well-Being Meditation, Creation-Preserving Will


Terrestrial Circle Spells - Emerald Countermagic, Emerald Circle Banishment, Infallible Messenger, Coin of Distant Vision, Fugue of Truth, Stormwind Rider, Corrupted Words

Celestial Circle Spells - Sapphire Countermagic, Shadows of the Ancient Past, Summon the Heavenly Portal


Compassion 4 (primary), Conviction 4, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Limit Break: Oracle's Flawed Fate

Will, Health, and Essence:

Willpower: 10

Essence: 5

Personal 20/20, Peripheral 49/53 (4m committed)

Join Battle: 8

Join Debate: 8


- Clinch - spd:6 dice:4 dam:+2B def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:5 dice:4 dam:+5B def:-2 rate:2

- Punch - spd:5 dice:5 dam:+2B def:+2 rate:3

ParryDV: 3 (Unarmed)

DodgeDV: 5

ParryMDV: 5

DodgeMDV: 10

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:4 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:5 L:7 B:6 (Silken Armour)

Health Levels: 1x(-0), 2x(-1), 2x(-2), 1x(-4), (I), 4x(D)


Starmetal Dragon Tear Tiara (artifact 2)

Silken Armour (artifact 2, Odanel's Codex p159)


Spent XP

302 Charms and Combos

216 Abilities and Specialties

125 Attributes and Virtues

81 Essence and Willpower

62 Astrology Colleges

63 Backgrounds
Seneca, Twilight Caste Solar

Like his younger sibling, Tomtom (A Chosen of Jupiter), Seneca grew up in Nexus. Upon reaching adulthood, he went to work for a Manse Designer of some skill. His vast intellect, combined with his understanding of how Occult, Lore, and Craft intertwined, earned him a reputation for being far more skilled than one's enlightenment would ordinarily justify.

An then on his 34th Birthday -- at the precise moment when the last ray of the setting sun disappeared and night fell -- he Exalted to the Twilight Caste while receiving a vision from the Unconquered Sun: "Go forth My Chosen One. Unlock the mysteries of Creation and use your knowledge and wisdom to restore the Wonders and Glories of the Lost Age. They exist within the Twilight, go forth and find them."

With that, everything changed. It didn't take him long to locate the most important piece of his First Age panoply, a Hand of the Great Maker, because Tomtom left him with enough whispers, clues, and hints that he knew exactly where to look. Getting past the location's defenses, however, required the application of creativity, intellect, and supernatural kung-fu.

Seneca prefers to rely on his natural talent, using Solar Hero Style to defend himself. He eschews Sorcery because he is uncomfortable with making the necessary sacrifices. An acomplished artificer, Seneca can easily create almost any wonder he or his Circlemates need or desire. His Lore charms render mundane and exotic resource concerns moot. The only real constraints on his creativity are access to the five magical materials, essence, and time.

He is capable of reshaping the Wyld around him to suit the immediate needs of both himself and his Circle. The ability to re-write the scene on short notice makes him a formidable opponent.

Note: If a Storyteller feels that the creation of a Protoshinmaic Vortex can benefit from Wonder-Forging Genious, replace the 5-dot Solar Manse and it's associated hearthstone, "The Gem of Day's Light" with that artifact. Seneca typically keeps 14 banked Wyld-Shaping Technique success stored in his Hand of The Great Maker (30 successes if the ST replaces it with a Protoshinmaic Vortex).


Caste: Twilight

Motivation: Reverse engineer the secrets of reality's source code

Concept: Reality Warping Genious

Anima Totem: A scrolling display complicated computer code

Anima Banner: A bright gold and dark red and dark red halo

Anima Power: May use his anima as a defensive shield

Current Age: 130 yrs

Exalted At: 34 yrs

Total XP: 810

Spent XP: 810

BankedXP: 0


Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4

Appearance 5, Charisma 3, Manipulation 3

Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 5


Dawn: Martial Arts 5 (Unarmed +1)

Zenith: Integrity 4, Performance 2, Presence 2, Resistance 5, Survival 4

Twilight: Craft (Air 5, Earth 5, Fire 5, Water 5, Wood 5), Investigation 3, Lore 5, Medicine 3, Occult 5

Night: Athletics 2, Awareness 5, Dodge 5, Stealth 4

Eclipse: Bureaucracy 2, Linguistics 4, Socialize 1

Languages: Old Realm, Riverspeak (nat), Forest-Tongue, Skytongue, Flametongue


Allies 3 (Tomtom, a Sidereal of Secrets), Artifact 7 (The Hand of The Great Maker, Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers, Orichalcum Reinforced Buff Jacket), Backing 2 (The Cult of The Illuminated), Contacts 1 (The Guild), Followers 4 (Artisan Assistants, Manse Staff, Bodyguards, &c), Manse 5 (Solar, "The Gem of Day's Light"), Resources 5


1st Excellencies - Martial Arts, Integrity, Survival, Craft, Lore, Occult, Dodge

2nd Excellencies - Craft, Lore, Occult

Infinite (Ability) Mastery - Martial Arts, Craft, Lore, Occult

Integrity (p199-p202) - Integrity-Protecting Prana, Temptation-Resisting Stance, Elusive Dream Defense

Craft (p211-p213) - Craftsman Needs No Tools, Crack-Mending Technique, (2x) Wonder-Forging Genious (OC, p29)

Lore (p215-p218) - Essence-Lending Method, Chaos-Repelling Pattern, Wyld-Shaping Technique, Wyld-Cauldron Technology

Occult (p220-p222) - Spirit-Detecting Glance, All-Encompassing Sorcerer's Sight, Sorcerer's Burning Chakra Charm

Dodge (p227) - Shadow Over Water, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion (Conviction)

Celestial Martial Arts - Solar Hero Style (p242-p244) - Fists of Iron Technique, Dragon Coil Technique, Sledgehammer Fist Punch, Solar Hero Form, Heaven Thunder Hammer, Ox-Stunning Blow, Hammer on Iron Technique, Crashing Wave Throw, Shockwave Technique


Forge-Hands of the Sun King (7m+2wp) supplemental (6 XP)

Excellencies - 1st Craft, 2nd Craft

Craftsman Needs No Tools

Wonder-Mending Method (10m+2wp) supplemental (7 XP)

Excellencies - 1st Craft, 2nd Craft

Crack-Mending Technique

Reality Weaving Discipline (20m+2wp) simple (dramatic action) (7 XP)

Excellencies - 1st Lore, 2nd Lore

Wyld-Shaping Technique

Elusive Battle Prana (0m+1wp) reflexive (12 XP)

Excellencies - 1st Martial Arts, 1st Dodge

Shadow Over Water, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion

Glorious Solar Onslaught (3m+2wp) extra-action (18 XP)

- (6 full dicepool attacks vs. 1 target)

Excellencies - 1st Martial Arts, 1st Dodge

Shadow Over Water, Reflex Sidestep Technique, Seven Shadow Evasion

Fists of Iron Technique, Hammer on Iron Technique


Compassion 5, Conviction 2, Temperance 3, Valor 2

Limit Break: Compassionate Martyrdom

Will, Health, And Essence:

Willpower: 9

Essence: 5

Personal 24/24, Peripheral 41/56 (15m committed)

Join Battle: 10

Join Debate: 10


- Clinch - spd:6 dice:11 dam:+5B def:-- rate:1

- Kick - spd:5 dice:11 dam:+8B def:-2 rate:2

- Punch - spd:5 dice:12 dam:+5B def:+2 rate:3

ParryDV: 7 (Unarmed)

DodgeDV: 9 (Unarmoured)

DodgeDV: 8 (Orichalcum Buff Jacket)

ParryMDV: 3

DodgeMDV: 8

Soak: A:0 L:2 B:4 (Unarmoured)

Soak: A:9 L:11 B:16 (Orichalcum Reinforced Buff Jacket (6L/6B hardness))

Health Levels: 1x(-0), 2x(-1), 2x(-2), 1x(-4), (I), 4x(D)


Hand of The Great Maker (artifact 3, see Dreams of the First Age)

Orichalcum Hearthstone Bracers (artifact 2)

Orichalcum Reinforced Buff Jacket (artifact 2)


Spent XP

306 Charms and Combos

224 Abilities and Specialties

134 Attributes and Virtues

86 Essence and Willpower

60 Backgrounds

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